package core:sys/darwin/Foundation
Warning: This was generated for -target:darwin_arm64
and might not represent every target this package supports.
Types (115)
- ActivationPolicy
- ActivityOptions
- ActivityOptionsBits
- Application
- ApplicationDelegate
- ApplicationDelegateTemplate
- ApplicationPresentationOptionFlag
- ApplicationPresentationOptions
- ApplicationPrintReply
- ApplicationTerminateReply
- Array
- AutoreleasePool
- BackingStoreType
- Block
- Bundle
- Class
- Coder
- Color
- ColorSpace
- ComparisonResult
- Condition
- Copying
- Data
- Date
- Depth
- Dictionary
- Enumerator
- Error
- ErrorDomain
- ErrorUserInfoKey
- Event
- EventMask
- EventModifierFlag
- EventModifierFlags
- EventPhase
- EventPhaseFlag
- EventType
- FastEnumeration
- FastEnumerationState
- Float
- Integer
- Ivar
- KeyEquivalentModifierFlag
- KeyEquivalentModifierMask
- Layer
- Locking
- Menu
- MenuItem
- MenuItemCallback
- Method
- ModalResponse
- Notification
- NotificationCenter
- NotificationName
- Number
- Object
- ObjectProtocol
- OpenPanel
- OperatingSystemVersion
- Panel
- Pasteboard
- Point
- PointingDeviceType
- ProcessInfo
- ProcessInfoThermalState
- Protocol
- Range
- Rect
- Responder
- RunLoopMode
- RunningApplication
- SavePanel
- Screen
- Set
- Size
- String
- StringCompareOption
- StringCompareOptions
- StringEncoding
- TimeInterval
- Toolbar
- UInteger
- URLRequest
- URLResponse
- UndoManager
- UserActivity
- UserDefaults
- Value
- View
- Window
- WindowDelegate
- WindowDelegateTemplate
- WindowStyleFlag
- WindowStyleMask
- Window_Title_Visibility
- Zone
- id
- kVK
- objc_AssociationPolicy
- objc_cache
- objc_class_internals
- objc_ivar
- objc_ivar_list
- objc_method
- objc_method_list
- objc_object_internals
- objc_property
- objc_property_attribute_t
- objc_property_t
- objc_protocol_list
- unichar
Constants (50)
- ApplicationPresentationOptionsAutoHideDock
- ApplicationPresentationOptionsAutoHideMenuBar
- ApplicationPresentationOptionsAutoHideToolbar
- ApplicationPresentationOptionsDefault
- ApplicationPresentationOptionsDisableAppleMenu
- ApplicationPresentationOptionsDisableCursorLocationAssistance
- ApplicationPresentationOptionsDisableForceQuit
- ApplicationPresentationOptionsDisableHideApplication
- ApplicationPresentationOptionsDisableMenuBarTransparency
- ApplicationPresentationOptionsDisableProcessSwitching
- ApplicationPresentationOptionsDisableSessionTermination
- ApplicationPresentationOptionsFullScreen
- ApplicationPresentationOptionsHideDock
- ApplicationPresentationOptionsHideMenuBar
- EventMaskAny
- EventModifierFlagCapsLock
- EventModifierFlagCommand
- EventModifierFlagControl
- EventModifierFlagDeviceIndependentFlagsMask
- EventModifierFlagFunction
- EventModifierFlagHelp
- EventModifierFlagNumericPad
- EventModifierFlagOption
- EventModifierFlagShift
- EventPhaseBegan
- EventPhaseCancelled
- EventPhaseChanged
- EventPhaseEnded
- EventPhaseMayBegin
- EventPhaseNone
- EventPhaseStationary
- IntegerMax
- Integermin
- NO
- NotFound
- UIntegerMax
- WindowStyleMaskBorderless
- WindowStyleMaskClosable
- WindowStyleMaskDocModalWindow
- WindowStyleMaskFullScreen
- WindowStyleMaskFullSizeContentView
- WindowStyleMaskHUDWindow
- WindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable
- WindowStyleMaskNonactivatingPanel
- WindowStyleMaskResizable
- WindowStyleMaskTexturedBackground
- WindowStyleMaskTitled
- WindowStyleMaskUnifiedTitleAndToolbar
- WindowStyleMaskUtilityWindow
Variables (21)
- CocoaErrorDomain
- DebugDescriptionErrorKey
- DefaultRunLoopMode
- EventTrackingRunLoopMode
- FilePathErrorKey
- HelpAnchorErrorKey
- KeyEventModifierFlagDeviceIndependentFlagsMask
- LocalizedDescriptionKey
- LocalizedFailureErrorKey
- LocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey
- LocalizedRecoveryOptionsErrorKey
- LocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey
- MachErrorDomain
- ModalPanelRunLoopMode
- OSStatusErrorDomain
- POSIXErrorDomain
- RecoveryAttempterErrorKey
- RunLoopCommonModes
- StringEncodingErrorKey
- URLErrorKey
- UnderlyingErrorKey
Procedures (518)
- AT
- AllocateObject
- Application_activate
- Application_activateIgnoringOtherApps
- Application_currentEvent
- Application_finishLaunching
- Application_isRunning
- Application_keyWindow
- Application_mainWindow
- Application_nextEventMatchingMask
- Application_run
- Application_sendEvent
- Application_setActivationPolicy
- Application_setDelegate
- Application_setMainMenu
- Application_setTitle
- Application_sharedApplication
- Application_terminate
- Application_updateWindows
- Application_windows
- Array_alloc
- Array_count
- Array_init
- Array_initWithCoder
- Array_initWithObjects
- Array_object
- Array_objectAs
- AutoreleasePool_addObject
- AutoreleasePool_alloc
- AutoreleasePool_drain
- AutoreleasePool_init
- AutoreleasePool_showPools
- Block_createGlobal
- Block_createGlobalWithParam
- Block_createLocal
- Block_createLocalWithParam
- Block_invoke
- Bundle_PathForAuxiliaryExecutable
- Bundle_URLForAuxiliaryExecutable
- Bundle_allBundles
- Bundle_allFrameworks
- Bundle_alloc
- Bundle_appStoreReceiptPath
- Bundle_appStoreReceiptURL
- Bundle_builtInPlugInsPath
- Bundle_builtInPlugInsURL
- Bundle_bundleIdentifier
- Bundle_bundlePath
- Bundle_bundleURL
- Bundle_bundleWithPath
- Bundle_bundleWithURL
- Bundle_executablePath
- Bundle_executableURL
- Bundle_infoDictionary
- Bundle_init
- Bundle_initWithPath
- Bundle_initWithURL
- Bundle_isLoaded
- Bundle_load
- Bundle_loadAndReturnError
- Bundle_localizedInfoDictionary
- Bundle_localizedStringForKey
- Bundle_mainBundle
- Bundle_objectForInfoDictionaryKey
- Bundle_preflightAndReturnError
- Bundle_privateFrameworksPath
- Bundle_privateFrameworksURL
- Bundle_resourcePath
- Bundle_resourceURL
- Bundle_sharedFrameworksPath
- Bundle_sharedFrameworksURL
- Bundle_sharedSupportPath
- Bundle_sharedSupportURL
- Bundle_unload
- ClassFromString
- Color_blackColor
- Color_blueColor
- Color_colorSpace
- Color_colorSpaceName
- Color_colorUsingColorSpaceName
- Color_colorWithCalibratedHue
- Color_colorWithCalibratedRed
- Color_colorWithCalibratedWhite
- Color_colorWithColorSpace
- Color_colorWithDeviceCyan
- Color_colorWithDeviceHue
- Color_colorWithDeviceRed
- Color_colorWithDeviceWhite
- Color_colorWithSRGBRed
- Color_cyanColor
- Color_getCMYKA
- Color_getComponents
- Color_getHSBA
- Color_getRGBA
- Color_getWhiteAlpha
- Color_greenColor
- Color_magentaColor
- Color_numberOfComponents
- Color_orangeColor
- Color_purpleColor
- Color_redColor
- Color_whiteColor
- Color_yellowColor
- Condition_alloc
- Condition_broadcast
- Condition_init
- Condition_lock
- Condition_signal
- Condition_unlock
- Condition_wait
- Condition_waitUntilDate
- Data_alloc
- Data_init
- Data_initWithBytes
- Data_initWithBytesNoCopy
- Data_length
- Data_mutableBytes
- Date_alloc
- Date_dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow
- Date_distantFuture
- Date_distantPast
- Date_init
- Date_timeIntervalSince1970
- DeallocateObject
- Dictionary_alloc
- Dictionary_count
- Dictionary_dictionary
- Dictionary_dictionaryWithObject
- Dictionary_dictionaryWithObjects
- Dictionary_init
- Dictionary_initWithObjects
- Dictionary_keyEnumerator
- Dictionary_objectForKey
- Enumerator_allObjects
- Enumerator_iterator
- Enumerator_nextObject
- Error_alloc
- Error_code
- Error_domain
- Error_errorWithDomain
- Error_init
- Error_initWithDomain
- Error_localizedDescription
- Error_localizedFailureReason
- Error_localizedRecoveryOptions
- Error_localizedRecoverySuggestion
- Error_userInfo
- Event_absolute
- Event_absoluteX
- Event_absoluteY
- Event_absoluteZ
- Event_buttonMask
- Event_buttonNumber
- Event_capabilityMask
- Event_characters
- Event_charactersIgnoringModifiers
- Event_clickCount
- Event_data1
- Event_data2
- Event_delta
- Event_deltaX
- Event_deltaY
- Event_deltaZ
- Event_eventNumber
- Event_hasPreciseScrollingDeltas
- Event_isARepeat
- Event_isDirectionInvertedFromDevice
- Event_isEnteringProximity
- Event_isSwipeTrackingFromScrollEventsEnabled
- Event_keyCode
- Event_locationInWindow
- Event_modifierFlags
- Event_momentumPhase
- Event_phase
- Event_pointingDeviceID
- Event_pointingDeviceSerialNumber
- Event_pointingDeviceType
- Event_pressure
- Event_scrollingDelta
- Event_scrollingDeltaX
- Event_scrollingDeltaY
- Event_subtype
- Event_systemTabletID
- Event_tabletID
- Event_tangentialPressure
- Event_timestamp
- Event_type
- Event_uniqueID
- Event_vendorDefined
- Event_vendorID
- Event_vendorPointingDeviceType
- Event_window
- Event_windowNumber
- FastEnumeration_alloc
- FastEnumeration_countByEnumerating
- FastEnumeration_init
- Layer_addSublayer
- Layer_contentsScale
- Layer_frame
- Layer_setContentsScale
- Locking_lock
- Locking_unlock
- MakeConstantString
- MenuItem_alloc
- MenuItem_init
- MenuItem_initWithTitle
- MenuItem_keyEquivalentModifierMask
- MenuItem_registerActionCallback
- MenuItem_separatorItem
- MenuItem_setKeyEquivalentModifierMask
- MenuItem_setSubmenu
- MenuItem_setTitle
- MenuItem_title
- Menu_addItem
- Menu_addItemWithTitle
- Menu_alloc
- Menu_init
- Menu_initWithTitle
- Menu_itemArray
- NSWindow_setFrameAutosaveName
- NotificationCenter_addObserverName
- NotificationCenter_alloc
- NotificationCenter_defaultCenter
- NotificationCenter_init
- NotificationCenter_removeObserver
- Notification_alloc
- Notification_init
- Notification_name
- Notification_object
- Notification_userInfo
- Number_alloc
- Number_boolValue
- Number_compare
- Number_descriptionWithLocale
- Number_f32Value
- Number_f64Value
- Number_i16Value
- Number_i32Value
- Number_i64Value
- Number_i8Value
- Number_init
- Number_initWithBool
- Number_initWithF32
- Number_initWithF64
- Number_initWithI16
- Number_initWithI32
- Number_initWithI64
- Number_initWithI8
- Number_initWithInt
- Number_initWithU16
- Number_initWithU32
- Number_initWithU64
- Number_initWithU8
- Number_initWithUint
- Number_intValue
- Number_integerValue
- Number_isEqualToNumber
- Number_numberWithBool
- Number_numberWithF32
- Number_numberWithF64
- Number_numberWithI16
- Number_numberWithI32
- Number_numberWithI64
- Number_numberWithI8
- Number_numberWithInt
- Number_numberWithU16
- Number_numberWithU32
- Number_numberWithU64
- Number_numberWithU8
- Number_numberWithUint
- Number_stringValue
- Number_u16Value
- Number_u32Value
- Number_u64Value
- Number_u8Value
- Number_uintValue
- Number_uintegerValue
- OpenPanel_URLs
- OpenPanel_openPanel
- OpenPanel_setAllowedFileTypes
- OpenPanel_setAllowsMultipleSelection
- OpenPanel_setCanChooseDirectories
- OpenPanel_setCanChooseFiles
- OpenPanel_setResolvesAliases
- ProcessInfo_activeProcessorCount
- ProcessInfo_arguments
- ProcessInfo_automaticTerminationSupportEnabled
- ProcessInfo_beginActivityWithOptions
- ProcessInfo_disableAutomaticTermination
- ProcessInfo_disableSuddenTermination
- ProcessInfo_enableAutomaticTermination
- ProcessInfo_enableSuddenTermination
- ProcessInfo_endActivity
- ProcessInfo_environment
- ProcessInfo_fullUserName
- ProcessInfo_globallyUniqueString
- ProcessInfo_hostName
- ProcessInfo_isLowPowerModeEnabled
- ProcessInfo_isMacCatalystApp
- ProcessInfo_isOperatingSystemAtLeastVersion
- ProcessInfo_isiOSAppOnMac
- ProcessInfo_operatingSystemVersion
- ProcessInfo_operatingSystemVersionString
- ProcessInfo_performActivityWithOptions
- ProcessInfo_performExpiringActivityWithReason
- ProcessInfo_physicalMemory
- ProcessInfo_processIdentifier
- ProcessInfo_processInfo
- ProcessInfo_processName
- ProcessInfo_processorCount
- ProcessInfo_setAutomaticTerminationSupportEnabled
- ProcessInfo_systemUptime
- ProcessInfo_thermalState
- ProcessInfo_userName
- Range_Equal
- Range_LocationInRange
- Range_Make
- Range_Max
- RunningApplication_currentApplication
- RunningApplication_localizedName
- SavePanel_URL
- SavePanel_runModal
- SavePanel_savePanel
- Screen_backingScaleFactor
- Screen_colorSpace
- Screen_deepestScreen
- Screen_depth
- Screen_frame
- Screen_mainScreen
- Screen_screens
- Screen_visibleFrame
- SelectorFromString
- Set_alloc
- Set_init
- Set_initWithCoder
- Set_initWithObjects
- StringFromClass
- StringFromSelector
- String_UTF8String
- String_alloc
- String_characterAtIndex
- String_cstringUsingEncoding
- String_init
- String_initWithBytesNoCopy
- String_initWithCString
- String_initWithOdinString
- String_initWithString
- String_isEqualToString
- String_length
- String_lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding
- String_maximumLengthOfBytesUsingEncoding
- String_odinString
- String_rangeOfString
- String_stringByAppendingString
- Toolbar_alloc
- Toolbar_init
- URLRequest_alloc
- URLRequest_init
- URLRequest_requestWithURL
- URLRequest_url
- URLResponse_alloc
- URLResponse_init
- URLResponse_initWithURL
- URL_alloc
- URL_fileSystemRepresentation
- URL_init
- URL_initFileURLWithPath
- URL_initWithString
- URL_relativePath
- UserDefaults_setBoolForKey
- UserDefaults_standardUserDefaults
- Value_alloc
- Value_getValue
- Value_init
- Value_initWithBytes
- Value_initWithCoder
- Value_isEqualToValue
- Value_objCType
- Value_pointerValue
- Value_valueWithBytes
- Value_valueWithPointer
- View_addSubview
- View_bounds
- View_convertPointFromView
- View_initWithFrame
- View_layer
- View_setLayer
- View_setWantsLayer
- View_wantsLayer
- Window_alloc
- Window_backgroundColor
- Window_backingScaleFactor
- Window_close
- Window_contentLayoutRect
- Window_contentView
- Window_frame
- Window_hasCloseBox
- Window_hasTitleBar
- Window_initWithContentRect
- Window_isFloatingPanel
- Window_isMiniaturizable
- Window_isModalPanel
- Window_isResizable
- Window_isZoomable
- Window_mainMenu
- Window_makeKeyAndOrderFront
- Window_opaque
- Window_orderedIndex
- Window_performWindowDragWithEvent
- Window_performZoom
- Window_setBackgroundColor
- Window_setContentView
- Window_setDelegate
- Window_setFrame
- Window_setIsMiniaturized
- Window_setIsVisible
- Window_setIsZoomed
- Window_setMinSize
- Window_setMovable
- Window_setMovableByWindowBackground
- Window_setOpaque
- Window_setStyleMask
- Window_setTitle
- Window_setTitleVisibility
- Window_setTitlebarAppearsTransparent
- Window_setToolbar
- Window_setWantsLayer
- alloc
- application_delegate_register_and_alloc
- autorelease
- bridgingCast
- class
- class_addIvar
- class_addMethod
- class_addProperty
- class_addProtocol
- class_conformsToProtocol
- class_copyIvarList
- class_copyMethodList
- class_copyPropertyList
- class_copyProtocolList
- class_createInstance
- class_getClassMethod
- class_getClassVariable
- class_getInstanceMethod
- class_getInstanceSize
- class_getInstanceVariable
- class_getMethodImplementation
- class_getName
- class_getProperty
- class_getSuperclass
- class_getVersion
- class_isMetaClass
- class_replaceMethod
- class_replaceProperty
- class_respondsToSelector
- class_setVersion
- copy
- debugDescription
- description
- hash
- init
- isEqual
- ivar_getName
- ivar_getOffset
- ivar_getTypeEncoding
- methodSignatureForSelector
- method_copyArgumentType
- method_getArgumentType
- method_getImplementation
- method_getNumberOfArguments
- method_getReturnType
- method_setImplementation
- msgSendSafeCheck
- new
- objc_allocateClassPair
- objc_constructInstance
- objc_copyClassList
- objc_copyProtocolList
- objc_destructInstance
- objc_disposeClassPair
