package core:sys/freebsd

Warning: This was generated for -target:freebsd_amd64 and might not represent every target this package supports.



    Types (54)
    Variables (0)

    This section is empty.

    Procedure Groups (2)


    Address_Family ¶

    Address_Family :: enum sa_family_t {
    	UNSPEC      = 0, 
    	LOCAL       = 1, 
    	UNIX        = 1, 
    	INET        = 2, 
    	IMPLINK     = 3, 
    	PUP         = 4, 
    	CHAOS       = 5, 
    	NETBIOS     = 6, 
    	ISO         = 7, 
    	OSI         = 7, 
    	ECMA        = 8, 
    	DATAKIT     = 9, 
    	CCITT       = 10, 
    	SNA         = 11, 
    	DECnet      = 12, 
    	DLI         = 13, 
    	LAT         = 14, 
    	HYLINK      = 15, 
    	APPLETALK   = 16, 
    	ROUTE       = 17, 
    	LINK        = 18, 
    	PSEUDO_XTP  = 19, 
    	COIP        = 20, 
    	CNT         = 21, 
    	PSEUDO_RTIP = 22, 
    	IPX         = 23, 
    	SIP         = 24, 
    	PSEUDO_PIP  = 25, 
    	ISDN        = 26, 
    	E164        = 26, 
    	PSEUDO_KEY  = 27, 
    	INET6       = 28, 
    	NATM        = 29, 
    	ATM         = 30, 
    	NETGRAPH    = 32, 
    	SLOW        = 33, 
    	SCLUSTER    = 34, 
    	ARP         = 35, 
    	BLUETOOTH   = 36, 
    	IEEE80211   = 37, 
    	NETLINK     = 38, 
    	INET_SDP    = 40, 
    	INET6_SDP   = 42, 
    	HYPERV      = 43, 
    	DIVERT      = 44, 
    	MAX         = 44, 
    	VENDOR00    = 39, 
    	VENDOR01    = 41, 
    	VENDOR03    = 45, 
    	VENDOR04    = 47, 
    	VENDOR05    = 49, 
    	VENDOR06    = 51, 
    	VENDOR07    = 53, 
    	VENDOR08    = 55, 
    	VENDOR09    = 57, 
    	VENDOR10    = 59, 
    	VENDOR11    = 61, 
    	VENDOR12    = 63, 
    	VENDOR13    = 65, 
    	VENDOR14    = 67, 
    	VENDOR15    = 69, 
    	VENDOR16    = 71, 
    	VENDOR17    = 73, 
    	VENDOR18    = 75, 
    	VENDOR19    = 77, 
    	VENDOR20    = 79, 
    	VENDOR21    = 81, 
    	VENDOR22    = 83, 
    	VENDOR23    = 85, 
    	VENDOR24    = 87, 
    	VENDOR25    = 89, 
    	VENDOR26    = 91, 
    	VENDOR27    = 93, 
    	VENDOR28    = 95, 
    	VENDOR29    = 97, 
    	VENDOR30    = 99, 
    	VENDOR31    = 101, 
    	VENDOR32    = 103, 
    	VENDOR33    = 105, 
    	VENDOR34    = 107, 
    	VENDOR35    = 109, 
    	VENDOR36    = 111, 
    	VENDOR37    = 113, 
    	VENDOR38    = 115, 
    	VENDOR39    = 117, 
    	VENDOR40    = 119, 
    	VENDOR41    = 121, 
    	VENDOR42    = 123, 
    	VENDOR43    = 125, 
    	VENDOR44    = 127, 
    	VENDOR45    = 129, 
    	VENDOR46    = 131, 
    	VENDOR47    = 133, 

    #define AF_*

    Errno ¶

    Errno :: enum i32 {
    	NONE            = 0, 
    	EPERM           = 1, 
    	ENOENT          = 2, 
    	ESRCH           = 3, 
    	EINTR           = 4, 
    	EIO             = 5, 
    	ENXIO           = 6, 
    	E2BIG           = 7, 
    	ENOEXEC         = 8, 
    	EBADF           = 9, 
    	ECHILD          = 10, 
    	EDEADLK         = 11, 
    	ENOMEM          = 12, 
    	EACCES          = 13, 
    	EFAULT          = 14, 
    	ENOTBLK         = 15, 
    	EBUSY           = 16, 
    	EEXIST          = 17, 
    	EXDEV           = 18, 
    	ENODEV          = 19, 
    	ENOTDIR         = 20, 
    	EISDIR          = 21, 
    	EINVAL          = 22, 
    	ENFILE          = 23, 
    	EMFILE          = 24, 
    	ENOTTY          = 25, 
    	ETXTBSY         = 26, 
    	EFBIG           = 27, 
    	ENOSPC          = 28, 
    	ESPIPE          = 29, 
    	EROFS           = 30, 
    	EMLINK          = 31, 
    	EPIPE           = 32, 
    	EDOM            = 33, 
    	ERANGE          = 34, 
    	EAGAIN          = 35, 
    	EWOULDBLOCK     = 35, 
    	EINPROGRESS     = 36, 
    	EALREADY        = 37, 
    	ENOTSOCK        = 38, 
    	EDESTADDRREQ    = 39, 
    	EMSGSIZE        = 40, 
    	EPROTOTYPE      = 41, 
    	ENOPROTOOPT     = 42, 
    	EOPNOTSUPP      = 45, 
    	ENOTSUP         = 45, 
    	EPFNOSUPPORT    = 46, 
    	EAFNOSUPPORT    = 47, 
    	EADDRINUSE      = 48, 
    	EADDRNOTAVAIL   = 49, 
    	ENETDOWN        = 50, 
    	ENETUNREACH     = 51, 
    	ENETRESET       = 52, 
    	ECONNABORTED    = 53, 
    	ECONNRESET      = 54, 
    	ENOBUFS         = 55, 
    	EISCONN         = 56, 
    	ENOTCONN        = 57, 
    	ESHUTDOWN       = 58, 
    	ETOOMANYREFS    = 59, 
    	ETIMEDOUT       = 60, 
    	ECONNREFUSED    = 61, 
    	ELOOP           = 62, 
    	ENAMETOOLONG    = 63, 
    	EHOSTDOWN       = 64, 
    	EHOSTUNREACH    = 65, 
    	ENOTEMPTY       = 66, 
    	EPROCLIM        = 67, 
    	EUSERS          = 68, 
    	EDQUOT          = 69, 
    	ESTALE          = 70, 
    	EREMOTE         = 71, 
    	EBADRPC         = 72, 
    	ERPCMISMATCH    = 73, 
    	EPROGUNAVAIL    = 74, 
    	EPROGMISMATCH   = 75, 
    	EPROCUNAVAIL    = 76, 
    	ENOLCK          = 77, 
    	ENOSYS          = 78, 
    	EFTYPE          = 79, 
    	EAUTH           = 80, 
    	ENEEDAUTH       = 81, 
    	EIDRM           = 82, 
    	ENOMSG          = 83, 
    	EOVERFLOW       = 84, 
    	ECANCELED       = 85, 
    	EILSEQ          = 86, 
    	ENOATTR         = 87, 
    	EDOOFUS         = 88, 
    	EBADMSG         = 89, 
    	EMULTIHOP       = 90, 
    	ENOLINK         = 91, 
    	EPROTO          = 92, 
    	ENOTCAPABLE     = 93, 
    	ECAPMODE        = 94, 
    	EOWNERDEAD      = 96, 
    	EINTEGRITY      = 97, 
    Related Procedures With Returns

