package core:sort
Types (1)
Constants (0)
This section is empty.
Variables (0)
This section is empty.
Procedures (32)
- bubble_sort
- bubble_sort_proc
- compare_bools
- compare_f32s
- compare_f64s
- compare_i16s
- compare_i32s
- compare_i64s
- compare_i8s
- compare_ints
- compare_strings
- compare_u16s
- compare_u32s
- compare_u64s
- compare_u8s
- compare_uints
- heap_sort
- heap_sort_proc
- is_sorted
- merge_sort
- merge_sort_proc
- quick_sort
- quick_sort_proc
- reverse_interface
- reverse_slice
- reverse_sort
- rotate
- slice
- slice_interface
- sort
- swap_range
Procedure Groups (0)
This section is empty.
Interface ¶
Interface :: struct { len: proc(it: Interface) -> int, less: proc(it: Interface, i, j: int) -> bool, swap: proc(it: Interface, i, j: int), collection: rawptr, }
Related Procedures With Parameters
Related Procedures With Returns
This section is empty.
This section is empty.
ORD :: intrinsics.type_is_ordered
bubble_sort ¶
bubble_sort :: proc(array: $A/container_small_array.Small_Array) {…}
bubble_sort_proc ¶
bubble_sort_proc :: proc(array: $A/container_small_array.Small_Array, f: proc($T, $T) -> int) {…}
heap_sort ¶
heap_sort :: proc(array: $A/container_small_array.Small_Array) {…}
heap_sort_proc ¶
heap_sort_proc :: proc(array: $A/container_small_array.Small_Array, f: proc($T, $T) -> int) {…}
merge_sort ¶
merge_sort :: proc(array: $A/container_small_array.Small_Array) {…}
merge_sort_proc ¶
merge_sort_proc :: proc(array: $A/container_small_array.Small_Array, f: proc($T, $T) -> int) {…}
quick_sort ¶
quick_sort :: proc(array: $A/container_small_array.Small_Array) {…}
quick_sort_proc ¶
quick_sort_proc :: proc(array: $A/container_small_array.Small_Array, f: proc($T, $T) -> int) {…}
reverse_slice ¶
reverse_slice :: proc(array: $T) {…}
reverse_sort ¶
reverse_sort :: proc(it: Interface) {…}
slice_interface ¶
slice_interface :: proc(s: ^$T) -> Interface {…}
sort ¶
sort :: proc(it: Interface) {…}
sort sorts an Interface This sort is not guaranteed to be stable
Procedure Groups
This section is empty.
Source Files
Generation Information
Generated with odin version dev-2025-03 (vendor "odin") Windows_amd64 @ 2025-03-25 21:11:15.451373400 +0000 UTC