- objc_duplicateClass
- objc_getAssociatedObject
- objc_getClassList
- objc_getMetaClass
- objc_getProtocol
- objc_getRequiredClass
- objc_lookUpClass
- objc_registerClassPair
- objc_removeAssociatedObjects
- objc_setAssociatedObject
- object_copy
- object_dispose
- object_getClass
- object_getClassName
- object_getIndexedIvars
- object_getInstanceVariable
- object_getIvar
- object_setClass
- object_setInstanceVariable
- object_setIvar
- property_copyAttributeList
- property_copyAttributeValue
- property_getAttributes
- property_getName
- protocol_conformsToProtocol
- protocol_getName
- protocol_isEqual
- release
- respondsToSelector
- retain
- retainCount
- scoped_autoreleasepool
- sel_getName
- sel_isEqual
- sel_registerName
- tilt
- window_delegate_register_and_alloc
Procedure Groups (1)
ActivationPolicy ¶
ActivationPolicy :: enum UInteger { Regular = 0, Accessory = 1, Prohibited = 2, }
Related Procedures With Parameters
ActivityOptions ¶
ActivityOptions :: bit_set[ActivityOptionsBits; u64]
ActivityOptionsBits ¶
ActivityOptionsBits :: enum u64 { IdleDisplaySleepDisabled = 40, // Require the screen to stay powered on. IdleSystemSleepDisabled = 20, // Prevent idle sleep. SuddenTerminationDisabled = 14, // Prevent sudden termination. AutomaticTerminationDisabled = 15, // Prevent automatic termination. AnimationTrackingEnabled = 45, // Track activity with an animation signpost interval. TrackingEnabled = 46, // Track activity with a signpost interval. UserInitiated = 23, // Performing a user-requested action. UserInitiatedAllowingIdleSystemSleep = 23, // Performing a user-requested action, but the system can sleep on idle. Background = 7, // Initiated some kind of work, but not as the direct result of a user request. LatencyCritical = 39, // Requires the highest amount of timer and I/O precision available. UserInteractive = 39, // Responding to user interaction. }
Application ¶
Application :: struct { using _: Object, }
Bound Objective-C Methods
- activate
- activateIgnoringOtherApps
- currentEvent
- finishLaunching
- isRunning
- keyWindow
- mainWindow
- nextEventMatchingMask
- run
- sendEvent
- setActivationPolicy
- setDelegate
- setMainMenu
- setTitle
- sharedApplication (class method)
- terminate
- updateWindows
- windows
- mainMenu
Methods Inherited From Object
ApplicationDelegate ¶
ApplicationDelegate :: struct { using _: Object, }
Related Procedures With Parameters
Related Procedures With Returns
Procedures Through `using` From Object
- Application_terminate
- AutoreleasePool_addObject
- AutoreleasePool_showPools
- Dictionary_dictionaryWithObject
- Dictionary_objectForKey
- NotificationCenter_addObserverName
- NotificationCenter_removeObserver
- Number_descriptionWithLocale
- Window_makeKeyAndOrderFront
- autorelease
- bridgingCast
- class
- debugDescription
- description
- hash
- isEqual
- methodSignatureForSelector
- msgSendSafeCheck
- release
- respondsToSelector
- retain
- retainCount
Procedures Through `using` From objc_object
- DeallocateObject
- objc_destructInstance
- objc_getAssociatedObject
- objc_removeAssociatedObjects
- objc_setAssociatedObject
- object_copy
- object_dispose
- object_getClass
- object_getClassName
- object_getIndexedIvars
- object_getInstanceVariable
- object_getIvar
- object_setClass
- object_setInstanceVariable
- object_setIvar
ApplicationDelegateTemplate ¶
ApplicationDelegateTemplate :: struct { // Launching Applications applicationWillFinishLaunching: proc(notification: ^Notification), applicationDidFinishLaunching: proc(notification: ^Notification), // Managing Active Status applicationWillBecomeActive: proc(notification: ^Notification), applicationDidBecomeActive: proc(notification: ^Notification), applicationWillResignActive: proc(notification: ^Notification), applicationDidResignActive: proc(notification: ^Notification), // Terminating Applications applicationShouldTerminate: proc(sender: ^Application) -> ApplicationTerminateReply, applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed: proc(sender: ^Application) -> bool, applicationWillTerminate: proc(notification: ^Notification), // Hiding Applications applicationWillHide: proc(notification: ^Notification), applicationDidHide: proc(notification: ^Notification), applicationWillUnhide: proc(notification: ^Notification), applicationDidUnhide: proc(notification: ^Notification), // Managing Windows applicationWillUpdate: proc(notification: ^Notification), applicationDidUpdate: proc(notification: ^Notification), applicationShouldHandleReopenHasVisibleWindows: proc(sender: ^Application, flag: bool) -> bool, // Managing the Dock Menu applicationDockMenu: proc(sender: ^Application) -> ^Menu, // Localizing Keyboard Shortcuts applicationShouldAutomaticallyLocalizeKeyEquivalents: proc(application: ^Application) -> bool, // Displaying Errors applicationWillPresentError: proc(application: ^Application, error: ^Error) -> ^Error, // Managing the Screen applicationDidChangeScreenParameters: proc(notification: ^Notification), // Continuing User Activities applicationWillContinueUserActivityWithType: proc(application: ^Application, userActivityType: ^String) -> bool, applicationContinueUserActivityRestorationHandler: proc(application: ^Application, userActivity: ^UserActivity, restorationHandler: ^Block) -> bool, applicationDidFailToContinueUserActivityWithTypeError: proc(application: ^Application, userActivityType: ^String, error: ^Error), applicationDidUpdateUserActivity: proc(application: ^Application, userActivity: ^UserActivity), // Handling Push Notifications applicationDidRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: proc(application: ^Application, deviceToken: ^Data), applicationDidFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError: proc(application: ^Application, error: ^Error), applicationDidReceiveRemoteNotification: proc(application: ^Application, userInfo: ^Dictionary), // Handling CloudKit Invitations // TODO: if/when we have cloud kit bindings implement // applicationUserDidAcceptCloudKitShareWithMetadata: proc(application: ^Application, metadata: ^CKShareMetadata), // Handling SiriKit Intents // TODO: if/when we have siri kit bindings implement // applicationHandlerForIntent: proc(application: ^Application, intent: ^INIntent) -> id, // Opening Files applicationOpenURLs: proc(application: ^Application, urls: ^Array), applicationOpenFile: proc(sender: ^Application, filename: ^String) -> bool, applicationOpenFileWithoutUI: proc(sender: ^.objc_object, filename: ^String) -> bool, applicationOpenTempFile: proc(sender: ^Application, filename: ^String) -> bool, applicationOpenFiles: proc(sender: ^Application, filenames: ^Array), applicationShouldOpenUntitledFile: proc(sender: ^Application) -> bool, applicationOpenUntitledFile: proc(sender: ^Application) -> bool, // Printing applicationPrintFile: proc(sender: ^Application, filename: ^String) -> bool, applicationPrintFilesWithSettingsShowPrintPanels: proc(application: ^Application, fileNames: ^Array, printSettings: ^Dictionary, showPrintPanels: bool) -> ApplicationPrintReply, // Restoring Application State applicationSupportsSecureRestorableState: proc(app: ^Application) -> bool, applicationProtectedDataDidBecomeAvailable: proc(notification: ^Notification), applicationProtectedDataWillBecomeUnavailable: proc(notification: ^Notification), applicationWillEncodeRestorableState: proc(app: ^Application, coder: ^Coder), applicationDidDecodeRestorableState: proc(app: ^Application, coder: ^Coder), // Handling Changes to the Occlusion State applicationDidChangeOcclusionState: proc(notification: ^Notification), // Scripting Your App applicationDelegateHandlesKey: proc(sender: ^Application, key: ^String) -> bool, }
Related Procedures With Parameters
ApplicationPresentationOptionFlag ¶
ApplicationPresentationOptionFlag :: enum UInteger { AutoHideDock = 0, HideDock = 1, AutoHideMenuBar = 2, HideMenuBar = 3, DisableAppleMenu = 4, DisableProcessSwitching = 5, DisableForceQuit = 6, DisableSessionTermination = 7, DisableHideApplication = 8, DisableMenuBarTransparency = 9, FullScreen = 10, AutoHideToolbar = 11, DisableCursorLocationAssistance = 12, }
ApplicationPresentationOptions ¶
ApplicationPresentationOptions :: distinct bit_set[ApplicationPresentationOptionFlag; UInteger]
Related Constants
- ApplicationPresentationOptionsAutoHideDock
- ApplicationPresentationOptionsAutoHideMenuBar
- ApplicationPresentationOptionsAutoHideToolbar
- ApplicationPresentationOptionsDefault
- ApplicationPresentationOptionsDisableAppleMenu
- ApplicationPresentationOptionsDisableCursorLocationAssistance
- ApplicationPresentationOptionsDisableForceQuit
- ApplicationPresentationOptionsDisableHideApplication
- ApplicationPresentationOptionsDisableMenuBarTransparency
- ApplicationPresentationOptionsDisableProcessSwitching
- ApplicationPresentationOptionsDisableSessionTermination
- ApplicationPresentationOptionsFullScreen
- ApplicationPresentationOptionsHideDock
- ApplicationPresentationOptionsHideMenuBar
ApplicationPrintReply ¶
ApplicationPrintReply :: enum UInteger { PrintingCancelled = 0, PrintingSuccess = 1, PrintingReplyLater = 2, PrintingFailure = 3, }
ApplicationTerminateReply ¶
ApplicationTerminateReply :: enum UInteger { TerminateCancel = 0, TerminateNow = 1, TerminateLater = 2, }
Array ¶
Array :: struct { using _: Copying($T=Array), }
Bound Objective-C Methods
- alloc (class method)
- count
- init
- initWithCoder
- initWithObjects
- object
- objectAs
Methods Inherited From Object
AutoreleasePool ¶
AutoreleasePool :: struct { using _: Object, }
Bound Objective-C Methods
Methods Inherited From Object
BackingStoreType ¶
BackingStoreType :: enum UInteger { Retained = 0, Nonretained = 1, Buffered = 2, }
Related Procedures With Parameters
Block ¶
Block :: struct { using _: Object, }
Bound Objective-C Methods
- createGlobal (class method)
- createGlobalWithParam (class method)
- createLocal (class method)
- createLocalWithParam (class method)
- invoke
Methods Inherited From Object
Bundle ¶
Bundle :: struct { using _: Object, }
Bound Objective-C Methods
- PathForAuxiliaryExecutable
- URLForAuxiliaryExecutable
- allBundles
- allFrameworks
- alloc (class method)
- appStoreReceiptPath
- appStoreReceiptURL
- builtInPlugInsPath
- builtInPlugInsURL
- bundleIdentifier
- bundlePath
- bundleURL
- bundleWithPath (class method)
- bundleWithURL (class method)
- executablePath
- executableURL
- infoDictionary
- init
- initWithPath
- initWithURL
- isLoaded
- load
- loadAndReturnError
- localizedInfoDictionary
- localizedStringForKey
- mainBundle (class method)
- objectForInfoDictionaryKey
- preflightAndReturnError
- privateFrameworksPath
- privateFrameworksURL
- resourcePath
- resourceURL
- sharedFrameworksPath
- sharedFrameworksURL
- sharedSupportPath
- sharedSupportURL
- unload
Methods Inherited From Object
Class ¶
Class :: ^.objc_class
Color ¶
Color :: struct { using _: Object, }
Bound Objective-C Methods
- blackColor (class method)
- blueColor (class method)
- colorSpace
- colorSpaceName
- colorUsingColorSpaceName
- colorWithCalibratedHue (class method)
- colorWithCalibratedRed (class method)
- colorWithCalibratedWhite (class method)
- colorWithColorSpace (class method)
- colorWithDeviceCyan (class method)
- colorWithDeviceHue (class method)
- colorWithDeviceRed (class method)
- colorWithDeviceWhite (class method)
- colorWithSRGBRed (class method)
- cyanColor (class method)
- getCMYKA
- getComponents
- getHSBA
- getRGBA
- getWhiteAlpha
- greenColor (class method)
- magentaColor (class method)
- numberOfComponents
- orangeColor (class method)
- purpleColor (class method)
- redColor (class method)
- whiteColor (class method)
- yellowColor (class method)
Methods Inherited From Object
ComparisonResult ¶
ComparisonResult :: enum Integer { OrderedAscending = -1, OrderedSame = 0, OrderedDescending = 1, }
Related Procedures With Returns
Condition ¶
Condition :: struct { using _: Locking($T=Condition), }
Bound Objective-C Methods
Methods Inherited From Object
Data ¶
Data :: struct { using _: Copying($T=Data), }
Bound Objective-C Methods
- alloc (class method)
- init
- initWithBytes
- initWithBytesNoCopy
- length
- mutableBytes
Methods Inherited From Object
Date ¶
Date :: struct { using _: Copying($T=Date), }
Bound Objective-C Methods
- alloc (class method)
- dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow
- distantFuture (class method)
- distantPast (class method)
- init
- timeIntervalSince1970
Methods Inherited From Object
Depth ¶
Depth :: enum UInteger { onehundredtwentyeightBitRGB = 544, sixtyfourBitRGB = 528, twentyfourBitRGB = 520, }
Related Procedures With Returns
Dictionary ¶
Dictionary :: struct { using _: Copying($T=Dictionary), }
Bound Objective-C Methods
- alloc (class method)
- count
- dictionary (class method)
- dictionaryWithObject (class method)
- dictionaryWithObjects (class method)
- init
- initWithObjects
- keyEnumerator
- objectForKey
Methods Inherited From Object
Error ¶
Error :: struct { using _: Copying($T=Error), }
Bound Objective-C Methods
- alloc (class method)
- code
- domain
- errorWithDomain (class method)
- init
- initWithDomain
- localizedDescription
- localizedFailureReason
- localizedRecoveryOptions
- localizedRecoverySuggestion
- userInfo
Methods Inherited From Object
ErrorDomain ¶
ErrorDomain :: ^String
ErrorUserInfoKey ¶
ErrorUserInfoKey :: ^String
Event ¶
Event :: struct { using _: Object, }
Bound Objective-C Methods
- absolute
- absoluteX
- absoluteY
- absoluteZ
- buttonMask
- buttonNumber
- capabilityMask
- characters
- charactersIgnoringModifiers
- clickCount
- data1
- data2
- delta
- deltaX
- deltaY
- deltaZ
- eventNumber
- hasPreciseScrollingDeltas
- isARepeat
- isDirectionInvertedFromDevice
- isEnteringProximity
- isSwipeTrackingFromScrollEventsEnabled
- keyCode
- locationInWindow
- modifierFlags
- momentumPhase
- phase
- pointingDeviceID
- pointingDeviceSerialNumber
- pointingDeviceType
- pressure
- scrollingDelta
- scrollingDeltaX
- scrollingDeltaY
- subtype
- systemTabletID
- tabletID
- tangentialPressure
- timestamp
- type
- uniqueID
- vendorDefined
- vendorID
- vendorPointingDeviceType
- window
- windowNumber
- tilt
Methods Inherited From Object
EventModifierFlag ¶
EventModifierFlag :: enum UInteger { CapsLock = 16, Shift = 17, Control = 18, Option = 19, Command = 20, NumericPad = 21, Help = 22, Function = 23, }
EventModifierFlags ¶
EventModifierFlags :: distinct bit_set[EventModifierFlag; UInteger]
Related Procedures With Returns
Related Constants
EventPhase ¶
EventPhase :: distinct bit_set[EventPhaseFlag; UInteger]
Related Procedures With Returns
Related Constants
EventPhaseFlag ¶
EventPhaseFlag :: enum UInteger { Began = 0, Stationary = 1, Changed = 2, Ended = 3, Cancelled = 4, MayBegin = 5, }
EventType ¶
EventType :: enum UInteger { LeftMouseDown = 1, LeftMouseUp = 2, RightMouseDown = 3, RightMouseUp = 4, MouseMoved = 5, LeftMouseDragged = 6, RightMouseDragged = 7, MouseEntered = 8, MouseExited = 9, KeyDown = 10, KeyUp = 11, FlagsChanged = 12, AppKitDefined = 13, SystemDefined = 14, ApplicationDefined = 15, Periodic = 16, CursorUpdate = 17, Rotate = 18, BeginGesture = 19, EndGesture = 20, ScrollWheel = 22, TabletPoint = 23, TabletProximity = 24, OtherMouseDown = 25, OtherMouseUp = 26, OtherMouseDragged = 27, Gesture = 29, Magnify = 30, Swipe = 31, SmartMagnify = 32, QuickLook = 33, Pressure = 34, DirectTouch = 37, ChangeMode = 38, }