    File_Control_Command ¶

    File_Control_Command :: enum i32 {
    	DUPFD          = 0,  // duplicate file descriptor
    	GETFD          = 1,  // get file descriptor flags
    	SETFD          = 2,  // set file descriptor flags
    	GETFL          = 3,  // get file status flags
    	SETFL          = 4,  // set file status flags
    	GETOWN         = 5,  // get SIGIO/SIGURG proc/pgrp
    	SETOWN         = 6,  // set SIGIO/SIGURG proc/pgrp
    	OGETLK         = 7,  // get record locking information
    	OSETLK         = 8,  // set record locking information
    	OSETLKW        = 9,  // F_SETLK; wait if blocked
    	DUP2FD         = 10, // duplicate file descriptor to arg
    	GETLK          = 11, // get record locking information
    	SETLK          = 12, // set record locking information
    	SETLKW         = 13, // F_SETLK; wait if blocked
    	SETLK_REMOTE   = 14, // debugging support for remote locks
    	READAHEAD      = 15, // read ahead
    	RDAHEAD        = 16, // Darwin compatible read ahead
    	DUPFD_CLOEXEC  = 17, // Like F_DUPFD, but FD_CLOEXEC is set
    	DUP2FD_CLOEXEC = 18, // Like F_DUP2FD, but FD_CLOEXEC is set
    	ADD_SEALS      = 19, 
    	GET_SEALS      = 20, 
    	ISUNIONSTACK   = 21, // Kludge for libc, don't use it.
    	KINFO          = 22, // Return kinfo_file for this fd

    command values #define F_*

    Related Procedures With Parameters

    File_Lock ¶

    File_Lock :: struct {
    	start:  off_t,
    	// starting offset 
    	len:    off_t,
    	// len = 0 means until end of file 
    	pid:    pid_t,
    	// lock owner 
    	type:   Record_Lock_Flag,
    	// lock type: read/write, etc. 
    	whence: i16,
    	// type of l_start 
    	sysid:  i32,

    struct flock

    Related Procedures With Parameters

    File_Seal_Index ¶

    File_Seal_Index :: enum i32 {
    	SEAL   = 0, // 0x0001, /* Prevent adding sealings */
    	SHRINK = 1, // 0x0002, /* May not shrink */
    	GROW   = 2, // 0x0004, /* May not grow */
    	WRITE  = 3, // 0x0008, /* May not write */

    Seals (F_ADD_SEALS, F_GET_SEALS). #define F_SEAL_*

    File_Seals ¶

    File_Seals :: bit_set[File_Seal_Index; i32]

    File_Status_Flag ¶

    File_Status_Flag :: enum i32 {
    	// open-only flags 
    	RDONLY          = 0,        // open for reading only
    	WRONLY          = 1,        // open for writing only
    	RDWR            = 2,        // open for reading and writing
    	ACCMODE         = 3,        // mask for above modes
    	NONBLOCK        = 4,        // no delay
    	APPEND          = 8,        // set append mode
    	SHLOCK          = 16,       // open with shared file lock
    	EXLOCK          = 32,       // open with exclusive file lock
    	ASYNC           = 64,       // signal pgrp when data ready
    	FSYNC           = 128,      // synchronous writes
    	SYNC            = 128,      // POSIX synonym for O_FSYNC
    	NOFOLLOW        = 256,      // don't follow symlinks
    	CREAT           = 512,      // create if nonexistent
    	TRUNC           = 1024,     // truncate to zero length
    	EXCL            = 2048,     // error if already exists
    	// Defined by POSIX 1003.1; BSD default, but must be distinct from O_RDONLY. 
    	NOCTTY          = 32768,    // don't assign controlling terminal
    	// Attempt to bypass buffer cache 
    	DIRECT          = 65536, 
    	DIRECTORY       = 131072,   // Fail if not directory
    	EXEC            = 262144,   // Open for execute only
    	SEARCH          = 262144, 
    	// Defined by POSIX 1003.1-2008; BSD default, but reserve for future use. 
    	TTY_INIT        = 524288,   // Restore default termios attributes
    	CLOEXEC         = 1048576, 
    	VERIFY          = 2097152,  // open only after verification
    	PATH            = 4194304,  // fd is only a path
    	RESOLVE_BENEATH = 8388608,  // Do not allow name resolution to walk out of cwd
    	DSYNC           = 16777216, // POSIX data sync
    	EMPTY_PATH      = 33554432, 

    * File status flags: these are used by open(2), fcntl(2). * They are also used (indirectly) in the kernel file structure f_flags, * which is a superset of the open/fcntl flags. Open flags and f_flags * are inter-convertible using OFLAGS(fflags) and FFLAGS(oflags). * Open/fcntl flags begin with O_; kernel-internal flags begin with F.

    File_Status_Flags ¶

    File_Status_Flags :: bit_set[File_Status_Index; i32]

    File_Status_Index ¶

    File_Status_Index :: enum i32 {
    	// The comments below come from the documentation for `fcntl`.
    	WRONLY          = 0, 
    	RDWR            = 1, 
    	// Non-blocking I/O; if no data is available to a read(2)
    	// 	   system call, or if a write(2) operation would block, the
    	// 	   read or write call returns -1 with the error EAGAIN. 
    	NONBLOCK        = 2, 
    	// Force each write to append at the end of file; corresponds
    	// 	   to the O_APPEND flag of open(2). 
    	APPEND          = 3, 
    	SHLOCK          = 4, 
    	EXLOCK          = 5, 
    	// Enable the SIGIO signal to be sent to the process group when
    	// 	   I/O is possible, e.g., upon availability of data to be read. 
    	ASYNC           = 6, 
    	// Enable synchronous writes.  Corresponds to the O_SYNC flag
    	// 	   of open(2).  O_FSYNC is an historical synonym for O_SYNC. 
    	SYNC            = 7, 
    	FSYNC           = 7, 
    	NOFOLLOW        = 8, 
    	CREAT           = 9, 
    	TRUNC           = 10, 
    	EXCL            = 11, 
    	NOCTTY          = 15, 
    	// Minimize or eliminate the cache effects of reading and
    	// 	   writing.  The system will attempt to avoid caching the data
    	// 	   you read or write.  If it cannot avoid caching the data, it
    	// 	   will minimize the impact the data has on the cache.  Use of
    	// 	   this flag can drastically reduce performance if not used
    	// 	   with care. 
    	DIRECT          = 16, 
    	DIRECTORY       = 17, 
    	EXEC            = 18, 
    	TTY_INIT        = 19, 
    	CLOEXEC         = 20, 
    	VERIFY          = 21, 
    	PATH            = 22, 
    	// Enable synchronous data writes.  Corresponds to the O_DSYNC
    	// 	   flag of open(2). 
    	DSYNC           = 24, 
    	EMPTY_PATH      = 25, 

    IP4_Address ¶

    IP4_Address :: struct #raw_union {
    	// NOTE(Feoramund): I have modified this struct from its C definition by
    	// introducing the byte variant to make it easier to work with.
    	addr8:  [4]u8,
    	addr32: in_addr_t,

    Internet address (a structure for historical reasons). struct in_addr

    IP6_Address ¶

    IP6_Address :: struct #raw_union {
    	addr8:  [16]u8,
    	addr16: [8]u16be,
    	addr32: [4]u32be,

    * IPv6 address

    struct in6_addr

    Interface_Address_Message_Header_Len ¶

    Interface_Address_Message_Header_Len :: struct {
    	msglen:   u16,
    	// to skip over non-understood messages 
    	version:  u8,
    	// future binary compatibility 
    	type:     u8,
    	// message type 
    	addrs:    bit_set[Route_Address_Index; i32],
    	// like rtm_addrs 
    	flags:    i32,
    	// value of ifa_flags 
    	index:    u16,
    	// index for associated ifp 
    	_spare1:  u16,
    	// spare space to grow if_index, see if_var.h 
    	len:      u16,
    	// length of ifa_msghdrl incl. if_data 
    	data_off: u16,
    	// offset of if_data from beginning 
    	metric:   i32,
    	// value of ifa_ifp->if_metric 
    	data:     Interface_Data,

    * The 'l' version shall be used by new interfaces, like NET_RT_IFLISTL. It is * extensible after ifam_metric or within ifam_data. Both the ifa_msghdrl and * if_data now have a member field detailing the struct length in addition to * the routing message length. Macros are provided to find the start of * ifm_data and the start of the socket address strucutres immediately following * struct ifa_msghdrl given a pointer to struct ifa_msghdrl.

    struct ifa_msghdrl

    Interface_Data ¶

    Interface_Data :: struct {
    	// generic interface information 
    	type:        u8,
    	// ethernet, tokenring, etc 
    	physical:    u8,
    	// e.g., AUI, Thinnet, 10base-T, etc 
    	addrlen:     u8,
    	// media address length 
    	hdrlen:      u8,
    	// media header length 
    	link_state:  Link_State,
    	// current link state 
    	vhid:        u8,
    	// carp vhid 
    	datalen:     u16,
    	// length of this data struct 
    	mtu:         u32,
    	// maximum transmission unit 
    	metric:      u32,
    	// routing metric (external only) 
    	baudrate:    u64,
    	// volatile statistics 
    	ipackets:    u64,
    	// packets received on interface 
    	ierrors:     u64,
    	// input errors on interface 
    	opackets:    u64,
    	// packets sent on interface 
    	oerrors:     u64,
    	// output errors on interface 
    	collisions:  u64,
    	// collisions on csma interfaces 
    	ibytes:      u64,
    	// total number of octets received 
    	obytes:      u64,
    	// total number of octets sent 
    	imcasts:     u64,
    	// packets received via multicast 
    	omcasts:     u64,
    	// packets sent via multicast 
    	iqdrops:     u64,
    	// dropped on input 
    	oqdrops:     u64,
    	// dropped on output 
    	noproto:     u64,
    	// destined for unsupported protocol 
    	hwassist:    u64,
    	// Unions are here to make sizes MI. 
    	_epoch:      struct #raw_union {
    		// uptime at attach or stat reset 
    		tt: time_t,
    		ph: u64,
    	_lastchange: struct #raw_union {
    		// time of last administrative change 
    		tv: timeval,
    		ph: struct {
    			ph1: u64,
    			ph2: u64,

    * Structure describing information about an interface * which may be of interest to management entities.

    struct if_data

    Interface_Message_Header_Len ¶

    Interface_Message_Header_Len :: struct {
    	msglen:   u16,
    	// to skip over non-understood messages 
    	version:  u8,
    	// future binary compatibility 
    	type:     u8,
    	// message type 
    	addrs:    bit_set[Route_Address_Index; i32],
    	// like rtm_addrs 
    	flags:    i32,
    	// value of if_flags 
    	index:    u16,
    	// index for associated ifp 
    	_spare1:  u16,
    	// spare space to grow if_index, see if_var.h 
    	len:      u16,
    	// length of if_msghdrl incl. if_data 
    	data_off: u16,
    	// offset of if_data from beginning 
    	_spare2:  i32,
    	data:     Interface_Data,

    * The 'l' version shall be used by new interfaces, like NET_RT_IFLISTL. It is * extensible after ifm_data_off or within ifm_data. Both the if_msghdr and * if_data now have a member field detailing the struct length in addition to * the routing message length. Macros are provided to find the start of * ifm_data and the start of the socket address strucutres immediately following * struct if_msghdrl given a pointer to struct if_msghdrl.