Related Procedures With Returns
FastEnumeration ¶
FastEnumeration :: struct { using _: Object, }
Bound Objective-C Methods
- alloc (class method)
- countByEnumerating
- init
Methods Inherited From Object
FastEnumerationState ¶
FastEnumerationState :: struct #packed { state: u32, itemsPtr: [^]^Object, mutationsPtr: [^]u32, extra: [5]u32, }
Related Procedures With Parameters
Float ¶
Float :: distinct f64
Related Procedures With Parameters
- Color_colorWithCalibratedHue
- Color_colorWithCalibratedRed
- Color_colorWithCalibratedWhite
- Color_colorWithDeviceCyan
- Color_colorWithDeviceHue
- Color_colorWithDeviceRed
- Color_colorWithDeviceWhite
- Color_colorWithSRGBRed
- Color_getComponents
- Layer_setContentsScale
Related Procedures With Returns
IMP :: proc "c" (object: ^.objc_object, sel: ^.objc_selector, .. args: ..any) -> ^.objc_object
Related Procedures With Parameters
Related Procedures With Returns
Integer ¶
Integer :: distinct int
Related Procedures With Parameters
Related Procedures With Returns
- Color_numberOfComponents
- Error_code
- Event_absolute
- Event_absoluteX
- Event_absoluteY
- Event_absoluteZ
- Event_buttonNumber
- Event_clickCount
- Event_data1
- Event_data2
- Event_eventNumber
- Number_integerValue
- Window_orderedIndex
Related Constants
KeyEquivalentModifierFlag ¶
KeyEquivalentModifierFlag :: enum UInteger { CapsLock = 16, // Set if Caps Lock key is pressed. Shift = 17, // Set if Shift key is pressed. Control = 18, // Set if Control key is pressed. Option = 19, // Set if Option or Alternate key is pressed. Command = 20, // Set if Command key is pressed. NumericPad = 21, // Set if any key in the numeric keypad is pressed. Help = 22, // Set if the Help key is pressed. Function = 23, // Set if any function key is pressed. }
KeyEquivalentModifierMask ¶
KeyEquivalentModifierMask :: distinct bit_set[KeyEquivalentModifierFlag; UInteger]
Related Procedures With Parameters
Related Procedures With Returns
Layer ¶
Layer :: struct { using _: Object, }
Bound Objective-C Methods
Methods Inherited From Object
Menu ¶
Menu :: struct { using _: Object, }
Bound Objective-C Methods
- addItem
- addItemWithTitle
- alloc (class method)
- init
- initWithTitle
- itemArray
Methods Inherited From Object
MenuItem ¶
MenuItem :: struct { using _: Object, }
Bound Objective-C Methods
- alloc (class method)
- init
- initWithTitle
- keyEquivalentModifierMask
- registerActionCallback (class method)
- separatorItem (class method)
- setKeyEquivalentModifierMask
- setSubmenu
- setTitle
- title
Methods Inherited From Object
MenuItemCallback ¶
MenuItemCallback :: proc "c" (unused: rawptr, name: ^.objc_selector, sender: ^Object)
Related Procedures With Parameters
Method ¶
Method :: ^objc_method
ModalResponse ¶
ModalResponse :: enum UInteger { Cancel = 0, OK = 1, }
Related Procedures With Returns
Notification ¶
Notification :: struct { using _: Object, }
Bound Objective-C Methods
Methods Inherited From Object
NotificationCenter ¶
NotificationCenter :: struct { using _: Object, }
Bound Objective-C Methods
- addObserver
- alloc (class method)
- defaultCenter (class method)
- init
- removeObserver
Methods Inherited From Object
NotificationName ¶
NotificationName :: ^String
Number ¶
Bound Objective-C Methods
- alloc (class method)
- boolValue
- compare
- descriptionWithLocale
- f32Value
- f64Value
- i16Value
- i32Value
- i64Value
- i8Value
- init
- initWithBool
- initWithF32
- initWithF64
- initWithI16
- initWithI32
- initWithI64
- initWithI8
- initWithInt
- initWithU16
- initWithU32
- initWithU64
- initWithU8
- initWithUint
- intValue
- integerValue
- isEqualToNumber
- number (class method) (overloaded method)
- numberWithBool (class method)
- numberWithF32 (class method)
- numberWithF64 (class method)
- numberWithI16 (class method)
- numberWithI32 (class method)
- numberWithI64 (class method)
- numberWithI8 (class method)
- numberWithInt (class method)
- numberWithU16 (class method)
- numberWithU32 (class method)
- numberWithU64 (class method)
- numberWithU8 (class method)
- numberWithUint (class method)
- stringValue
- u16Value
- u32Value
- u64Value
- u8Value
- uintValue
- uintegerValue
Methods Inherited From Value
- getValue
- initWithBytes
- initWithCoder
- isEqualToValue
- objCType
- pointerValue
- valueWithBytes (class method)
- valueWithPointer (class method)
Methods Inherited From Object
OpenPanel ¶
OpenPanel :: struct { using _: SavePanel, }
Bound Objective-C Methods
- URLs
- openPanel (class method)
- setAllowedFileTypes
- setAllowsMultipleSelection
- setCanChooseDirectories
- setCanChooseFiles
- setResolvesAliases
Methods Inherited From SavePanel
Methods Inherited From Window
- setFrameAutosaveName
- alloc (class method)
- backgroundColor
- backingScaleFactor
- close
- contentLayoutRect
- contentView
- frame
- hasCloseBox
- hasTitleBar
- initWithContentRect
- isFloatingPanel
- isMiniaturizable
- isModalPanel
- isResizable
- isZoomable
- makeKeyAndOrderFront
- opaque
- orderedIndex
- performWindowDragWithEvent
- performZoom
- setBackgroundColor
- setContentView
- setDelegate
- setFrame
- setIsMiniaturized
- setIsVisible
- setIsZoomed
- setMinSize
- setMovable
- setMovableByWindowBackground
- setOpaque
- setStyleMask
- setTitle
- setTitleVisibility
- setTitlebarAppearsTransparent
- setToolbar
- setWantsLayer
Methods Inherited From Object
OperatingSystemVersion ¶
OperatingSystemVersion :: struct #align (8) { majorVersion: Integer, minorVersion: Integer, patchVersion: Integer, }
Related Procedures With Parameters
Related Procedures With Returns
Panel ¶
Panel :: struct { using _: Window, }
Methods Inherited From Window
- setFrameAutosaveName
- alloc (class method)
- backgroundColor
- backingScaleFactor
- close
- contentLayoutRect
- contentView
- frame
- hasCloseBox
- hasTitleBar
- initWithContentRect
- isFloatingPanel
- isMiniaturizable
- isModalPanel
- isResizable
- isZoomable
- makeKeyAndOrderFront
- opaque
- orderedIndex
- performWindowDragWithEvent
- performZoom
- setBackgroundColor
- setContentView
- setDelegate
- setFrame
- setIsMiniaturized
- setIsVisible
- setIsZoomed
- setMinSize
- setMovable
- setMovableByWindowBackground
- setOpaque
- setStyleMask
- setTitle
- setTitleVisibility
- setTitlebarAppearsTransparent
- setToolbar
- setWantsLayer
Methods Inherited From Object
PointingDeviceType ¶
PointingDeviceType :: enum UInteger { Unknown = 0, Pen = 1, Cursor = 2, Eraser = 3, }
pointer types for NSTabletProximity events or mouse events with subtype NSTabletProximityEventSubtype
Related Procedures With Returns
ProcessInfo ¶
ProcessInfo :: struct { using _: Object, }
Bound Objective-C Methods
- activeProcessorCount
- arguments
- automaticTerminationSupportEnabled
- beginActivityWithOptions
- disableAutomaticTermination
- disableSuddenTermination
- enableAutomaticTermination
- enableSuddenTermination
- endActivity
- environment
- fullUserName
- globallyUniqueString
- hostName
- isLowPowerModeEnabled
- isMacCatalystApp
- isOperatingSystemAtLeastVersion
- isiOSAppOnMac
- operatingSystemVersion
- operatingSystemVersionString
- performActivityWithOptions
- performExpiringActivityWithReason
- physicalMemory
- processIdentifier
- processInfo (class method)
- processName
- processorCount
- setAutomaticTerminationSupportEnabled
- systemUptime
- thermalState
- userName
Methods Inherited From Object
ProcessInfoThermalState ¶
ProcessInfoThermalState :: enum i32 { Nominal, Fair, Serious, Critical, }
Related Procedures With Returns
Rect ¶
Related Procedures With Parameters
Related Procedures With Returns
Procedures Through `using` From Point
Procedures Through `using` From Size
RunLoopMode ¶
RunLoopMode :: ^String
RunningApplication ¶
RunningApplication :: struct { using _: Object, }
Bound Objective-C Methods
- currentApplication (class method)
- localizedName
Methods Inherited From Object
SEL :: ^.objc_selector
SavePanel ¶
SavePanel :: struct { using _: Panel, }
Bound Objective-C Methods
Methods Inherited From Window
- setFrameAutosaveName
- alloc (class method)
- backgroundColor
- backingScaleFactor
- close
- contentLayoutRect
- contentView
- frame
- hasCloseBox
- hasTitleBar
- initWithContentRect
- isFloatingPanel
- isMiniaturizable
- isModalPanel
- isResizable
- isZoomable
- makeKeyAndOrderFront
- opaque
- orderedIndex
- performWindowDragWithEvent
- performZoom
- setBackgroundColor
- setContentView
- setDelegate
- setFrame
- setIsMiniaturized
- setIsVisible
- setIsZoomed
- setMinSize
- setMovable
- setMovableByWindowBackground
- setOpaque
- setStyleMask
- setTitle
- setTitleVisibility
- setTitlebarAppearsTransparent
- setToolbar
- setWantsLayer
Methods Inherited From Object
Screen ¶
Screen :: struct { using _: Object, }
Bound Objective-C Methods
Methods Inherited From Object
Set ¶
Set :: struct { using _: Copying($T=Set), }
Bound Objective-C Methods
- alloc (class method)
- init
- initWithCoder
- initWithObjects
Methods Inherited From Object
Size ¶
Related Procedures With Parameters
String ¶
String :: struct { using _: Copying($T=String), }
Bound Objective-C Methods
- UTF8String
- alloc (class method)
- characterAtIndex
- cstringUsingEncoding
- init
- initWithBytesNoCopy
- initWithCString
- initWithOdinString
- initWithString
- isEqualToString
- length
- lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding
- maximumLengthOfBytesUsingEncoding
- odinString
- rangeOfString
- stringByAppendingString
Methods Inherited From Object
StringCompareOption ¶
StringCompareOption :: enum UInteger { CaseInsensitive = 0, LiteralSearch = 1, BackwardsSearch = 2, AnchoredSearch = 3, NumericSearch = 6, DiacriticInsensitive = 7, WidthInsensitive = 8, ForcedOrdering = 9, RegularExpression = 10, }
StringCompareOptions ¶
StringCompareOptions :: distinct bit_set[StringCompareOption; UInteger]
Related Procedures With Parameters
StringEncoding ¶
StringEncoding :: enum UInteger { ASCII = 1, NEXTSTEP = 2, JapaneseEUC = 3, UTF8 = 4, ISOLatin1 = 5, Symbol = 6, NonLossyASCII = 7, ShiftJIS = 8, ISOLatin2 = 9, Unicode = 10, WindowsCP1251 = 11, WindowsCP1252 = 12, WindowsCP1253 = 13, WindowsCP1254 = 14, WindowsCP1250 = 15, ISO2022JP = 21, MacOSRoman = 30, UTF16 = 10, UTF16BigEndian = 2415919360, UTF16LittleEndian = 2483028224, UTF32 = 2348810496, UTF32BigEndian = 2550137088, UTF32LittleEndian = 2617245952, }
Related Procedures With Parameters
TimeInterval ¶
TimeInterval :: distinct f64
Related Procedures With Parameters
Related Procedures With Returns
Toolbar ¶
Toolbar :: struct { using _: Object, }
Bound Objective-C Methods
Methods Inherited From Object
UInteger ¶
UInteger :: distinct uint
Related Procedures With Parameters
- AllocateObject
- Array_initWithObjects
- Array_object
- Array_objectAs
- Dictionary_dictionaryWithObjects
- Dictionary_initWithObjects
- FastEnumeration_countByEnumerating
- Range_LocationInRange
- Range_Make
- Set_initWithObjects
- String_characterAtIndex
- String_initWithBytesNoCopy
- Value_getValue
Related Procedures With Returns
- Array_count
- Data_length
- Dictionary_count
- Event_buttonMask
- Event_capabilityMask
- Event_pointingDeviceID
- Event_pointingDeviceSerialNumber
- Event_systemTabletID
- Event_tabletID
- Event_vendorID
- Event_vendorPointingDeviceType
- Event_windowNumber
- Number_uintegerValue
- ProcessInfo_activeProcessorCount
- ProcessInfo_processorCount
- Range_Max
- String_length
- String_lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding
- String_maximumLengthOfBytesUsingEncoding
- hash
- retainCount
Related Constants
URL :: struct { using _: Copying($T=URL), }
Bound Objective-C Methods
- alloc (class method)
- fileSystemRepresentation
- init
- initFileURLWithPath
- initWithString
- relativePath
Methods Inherited From Object
URLRequest ¶
URLRequest :: struct { using _: Object, }
Bound Objective-C Methods
- alloc (class method)
- init
- requestWithURL (class method)
- url
Methods Inherited From Object
URLResponse ¶
URLResponse :: struct { using _: Object, }
UserDefaults ¶
UserDefaults :: struct { using _: Object, }
Bound Objective-C Methods
- setBoolForKey
- standardUserDefaults (class method)
Methods Inherited From Object
Value ¶
Value :: struct { using _: Copying($T=Value), }
Bound Objective-C Methods
- alloc (class method)
- getValue
- init
- initWithBytes
- initWithCoder
- isEqualToValue
- objCType
- pointerValue
- valueWithBytes (class method)
- valueWithPointer (class method)
Methods Inherited From Object
View ¶
View :: struct { using _: Responder, }
Bound Objective-C Methods
Methods Inherited From Object
Window ¶
Window :: struct { using _: Responder, }
Bound Objective-C Methods
- setFrameAutosaveName
- alloc (class method)
- backgroundColor
- backingScaleFactor
- close
- contentLayoutRect
- contentView
- frame
- hasCloseBox
- hasTitleBar
- initWithContentRect
- isFloatingPanel
- isMiniaturizable
- isModalPanel
- isResizable
- isZoomable
- makeKeyAndOrderFront
- opaque
- orderedIndex
- performWindowDragWithEvent
- performZoom
- setBackgroundColor
- setContentView
- setDelegate
- setFrame
- setIsMiniaturized
- setIsVisible
- setIsZoomed
- setMinSize
- setMovable
- setMovableByWindowBackground
- setOpaque
- setStyleMask
- setTitle
- setTitleVisibility
- setTitlebarAppearsTransparent
- setToolbar
- setWantsLayer
Methods Inherited From Object
WindowDelegate ¶
WindowDelegate :: struct { using _: Object, }
This is not the same as NSWindowDelegate
Related Procedures With Parameters
Related Procedures With Returns
Procedures Through `using` From Object
- Application_terminate
- AutoreleasePool_addObject
- AutoreleasePool_showPools
- Dictionary_dictionaryWithObject
- Dictionary_objectForKey
- NotificationCenter_addObserverName
- NotificationCenter_removeObserver
- Number_descriptionWithLocale
- Window_makeKeyAndOrderFront
- autorelease
- bridgingCast
- class
- debugDescription
- description
- hash
- isEqual
- methodSignatureForSelector
- msgSendSafeCheck
- release
- respondsToSelector
- retain
- retainCount
Procedures Through `using` From objc_object
- DeallocateObject
- objc_destructInstance
- objc_getAssociatedObject
- objc_removeAssociatedObjects
- objc_setAssociatedObject
- object_copy
- object_dispose
- object_getClass
- object_getClassName
- object_getIndexedIvars
- object_getInstanceVariable
- object_getIvar
- object_setClass
- object_setInstanceVariable
- object_setIvar
WindowDelegateTemplate ¶