    struct if_msghdrl

    Interface_Type ¶

    Interface_Type :: enum u8 {
    	OTHER                         = 1,   // none of the following
    	ARPA_1822                     = 2,   // old-style arpanet imp
    	HDH1822                       = 3,   // HDH arpanet imp
    	X25DDN                        = 4,   // x25 to imp
    	X25                           = 5,   // PDN X25 interface (RFC877)
    	ETHER                         = 6,   // Ethernet CSMA/CD
    	ISO88023                      = 7,   // CMSA/CD
    	ISO88024                      = 8,   // Token Bus
    	ISO88025                      = 9,   // Token Ring
    	ISO88026                      = 10,  // MAN
    	STARLAN                       = 11, 
    	P10                           = 12,  // Proteon 10MBit ring
    	P80                           = 13,  // Proteon 80MBit ring
    	HY                            = 14,  // Hyperchannel
    	FDDI                          = 15, 
    	LAPB                          = 16, 
    	SDLC                          = 17, 
    	T1                            = 18, 
    	CEPT                          = 19,  // E1 - european T1
    	ISDNBASIC                     = 20, 
    	ISDNPRIMARY                   = 21, 
    	PTPSERIAL                     = 22,  // Proprietary PTP serial
    	PPP                           = 23,  // RFC 1331
    	LOOP                          = 24,  // loopback
    	EON                           = 25,  // ISO over IP
    	XETHER                        = 26,  // obsolete 3MB experimental ethernet
    	NSIP                          = 27,  // XNS over IP
    	SLIP                          = 28,  // IP over generic TTY
    	ULTRA                         = 29,  // Ultra Technologies
    	DS3                           = 30,  // Generic T3
    	SIP                           = 31,  // SMDS
    	FRELAY                        = 32,  // Frame Relay DTE only
    	RS232                         = 33, 
    	PARA                          = 34,  // parallel-port
    	ARCNET                        = 35, 
    	ARCNETPLUS                    = 36, 
    	ATM                           = 37,  // ATM cells
    	MIOX25                        = 38, 
    	SONET                         = 39,  // SONET or SDH
    	X25PLE                        = 40, 
    	ISO88022LLC                   = 41, 
    	LOCALTALK                     = 42, 
    	SMDSDXI                       = 43, 
    	FRELAYDCE                     = 44,  // Frame Relay DCE
    	V35                           = 45, 
    	HSSI                          = 46, 
    	HIPPI                         = 47, 
    	MODEM                         = 48,  // Generic Modem
    	AAL5                          = 49,  // AAL5 over ATM
    	SONETPATH                     = 50, 
    	SONETVT                       = 51, 
    	SMDSICIP                      = 52,  // SMDS InterCarrier Interface
    	PROPVIRTUAL                   = 53,  // Proprietary Virtual/internal
    	PROPMUX                       = 54,  // Proprietary Multiplexing
    	IEEE80212                     = 55,  // 100BaseVG
    	FIBRECHANNEL                  = 56,  // Fibre Channel
    	HIPPIINTERFACE                = 57,  // HIPPI interfaces
    	FRAMERELAYINTERCONNECT        = 58,  // Obsolete, use 0x20 either 0x2c
    	AFLANE8023                    = 59,  // ATM Emulated LAN for 802.3
    	AFLANE8025                    = 60,  // ATM Emulated LAN for 802.5
    	CCTEMUL                       = 61,  // ATM Emulated circuit
    	FASTETHER                     = 62,  // Fast Ethernet (100BaseT)
    	ISDN                          = 63,  // ISDN and X.25
    	V11                           = 64,  // CCITT V.11/X.21
    	V36                           = 65,  // CCITT V.36
    	G703AT64K                     = 66,  // CCITT G703 at 64Kbps
    	G703AT2MB                     = 67,  // Obsolete see DS1-MIB
    	QLLC                          = 68,  // SNA QLLC
    	FASTETHERFX                   = 69,  // Fast Ethernet (100BaseFX)
    	CHANNEL                       = 70,  // channel
    	IEEE80211                     = 71,  // radio spread spectrum (unused)
    	IBM370PARCHAN                 = 72,  // IBM System 360/370 OEMI Channel
    	ESCON                         = 73,  // IBM Enterprise Systems Connection
    	DLSW                          = 74,  // Data Link Switching
    	ISDNS                         = 75,  // ISDN S/T interface
    	ISDNU                         = 76,  // ISDN U interface
    	LAPD                          = 77,  // Link Access Protocol D
    	IPSWITCH                      = 78,  // IP Switching Objects
    	RSRB                          = 79,  // Remote Source Route Bridging
    	ATMLOGICAL                    = 80,  // ATM Logical Port
    	DS0                           = 81,  // Digital Signal Level 0
    	DS0BUNDLE                     = 82,  // group of ds0s on the same ds1
    	BSC                           = 83,  // Bisynchronous Protocol
    	ASYNC                         = 84,  // Asynchronous Protocol
    	CNR                           = 85,  // Combat Net Radio
    	ISO88025DTR                   = 86,  // ISO 802.5r DTR
    	EPLRS                         = 87,  // Ext Pos Loc Report Sys
    	ARAP                          = 88,  // Appletalk Remote Access Protocol
    	PROPCNLS                      = 89,  // Proprietary Connectionless Protocol
    	HOSTPAD                       = 90,  // CCITT-ITU X.29 PAD Protocol
    	TERMPAD                       = 91,  // CCITT-ITU X.3 PAD Facility
    	FRAMERELAYMPI                 = 92,  // Multiproto Interconnect over FR
    	X213                          = 93,  // CCITT-ITU X213
    	ADSL                          = 94,  // Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop
    	RADSL                         = 95,  // Rate-Adapt. Digital Subscriber Loop
    	SDSL                          = 96,  // Symmetric Digital Subscriber Loop
    	VDSL                          = 97,  // Very H-Speed Digital Subscrib. Loop
    	ISO88025CRFPINT               = 98,  // ISO 802.5 CRFP
    	MYRINET                       = 99,  // Myricom Myrinet
    	VOICEEM                       = 100, // voice recEive and transMit
    	VOICEFXO                      = 101, // voice Foreign Exchange Office
    	VOICEFXS                      = 102, // voice Foreign Exchange Station
    	VOICEENCAP                    = 103, // voice encapsulation
    	VOICEOVERIP                   = 104, // voice over IP encapsulation
    	ATMDXI                        = 105, // ATM DXI
    	ATMFUNI                       = 106, // ATM FUNI
    	ATMIMA                        = 107, // ATM IMA
    	PPPMULTILINKBUNDLE            = 108, // PPP Multilink Bundle
    	IPOVERCDLC                    = 109, // IBM ipOverCdlc
    	IPOVERCLAW                    = 110, // IBM Common Link Access to Workstn
    	STACKTOSTACK                  = 111, // IBM stackToStack
    	VIRTUALIPADDRESS              = 112, // IBM VIPA
    	MPC                           = 113, // IBM multi-protocol channel support
    	IPOVERATM                     = 114, // IBM ipOverAtm
    	ISO88025FIBER                 = 115, // ISO 802.5j Fiber Token Ring
    	TDLC                          = 116, // IBM twinaxial data link control
    	GIGABITETHERNET               = 117, // Gigabit Ethernet
    	HDLC                          = 118, // HDLC
    	LAPF                          = 119, // LAP F
    	V37                           = 120, // V.37
    	X25MLP                        = 121, // Multi-Link Protocol
    	X25HUNTGROUP                  = 122, // X25 Hunt Group
    	TRANSPHDLC                    = 123, // Transp HDLC
    	INTERLEAVE                    = 124, // Interleave channel
    	FAST                          = 125, // Fast channel
    	IP                            = 126, // IP (for APPN HPR in IP networks)
    	DOCSCABLEMACLAYER             = 127, // CATV Mac Layer
    	DOCSCABLEDOWNSTREAM           = 128, // CATV Downstream interface
    	DOCSCABLEUPSTREAM             = 129, // CATV Upstream interface
    	A12MPPSWITCH                  = 130, // Avalon Parallel Processor
    	TUNNEL                        = 131, // Encapsulation interface
    	COFFEE                        = 132, // coffee pot
    	CES                           = 133, // Circiut Emulation Service
    	ATMSUBINTERFACE               = 134, // (x)  ATM Sub Interface
    	L2VLAN                        = 135, // Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q
    	L3IPVLAN                      = 136, // Layer 3 Virtual LAN - IP Protocol
    	L3IPXVLAN                     = 137, // Layer 3 Virtual LAN - IPX Prot.
    	DIGITALPOWERLINE              = 138, // IP over Power Lines
    	MEDIAMAILOVERIP               = 139, // (xxx)  Multimedia Mail over IP
    	DTM                           = 140, // Dynamic synchronous Transfer Mode
    	DCN                           = 141, // Data Communications Network
    	IPFORWARD                     = 142, // IP Forwarding Interface
    	MSDSL                         = 143, // Multi-rate Symmetric DSL
    	IEEE1394                      = 144, // IEEE1394 High Performance SerialBus
    	IFGSN                         = 145, // HIPPI-6400
    	DVBRCCMACLAYER                = 146, // DVB-RCC MAC Layer
    	DVBRCCDOWNSTREAM              = 147, // DVB-RCC Downstream Channel
    	DVBRCCUPSTREAM                = 148, // DVB-RCC Upstream Channel
    	ATMVIRTUAL                    = 149, // ATM Virtual Interface
    	MPLSTUNNEL                    = 150, // MPLS Tunnel Virtual Interface
    	SRP                           = 151, // Spatial Reuse Protocol
    	VOICEOVERATM                  = 152, // Voice over ATM
    	VOICEOVERFRAMERELAY           = 153, // Voice Over Frame Relay
    	IDSL                          = 154, // Digital Subscriber Loop over ISDN
    	COMPOSITELINK                 = 155, // Avici Composite Link Interface
    	SS7SIGLINK                    = 156, // SS7 Signaling Link
    	PROPWIRELESSP2P               = 157, // Prop. P2P wireless interface
    	FRFORWARD                     = 158, // Frame forward Interface
    	RFC1483                       = 159, // Multiprotocol over ATM AAL5
    	USB                           = 160, // USB Interface
    	IEEE8023ADLAG                 = 161, // IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregate
    	BGPPOLICYACCOUNTING           = 162, // BGP Policy Accounting
    	FRF16MFRBUNDLE                = 163, // FRF.16 Multilink Frame Relay
    	H323GATEKEEPER                = 164, // H323 Gatekeeper
    	H323PROXY                     = 165, // H323 Voice and Video Proxy
    	MPLS                          = 166, // MPLS
    	MFSIGLINK                     = 167, // Multi-frequency signaling link
    	HDSL2                         = 168, // High Bit-Rate DSL, 2nd gen.
    	SHDSL                         = 169, // Multirate HDSL2
    	DS1FDL                        = 170, // Facility Data Link (4Kbps) on a DS1
    	POS                           = 171, // Packet over SONET/SDH Interface
    	DVBASILN                      = 172, // DVB-ASI Input
    	DVBASIOUT                     = 173, // DVB-ASI Output
    	PLC                           = 174, // Power Line Communications
    	NFAS                          = 175, // Non-Facility Associated Signaling
    	TR008                         = 176, // TROO8
    	GR303RDT                      = 177, // Remote Digital Terminal
    	GR303IDT                      = 178, // Integrated Digital Terminal
    	ISUP                          = 179, // ISUP
    	PROPDOCSWIRELESSMACLAYER      = 180, // prop/Wireless MAC Layer
    	PROPDOCSWIRELESSDOWNSTREAM    = 181, // prop/Wireless Downstream
    	PROPDOCSWIRELESSUPSTREAM      = 182, // prop/Wireless Upstream
    	HIPERLAN2                     = 183, // HIPERLAN Type 2 Radio Interface
    	PROPBWAP2MP                   = 184, // PropBroadbandWirelessAccess P2MP
    	SONETOVERHEADCHANNEL          = 185, // SONET Overhead Channel
    	DIGITALWRAPPEROVERHEADCHANNEL = 186, // Digital Wrapper Overhead
    	AAL2                          = 187, // ATM adaptation layer 2
    	RADIOMAC                      = 188, // MAC layer over radio links
    	ATMRADIO                      = 189, // ATM over radio links
    	IMT                           = 190, // Inter-Machine Trunks
    	MVL                           = 191, // Multiple Virtual Lines DSL
    	REACHDSL                      = 192, // Long Reach DSL
    	FRDLCIENDPT                   = 193, // Frame Relay DLCI End Point
    	ATMVCIENDPT                   = 194, // ATM VCI End Point
    	OPTICALCHANNEL                = 195, // Optical Channel
    	OPTICALTRANSPORT              = 196, // Optical Transport
    	INFINIBAND                    = 199, // Infiniband
    	INFINIBANDLAG                 = 200, // Infiniband Link Aggregate
    	BRIDGE                        = 209, // Transparent bridge interface
    	STF                           = 215, // 6to4 interface
    	// 	 * Not based on IANA assignments.  Conflicting with IANA assignments.
    	// 	 * We should make them negative probably.
    	// 	 * This requires changes to struct if_data.
    	GIF                           = 240, // Generic tunnel interface
    	PVC                           = 241, // Unused
    	ENC                           = 244, // Encapsulating interface
    	PFLOG                         = 246, // PF packet filter logging
    	PFSYNC                        = 247, // PF packet filter synchronization
    	WIREGUARD                     = 248, // WireGuard tunnel