WindowDelegateTemplate :: struct { // Managing Sheets windowWillPositionSheetUsingRect: proc(window: ^Window, sheet: ^Window, rect: Rect) -> Rect, windowWillBeginSheet: proc(notification: ^Notification), windowDidEndSheet: proc(notification: ^Notification), // Sizing Windows windowWillResizeToSize: proc(sender: ^Window, frameSize: Size) -> Size, windowDidResize: proc(notification: ^Notification), windowWillStartLiveResize: proc(noitifcation: ^Notification), windowDidEndLiveResize: proc(notification: ^Notification), // Minimizing Windows windowWillMiniaturize: proc(notification: ^Notification), windowDidMiniaturize: proc(notification: ^Notification), windowDidDeminiaturize: proc(notification: ^Notification), // Zooming window windowWillUseStandardFrameDefaultFrame: proc(window: ^Window, newFrame: Rect) -> Rect, windowShouldZoomToFrame: proc(window: ^Window, newFrame: Rect) -> bool, // Managing Full-Screen Presentation windowWillUseFullScreenContentSize: proc(window: ^Window, proposedSize: Size) -> Size, windowWillUseFullScreenPresentationOptions: proc(window: ^Window, proposedOptions: ApplicationPresentationOptions) -> ApplicationPresentationOptions, windowWillEnterFullScreen: proc(notification: ^Notification), windowDidEnterFullScreen: proc(notification: ^Notification), windowWillExitFullScreen: proc(notification: ^Notification), windowDidExitFullScreen: proc(notification: ^Notification), // Custom Full-Screen Presentation Animations customWindowsToEnterFullScreenForWindow: proc(window: ^Window) -> ^Array, customWindowsToEnterFullScreenForWindowOnScreen: proc(window: ^Window, screen: ^Screen) -> ^Array, windowStartCustomAnimationToEnterFullScreenWithDuration: proc(window: ^Window, duration: TimeInterval), windowStartCustomAnimationToEnterFullScreenOnScreenWithDuration: proc(window: ^Window, screen: ^Screen, duration: TimeInterval), windowDidFailToEnterFullScreen: proc(window: ^Window), customWindowsToExitFullScreenForWindow: proc(window: ^Window) -> ^Array, windowStartCustomAnimationToExitFullScreenWithDuration: proc(window: ^Window, duration: TimeInterval), windowDidFailToExitFullScreen: proc(window: ^Window), // Moving Windows windowWillMove: proc(notification: ^Notification), windowDidMove: proc(notification: ^Notification), windowDidChangeScreen: proc(notification: ^Notification), windowDidChangeScreenProfile: proc(notification: ^Notification), windowDidChangeBackingProperties: proc(notification: ^Notification), // Closing Windows windowShouldClose: proc(sender: ^Window) -> bool, windowWillClose: proc(notification: ^Notification), // Managing Key Status windowDidBecomeKey: proc(notification: ^Notification), windowDidResignKey: proc(notification: ^Notification), // Managing Main Status windowDidBecomeMain: proc(notification: ^Notification), windowDidResignMain: proc(notification: ^Notification), // Managing Field Editors windowWillReturnFieldEditorToObject: proc(sender: ^Window, client: ^.objc_object) -> ^.objc_object, // Updating Windows windowDidUpdate: proc(notification: ^Notification), // Exposing Windows windowDidExpose: proc(notification: ^Notification), // Managing Occlusion State windowDidChangeOcclusionState: proc(notification: ^Notification), // Dragging Windows windowShouldDragDocumentWithEventFromWithPasteboard: proc(window: ^Window, event: ^Event, dragImageLocation: Point, pasteboard: ^Pasteboard) -> bool, // Getting the Undo Manager windowWillReturnUndoManager: proc(window: ^Window) -> ^UndoManager, // Managing Titles windowShouldPopUpDocumentPathMenu: proc(window: ^Window, menu: ^Menu) -> bool, // Managing Restorable State windowWillEncodeRestorableState: proc(window: ^Window, state: ^Coder), windowDidEncodeRestorableState: proc(window: ^Window, state: ^Coder), // Managing Presentation in Version Browsers windowWillResizeForVersionBrowserWithMaxPreferredSizeMaxAllowedSize: proc(window: ^Window, maxPreferredFrameSize: Size, maxAllowedFrameSize: Size) -> Size, windowWillEnterVersionBrowser: proc(notification: ^Notification), windowDidEnterVersionBrowser: proc(notification: ^Notification), windowWillExitVersionBrowser: proc(notification: ^Notification), windowDidExitVersionBrowser: proc(notification: ^Notification), }
Related Procedures With Parameters
WindowStyleFlag ¶
WindowStyleFlag :: enum UInteger { Titled = 0, Closable = 1, Miniaturizable = 2, Resizable = 3, TexturedBackground = 8, UnifiedTitleAndToolbar = 12, FullScreen = 14, FullSizeContentView = 15, UtilityWindow = 4, DocModalWindow = 6, NonactivatingPanel = 7, HUDWindow = 13, }
WindowStyleMask ¶
WindowStyleMask :: distinct bit_set[WindowStyleFlag; UInteger]
Related Procedures With Parameters
Related Constants
- WindowStyleMaskBorderless
- WindowStyleMaskClosable
- WindowStyleMaskDocModalWindow
- WindowStyleMaskFullScreen
- WindowStyleMaskFullSizeContentView
- WindowStyleMaskHUDWindow
- WindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable
- WindowStyleMaskNonactivatingPanel
- WindowStyleMaskResizable
- WindowStyleMaskTexturedBackground
- WindowStyleMaskTitled
- WindowStyleMaskUnifiedTitleAndToolbar
- WindowStyleMaskUtilityWindow
Window_Title_Visibility ¶
Window_Title_Visibility :: enum UInteger { Visible, Hidden, }
Related Procedures With Parameters
id ¶
id :: ^.objc_object
kVK ¶
kVK :: enum int { ANSI_A = 0, ANSI_S = 1, ANSI_D = 2, ANSI_F = 3, ANSI_H = 4, ANSI_G = 5, ANSI_Z = 6, ANSI_X = 7, ANSI_C = 8, ANSI_V = 9, ANSI_B = 11, ANSI_Q = 12, ANSI_W = 13, ANSI_E = 14, ANSI_R = 15, ANSI_Y = 16, ANSI_T = 17, ANSI_1 = 18, ANSI_2 = 19, ANSI_3 = 20, ANSI_4 = 21, ANSI_6 = 22, ANSI_5 = 23, ANSI_Equal = 24, ANSI_9 = 25, ANSI_7 = 26, ANSI_Minus = 27, ANSI_8 = 28, ANSI_0 = 29, ANSI_RightBracket = 30, ANSI_O = 31, ANSI_U = 32, ANSI_LeftBracket = 33, ANSI_I = 34, ANSI_P = 35, ANSI_L = 37, ANSI_J = 38, ANSI_Quote = 39, ANSI_K = 40, ANSI_Semicolon = 41, ANSI_Backslash = 42, ANSI_Comma = 43, ANSI_Slash = 44, ANSI_N = 45, ANSI_M = 46, ANSI_Period = 47, ANSI_Grave = 50, ANSI_KeypadDecimal = 65, ANSI_KeypadMultiply = 67, ANSI_KeypadPlus = 69, ANSI_KeypadClear = 71, ANSI_KeypadDivide = 75, ANSI_KeypadEnter = 76, ANSI_KeypadMinus = 78, ANSI_KeypadEquals = 81, ANSI_Keypad0 = 82, ANSI_Keypad1 = 83, ANSI_Keypad2 = 84, ANSI_Keypad3 = 85, ANSI_Keypad4 = 86, ANSI_Keypad5 = 87, ANSI_Keypad6 = 88, ANSI_Keypad7 = 89, ANSI_Keypad8 = 91, ANSI_Keypad9 = 92, Return = 36, Tab = 48, Space = 49, Delete = 51, Escape = 53, Command = 55, Shift = 56, CapsLock = 57, Option = 58, Control = 59, RightCommand = 54, RightShift = 60, RightOption = 61, RightControl = 62, Function = 63, F17 = 64, VolumeUp = 72, VolumeDown = 73, Mute = 74, F18 = 79, F19 = 80, F20 = 90, F5 = 96, F6 = 97, F7 = 98, F3 = 99, F8 = 100, F9 = 101, F11 = 103, F13 = 105, F16 = 106, F14 = 107, F10 = 109, F12 = 111, F15 = 113, Help = 114, Home = 115, PageUp = 116, ForwardDelete = 117, F4 = 118, End = 119, F2 = 120, PageDown = 121, F1 = 122, LeftArrow = 123, RightArrow = 124, DownArrow = 125, UpArrow = 126, JIS_Yen = 93, JIS_Underscore = 94, JIS_KeypadComma = 95, JIS_Eisu = 102, JIS_Kana = 104, ISO_Section = 10, }
Defined in Carbon.framework Events.h
objc_AssociationPolicy ¶
objc_AssociationPolicy :: enum uintptr { Assign = 0, Retain_Nonatomic = 1, Copy_Nonatomic = 3, Retain = 1401, Copy = 1403, }
Related Procedures With Parameters
objc_cache ¶
objc_cache :: struct { mask: u32, occupied: u32, buckets: [1]^objc_method, }
objc_class_internals ¶
objc_class_internals :: struct { isa: ^.objc_class, super_class: ^.objc_class, name: cstring, version: i32, info: i32, instance_size: i32, ivars: ^objc_ivar_list, methodLists: ^^objc_method_list, cache: rawptr, protocols: rawptr, }
objc_ivar ¶
objc_ivar :: struct {}
Related Procedures With Parameters
Related Procedures With Returns
objc_ivar_list ¶
objc_ivar_list :: struct {}
objc_method ¶
objc_method :: struct { method_name: ^.objc_selector, method_types: cstring, method_imp: IMP, }
Related Procedures With Parameters
- method_copyArgumentType
- method_getArgumentType
- method_getImplementation
- method_getNumberOfArguments
- method_getReturnType
- method_setImplementation
Related Procedures With Returns
objc_method_list ¶
objc_method_list :: struct {}
objc_object_internals ¶
objc_object_internals :: struct { isa: ^objc_class_internals, }
objc_property ¶
objc_property :: struct {}
Related Procedures With Parameters
Related Procedures With Returns
objc_property_t ¶
objc_property_t :: ^objc_property
objc_protocol_list ¶
objc_protocol_list :: struct { next: ^objc_protocol_list, count: i32, list: [1]^Protocol, }
ApplicationPresentationOptionsAutoHideDock ¶
ApplicationPresentationOptionsAutoHideDock :: ApplicationPresentationOptions{.AutoHideDock}
ApplicationPresentationOptionsAutoHideMenuBar ¶
ApplicationPresentationOptionsAutoHideMenuBar :: ApplicationPresentationOptions{.AutoHideMenuBar}
ApplicationPresentationOptionsAutoHideToolbar ¶
ApplicationPresentationOptionsAutoHideToolbar :: ApplicationPresentationOptions{.AutoHideToolbar}
ApplicationPresentationOptionsDefault ¶
ApplicationPresentationOptionsDefault :: ApplicationPresentationOptions{}
ApplicationPresentationOptionsDisableAppleMenu ¶
ApplicationPresentationOptionsDisableAppleMenu :: ApplicationPresentationOptions{.DisableAppleMenu}
ApplicationPresentationOptionsDisableCursorLocationAssistance ¶
ApplicationPresentationOptionsDisableCursorLocationAssistance :: ApplicationPresentationOptions{.DisableCursorLocationAssistance}
ApplicationPresentationOptionsDisableForceQuit ¶
ApplicationPresentationOptionsDisableForceQuit :: ApplicationPresentationOptions{.DisableForceQuit}
ApplicationPresentationOptionsDisableHideApplication ¶
ApplicationPresentationOptionsDisableHideApplication :: ApplicationPresentationOptions{.DisableHideApplication}
ApplicationPresentationOptionsDisableMenuBarTransparency ¶
ApplicationPresentationOptionsDisableMenuBarTransparency :: ApplicationPresentationOptions{.DisableMenuBarTransparency}
ApplicationPresentationOptionsDisableProcessSwitching ¶
ApplicationPresentationOptionsDisableProcessSwitching :: ApplicationPresentationOptions{.DisableProcessSwitching}
ApplicationPresentationOptionsDisableSessionTermination ¶
ApplicationPresentationOptionsDisableSessionTermination :: ApplicationPresentationOptions{.DisableSessionTermination}
ApplicationPresentationOptionsFullScreen ¶
ApplicationPresentationOptionsFullScreen :: ApplicationPresentationOptions{.FullScreen}
ApplicationPresentationOptionsHideDock ¶
ApplicationPresentationOptionsHideDock :: ApplicationPresentationOptions{.HideDock}
ApplicationPresentationOptionsHideMenuBar ¶
ApplicationPresentationOptionsHideMenuBar :: ApplicationPresentationOptions{.HideMenuBar}
EventMaskAny ¶
EventMaskAny: EventMask : transmute(EventMask)(max(UInteger))
EventModifierFlagCapsLock ¶
EventModifierFlagCapsLock :: EventModifierFlags{.CapsLock}
EventModifierFlagCommand ¶
EventModifierFlagCommand :: EventModifierFlags{.Command}
EventModifierFlagControl ¶
EventModifierFlagControl :: EventModifierFlags{.Control}
EventModifierFlagDeviceIndependentFlagsMask ¶
EventModifierFlagDeviceIndependentFlagsMask: UInteger : 0xffff0000
EventModifierFlagFunction ¶
EventModifierFlagFunction :: EventModifierFlags{.Function}
EventModifierFlagHelp ¶
EventModifierFlagHelp :: EventModifierFlags{.Help}
EventModifierFlagNumericPad ¶
EventModifierFlagNumericPad :: EventModifierFlags{.NumericPad}
EventModifierFlagOption ¶
EventModifierFlagOption :: EventModifierFlags{.Option}
EventModifierFlagShift ¶
EventModifierFlagShift :: EventModifierFlags{.Shift}
EventPhaseBegan ¶
EventPhaseBegan :: EventPhase{.Began}
EventPhaseCancelled ¶
EventPhaseCancelled :: EventPhase{.Cancelled}
EventPhaseChanged ¶
EventPhaseChanged :: EventPhase{.Changed}
EventPhaseEnded ¶
EventPhaseEnded :: EventPhase{.Ended}
EventPhaseMayBegin ¶
EventPhaseMayBegin :: EventPhase{.MayBegin}
EventPhaseNone ¶
EventPhaseNone :: EventPhase{}
EventPhaseStationary ¶
EventPhaseStationary :: EventPhase{.Stationary}
IntegerMax ¶
IntegerMax: Integer : max(Integer)
Integermin ¶
Integermin: Integer : min(Integer)
NotFound ¶
NotFound :: IntegerMax
UIntegerMax ¶
UIntegerMax: UInteger : max(UInteger)
WindowStyleMaskBorderless ¶
WindowStyleMaskBorderless :: WindowStyleMask{}
WindowStyleMaskClosable ¶
WindowStyleMaskClosable :: WindowStyleMask{.Closable}
WindowStyleMaskDocModalWindow ¶
WindowStyleMaskDocModalWindow :: WindowStyleMask{.DocModalWindow}
WindowStyleMaskFullScreen ¶
WindowStyleMaskFullScreen :: WindowStyleMask{.FullScreen}
WindowStyleMaskFullSizeContentView ¶
WindowStyleMaskFullSizeContentView :: WindowStyleMask{.FullSizeContentView}
WindowStyleMaskHUDWindow ¶
WindowStyleMaskHUDWindow :: WindowStyleMask{.HUDWindow}
WindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable ¶
WindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable :: WindowStyleMask{.Miniaturizable}
WindowStyleMaskNonactivatingPanel ¶
WindowStyleMaskNonactivatingPanel :: WindowStyleMask{.NonactivatingPanel}
WindowStyleMaskResizable ¶
WindowStyleMaskResizable :: WindowStyleMask{.Resizable}
WindowStyleMaskTexturedBackground ¶
WindowStyleMaskTexturedBackground :: WindowStyleMask{.TexturedBackground}
WindowStyleMaskTitled ¶
WindowStyleMaskTitled :: WindowStyleMask{.Titled}
WindowStyleMaskUnifiedTitleAndToolbar ¶
WindowStyleMaskUnifiedTitleAndToolbar :: WindowStyleMask{.UnifiedTitleAndToolbar}
WindowStyleMaskUtilityWindow ¶
WindowStyleMaskUtilityWindow :: WindowStyleMask{.UtilityWindow}
CocoaErrorDomain ¶
@(linkage="weak") CocoaErrorDomain: ^String
DebugDescriptionErrorKey ¶
@(linkage="weak") DebugDescriptionErrorKey: ^String
DefaultRunLoopMode ¶
DefaultRunLoopMode: ^String
EventTrackingRunLoopMode ¶
EventTrackingRunLoopMode: ^String
FilePathErrorKey ¶
@(linkage="weak") FilePathErrorKey: ^String
HelpAnchorErrorKey ¶
@(linkage="weak") HelpAnchorErrorKey: ^String
KeyEventModifierFlagDeviceIndependentFlagsMask ¶
KeyEventModifierFlagDeviceIndependentFlagsMask: KeyEquivalentModifierMask = …
Used to retrieve only the device-independent modifier flags, allowing applications to mask off the device-dependent modifier flags, including event coalescing information.
LocalizedDescriptionKey ¶
@(linkage="weak") LocalizedDescriptionKey: ^String
LocalizedFailureErrorKey ¶
@(linkage="weak") LocalizedFailureErrorKey: ^String
LocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey ¶
@(linkage="weak") LocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey: ^String
LocalizedRecoveryOptionsErrorKey ¶
@(linkage="weak") LocalizedRecoveryOptionsErrorKey: ^String
LocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey ¶
@(linkage="weak") LocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey: ^String
MachErrorDomain ¶
@(linkage="weak") MachErrorDomain: ^String
ModalPanelRunLoopMode ¶
ModalPanelRunLoopMode: ^String
OSStatusErrorDomain ¶
@(linkage="weak") OSStatusErrorDomain: ^String
POSIXErrorDomain ¶
@(linkage="weak") POSIXErrorDomain: ^String
RecoveryAttempterErrorKey ¶
@(linkage="weak") RecoveryAttempterErrorKey: ^String
RunLoopCommonModes ¶
RunLoopCommonModes: ^String
StringEncodingErrorKey ¶
@(linkage="weak") StringEncodingErrorKey: ^String
URLErrorKey ¶
@(linkage="weak") URLErrorKey: ^String
UnderlyingErrorKey ¶
@(linkage="weak") UnderlyingErrorKey: ^String
AT ¶
AT :: MakeConstantString
CFString is 'toll-free bridged' with its Cocoa Foundation counterpart, NSString.
AllocateObject ¶
AllocateObject :: proc "c" ( aClass: ^.objc_class, extraBytes: UInteger, zone: ^Zone, ) -> ^.objc_object ---
Application_activate ¶
Application_activate :: proc "c" ( self: ^Application, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Application
- Name: activate
Syntax Usage
Application_activateIgnoringOtherApps ¶
Application_activateIgnoringOtherApps :: proc "c" ( self: ^Application, ignoreOtherApps: bool, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Application
- Name: activateIgnoringOtherApps
Syntax Usage
NOTE: this is technically deprecated but still actively used (Sokol, glfw, SDL, etc.)
and has no clear alternative although activate
is what Apple tells you to use,
that does not work the same way.