    enum ifType

    Link_State :: enum u8 {
    	UNKNOWN = 0, // link invalid/unknown
    	DOWN    = 1, // link is down
    	UP      = 2, // link is up

    * Values for if_link_state.

    #define LINK_STATE_*

    MIB_Identifier ¶

    MIB_Identifier :: enum i32 {
    	// 	* Top-level identifiers
    	CTL_SYSCTL                         = 0,  // "magic" numbers
    	CTL_KERN                           = 1,  // "high kernel": proc, limits
    	CTL_VM                             = 2,  // virtual memory
    	CTL_VFS                            = 3,  // filesystem, mount type is next
    	CTL_NET                            = 4,  // network, see socket.h
    	CTL_DEBUG                          = 5,  // debugging parameters
    	CTL_HW                             = 6,  // generic cpu/io
    	CTL_MACHDEP                        = 7,  // machine dependent
    	CTL_USER                           = 8,  // user-level
    	CTL_P1003_1B                       = 9,  // POSIX 1003.1B
    	// 	* CTL_SYSCTL identifiers
    	CTL_SYSCTL_DEBUG                   = 0,  // printf all nodes
    	CTL_SYSCTL_NAME                    = 1,  // string name of OID
    	CTL_SYSCTL_NEXT                    = 2,  // next OID, honoring CTLFLAG_SKIP
    	CTL_SYSCTL_NAME2OID                = 3,  // int array of name
    	CTL_SYSCTL_OIDFMT                  = 4,  // OID's kind and format
    	CTL_SYSCTL_OIDDESCR                = 5,  // OID's description
    	CTL_SYSCTL_OIDLABEL                = 6,  // aggregation label
    	CTL_SYSCTL_NEXTNOSKIP              = 7,  // next OID, ignoring CTLFLAG_SKIP
    	// 	* CTL_KERN identifiers
    	KERN_OSTYPE                        = 1,  // string: system version
    	KERN_OSRELEASE                     = 2,  // string: system release
    	KERN_OSREV                         = 3,  // int: system revision
    	KERN_VERSION                       = 4,  // string: compile time info
    	KERN_MAXVNODES                     = 5,  // int: max vnodes
    	KERN_MAXPROC                       = 6,  // int: max processes
    	KERN_MAXFILES                      = 7,  // int: max open files
    	KERN_ARGMAX                        = 8,  // int: max arguments to exec
    	KERN_SECURELVL                     = 9,  // int: system security level
    	KERN_HOSTNAME                      = 10, // string: hostname
    	KERN_HOSTID                        = 11, // int: host identifier
    	KERN_CLOCKRATE                     = 12, // struct: struct clockrate
    	// was: #define KERN_VNODE13; disabled in 2003 and removed in 2023 
    	KERN_PROC                          = 14, // struct: process entries
    	KERN_FILE                          = 15, // struct: file entries
    	KERN_PROF                          = 16, // node: kernel profiling info
    	KERN_POSIX1                        = 17, // int: POSIX.1 version
    	KERN_NGROUPS                       = 18, // int: # of supplemental group ids
    	KERN_JOB_CONTROL                   = 19, // int: is job control available
    	KERN_SAVED_IDS                     = 20, // int: saved set-user/group-ID
    	KERN_BOOTTIME                      = 21, // struct: time kernel was booted
    	KERN_NISDOMAINNAME                 = 22, // string: YP domain name
    	KERN_UPDATEINTERVAL                = 23, // int: update process sleep time
    	KERN_OSRELDATE                     = 24, // int: kernel release date
    	KERN_NTP_PLL                       = 25, // node: NTP PLL control
    	KERN_BOOTFILE                      = 26, // string: name of booted kernel
    	KERN_MAXFILESPERPROC               = 27, // int: max open files per proc
    	KERN_MAXPROCPERUID                 = 28, // int: max processes per uid
    	KERN_DUMPDEV                       = 29, // struct cdev *: device to dump on
    	KERN_IPC                           = 30, // node: anything related to IPC
    	KERN_DUMMY                         = 31, // unused
    	KERN_PS_STRINGS                    = 32, // int: address of PS_STRINGS
    	KERN_USRSTACK                      = 33, // int: address of USRSTACK
    	KERN_LOGSIGEXIT                    = 34, // int: do we log sigexit procs?
    	KERN_IOV_MAX                       = 35, // int: value of UIO_MAXIOV
    	KERN_HOSTUUID                      = 36, // string: host UUID identifier
    	KERN_ARND                          = 37, // int: from arc4rand()
    	KERN_MAXPHYS                       = 38, // int: MAXPHYS value
    	KERN_LOCKF                         = 39, // struct: lockf reports
    	// 	* KERN_PROC subtypes
    	KERN_PROC_ALL                      = 0,  // everything
    	KERN_PROC_PID                      = 1,  // by process id
    	KERN_PROC_PGRP                     = 2,  // by process group id
    	KERN_PROC_SESSION                  = 3,  // by session of pid
    	KERN_PROC_TTY                      = 4,  // by controlling tty
    	KERN_PROC_UID                      = 5,  // by effective uid
    	KERN_PROC_RUID                     = 6,  // by real uid
    	KERN_PROC_ARGS                     = 7,  // get/set arguments/proctitle
    	KERN_PROC_PROC                     = 8,  // only return procs
    	KERN_PROC_SV_NAME                  = 9,  // get syscall vector name
    	KERN_PROC_RGID                     = 10, // by real group id
    	KERN_PROC_GID                      = 11, // by effective group id
    	KERN_PROC_PATHNAME                 = 12, // path to executable
    	KERN_PROC_OVMMAP                   = 13, // Old VM map entries for process
    	KERN_PROC_OFILEDESC                = 14, // Old file descriptors for process
    	KERN_PROC_KSTACK                   = 15, // Kernel stacks for process
    	KERN_PROC_INC_THREAD               = 16, // modifier for pid, pgrp, tty, uid, ruid, gid, rgid and proc. This effectively uses 16-31
    	KERN_PROC_VMMAP                    = 32, // VM map entries for process
    	KERN_PROC_FILEDESC                 = 33, // File descriptors for process
    	KERN_PROC_GROUPS                   = 34, // process groups
    	KERN_PROC_ENV                      = 35, // get environment
    	KERN_PROC_AUXV                     = 36, // get ELF auxiliary vector
    	KERN_PROC_RLIMIT                   = 37, // process resource limits
    	KERN_PROC_PS_STRINGS               = 38, // get ps_strings location
    	KERN_PROC_UMASK                    = 39, // process umask
    	KERN_PROC_OSREL                    = 40, // osreldate for process binary
    	KERN_PROC_SIGTRAMP                 = 41, // signal trampoline location
    	KERN_PROC_CWD                      = 42, // process current working directory
    	KERN_PROC_NFDS                     = 43, // number of open file descriptors
    	KERN_PROC_SIGFASTBLK               = 44, // address of fastsigblk magic word
    	KERN_PROC_VM_LAYOUT                = 45, // virtual address space layout info
    	// 	* KERN_IPC identifiers
    	KIPC_MAXSOCKBUF                    = 1,  // int: max size of a socket buffer
    	KIPC_SOCKBUF_WASTE                 = 2,  // int: wastage factor in sockbuf
    	KIPC_SOMAXCONN                     = 3,  // int: max length of connection q
    	KIPC_MAX_LINKHDR                   = 4,  // int: max length of link header
    	KIPC_MAX_PROTOHDR                  = 5,  // int: max length of network header
    	KIPC_MAX_HDR                       = 6,  // int: max total length of headers
    	KIPC_MAX_DATALEN                   = 7,  // int: max length of data?
    	// 	 * PF_ROUTE - Routing table
    	// 	 *
    	// 	 * Three additional levels are defined:
    	// 	 *      Fourth: address family, 0 is wildcard
    	// 	 *      Fifth: type of info, defined below
    	// 	 *      Sixth: flag(s) to mask with for NET_RT_FLAGS
    	NET_RT_DUMP                        = 1,  // dump; may limit to a.f.
    	NET_RT_FLAGS                       = 2,  // by flags, e.g. RESOLVING
    	NET_RT_IFLIST                      = 3,  // survey interface list
    	NET_RT_IFMALIST                    = 4,  // return multicast address list
    	NET_RT_IFLISTL                     = 5,  // Survey interface list, using 'l'en versions of msghdr structs.
    	NET_RT_NHOP                        = 6,  // dump routing nexthops
    	NET_RT_NHGRP                       = 7,  // dump routing nexthop groups
    	// 	* CTL_HW identifiers
    	HW_MACHINE                         = 1,  // string: machine class
    	HW_MODEL                           = 2,  // string: specific machine model
    	HW_NCPU                            = 3,  // int: number of cpus
    	HW_BYTEORDER                       = 4,  // int: machine byte order
    	HW_PHYSMEM                         = 5,  // int: total memory
    	HW_USERMEM                         = 6,  // int: non-kernel memory
    	HW_PAGESIZE                        = 7,  // int: software page size
    	HW_DISKNAMES                       = 8,  // strings: disk drive names
    	HW_DISKSTATS                       = 9,  // struct: diskstats[]
    	HW_FLOATINGPT                      = 10, // int: has HW floating point?
    	HW_MACHINE_ARCH                    = 11, // string: machine architecture
    	HW_REALMEM                         = 12, // int: 'real' memory
    	// 	* CTL_USER definitions
    	USER_CS_PATH                       = 1,  // string: _CS_PATH
    	USER_BC_BASE_MAX                   = 2,  // int: BC_BASE_MAX
    	USER_BC_DIM_MAX                    = 3,  // int: BC_DIM_MAX
    	USER_BC_SCALE_MAX                  = 4,  // int: BC_SCALE_MAX
    	USER_BC_STRING_MAX                 = 5,  // int: BC_STRING_MAX
    	USER_COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX              = 6,  // int: COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX
    	USER_EXPR_NEST_MAX                 = 7,  // int: EXPR_NEST_MAX
    	USER_LINE_MAX                      = 8,  // int: LINE_MAX
    	USER_RE_DUP_MAX                    = 9,  // int: RE_DUP_MAX
    	USER_POSIX2_VERSION                = 10, // int: POSIX2_VERSION
    	USER_POSIX2_C_BIND                 = 11, // int: POSIX2_C_BIND
    	USER_POSIX2_C_DEV                  = 12, // int: POSIX2_C_DEV
    	USER_POSIX2_CHAR_TERM              = 13, // int: POSIX2_CHAR_TERM
    	USER_POSIX2_FORT_DEV               = 14, // int: POSIX2_FORT_DEV
    	USER_POSIX2_FORT_RUN               = 15, // int: POSIX2_FORT_RUN
    	USER_POSIX2_LOCALEDEF              = 16, // int: POSIX2_LOCALEDEF
    	USER_POSIX2_SW_DEV                 = 17, // int: POSIX2_SW_DEV
    	USER_POSIX2_UPE                    = 18, // int: POSIX2_UPE
    	USER_STREAM_MAX                    = 19, // int: POSIX2_STREAM_MAX
    	USER_TZNAME_MAX                    = 20, // int: POSIX2_TZNAME_MAX
    	USER_LOCALBASE                     = 21, // string: _PATH_LOCALBASE
    	CTL_P1003_1B_ASYNCHRONOUS_IO       = 1,  // boolean
    	CTL_P1003_1B_MAPPED_FILES          = 2,  // boolean
    	CTL_P1003_1B_MEMLOCK               = 3,  // boolean
    	CTL_P1003_1B_MEMLOCK_RANGE         = 4,  // boolean
    	CTL_P1003_1B_MEMORY_PROTECTION     = 5,  // boolean
    	CTL_P1003_1B_MESSAGE_PASSING       = 6,  // boolean
    	CTL_P1003_1B_PRIORITIZED_IO        = 7,  // boolean
    	CTL_P1003_1B_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING   = 8,  // boolean
    	CTL_P1003_1B_REALTIME_SIGNALS      = 9,  // boolean
    	CTL_P1003_1B_SEMAPHORES            = 10, // boolean
    	CTL_P1003_1B_FSYNC                 = 11, // boolean
    	CTL_P1003_1B_SHARED_MEMORY_OBJECTS = 12, // boolean
    	CTL_P1003_1B_SYNCHRONIZED_IO       = 13, // boolean
    	CTL_P1003_1B_TIMERS                = 14, // boolean
    	CTL_P1003_1B_AIO_LISTIO_MAX        = 15, // int
    	CTL_P1003_1B_AIO_MAX               = 16, // int
    	CTL_P1003_1B_AIO_PRIO_DELTA_MAX    = 17, // int
    	CTL_P1003_1B_DELAYTIMER_MAX        = 18, // int
    	CTL_P1003_1B_MQ_OPEN_MAX           = 19, // int
    	CTL_P1003_1B_PAGESIZE              = 20, // int
    	CTL_P1003_1B_RTSIG_MAX             = 21, // int
    	CTL_P1003_1B_SEM_NSEMS_MAX         = 22, // int
    	CTL_P1003_1B_SEM_VALUE_MAX         = 23, // int
    	CTL_P1003_1B_SIGQUEUE_MAX          = 24, // int
    	CTL_P1003_1B_TIMER_MAX             = 25, // int