Application_currentEvent ¶
Application_currentEvent :: proc "c" ( self: ^Application, ) -> ^Event {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Application
- Name: currentEvent
Syntax Usage
res := self->currentEvent()
Application_finishLaunching ¶
Application_finishLaunching :: proc "c" ( self: ^Application, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Application
- Name: finishLaunching
Syntax Usage
Application_isRunning ¶
Application_isRunning :: proc "c" ( self: ^Application, ) -> bool {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Application
- Name: isRunning
Syntax Usage
res := self->isRunning()
Application_keyWindow ¶
Application_keyWindow :: proc "c" ( self: ^Application, ) -> ^Window {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Application
- Name: keyWindow
Syntax Usage
res := self->keyWindow()
Application_mainWindow ¶
Application_mainWindow :: proc "c" ( self: ^Application, ) -> ^Window {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Application
- Name: mainWindow
Syntax Usage
res := self->mainWindow()
Application_nextEventMatchingMask ¶
Application_nextEventMatchingMask :: proc "c" ( self: ^Application, mask: EventMask, expiration: ^Date, in_mode: ^String, dequeue: bool, ) -> ^Event {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Application
- Name: nextEventMatchingMask
Syntax Usage
res := self->nextEventMatchingMask( mask, expiration, in_mode, dequeue, )
Application_run ¶
Application_run :: proc "c" ( self: ^Application, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Application
- Name: run
Syntax Usage
Application_sendEvent ¶
Application_sendEvent :: proc "c" ( self: ^Application, event: ^Event, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Application
- Name: sendEvent
Syntax Usage
Application_setActivationPolicy ¶
Application_setActivationPolicy :: proc "c" ( self: ^Application, activationPolicy: ActivationPolicy, ) -> bool {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Application
- Name: setActivationPolicy
Syntax Usage
res := self->setActivationPolicy(activationPolicy)
Application_setDelegate ¶
Application_setDelegate :: proc "c" ( self: ^Application, delegate: ^ApplicationDelegate, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Application
- Name: setDelegate
Syntax Usage
Application_setMainMenu ¶
Application_setMainMenu :: proc "c" ( self: ^Application, menu: ^Menu, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Application
- Name: setMainMenu
Syntax Usage
Application_setTitle ¶
Application_setTitle :: proc "c" ( self: ^Application, title: ^String, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Application
- Name: setTitle
Syntax Usage
Application_sharedApplication ¶
Application_sharedApplication :: proc "c" () -> ^Application {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Application
- Name: sharedApplication
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Application.sharedApplication()
Application_terminate ¶
Application_terminate :: proc "c" ( self: ^Application, sender: ^Object, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Application
- Name: terminate
Syntax Usage
Application_updateWindows ¶
Application_updateWindows :: proc "c" ( self: ^Application, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Application
- Name: updateWindows
Syntax Usage
Application_windows ¶
Application_windows :: proc "c" ( self: ^Application, ) -> ^Array {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Application
- Name: windows
Syntax Usage
res := self->windows()
Array_initWithCoder ¶
Array_initWithCoder :: proc "c" ( self: ^Array, coder: ^Coder, ) -> ^Array {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Array
- Name: initWithCoder
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithCoder(coder)
AutoreleasePool_addObject ¶
AutoreleasePool_addObject :: proc "c" ( self: ^AutoreleasePool, obj: ^Object, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: AutoreleasePool
- Name: addObject
Syntax Usage
AutoreleasePool_alloc ¶
AutoreleasePool_alloc :: proc "c" () -> ^AutoreleasePool {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: AutoreleasePool
- Name: alloc
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := AutoreleasePool.alloc()
AutoreleasePool_drain ¶
AutoreleasePool_drain :: proc "c" ( self: ^AutoreleasePool, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: AutoreleasePool
- Name: drain
Syntax Usage
AutoreleasePool_init ¶
AutoreleasePool_init :: proc "c" ( self: ^AutoreleasePool, ) -> ^AutoreleasePool {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: AutoreleasePool
- Name: init
Syntax Usage
res := self->init()
AutoreleasePool_showPools ¶
AutoreleasePool_showPools :: proc "c" ( self: ^AutoreleasePool, obj: ^Object, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: AutoreleasePool
- Name: showPools
Syntax Usage
Block_createGlobal ¶
Block_createGlobal :: proc( user_data: rawptr, user_proc: proc "c" ( user_data: rawptr, ), allocator := context.allocator, ) -> (^Block, runtime.Allocator_Error) #optional_ok {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Block
- Name: createGlobal
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res0, res1 := Block.createGlobal( user_data, user_proc, allocator, )
Block_createGlobalWithParam ¶
Block_createGlobalWithParam :: proc( user_data: rawptr, user_proc: proc "c" ( user_data: rawptr, t: $T, ), allocator := context.allocator, ) -> (^Block, runtime.Allocator_Error) #optional_ok {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Block
- Name: createGlobalWithParam
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res0, res1 := Block.createGlobalWithParam( user_data, user_proc, allocator, )
Bundle_PathForAuxiliaryExecutable ¶
Bundle_PathForAuxiliaryExecutable :: proc "c" ( self: ^Bundle, executableName: ^String, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: PathForAuxiliaryExecutable
Syntax Usage
res := self->PathForAuxiliaryExecutable(executableName)
Bundle_URLForAuxiliaryExecutable ¶
Bundle_URLForAuxiliaryExecutable :: proc "c" ( self: ^Bundle, executableName: ^String, ) -> ^URL {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: URLForAuxiliaryExecutable
Syntax Usage
res := self->URLForAuxiliaryExecutable(executableName)
Bundle_allBundles ¶
Bundle_allBundles :: proc "c" () -> (all: ^Array) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: allBundles
Syntax Usage
all := self->allBundles()
Bundle_allFrameworks ¶
Bundle_allFrameworks :: proc "c" () -> (all: ^Array) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: allFrameworks
Syntax Usage
all := self->allFrameworks()
Bundle_appStoreReceiptPath ¶
Bundle_appStoreReceiptPath :: proc "c" ( self: ^Bundle, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: appStoreReceiptPath
Syntax Usage
res := self->appStoreReceiptPath()
Bundle_appStoreReceiptURL ¶
Bundle_appStoreReceiptURL :: proc "c" ( self: ^Bundle, ) -> ^URL {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: appStoreReceiptURL
Syntax Usage
res := self->appStoreReceiptURL()
Bundle_builtInPlugInsPath ¶
Bundle_builtInPlugInsPath :: proc "c" ( self: ^Bundle, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: builtInPlugInsPath
Syntax Usage
res := self->builtInPlugInsPath()
Bundle_builtInPlugInsURL ¶
Bundle_builtInPlugInsURL :: proc "c" ( self: ^Bundle, ) -> ^URL {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: builtInPlugInsURL
Syntax Usage
res := self->builtInPlugInsURL()
Bundle_bundleIdentifier ¶
Bundle_bundleIdentifier :: proc "c" ( self: ^Bundle, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: bundleIdentifier
Syntax Usage
res := self->bundleIdentifier()
Bundle_bundlePath ¶
Bundle_bundlePath :: proc "c" ( self: ^Bundle, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: bundlePath
Syntax Usage
res := self->bundlePath()
Bundle_bundleWithPath ¶
Bundle_bundleWithPath :: proc "c" ( path: ^String, ) -> ^Bundle {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: bundleWithPath
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Bundle.bundleWithPath(path)
Bundle_bundleWithURL ¶
Bundle_bundleWithURL :: proc "c" ( url: ^URL, ) -> ^Bundle {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: bundleWithURL
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Bundle.bundleWithURL(url)
Bundle_executablePath ¶
Bundle_executablePath :: proc "c" ( self: ^Bundle, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: executablePath
Syntax Usage
res := self->executablePath()
Bundle_executableURL ¶
Bundle_executableURL :: proc "c" ( self: ^Bundle, ) -> ^URL {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: executableURL
Syntax Usage
res := self->executableURL()
Bundle_infoDictionary ¶
Bundle_infoDictionary :: proc "c" ( self: ^Bundle, ) -> ^Dictionary {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: infoDictionary
Syntax Usage
res := self->infoDictionary()
Bundle_initWithPath ¶
Bundle_initWithPath :: proc "c" ( self: ^Bundle, path: ^String, ) -> ^Bundle {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: initWithPath
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithPath(path)
Bundle_initWithURL ¶
Bundle_initWithURL :: proc "c" ( self: ^Bundle, url: ^URL, ) -> ^Bundle {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: initWithURL
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithURL(url)
Bundle_loadAndReturnError ¶
Bundle_loadAndReturnError :: proc "contextless" ( self: ^Bundle, ) -> (ok: bool, error: ^Error) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: loadAndReturnError
Syntax Usage
ok, error := self->loadAndReturnError()
Bundle_localizedInfoDictionary ¶
Bundle_localizedInfoDictionary :: proc "c" ( self: ^Bundle, ) -> ^Dictionary {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: localizedInfoDictionary
Syntax Usage
res := self->localizedInfoDictionary()
Bundle_mainBundle ¶
Bundle_mainBundle :: proc "c" () -> ^Bundle {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: mainBundle
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Bundle.mainBundle()
Bundle_objectForInfoDictionaryKey ¶
Bundle_objectForInfoDictionaryKey :: proc "c" ( self: ^Bundle, key: ^String, ) -> ^Object {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: objectForInfoDictionaryKey
Syntax Usage
res := self->objectForInfoDictionaryKey(key)
Bundle_preflightAndReturnError ¶
Bundle_preflightAndReturnError :: proc "contextless" ( self: ^Bundle, ) -> (ok: bool, error: ^Error) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: preflightAndReturnError
Syntax Usage
ok, error := self->preflightAndReturnError()
Bundle_privateFrameworksPath ¶
Bundle_privateFrameworksPath :: proc "c" ( self: ^Bundle, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: privateFrameworksPath
Syntax Usage
res := self->privateFrameworksPath()
Bundle_privateFrameworksURL ¶
Bundle_privateFrameworksURL :: proc "c" ( self: ^Bundle, ) -> ^URL {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: privateFrameworksURL
Syntax Usage
res := self->privateFrameworksURL()
Bundle_resourcePath ¶
Bundle_resourcePath :: proc "c" ( self: ^Bundle, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: resourcePath
Syntax Usage
res := self->resourcePath()
Bundle_resourceURL ¶
Bundle_resourceURL :: proc "c" ( self: ^Bundle, ) -> ^URL {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: resourceURL
Syntax Usage
res := self->resourceURL()
Bundle_sharedFrameworksPath ¶
Bundle_sharedFrameworksPath :: proc "c" ( self: ^Bundle, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: sharedFrameworksPath
Syntax Usage
res := self->sharedFrameworksPath()
Bundle_sharedFrameworksURL ¶
Bundle_sharedFrameworksURL :: proc "c" ( self: ^Bundle, ) -> ^URL {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: sharedFrameworksURL
Syntax Usage
res := self->sharedFrameworksURL()
Bundle_sharedSupportPath ¶
Bundle_sharedSupportPath :: proc "c" ( self: ^Bundle, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: sharedSupportPath
Syntax Usage
res := self->sharedSupportPath()
Bundle_sharedSupportURL ¶
Bundle_sharedSupportURL :: proc "c" ( self: ^Bundle, ) -> ^URL {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Bundle
- Name: sharedSupportURL
Syntax Usage
res := self->sharedSupportURL()
ClassFromString ¶
ClassFromString :: proc "c" ( str: ^String, ) -> ^.objc_class ---
Color_blackColor ¶
Color_blackColor :: proc "c" () -> ^Color {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Color
- Name: blackColor
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Color.blackColor()
Color_colorSpace ¶
Color_colorSpace :: proc "c" ( self: ^Color, ) -> ^ColorSpace {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Color
- Name: colorSpace
Syntax Usage
res := self->colorSpace()
Color_colorSpaceName ¶
Color_colorSpaceName :: proc "c" ( self: ^Color, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Color
- Name: colorSpaceName
Syntax Usage
res := self->colorSpaceName()
Color_colorUsingColorSpaceName ¶
Color_colorUsingColorSpaceName :: proc "c" ( self: ^Color, colorSpace: ^String, device: ^Dictionary = nil, ) -> ^Color {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Color
- Name: colorUsingColorSpaceName
Syntax Usage
res := self->colorUsingColorSpaceName( colorSpace, device, )
Color_colorWithCalibratedHue ¶
Color_colorWithCalibratedHue :: proc "c" ( hue, saturation, brightness, alpha: Float, ) -> ^Color {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Color
- Name: colorWithCalibratedHue
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Color.colorWithCalibratedHue( hue, saturation, brightness, alpha, )
Color_colorWithCalibratedRed ¶
Color_colorWithCalibratedRed :: proc "c" ( red, green, blue, alpha: Float, ) -> ^Color {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Color
- Name: colorWithCalibratedRed
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Color.colorWithCalibratedRed( red, green, blue, alpha, )
Color_colorWithCalibratedWhite ¶
Color_colorWithCalibratedWhite :: proc "c" ( white, alpha: Float, ) -> ^Color {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Color
- Name: colorWithCalibratedWhite
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Color.colorWithCalibratedWhite( white, alpha, )
Color_colorWithColorSpace ¶
Color_colorWithColorSpace :: proc "c" ( space: ^ColorSpace, components: []Float, ) -> ^Color {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Color
- Name: colorWithColorSpace
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Color.colorWithColorSpace( space, components, )
Color_colorWithDeviceCyan ¶
Color_colorWithDeviceCyan :: proc "c" ( cyan, magenta, yellow, black, alpha: Float, ) -> ^Color {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Color
- Name: colorWithDeviceCyan
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Color.colorWithDeviceCyan( cyan, magenta, yellow, black, alpha, )
Color_colorWithDeviceHue ¶
Color_colorWithDeviceHue :: proc "c" ( hue, saturation, brightness, alpha: Float, ) -> ^Color {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Color
- Name: colorWithDeviceHue
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Color.colorWithDeviceHue( hue, saturation, brightness, alpha, )
Color_colorWithDeviceRed ¶
Color_colorWithDeviceRed :: proc "c" ( red, green, blue, alpha: Float, ) -> ^Color {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Color
- Name: colorWithDeviceRed
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Color.colorWithDeviceRed( red, green, blue, alpha, )
Color_colorWithDeviceWhite ¶
Color_colorWithDeviceWhite :: proc "c" ( white, alpha: Float, ) -> ^Color {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Color
- Name: colorWithDeviceWhite
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Color.colorWithDeviceWhite( white, alpha, )
Color_colorWithSRGBRed ¶
Color_colorWithSRGBRed :: proc "c" ( red, green, blue, alpha: Float, ) -> ^Color {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Color
- Name: colorWithSRGBRed
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Color.colorWithSRGBRed( red, green, blue, alpha, )
Color_getComponents ¶
Color_getComponents :: proc "c" ( self: ^Color, components: [^]Float, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Color
- Name: getComponents
Syntax Usage
Color_getWhiteAlpha ¶
Color_getWhiteAlpha :: proc "c" ( self: ^Color, ) -> (white, alpha: Float) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Color
- Name: getWhiteAlpha
Syntax Usage
white, alpha := self->getWhiteAlpha()
Color_greenColor ¶
Color_greenColor :: proc "c" () -> ^Color {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Color
- Name: greenColor
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Color.greenColor()
Color_magentaColor ¶
Color_magentaColor :: proc "c" () -> ^Color {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Color
- Name: magentaColor
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Color.magentaColor()
Color_numberOfComponents ¶
Color_numberOfComponents :: proc "c" ( self: ^Color, ) -> Integer {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Color
- Name: numberOfComponents
Syntax Usage
res := self->numberOfComponents()
Color_orangeColor ¶
Color_orangeColor :: proc "c" () -> ^Color {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Color
- Name: orangeColor
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Color.orangeColor()
Color_purpleColor ¶
Color_purpleColor :: proc "c" () -> ^Color {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Color
- Name: purpleColor
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Color.purpleColor()
Color_whiteColor ¶
Color_whiteColor :: proc "c" () -> ^Color {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Color
- Name: whiteColor
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Color.whiteColor()
Color_yellowColor ¶
Color_yellowColor :: proc "c" () -> ^Color {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Color
- Name: yellowColor
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Color.yellowColor()
Condition_waitUntilDate ¶
Condition_waitUntilDate :: proc "c" ( self: ^Condition, limit: ^Date, ) -> bool {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Condition
- Name: waitUntilDate
Syntax Usage
res := self->waitUntilDate(limit)
Data_initWithBytes ¶
Data_initWithBytes :: proc "c" ( self: ^Data, bytes: []u8, ) -> ^Data {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Data
- Name: initWithBytes
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithBytes(bytes)
Data_mutableBytes ¶
Data_mutableBytes :: proc "c" ( self: ^Data, ) -> rawptr {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Data
- Name: mutableBytes
Syntax Usage
res := self->mutableBytes()
Date_dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow ¶
Date_dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow :: proc "c" ( secs: TimeInterval, ) -> ^Date {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Date
- Name: dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow
Syntax Usage
res := self->dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow()
Date_distantFuture ¶
Date_distantFuture :: proc "c" () -> ^Date {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Date
- Name: distantFuture
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Date.distantFuture()
Date_distantPast ¶
Date_distantPast :: proc "c" () -> ^Date {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Date
- Name: distantPast
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Date.distantPast()
Date_timeIntervalSince1970 ¶
Date_timeIntervalSince1970 :: proc "c" ( self: ^Date, ) -> f64 {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Date
- Name: timeIntervalSince1970
Syntax Usage
res := self->timeIntervalSince1970()
DeallocateObject ¶
DeallocateObject :: proc "c" ( object: ^.objc_object, ) ---
Dictionary_alloc ¶
Dictionary_alloc :: proc "c" () -> ^Dictionary {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Dictionary
- Name: alloc
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Dictionary.alloc()
Dictionary_count ¶
Dictionary_count :: proc "c" ( self: ^Dictionary, ) -> UInteger {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Dictionary
- Name: count
Syntax Usage
res := self->count()
Dictionary_dictionary ¶
Dictionary_dictionary :: proc "c" () -> ^Dictionary {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Dictionary
- Name: dictionary
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Dictionary.dictionary()
Dictionary_dictionaryWithObject ¶
Dictionary_dictionaryWithObject :: proc "c" ( object: ^Object, forKey: ^Object, ) -> ^Dictionary {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Dictionary
- Name: dictionaryWithObject
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Dictionary.dictionaryWithObject( object, forKey, )
Dictionary_dictionaryWithObjects ¶
Dictionary_dictionaryWithObjects :: proc "c" ( objects: [^]^Object, forKeys: [^]^Object, count: UInteger, ) -> ^Dictionary {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Dictionary
- Name: dictionaryWithObjects
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Dictionary.dictionaryWithObjects( objects, forKeys, count, )
Dictionary_init ¶
Dictionary_init :: proc "c" ( self: ^Dictionary, ) -> ^Dictionary {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Dictionary
- Name: init
Syntax Usage
res := self->init()
Dictionary_initWithObjects ¶
Dictionary_initWithObjects :: proc "c" ( self: ^Dictionary, objects: [^]^Object, forKeys: [^]^Object, count: UInteger, ) -> ^Dictionary {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Dictionary
- Name: initWithObjects
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithObjects( objects, forKeys, count, )
Dictionary_keyEnumerator ¶
Dictionary_keyEnumerator :: proc "c" ( self: ^Dictionary, $KeyType: typeid, ) -> (enumerator: ^Enumerator($T=typeid)) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Dictionary
- Name: keyEnumerator
Syntax Usage
enumerator := self->keyEnumerator(KeyType)
Dictionary_objectForKey ¶
Dictionary_objectForKey :: proc "c" ( self: ^Dictionary, key: ^Object, ) -> ^Object {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Dictionary
- Name: objectForKey
Syntax Usage
res := self->objectForKey(key)
Enumerator_allObjects ¶
Enumerator_allObjects :: proc "c" ( self: ^$E/Enumerator($T), ) -> (all: ^Array) {…}
Enumerator_iterator ¶
Enumerator_iterator :: proc "contextless" ( self: ^$E/Enumerator($T), ) -> (obj: $T, ok: bool) {…}
Enumerator_nextObject ¶
Enumerator_nextObject :: proc "c" ( self: ^$E/Enumerator($T), ) -> $T {…}
Error_errorWithDomain ¶
Error_errorWithDomain :: proc "c" ( domain: ^String, code: Integer, userInfo: ^Dictionary, ) -> ^Error {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Error
- Name: errorWithDomain
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Error.errorWithDomain( domain, code, userInfo, )
Error_initWithDomain ¶
Error_initWithDomain :: proc "c" ( self: ^Error, domain: ^String, code: Integer, userInfo: ^Dictionary, ) -> ^Error {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Error
- Name: initWithDomain
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithDomain( domain, code, userInfo, )
Error_localizedDescription ¶
Error_localizedDescription :: proc "c" ( self: ^Error, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Error
- Name: localizedDescription
Syntax Usage
res := self->localizedDescription()
Error_localizedFailureReason ¶
Error_localizedFailureReason :: proc "c" ( self: ^Error, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Error
- Name: localizedFailureReason
Syntax Usage
res := self->localizedFailureReason()
Error_localizedRecoveryOptions ¶
Error_localizedRecoveryOptions :: proc "c" ( self: ^Error, ) -> (options: ^Array) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Error
- Name: localizedRecoveryOptions
Syntax Usage
options := self->localizedRecoveryOptions()
Error_localizedRecoverySuggestion ¶
Error_localizedRecoverySuggestion :: proc "c" ( self: ^Error, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Error
- Name: localizedRecoverySuggestion
Syntax Usage
res := self->localizedRecoverySuggestion()
Error_userInfo ¶
Error_userInfo :: proc "c" ( self: ^Error, ) -> ^Dictionary {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Error
- Name: userInfo
Syntax Usage
res := self->userInfo()
Event_buttonMask ¶
Event_buttonMask :: proc "c" ( self: ^Event, ) -> UInteger {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Event
- Name: buttonMask
Syntax Usage
res := self->buttonMask()
Event_buttonNumber ¶
Event_buttonNumber :: proc "c" ( self: ^Event, ) -> Integer {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Event
- Name: buttonNumber
Syntax Usage
res := self->buttonNumber()
for NSOtherMouse events, but will return valid constants for NSLeftMouse and NSRightMouse
Event_capabilityMask ¶
Event_capabilityMask :: proc "c" ( self: ^Event, ) -> UInteger {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Event
- Name: capabilityMask
Syntax Usage
res := self->capabilityMask()
Event_characters ¶
Event_characters :: proc "c" ( self: ^Event, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Event
- Name: characters
Syntax Usage
res := self->characters()
Event_charactersIgnoringModifiers ¶
Event_charactersIgnoringModifiers :: proc "c" ( self: ^Event, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Event
- Name: charactersIgnoringModifiers
Syntax Usage
res := self->charactersIgnoringModifiers()
Event_clickCount ¶
Event_clickCount :: proc "c" ( self: ^Event, ) -> Integer {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Event
- Name: clickCount
Syntax Usage
res := self->clickCount()
Event_eventNumber ¶
Event_eventNumber :: proc "c" ( self: ^Event, ) -> Integer {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Event
- Name: eventNumber
Syntax Usage
res := self->eventNumber()
these messages are valid for all mouse down/up/drag and enter/exit events
Event_hasPreciseScrollingDeltas ¶
Event_hasPreciseScrollingDeltas :: proc "c" ( self: ^Event, ) -> bool {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Event
- Name: hasPreciseScrollingDeltas
Syntax Usage
res := self->hasPreciseScrollingDeltas()
Event_isDirectionInvertedFromDevice ¶
Event_isDirectionInvertedFromDevice :: proc "c" ( self: ^Event, ) -> bool {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Event
- Name: isDirectionInvertedFromDevice
Syntax Usage
res := self->isDirectionInvertedFromDevice()
Event_isEnteringProximity ¶
Event_isEnteringProximity :: proc "c" ( self: ^Event, ) -> bool {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Event
- Name: isEnteringProximity
Syntax Usage
res := self->isEnteringProximity()
Event_isSwipeTrackingFromScrollEventsEnabled ¶
Event_isSwipeTrackingFromScrollEventsEnabled :: proc "c" ( self: ^Event, ) -> bool {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Event
- Name: isSwipeTrackingFromScrollEventsEnabled
Syntax Usage
res := self->isSwipeTrackingFromScrollEventsEnabled()
Event_locationInWindow ¶
Event_locationInWindow :: proc "c" ( self: ^Event, ) -> Point {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Event
- Name: locationInWindow
Syntax Usage
res := self->locationInWindow()
-locationInWindow is valid for all mouse-related events
Event_modifierFlags ¶
Event_modifierFlags :: proc "c" ( self: ^Event, ) -> EventModifierFlags {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Event
- Name: modifierFlags
Syntax Usage
res := self->modifierFlags()
Event_momentumPhase ¶
Event_momentumPhase :: proc "c" ( self: ^Event, ) -> EventPhase {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Event
- Name: momentumPhase
Syntax Usage
res := self->momentumPhase()
Event_phase ¶
Event_phase :: proc "c" ( self: ^Event, ) -> EventPhase {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Event
- Name: phase
Syntax Usage
res := self->phase()
Event_pointingDeviceID ¶
Event_pointingDeviceID :: proc "c" ( self: ^Event, ) -> UInteger {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Event
- Name: pointingDeviceID
Syntax Usage
res := self->pointingDeviceID()
Event_pointingDeviceSerialNumber ¶
Event_pointingDeviceSerialNumber :: proc "c" ( self: ^Event, ) -> UInteger {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Event
- Name: pointingDeviceSerialNumber
Syntax Usage
res := self->pointingDeviceSerialNumber()
Event_pointingDeviceType ¶
Event_pointingDeviceType :: proc "c" ( self: ^Event, ) -> PointingDeviceType {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Event
- Name: pointingDeviceType
Syntax Usage
res := self->pointingDeviceType()
Event_pressure ¶
Event_pressure :: proc "c" ( self: ^Event, ) -> f32 {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Event
- Name: pressure
Syntax Usage
res := self->pressure()
-pressure is valid for all mouse down/up/drag events, and is also valid for NSTabletPoint events on 10.4 or later
Event_scrollingDelta ¶
Event_scrollingDelta :: proc "c" ( self: ^Event, ) -> (x, y: Float) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Event
- Name: scrollingDelta
Syntax Usage
x, y := self->scrollingDelta()
Event_scrollingDeltaX ¶
Event_scrollingDeltaX :: proc "c" ( self: ^Event, ) -> Float {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Event
- Name: scrollingDeltaX
Syntax Usage
res := self->scrollingDeltaX()
Event_scrollingDeltaY ¶
Event_scrollingDeltaY :: proc "c" ( self: ^Event, ) -> Float {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Event
- Name: scrollingDeltaY
Syntax Usage
res := self->scrollingDeltaY()
Event_systemTabletID ¶
Event_systemTabletID :: proc "c" ( self: ^Event, ) -> UInteger {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Event
- Name: systemTabletID
Syntax Usage
res := self->systemTabletID()
Event_tangentialPressure ¶
Event_tangentialPressure :: proc "c" ( self: ^Event, ) -> f32 {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Event
- Name: tangentialPressure
Syntax Usage
res := self->tangentialPressure()
Event_timestamp ¶
Event_timestamp :: proc "c" ( self: ^Event, ) -> TimeInterval {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Event
- Name: timestamp
Syntax Usage
res := self->timestamp()
Event_vendorDefined ¶
Event_vendorDefined :: proc "c" ( self: ^Event, ) -> ^.objc_object {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Event
- Name: vendorDefined
Syntax Usage
res := self->vendorDefined()
Event_vendorPointingDeviceType ¶
Event_vendorPointingDeviceType :: proc "c" ( self: ^Event, ) -> UInteger {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Event
- Name: vendorPointingDeviceType
Syntax Usage
res := self->vendorPointingDeviceType()
Event_windowNumber ¶
Event_windowNumber :: proc "c" ( self: ^Event, ) -> UInteger {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Event
- Name: windowNumber
Syntax Usage
res := self->windowNumber()
FastEnumeration_alloc ¶
FastEnumeration_alloc :: proc "c" () -> ^FastEnumeration {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: FastEnumeration
- Name: alloc
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := FastEnumeration.alloc()
FastEnumeration_countByEnumerating ¶
FastEnumeration_countByEnumerating :: proc "c" ( self: ^FastEnumeration, state: ^FastEnumerationState, buffer: [^]^Object, len: UInteger, ) -> UInteger {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: FastEnumeration
- Name: countByEnumerating
Syntax Usage
res := self->countByEnumerating( state, buffer, len, )
FastEnumeration_init ¶
FastEnumeration_init :: proc "c" ( self: ^FastEnumeration, ) -> ^FastEnumeration {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: FastEnumeration
- Name: init
Syntax Usage
res := self->init()
Layer_addSublayer ¶
Layer_addSublayer :: proc "c" ( self: ^Layer, layer: ^Layer, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Layer
- Name: addSublayer
Syntax Usage
Layer_contentsScale ¶
Layer_contentsScale :: proc "c" ( self: ^Layer, ) -> Float {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Layer
- Name: contentsScale
Syntax Usage
res := self->contentsScale()
Layer_setContentsScale ¶
Layer_setContentsScale :: proc "c" ( self: ^Layer, scale: Float, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Layer
- Name: setContentsScale
Syntax Usage
Locking_lock ¶
Locking_lock :: proc "c" ( self: ^Locking($T), ) {…}
Locking_unlock ¶
Locking_unlock :: proc "c" ( self: ^Locking($T), ) {…}
MakeConstantString ¶
CFString is 'toll-free bridged' with its Cocoa Foundation counterpart, NSString.
MenuItem_initWithTitle ¶
MenuItem_initWithTitle :: proc "c" ( self: ^MenuItem, title: ^String, action: ^.objc_selector, keyEquivalent: ^String, ) -> ^MenuItem {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: MenuItem
- Name: initWithTitle
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithTitle( title, action, keyEquivalent, )
MenuItem_keyEquivalentModifierMask ¶
MenuItem_keyEquivalentModifierMask :: proc "c" ( self: ^MenuItem, ) -> KeyEquivalentModifierMask {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: MenuItem
- Name: keyEquivalentModifierMask
Syntax Usage
res := self->keyEquivalentModifierMask()
MenuItem_registerActionCallback ¶
MenuItem_registerActionCallback :: proc "c" ( name: cstring, callback: MenuItemCallback, ) -> ^.objc_selector {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: MenuItem
- Name: registerActionCallback
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := MenuItem.registerActionCallback( name, callback, )
MenuItem_separatorItem ¶
MenuItem_separatorItem :: proc "c" () -> ^MenuItem {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: MenuItem
- Name: separatorItem
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := MenuItem.separatorItem()
MenuItem_setKeyEquivalentModifierMask ¶
MenuItem_setKeyEquivalentModifierMask :: proc "c" ( self: ^MenuItem, modifierMask: KeyEquivalentModifierMask, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: MenuItem
- Name: setKeyEquivalentModifierMask
Syntax Usage
MenuItem_setSubmenu ¶
MenuItem_setSubmenu :: proc "c" ( self: ^MenuItem, submenu: ^Menu, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: MenuItem
- Name: setSubmenu
Syntax Usage
Menu_addItemWithTitle ¶
Menu_addItemWithTitle :: proc "c" ( self: ^Menu, title: ^String, selector: ^.objc_selector, keyEquivalent: ^String, ) -> ^MenuItem {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Menu
- Name: addItemWithTitle
Syntax Usage
res := self->addItemWithTitle( title, selector, keyEquivalent, )
Menu_initWithTitle ¶
Menu_initWithTitle :: proc "c" ( self: ^Menu, title: ^String, ) -> ^Menu {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Menu
- Name: initWithTitle
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithTitle(title)
NSWindow_setFrameAutosaveName ¶
NSWindow_setFrameAutosaveName :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, name: ^String, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: setFrameAutosaveName
Syntax Usage
NotificationCenter_addObserverName ¶
NotificationCenter_addObserverName :: proc "c" ( self: ^NotificationCenter, name: ^String, pObj: ^Object, pQueue: rawptr, block: ^Block, ) -> ^Object {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: NotificationCenter
- Name: addObserver
Syntax Usage
res := self->addObserver( name, pObj, pQueue, block, )
NotificationCenter_alloc ¶
NotificationCenter_alloc :: proc "c" () -> ^NotificationCenter {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: NotificationCenter
- Name: alloc
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := NotificationCenter.alloc()
NotificationCenter_defaultCenter ¶
NotificationCenter_defaultCenter :: proc "c" () -> ^NotificationCenter {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: NotificationCenter
- Name: defaultCenter
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := NotificationCenter.defaultCenter()
NotificationCenter_init ¶
NotificationCenter_init :: proc "c" ( self: ^NotificationCenter, ) -> ^NotificationCenter {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: NotificationCenter
- Name: init
Syntax Usage
res := self->init()
NotificationCenter_removeObserver ¶
NotificationCenter_removeObserver :: proc "c" ( self: ^NotificationCenter, pObserver: ^Object, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: NotificationCenter
- Name: removeObserver
Syntax Usage
Notification_alloc ¶
Notification_alloc :: proc "c" () -> ^Notification {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Notification
- Name: alloc
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Notification.alloc()
Notification_init ¶
Notification_init :: proc "c" ( self: ^Notification, ) -> ^Notification {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Notification
- Name: init
Syntax Usage
res := self->init()
Notification_name ¶
Notification_name :: proc "c" ( self: ^Notification, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Notification
- Name: name
Syntax Usage
res := self->name()
Notification_object ¶
Notification_object :: proc "c" ( self: ^Notification, ) -> ^Object {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Notification
- Name: object
Syntax Usage
res := self->object()
Notification_userInfo ¶
Notification_userInfo :: proc "c" ( self: ^Notification, ) -> ^Dictionary {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Notification
- Name: userInfo
Syntax Usage
res := self->userInfo()
Number_compare ¶
Number_compare :: proc "c" ( self, other: ^Number, ) -> ComparisonResult {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: compare
Syntax Usage
res := self->compare(other)
Number_descriptionWithLocale ¶
Number_descriptionWithLocale :: proc "c" ( self: ^Number, locale: ^Object, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: descriptionWithLocale
Syntax Usage
res := self->descriptionWithLocale(locale)
Number_initWithBool ¶
Number_initWithBool :: proc "c" ( self: ^Number, value: bool, ) -> ^Number {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: initWithBool
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithBool(value)
Number_initWithF32 ¶
Number_initWithF32 :: proc "c" ( self: ^Number, value: f32, ) -> ^Number {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: initWithF32
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithF32(value)
Number_initWithF64 ¶
Number_initWithF64 :: proc "c" ( self: ^Number, value: f64, ) -> ^Number {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: initWithF64
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithF64(value)
Number_initWithI16 ¶
Number_initWithI16 :: proc "c" ( self: ^Number, value: i16, ) -> ^Number {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: initWithI16
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithI16(value)
Number_initWithI32 ¶
Number_initWithI32 :: proc "c" ( self: ^Number, value: i32, ) -> ^Number {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: initWithI32
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithI32(value)
Number_initWithI64 ¶
Number_initWithI64 :: proc "c" ( self: ^Number, value: i64, ) -> ^Number {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: initWithI64
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithI64(value)
Number_initWithI8 ¶
Number_initWithI8 :: proc "c" ( self: ^Number, value: i8, ) -> ^Number {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: initWithI8
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithI8(value)
Number_initWithInt ¶
Number_initWithInt :: proc "c" ( self: ^Number, value: int, ) -> ^Number {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: initWithInt
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithInt(value)
Number_initWithU16 ¶
Number_initWithU16 :: proc "c" ( self: ^Number, value: u16, ) -> ^Number {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: initWithU16
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithU16(value)
Number_initWithU32 ¶
Number_initWithU32 :: proc "c" ( self: ^Number, value: u32, ) -> ^Number {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: initWithU32
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithU32(value)
Number_initWithU64 ¶
Number_initWithU64 :: proc "c" ( self: ^Number, value: u64, ) -> ^Number {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: initWithU64
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithU64(value)
Number_initWithU8 ¶