    MIB, or Management Information Base. Used in sysctl().

    Message_Flag ¶

    Message_Flag :: enum i32 {
    	OOB          = 1,      // process out-of-band data
    	PEEK         = 2,      // peek at incoming message
    	DONTROUTE    = 4,      // send without using routing tables
    	EOR          = 8,      // data completes record
    	TRUNC        = 16,     // data discarded before delivery
    	CTRUNC       = 32,     // control data lost before delivery
    	WAITALL      = 64,     // wait for full request or error
    	DONTWAIT     = 128,    // this message should be nonblocking
    	EOF          = 256,    // data completes connection
    	//             0x00000200     unused 
    	//             0x00000400     unused 
    	//             0x00000800     unused 
    	//             0x00001000     unused 
    	NOTIFICATION = 8192,   // SCTP notification
    	NBIO         = 16384,  // FIONBIO mode, used by fifofs
    	COMPAT       = 32768,  // used in sendit()
    	SOCALLBCK    = 65536,  // for use by socket callbacks - soreceive (TCP)
    	NOSIGNAL     = 131072, // do not generate SIGPIPE on EOF
    	CMSG_CLOEXEC = 262144, // make received fds close-on-exec
    	WAITFORONE   = 524288, // for recvmmsg()

    #define MSG_*

    Protocol ¶

    Protocol :: enum i32 {
    	IP              = 0, 
    	ICMP            = 1, 
    	IGMP            = 2, 
    	GGP             = 3, 
    	IP_ENCAP        = 4, 
    	ST2             = 5, 
    	TCP             = 6, 
    	CBT             = 7, 
    	EGP             = 8, 
    	IGP             = 9, 
    	BBN_RCC_MON     = 10, 
    	NVP_II          = 11, 
    	PUP             = 12, 
    	ARGUS           = 13, 
    	EMCON           = 14, 
    	XNET            = 15, 
    	CHAOS           = 16, 
    	UDP             = 17, 
    	MUX             = 18, 
    	DCN_MEAS        = 19, 
    	HMP             = 20, 
    	PRM             = 21, 
    	XNS_IDP         = 22, 
    	TRUNK_1         = 23, 
    	TRUNK_2         = 24, 
    	LEAF_1          = 25, 
    	LEAF_2          = 26, 
    	RDP             = 27, 
    	IRTP            = 28, 
    	ISO_TP4         = 29, 
    	NETBLT          = 30, 
    	MFE_NSP         = 31, 
    	MERIT_INP       = 32, 
    	DCCP            = 33, 
    	THREE_PC        = 34, 
    	IDPR            = 35, 
    	XTP             = 36, 
    	DDP             = 37, 
    	IDPR_CMTP       = 38, 
    	TP_PlusPlus     = 39, 
    	IL              = 40, 
    	IPV6            = 41, 
    	SDRP            = 42, 
    	IPV6_ROUTE      = 43, 
    	IPV6_FRAG       = 44, 
    	IDRP            = 45, 
    	RSVP            = 46, 
    	GRE             = 47, 
    	DSR             = 48, 
    	BNA             = 49, 
    	ESP             = 50, 
    	AH              = 51, 
    	I_NLSP          = 52, 
    	SWIPE           = 53, 
    	NARP            = 54, 
    	MOBILE          = 55, 
    	TLSP            = 56, 
    	SKIP            = 57, 
    	IPV6_ICMP       = 58, 
    	IPV6_NONXT      = 59, 
    	IPV6_OPTS       = 60, 
    	CFTP            = 62, 
    	SAT_EXPAK       = 64, 
    	KRYPTOLAN       = 65, 
    	RVD             = 66, 
    	IPPC            = 67, 
    	SAT_MON         = 69, 
    	VISA            = 70, 
    	IPCV            = 71, 
    	CPNX            = 72, 
    	CPHB            = 73, 
    	WSN             = 74, 
    	PVP             = 75, 
    	BR_SAT_MON      = 76, 
    	SUN_ND          = 77, 
    	WB_MON          = 78, 
    	WB_EXPAK        = 79, 
    	ISO_IP          = 80, 
    	VMTP            = 81, 
    	SECURE_VMTP     = 82, 
    	VINES           = 83, 
    	TTP             = 84, 
    	IPTM            = 84, 
    	NSFNET_IGP      = 85, 
    	DGP             = 86, 
    	TCF             = 87, 
    	EIGRP           = 88, 
    	OSPFIGP         = 89, 
    	Sprite_RPC      = 90, 
    	LARP            = 91, 
    	MTP             = 92, 
    	AX_25           = 93, 
    	IPIP            = 94, 
    	MICP            = 95, 
    	SCC_SP          = 96, 
    	ETHERIP         = 97, 
    	ENCAP           = 98, 
    	GMTP            = 100, 
    	IFMP            = 101, 
    	PNNI            = 102, 
    	PIM             = 103, 
    	ARIS            = 104, 
    	SCPS            = 105, 
    	QNX             = 106, 
    	A_N             = 107, 
    	IPComp          = 108, 
    	SNP             = 109, 
    	Compaq_Peer     = 110, 
    	IPX_in_IP       = 111, 
    	CARP            = 112, 
    	PGM             = 113, 
    	L2TP            = 115, 
    	DDX             = 116, 
    	IATP            = 117, 
    	STP             = 118, 
    	SRP             = 119, 
    	UTI             = 120, 
    	SMP             = 121, 
    	SM              = 122, 
    	PTP             = 123, 
    	ISIS            = 124, 
    	FIRE            = 125, 
    	CRTP            = 126, 
    	CRUDP           = 127, 
    	SSCOPMCE        = 128, 
    	IPLT            = 129, 
    	SPS             = 130, 
    	PIPE            = 131, 
    	SCTP            = 132, 
    	FC              = 133, 
    	RSVP_E2E_IGNORE = 134, 
    	Mobility_Header = 135, 
    	UDPLite         = 136, 
    	MPLS_IN_IP      = 137, 
    	MANET           = 138, 
    	HIP             = 139, 
    	SHIM6           = 140, 
    	WESP            = 141, 
    	ROHC            = 142, 
    	PFSYNC          = 240, 
    	DIVERT          = 258, 
    Related Procedures With Parameters