Number_initWithU8 :: proc "c" ( self: ^Number, value: u8, ) -> ^Number {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: initWithU8
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithU8(value)
Number_initWithUint ¶
Number_initWithUint :: proc "c" ( self: ^Number, value: uint, ) -> ^Number {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: initWithUint
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithUint(value)
Number_integerValue ¶
Number_integerValue :: proc "c" ( self: ^Number, ) -> Integer {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: integerValue
Syntax Usage
res := self->integerValue()
Number_isEqualToNumber ¶
Number_isEqualToNumber :: proc "c" ( self, other: ^Number, ) -> bool {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: isEqualToNumber
Syntax Usage
res := self->isEqualToNumber(other)
Number_numberWithBool ¶
Number_numberWithBool :: proc "c" ( value: bool, ) -> ^Number {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: numberWithBool
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Number.numberWithBool(value)
Number_numberWithF32 ¶
Number_numberWithF32 :: proc "c" ( value: f32, ) -> ^Number {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: numberWithF32
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Number.numberWithF32(value)
Number_numberWithF64 ¶
Number_numberWithF64 :: proc "c" ( value: f64, ) -> ^Number {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: numberWithF64
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Number.numberWithF64(value)
Number_numberWithI16 ¶
Number_numberWithI16 :: proc "c" ( value: i16, ) -> ^Number {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: numberWithI16
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Number.numberWithI16(value)
Number_numberWithI32 ¶
Number_numberWithI32 :: proc "c" ( value: i32, ) -> ^Number {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: numberWithI32
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Number.numberWithI32(value)
Number_numberWithI64 ¶
Number_numberWithI64 :: proc "c" ( value: i64, ) -> ^Number {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: numberWithI64
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Number.numberWithI64(value)
Number_numberWithI8 ¶
Number_numberWithI8 :: proc "c" ( value: i8, ) -> ^Number {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: numberWithI8
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Number.numberWithI8(value)
Number_numberWithInt ¶
Number_numberWithInt :: proc "c" ( value: int, ) -> ^Number {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: numberWithInt
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Number.numberWithInt(value)
Number_numberWithU16 ¶
Number_numberWithU16 :: proc "c" ( value: u16, ) -> ^Number {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: numberWithU16
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Number.numberWithU16(value)
Number_numberWithU32 ¶
Number_numberWithU32 :: proc "c" ( value: u32, ) -> ^Number {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: numberWithU32
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Number.numberWithU32(value)
Number_numberWithU64 ¶
Number_numberWithU64 :: proc "c" ( value: u64, ) -> ^Number {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: numberWithU64
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Number.numberWithU64(value)
Number_numberWithU8 ¶
Number_numberWithU8 :: proc "c" ( value: u8, ) -> ^Number {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: numberWithU8
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Number.numberWithU8(value)
Number_numberWithUint ¶
Number_numberWithUint :: proc "c" ( value: uint, ) -> ^Number {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: numberWithUint
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Number.numberWithUint(value)
Number_stringValue ¶
Number_stringValue :: proc "c" ( self: ^Number, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: stringValue
Syntax Usage
res := self->stringValue()
Number_uintegerValue ¶
Number_uintegerValue :: proc "c" ( self: ^Number, ) -> UInteger {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: uintegerValue
Syntax Usage
res := self->uintegerValue()
OpenPanel_setAllowedFileTypes ¶
OpenPanel_setAllowedFileTypes :: proc "c" ( self: ^OpenPanel, types: ^Array, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: OpenPanel
- Name: setAllowedFileTypes
Syntax Usage
OpenPanel_setAllowsMultipleSelection ¶
OpenPanel_setAllowsMultipleSelection :: proc "c" ( self: ^OpenPanel, setting: bool, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: OpenPanel
- Name: setAllowsMultipleSelection
Syntax Usage
OpenPanel_setCanChooseDirectories ¶
OpenPanel_setCanChooseDirectories :: proc "c" ( self: ^OpenPanel, setting: bool, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: OpenPanel
- Name: setCanChooseDirectories
Syntax Usage
OpenPanel_setCanChooseFiles ¶
OpenPanel_setCanChooseFiles :: proc "c" ( self: ^OpenPanel, setting: bool, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: OpenPanel
- Name: setCanChooseFiles
Syntax Usage
OpenPanel_setResolvesAliases ¶
OpenPanel_setResolvesAliases :: proc "c" ( self: ^OpenPanel, setting: bool, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: OpenPanel
- Name: setResolvesAliases
Syntax Usage
ProcessInfo_activeProcessorCount ¶
ProcessInfo_activeProcessorCount :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, ) -> UInteger {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: activeProcessorCount
Syntax Usage
res := self->activeProcessorCount()
ProcessInfo_arguments ¶
ProcessInfo_arguments :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, ) -> ^Array {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: arguments
Syntax Usage
res := self->arguments()
ProcessInfo_automaticTerminationSupportEnabled ¶
ProcessInfo_automaticTerminationSupportEnabled :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, ) -> bool {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: automaticTerminationSupportEnabled
Syntax Usage
res := self->automaticTerminationSupportEnabled()
ProcessInfo_beginActivityWithOptions ¶
ProcessInfo_beginActivityWithOptions :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, options: bit_set[ActivityOptionsBits; u64], reason: ^String, ) -> ^ObjectProtocol {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: beginActivityWithOptions
Syntax Usage
res := self->beginActivityWithOptions( options, reason, )
ProcessInfo_disableAutomaticTermination ¶
ProcessInfo_disableAutomaticTermination :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, reason: ^String, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: disableAutomaticTermination
Syntax Usage
ProcessInfo_disableSuddenTermination ¶
ProcessInfo_disableSuddenTermination :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: disableSuddenTermination
Syntax Usage
ProcessInfo_enableAutomaticTermination ¶
ProcessInfo_enableAutomaticTermination :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, reason: ^String, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: enableAutomaticTermination
Syntax Usage
ProcessInfo_enableSuddenTermination ¶
ProcessInfo_enableSuddenTermination :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: enableSuddenTermination
Syntax Usage
ProcessInfo_endActivity ¶
ProcessInfo_endActivity :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, activity: ^ObjectProtocol, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: endActivity
Syntax Usage
ProcessInfo_environment ¶
ProcessInfo_environment :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, ) -> ^Dictionary {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: environment
Syntax Usage
res := self->environment()
ProcessInfo_fullUserName ¶
ProcessInfo_fullUserName :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: fullUserName
Syntax Usage
res := self->fullUserName()
ProcessInfo_globallyUniqueString ¶
ProcessInfo_globallyUniqueString :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: globallyUniqueString
Syntax Usage
res := self->globallyUniqueString()
ProcessInfo_hostName ¶
ProcessInfo_hostName :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: hostName
Syntax Usage
res := self->hostName()
ProcessInfo_isLowPowerModeEnabled ¶
ProcessInfo_isLowPowerModeEnabled :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, ) -> bool {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: isLowPowerModeEnabled
Syntax Usage
res := self->isLowPowerModeEnabled()
ProcessInfo_isMacCatalystApp ¶
ProcessInfo_isMacCatalystApp :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, ) -> bool {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: isMacCatalystApp
Syntax Usage
res := self->isMacCatalystApp()
ProcessInfo_isOperatingSystemAtLeastVersion ¶
ProcessInfo_isOperatingSystemAtLeastVersion :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, version: OperatingSystemVersion, ) -> bool {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: isOperatingSystemAtLeastVersion
Syntax Usage
res := self->isOperatingSystemAtLeastVersion(version)
ProcessInfo_isiOSAppOnMac ¶
ProcessInfo_isiOSAppOnMac :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, ) -> bool {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: isiOSAppOnMac
Syntax Usage
res := self->isiOSAppOnMac()
ProcessInfo_operatingSystemVersion ¶
ProcessInfo_operatingSystemVersion :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, ) -> OperatingSystemVersion {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: operatingSystemVersion
Syntax Usage
res := self->operatingSystemVersion()
ProcessInfo_operatingSystemVersionString ¶
ProcessInfo_operatingSystemVersionString :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: operatingSystemVersionString
Syntax Usage
res := self->operatingSystemVersionString()
ProcessInfo_performActivityWithOptions ¶
ProcessInfo_performActivityWithOptions :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, options: bit_set[ActivityOptionsBits; u64], reason: ^String, block: proc "c" (), ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: performActivityWithOptions
Syntax Usage
self->performActivityWithOptions( options, reason, block, )
ProcessInfo_performExpiringActivityWithReason ¶
ProcessInfo_performExpiringActivityWithReason :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, reason: ^String, block: proc "c" ( expired: bool, ), ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: performExpiringActivityWithReason
Syntax Usage
self->performExpiringActivityWithReason( reason, block, )
ProcessInfo_physicalMemory ¶
ProcessInfo_physicalMemory :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, ) -> u64 {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: physicalMemory
Syntax Usage
res := self->physicalMemory()
ProcessInfo_processIdentifier ¶
ProcessInfo_processIdentifier :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, ) -> i32 {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: processIdentifier
Syntax Usage
res := self->processIdentifier()
ProcessInfo_processInfo ¶
ProcessInfo_processInfo :: proc "c" () -> ^ProcessInfo {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: processInfo
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := ProcessInfo.processInfo()
ProcessInfo_processName ¶
ProcessInfo_processName :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: processName
Syntax Usage
res := self->processName()
ProcessInfo_processorCount ¶
ProcessInfo_processorCount :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, ) -> UInteger {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: processorCount
Syntax Usage
res := self->processorCount()
ProcessInfo_setAutomaticTerminationSupportEnabled ¶
ProcessInfo_setAutomaticTerminationSupportEnabled :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, automaticTerminationSupportEnabled: bool, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: setAutomaticTerminationSupportEnabled
Syntax Usage
ProcessInfo_systemUptime ¶
ProcessInfo_systemUptime :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, ) -> TimeInterval {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: systemUptime
Syntax Usage
res := self->systemUptime()
ProcessInfo_thermalState ¶
ProcessInfo_thermalState :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, ) -> ProcessInfoThermalState {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: thermalState
Syntax Usage
res := self->thermalState()
ProcessInfo_userName ¶
ProcessInfo_userName :: proc "c" ( self: ^ProcessInfo, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: ProcessInfo
- Name: userName
Syntax Usage
res := self->userName()
RunningApplication_currentApplication ¶
RunningApplication_currentApplication :: proc "c" () -> ^RunningApplication {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: RunningApplication
- Name: currentApplication
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := RunningApplication.currentApplication()
RunningApplication_localizedName ¶
RunningApplication_localizedName :: proc "c" ( self: ^RunningApplication, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: RunningApplication
- Name: localizedName
Syntax Usage
res := self->localizedName()
SavePanel_runModal ¶
SavePanel_runModal :: proc "c" ( self: ^SavePanel, ) -> ModalResponse {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: SavePanel
- Name: runModal
Syntax Usage
res := self->runModal()
Screen_backingScaleFactor ¶
Screen_backingScaleFactor :: proc "c" ( self: ^Screen, ) -> Float {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Screen
- Name: backingScaleFactor
Syntax Usage
res := self->backingScaleFactor()
Screen_colorSpace ¶
Screen_colorSpace :: proc "c" ( self: ^Screen, ) -> ^ColorSpace {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Screen
- Name: colorSpace
Syntax Usage
res := self->colorSpace()
Screen_deepestScreen ¶
Screen_deepestScreen :: proc "c" () -> ^Screen {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Screen
- Name: deepestScreen
Syntax Usage
res := self->deepestScreen()
Screen_mainScreen ¶
Screen_mainScreen :: proc "c" () -> ^Screen {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Screen
- Name: mainScreen
Syntax Usage
res := self->mainScreen()
Screen_visibleFrame ¶
Screen_visibleFrame :: proc "c" ( self: ^Screen, ) -> Rect {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Screen
- Name: visibleFrame
Syntax Usage
res := self->visibleFrame()
SelectorFromString ¶
SelectorFromString :: proc "c" ( str: ^String, ) -> ^.objc_selector ---
Set_initWithCoder ¶
Set_initWithCoder :: proc "c" ( self: ^Set, coder: ^Coder, ) -> ^Set {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Set
- Name: initWithCoder
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithCoder(coder)
StringFromClass ¶
StringFromClass :: proc "c" ( cls: ^.objc_class, ) -> ^String ---
StringFromSelector ¶
StringFromSelector :: proc "c" ( selector: ^.objc_selector, ) -> ^String ---
String_UTF8String ¶
String_UTF8String :: proc "c" ( self: ^String, ) -> cstring {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: String
- Name: UTF8String
Syntax Usage
res := self->UTF8String()
String_characterAtIndex ¶
String_characterAtIndex :: proc "c" ( self: ^String, index: UInteger, ) -> unichar {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: String
- Name: characterAtIndex
Syntax Usage
res := self->characterAtIndex(index)
String_cstringUsingEncoding ¶
String_cstringUsingEncoding :: proc "c" ( self: ^String, encoding: StringEncoding, ) -> cstring {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: String
- Name: cstringUsingEncoding
Syntax Usage
res := self->cstringUsingEncoding(encoding)
String_initWithBytesNoCopy ¶
String_initWithBytesNoCopy :: proc "c" ( self: ^String, pBytes: rawptr, length: UInteger, encoding: StringEncoding, freeWhenDone: bool, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: String
- Name: initWithBytesNoCopy
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithBytesNoCopy( pBytes, length, encoding, freeWhenDone, )
String_initWithCString ¶
String_initWithCString :: proc "c" ( self: ^String, pString: cstring, encoding: StringEncoding, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: String
- Name: initWithCString
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithCString( pString, encoding, )
String_initWithOdinString ¶
String_initWithOdinString :: proc "c" ( self: ^String, str: string, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: String
- Name: initWithOdinString
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithOdinString(str)
String_initWithString ¶
String_initWithString :: proc "c" ( self: ^String, other: ^String, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: String
- Name: initWithString
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithString(other)
String_isEqualToString ¶
String_isEqualToString :: proc "c" ( self: ^String, other: ^String, ) -> bool {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: String
- Name: isEqualToString
Syntax Usage
res := self->isEqualToString(other)
String_lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding ¶
String_lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding :: proc "c" ( self: ^String, encoding: StringEncoding, ) -> UInteger {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: String
- Name: lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding
Syntax Usage
res := self->lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding(encoding)
String_maximumLengthOfBytesUsingEncoding ¶
String_maximumLengthOfBytesUsingEncoding :: proc "c" ( self: ^String, encoding: StringEncoding, ) -> UInteger {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: String
- Name: maximumLengthOfBytesUsingEncoding
Syntax Usage
res := self->maximumLengthOfBytesUsingEncoding(encoding)
String_odinString ¶
String_odinString :: proc "c" ( self: ^String, ) -> string {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: String
- Name: odinString
Syntax Usage
res := self->odinString()
String_rangeOfString ¶
String_rangeOfString :: proc "c" ( self, other: ^String, options: StringCompareOptions, ) -> Range {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: String
- Name: rangeOfString
Syntax Usage
res := self->rangeOfString( other, options, )
String_stringByAppendingString ¶
String_stringByAppendingString :: proc "c" ( self: ^String, other: ^String, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: String
- Name: stringByAppendingString
Syntax Usage
res := self->stringByAppendingString(other)
URLRequest_alloc ¶
URLRequest_alloc :: proc "c" () -> ^URLRequest {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: URLRequest
- Name: alloc
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := URLRequest.alloc()
URLRequest_init ¶
URLRequest_init :: proc "c" ( self: ^URLRequest, ) -> ^URLRequest {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: URLRequest
- Name: init
Syntax Usage
res := self->init()
URLRequest_requestWithURL ¶
URLRequest_requestWithURL :: proc "c" ( url: ^URL, ) -> ^URLRequest {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: URLRequest
- Name: requestWithURL
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := URLRequest.requestWithURL(url)
URLRequest_url ¶
URLRequest_url :: proc "c" ( self: ^URLRequest, ) -> ^URL {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: URLRequest
- Name: url
Syntax Usage
res := self->url()
URLResponse_alloc ¶
URLResponse_alloc :: proc "c" () -> ^URLResponse {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: URLResponse
- Name: alloc
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := URLResponse.alloc()
URLResponse_init ¶
URLResponse_init :: proc "c" ( self: ^URLResponse, ) -> ^URLResponse {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: URLResponse
- Name: init
Syntax Usage
res := self->init()
URLResponse_initWithURL ¶
URLResponse_initWithURL :: proc "c" ( self: ^URLResponse, url: ^URL, mime_type: ^String, length: int, encoding: ^String, ) -> ^URLResponse {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: URLResponse
- Name: initWithURL
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithURL( url, mime_type, length, encoding, )
URL_fileSystemRepresentation ¶
URL_fileSystemRepresentation :: proc "c" ( self: ^URL, ) -> cstring {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: URL
- Name: fileSystemRepresentation
Syntax Usage
res := self->fileSystemRepresentation()
URL_initFileURLWithPath ¶
URL_initFileURLWithPath :: proc "c" ( self: ^URL, path: ^String, ) -> ^URL {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: URL
- Name: initFileURLWithPath
Syntax Usage
res := self->initFileURLWithPath(path)
URL_initWithString ¶
URL_initWithString :: proc "c" ( self: ^URL, value: ^String, ) -> ^URL {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: URL
- Name: initWithString
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithString(value)
URL_relativePath ¶
URL_relativePath :: proc "c" ( self: ^URL, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: URL
- Name: relativePath
Syntax Usage
res := self->relativePath()
UserDefaults_setBoolForKey ¶
UserDefaults_setBoolForKey :: proc "c" ( self: ^UserDefaults, value: bool, name: ^String, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: UserDefaults
- Name: setBoolForKey
Syntax Usage
self->setBoolForKey( value, name, )
UserDefaults_standardUserDefaults ¶
UserDefaults_standardUserDefaults :: proc "c" () -> ^UserDefaults {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: UserDefaults
- Name: standardUserDefaults
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := UserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
Value_initWithCoder ¶
Value_initWithCoder :: proc "c" ( self: ^Value, coder: ^Coder, ) -> ^Value {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Value
- Name: initWithCoder
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithCoder(coder)
Value_isEqualToValue ¶
Value_isEqualToValue :: proc "c" ( self, other: ^Value, ) -> bool {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Value
- Name: isEqualToValue
Syntax Usage
res := self->isEqualToValue(other)
Value_pointerValue ¶
Value_pointerValue :: proc "c" ( self: ^Value, ) -> rawptr {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Value
- Name: pointerValue
Syntax Usage
res := self->pointerValue()
Value_valueWithPointer ¶
Value_valueWithPointer :: proc "c" ( pointer: rawptr, ) -> ^Value {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Value
- Name: valueWithPointer
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Value.valueWithPointer(pointer)
View_addSubview ¶
View_addSubview :: proc "c" ( self: ^View, view: ^View, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: View
- Name: addSubview
Syntax Usage
View_initWithFrame ¶
View_initWithFrame :: proc "c" ( self: ^View, frame: Rect, ) -> ^View {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: View
- Name: initWithFrame
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithFrame(frame)
View_setWantsLayer ¶
View_setWantsLayer :: proc "c" ( self: ^View, wantsLayer: bool, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: View
- Name: setWantsLayer
Syntax Usage
View_wantsLayer ¶
View_wantsLayer :: proc "c" ( self: ^View, ) -> bool {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: View
- Name: wantsLayer
Syntax Usage
res := self->wantsLayer()
Window_backgroundColor ¶
Window_backgroundColor :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, ) -> ^Color {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: backgroundColor
Syntax Usage
res := self->backgroundColor()
Window_backingScaleFactor ¶
Window_backingScaleFactor :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, ) -> Float {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: backingScaleFactor
Syntax Usage
res := self->backingScaleFactor()
Window_contentLayoutRect ¶
Window_contentLayoutRect :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, ) -> Rect {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: contentLayoutRect
Syntax Usage
res := self->contentLayoutRect()
Window_contentView ¶
Window_contentView :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, ) -> ^View {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: contentView
Syntax Usage
res := self->contentView()
Window_hasCloseBox ¶
Window_hasCloseBox :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, ) -> bool {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: hasCloseBox
Syntax Usage
res := self->hasCloseBox()
Window_hasTitleBar ¶
Window_hasTitleBar :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, ) -> bool {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: hasTitleBar
Syntax Usage
res := self->hasTitleBar()
Window_initWithContentRect ¶
Window_initWithContentRect :: proc( self: ^Window, contentRect: Rect, styleMask: WindowStyleMask, backing: BackingStoreType, doDefer: bool, ) -> ^Window {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: initWithContentRect
Syntax Usage
res := self->initWithContentRect( contentRect, styleMask, backing, doDefer, )
Window_isFloatingPanel ¶
Window_isFloatingPanel :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, ) -> bool {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: isFloatingPanel
Syntax Usage
res := self->isFloatingPanel()
Window_isMiniaturizable ¶
Window_isMiniaturizable :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, ) -> bool {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: isMiniaturizable
Syntax Usage
res := self->isMiniaturizable()
Window_isModalPanel ¶
Window_isModalPanel :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, ) -> bool {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: isModalPanel
Syntax Usage
res := self->isModalPanel()
Window_isResizable ¶
Window_isResizable :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, ) -> bool {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: isResizable
Syntax Usage
res := self->isResizable()
Window_isZoomable ¶
Window_isZoomable :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, ) -> bool {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: isZoomable
Syntax Usage
res := self->isZoomable()
Window_mainMenu ¶
Window_mainMenu :: proc "c" ( self: ^Application, ) -> ^Menu {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Application
- Name: mainMenu
Syntax Usage
res := self->mainMenu()
Window_makeKeyAndOrderFront ¶
Window_makeKeyAndOrderFront :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, key: ^Object, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: makeKeyAndOrderFront
Syntax Usage
Window_orderedIndex ¶
Window_orderedIndex :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, ) -> Integer {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: orderedIndex
Syntax Usage
res := self->orderedIndex()
Window_performWindowDragWithEvent ¶
Window_performWindowDragWithEvent :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, event: ^Event, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: performWindowDragWithEvent
Syntax Usage
Window_performZoom ¶
Window_performZoom :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: performZoom
Syntax Usage
Window_setBackgroundColor ¶
Window_setBackgroundColor :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, color: ^Color, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: setBackgroundColor
Syntax Usage
Window_setContentView ¶
Window_setContentView :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, content_view: ^View, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: setContentView
Syntax Usage
Window_setDelegate ¶
Window_setDelegate :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, delegate: ^WindowDelegate, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: setDelegate
Syntax Usage
Window_setIsMiniaturized ¶
Window_setIsMiniaturized :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, ok: bool, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: setIsMiniaturized
Syntax Usage
Window_setIsVisible ¶
Window_setIsVisible :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, ok: bool, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: setIsVisible
Syntax Usage
Window_setIsZoomed ¶
Window_setIsZoomed :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, ok: bool, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: setIsZoomed
Syntax Usage
Window_setMinSize ¶
Window_setMinSize :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, size: Size, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: setMinSize
Syntax Usage
Window_setMovable ¶
Window_setMovable :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, ok: bool, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: setMovable
Syntax Usage
Window_setMovableByWindowBackground ¶
Window_setMovableByWindowBackground :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, ok: bool, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: setMovableByWindowBackground
Syntax Usage
Window_setStyleMask ¶
Window_setStyleMask :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, style_mask: WindowStyleMask, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: setStyleMask
Syntax Usage
Window_setTitleVisibility ¶
Window_setTitleVisibility :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, visibility: Window_Title_Visibility, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: setTitleVisibility
Syntax Usage
Window_setTitlebarAppearsTransparent ¶
Window_setTitlebarAppearsTransparent :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, ok: bool, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: setTitlebarAppearsTransparent
Syntax Usage
Window_setToolbar ¶
Window_setToolbar :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, toolbar: ^Toolbar, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: setToolbar
Syntax Usage
Window_setWantsLayer ¶
Window_setWantsLayer :: proc "c" ( self: ^Window, ok: bool, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Window
- Name: setWantsLayer
Syntax Usage
application_delegate_register_and_alloc ¶
application_delegate_register_and_alloc :: proc( template: ApplicationDelegateTemplate, class_name: string, delegate_context: runtime.Maybe($T=Context), ) -> ^ApplicationDelegate {…}
autorelease ¶
autorelease :: proc "c" ( self: ^Object, ) {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Object
- Name: autorelease
Syntax Usage
class ¶
class :: proc "c" ( self: ^Object, ) -> ^.objc_class {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Object
- Name: class
Syntax Usage
res := self->class()
class_addMethod ¶
class_addMethod :: proc "c" ( cls: ^.objc_class, name: ^.objc_selector, imp: IMP, types: cstring, ) -> bool ---
class_addProperty ¶
class_addProperty :: proc "c" ( cls: ^.objc_class, name: cstring, attributes: [^]objc_property_attribute_t, attributeCount: uint, ) -> bool ---
class_addProtocol ¶
class_addProtocol :: proc "c" ( cls: ^.objc_class, protocol: ^Protocol, ) -> bool ---
class_conformsToProtocol ¶
class_conformsToProtocol :: proc "c" ( cls: ^.objc_class, protocol: ^Protocol, ) -> bool ---
class_copyIvarList ¶
class_copyIvarList :: proc "c" ( cls: ^.objc_class, outCount: ^uint, ) -> [^]^objc_ivar ---
class_copyMethodList ¶
class_copyMethodList :: proc "c" ( cls: ^.objc_class, outCount: ^uint, ) -> [^]^objc_method ---
class_copyPropertyList ¶
class_copyPropertyList :: proc "c" ( cls: ^.objc_class, outCount: ^uint, ) -> [^]^objc_property ---
class_copyProtocolList ¶
class_copyProtocolList :: proc "c" ( cls: ^.objc_class, outCount: ^uint, ) -> [^]^Protocol ---
class_createInstance ¶
class_createInstance :: proc "c" ( cls: ^.objc_class, extraBytes: uint, ) -> ^.objc_object ---
class_getClassMethod ¶
class_getClassMethod :: proc "c" ( cls: ^.objc_class, name: ^.objc_selector, ) -> ^objc_method ---
class_getClassVariable ¶
class_getClassVariable :: proc "c" ( cls: ^.objc_class, name: cstring, ) -> ^objc_ivar ---
class_getInstanceMethod ¶
class_getInstanceMethod :: proc "c" ( cls: ^.objc_class, name: ^.objc_selector, ) -> ^objc_method ---
class_getInstanceSize ¶
class_getInstanceSize :: proc "c" ( cls: ^.objc_class, ) -> uint ---
class_getInstanceVariable ¶
class_getInstanceVariable :: proc "c" ( cls: ^.objc_class, name: cstring, ) -> ^objc_ivar ---
class_getMethodImplementation ¶
class_getMethodImplementation :: proc "c" ( cls: ^.objc_class, name: ^.objc_selector, ) -> IMP ---
class_getName ¶
class_getName :: proc "c" ( cls: ^.objc_class, ) -> cstring ---
class_getProperty ¶
class_getProperty :: proc "c" ( cls: ^.objc_class, name: cstring, ) -> ^objc_property ---
class_getSuperclass ¶
class_getSuperclass :: proc "c" ( cls: ^.objc_class, ) -> ^.objc_class ---
class_getVersion ¶
class_getVersion :: proc "c" ( cls: ^.objc_class, ) -> i32 ---
class_isMetaClass ¶
class_isMetaClass :: proc "c" ( cls: ^.objc_class, ) -> bool ---
class_replaceMethod ¶
class_replaceMethod :: proc "c" ( cls: ^.objc_class, name: ^.objc_selector, imp: IMP, types: cstring, ) -> IMP ---
class_replaceProperty ¶
class_replaceProperty :: proc "c" ( cls: ^.objc_class, name: cstring, attributes: [^]objc_property_attribute_t, attributeCount: uint, ) ---
class_respondsToSelector ¶
class_respondsToSelector :: proc "c" ( cls: ^.objc_class, sel: ^.objc_selector, ) -> bool ---
class_setVersion ¶
class_setVersion :: proc "c" ( cls: ^.objc_class, version: i32, ) ---
debugDescription ¶
debugDescription :: proc "c" ( self: ^Object, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Object
- Name: debugDescription
Syntax Usage
res := self->debugDescription()
description ¶
description :: proc "c" ( self: ^Object, ) -> ^String {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Object
- Name: description
Syntax Usage
res := self->description()
methodSignatureForSelector ¶
methodSignatureForSelector :: proc "c" ( obj: ^Object, selector: ^.objc_selector, ) -> rawptr {…}
method_copyArgumentType ¶
method_copyArgumentType :: proc "c" ( m: ^objc_method, index: uint, ) -> cstring ---
method_getArgumentType ¶
method_getArgumentType :: proc "c" ( m: ^objc_method, index: uint, dst: cstring, dst_len: uint, ) ---
method_getImplementation ¶
method_getImplementation :: proc "c" ( m: ^objc_method, ) -> IMP ---
method_getNumberOfArguments ¶
method_getNumberOfArguments :: proc "c" ( m: ^objc_method, ) -> uint ---
method_getReturnType ¶
method_getReturnType :: proc "c" ( m: ^objc_method, dst: cstring, dst_len: uint, ) ---
method_setImplementation ¶
method_setImplementation :: proc "c" ( m: ^objc_method, imp: IMP, ) ---
msgSendSafeCheck ¶
msgSendSafeCheck :: proc "c" ( obj: ^Object, selector: ^.objc_selector, ) -> bool {…}
objc_allocateClassPair ¶
objc_allocateClassPair :: proc "c" ( superclass: ^.objc_class, name: cstring, extraBytes: uint, ) -> ^.objc_class ---
objc_constructInstance ¶
objc_constructInstance :: proc "c" ( cls: ^.objc_class, bytes: rawptr, ) -> ^.objc_object ---
objc_copyClassList ¶
objc_copyClassList :: proc "c" ( outCount: ^uint, ) -> [^]^.objc_class ---
objc_destructInstance ¶
objc_destructInstance :: proc "c" ( obj: ^.objc_object, ) -> rawptr ---
objc_disposeClassPair ¶
objc_disposeClassPair :: proc "c" ( cls: ^.objc_class, ) ---
objc_duplicateClass ¶
objc_duplicateClass :: proc "c" ( original: ^.objc_class, name: cstring, extraBytes: uint, ) -> ^.objc_class ---
objc_getAssociatedObject ¶
objc_getAssociatedObject :: proc "c" ( object: ^.objc_object, key: rawptr, ) -> ^.objc_object ---
objc_getClassList ¶
objc_getClassList :: proc "c" ( buffer: [^]^.objc_class, bufferCount: int, ) -> int ---
objc_getMetaClass ¶
objc_getMetaClass :: proc "c" ( name: cstring, ) -> ^.objc_object ---
objc_getRequiredClass ¶
objc_getRequiredClass :: proc "c" ( name: cstring, ) -> ^.objc_class ---
objc_lookUpClass ¶
objc_lookUpClass :: proc "c" ( name: cstring, ) -> ^.objc_class ---
objc_registerClassPair ¶
objc_registerClassPair :: proc "c" ( cls: ^.objc_class, ) ---
objc_removeAssociatedObjects ¶
objc_removeAssociatedObjects :: proc "c" ( object: ^.objc_object, ) ---
objc_setAssociatedObject ¶
objc_setAssociatedObject :: proc "c" ( object: ^.objc_object, key: rawptr, value: ^.objc_object, policy: objc_AssociationPolicy, ) ---
object_copy ¶
object_copy :: proc "c" ( obj: ^.objc_object, size: uint, ) -> ^.objc_object ---
object_dispose ¶
object_dispose :: proc "c" ( obj: ^.objc_object, ) -> ^.objc_object ---
object_getClass ¶
object_getClass :: proc "c" ( obj: ^.objc_object, ) -> ^.objc_class ---
object_getClassName ¶
object_getClassName :: proc "c" ( obj: ^.objc_object, ) -> cstring ---
object_getIndexedIvars ¶
object_getIndexedIvars :: proc "c" ( obj: ^.objc_object, ) -> rawptr ---
object_getInstanceVariable ¶
object_getInstanceVariable :: proc "c" ( obj: ^.objc_object, name: cstring, outValue: rawptr, ) -> ^objc_ivar ---
object_getIvar ¶
object_getIvar :: proc "c" ( obj: ^.objc_object, ivar: ^objc_ivar, ) -> ^.objc_object ---
object_setClass ¶
object_setClass :: proc "c" ( obj: ^.objc_object, cls: ^.objc_class, ) -> ^.objc_class ---
object_setInstanceVariable ¶
object_setInstanceVariable :: proc "c" ( obj: ^.objc_object, name: cstring, value: rawptr, ) -> ^objc_ivar ---
object_setIvar ¶
object_setIvar :: proc "c" ( obj: ^.objc_object, ivar: ^objc_ivar, value: ^.objc_object, ) ---
property_copyAttributeList ¶
property_copyAttributeList :: proc "c" ( property: ^objc_property, outCount: ^uint, ) -> [^]objc_property_attribute_t ---
property_copyAttributeValue ¶
property_copyAttributeValue :: proc "c" ( property: ^objc_property, attributeName: cstring, ) -> cstring ---
property_getAttributes ¶
property_getAttributes :: proc "c" ( property: ^objc_property, ) -> cstring ---
property_getName ¶
property_getName :: proc "c" ( property: ^objc_property, ) -> cstring ---
respondsToSelector ¶
respondsToSelector :: proc "c" ( obj: ^Object, selector: ^.objc_selector, ) -> bool {…}
retainCount ¶
retainCount :: proc "c" ( self: ^Object, ) -> UInteger {…}
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Object
- Name: retainCount
Syntax Usage
res := self->retainCount()
scoped_autoreleasepool ¶
scoped_autoreleasepool :: proc "c" () -> ^AutoreleasePool {…}
sel_getName ¶
sel_getName :: proc "c" ( sel: ^.objc_selector, ) -> cstring ---
sel_isEqual ¶
sel_isEqual :: proc "c" ( lhs, rhs: ^.objc_selector, ) -> bool ---
sel_registerName ¶
sel_registerName :: proc "c" ( name: cstring, ) -> ^.objc_selector ---
window_delegate_register_and_alloc ¶
window_delegate_register_and_alloc :: proc( template: WindowDelegateTemplate, class_name: string, delegate_context: runtime.Maybe($T=Context), ) -> ^WindowDelegate {…}
Procedure Groups
Number_number ¶
Number_number :: proc{ Number_numberWithI8, Number_numberWithU8, Number_numberWithI16, Number_numberWithU16, Number_numberWithI32, Number_numberWithU32, Number_numberWithInt, Number_numberWithUint, Number_numberWithU64, Number_numberWithI64, Number_numberWithF32, Number_numberWithF64, Number_numberWithBool, }
Objective-C Method Information
- Class: Number
- Name: number
- Kind: Class Method
Syntax Usage
res := Number.number(value) res := Number.number(value) res := Number.number(value) res := Number.number(value) res := Number.number(value) res := Number.number(value) res := Number.number(value) res := Number.number(value) res := Number.number(value) res := Number.number(value) res := Number.number(value) res := Number.number(value) res := Number.number(value)
Source Files
- NSApplication.odin
- NSArray.odin
- NSAutoreleasePool.odin
- NSBlock.odin
- NSBundle.odin
- NSColor.odin
- NSData.odin
- NSDate.odin
- NSDictionary.odin
- NSEnumerator.odin
- NSError.odin
- NSEvent.odin
- NSLock.odin
- NSMenu.odin
- NSNotification.odin
- NSNumber.odin
- NSObject.odin
- NSObjectProtocol.odin
- NSOpenPanel.odin
- NSPanel.odin
- NSPasteboard.odin
- NSProcessInfo.odin
- NSRange.odin
- NSSavePanel.odin
- NSScreen.odin
- NSSet.odin
- NSString.odin
- NSToolbar.odin
- NSTypes.odin
- NSURL.odin
- NSURLRequest.odin
- NSURLResponse.odin
- NSUndoManager.odin
- NSUserActivity.odin
- NSUserDefaults.odin
- NSWindow.odin
- objc.odin
Generation Information
Generated with odin version dev-2025-02 (vendor "odin") Windows_amd64 @ 2025-02-11 21:11:56.713294000 +0000 UTC