    Protocol_Family ¶

    Protocol_Family :: enum sa_family_t {
    	UNSPEC    = 0, 
    	LOCAL     = 1, 
    	UNIX      = 1, 
    	INET      = 2, 
    	IMPLINK   = 3, 
    	PUP       = 4, 
    	CHAOS     = 5, 
    	NETBIOS   = 6, 
    	ISO       = 7, 
    	OSI       = 7, 
    	ECMA      = 8, 
    	DATAKIT   = 9, 
    	CCITT     = 10, 
    	SNA       = 11, 
    	DECnet    = 12, 
    	DLI       = 13, 
    	LAT       = 14, 
    	HYLINK    = 15, 
    	APPLETALK = 16, 
    	ROUTE     = 17, 
    	LINK      = 18, 
    	XTP       = 19, 
    	COIP      = 20, 
    	CNT       = 21, 
    	SIP       = 24, 
    	IPX       = 23, 
    	RTIP      = 22, 
    	PIP       = 25, 
    	ISDN      = 26, 
    	KEY       = 27, 
    	INET6     = 28, 
    	NATM      = 29, 
    	ATM       = 30, 
    	NETGRAPH  = 32, 
    	SLOW      = 33, 
    	SCLUSTER  = 34, 
    	ARP       = 35, 
    	BLUETOOTH = 36, 
    	IEEE80211 = 37, 
    	NETLINK   = 38, 
    	INET_SDP  = 40, 
    	INET6_SDP = 42, 
    	DIVERT    = 44, 
    	MAX       = 44, 

    #define PF_*

    Related Procedures With Parameters

    Record_Lock_Flag ¶

    Record_Lock_Flag :: enum i32 {
    	RDLCK    = 1, // shared or read lock
    	UNLCK    = 2, // unlock
    	WRLCK    = 3, // exclusive or write lock
    	UNLCKSYS = 4, // purge locks for a given system ID
    	CANCEL   = 5, // cancel an async lock request

    record locking flags (F_GETLK, F_SETLK, F_SETLKW) #define F_*

    Recv_Flags ¶

    Recv_Flags :: enum i32 {
    	NONE         = 0, 
    	OOB          = 1,      // process out-of-band data
    	PEEK         = 2,      // peek at incoming message
    	TRUNC        = 16,     // return real packet or datagram length
    	WAITALL      = 64,     // wait for full request or error
    	DONTWAIT     = 128,    // do not block
    	CMSG_CLOEXEC = 262144, // set received fds close-on-exec
    	WAITFORONE   = 524288, // do not block after receiving the first message

    Specific subset of MSG_* defines that are only for recv*.

    Related Procedures With Parameters

    Route_Address_Flag ¶

    Route_Address_Flag :: enum i32 {
    	DST     = 1,   // destination sockaddr present
    	GATEWAY = 2,   // gateway sockaddr present
    	NETMASK = 4,   // netmask sockaddr present
    	GENMASK = 8,   // cloning mask sockaddr present
    	IFP     = 16,  // interface name sockaddr present
    	IFA     = 32,  // interface addr sockaddr present
    	AUTHOR  = 64,  // sockaddr for author of redirect
    	BRD     = 128, // for NEWADDR, broadcast or p-p dest addr

    * Bitmask values for rtm_addrs.

    #define RTA_*

    Route_Address_Flags ¶

    Route_Address_Flags :: bit_set[Route_Address_Index; i32]

    The value stored in rtm_addrs and similar (ifm_addrs, etc.)

    Route_Address_Index ¶

    Route_Address_Index :: enum i32 {
    	DST     = 0, // destination sockaddr present
    	GATEWAY = 1, // gateway sockaddr present
    	NETMASK = 2, // netmask sockaddr present
    	GENMASK = 3, // cloning mask sockaddr present
    	IFP     = 4, // interface name sockaddr present
    	IFA     = 5, // interface addr sockaddr present
    	AUTHOR  = 6, // sockaddr for author of redirect
    	BRD     = 7, // for NEWADDR, broadcast or p-p dest addr
    	MAX     = 8, // size of array to allocate

    * Index offsets for sockaddr array for alternate internal encoding.

    #define RTAX_*

    Route_Message_Header ¶

    Route_Message_Header :: struct {
    	msglen:  u16,
    	// to skip over non-understood messages 
    	version: u8,
    	// future binary compatibility 
    	type:    Route_Message_Type,
    	// message type 
    	index:   u16,
    	// index for associated ifp 
    	_spare1: u16,
    	flags:   i32,
    	// flags, incl. kern & message, e.g. DONE 
    	addrs:   i32,
    	// bitmask identifying sockaddrs in msg 
    	pid:     pid_t,
    	// identify sender 
    	seq:     i32,
    	// for sender to identify action 
    	errno:   i32,
    	// why failed 
    	fmask:   i32,
    	// bitmask used in RTM_CHANGE message 
    	inits:   u64,
    	// which metrics we are initializing 
    	rmx:     Route_Metrics,

    struct rt_msghdr

    Route_Message_Type ¶

    Route_Message_Type :: enum u8 {
    	ADD        = 1,  // (1) Add Route
    	DELETE     = 2,  // (1) Delete Route
    	CHANGE     = 3,  // (1) Change Metrics or flags
    	GET        = 4,  // (1) Report Metrics
    	LOSING     = 5,  // (1) Kernel Suspects Partitioning
    	REDIRECT   = 6,  // (1) Told to use different route
    	MISS       = 7,  // (1) Lookup failed on this address
    	LOCK       = 8,  // (1) fix specified metrics
    	// = 0x9  
    	// = 0xa  
    	RESOLVE    = 11, // (1) req to resolve dst to LL addr
    	NEWADDR    = 12, // (2) address being added to iface
    	DELADDR    = 13, // (2) address being removed from iface
    	IFINFO     = 14, // (3) iface going up/down etc.
    	NEWMADDR   = 15, // (4) mcast group membership being added to if
    	DELMADDR   = 16, // (4) mcast group membership being deleted
    	IFANNOUNCE = 17, // (5) iface arrival/departure
    	IEEE80211  = 18, // (5) IEEE80211 wireless event

    * Message types. * * The format for each message is annotated below using the following * identifiers: * * (1) struct rt_msghdr * (2) struct ifa_msghdr * (3) struct if_msghdr * (4) struct ifma_msghdr * (5) struct if_announcemsghdr *

    #define RTM_*

    Route_Metrics ¶

    Route_Metrics :: struct {
    	locks:    u64,
    	// Kernel must leave these values alone 
    	mtu:      u64,
    	// MTU for this path 
    	hopcount: u64,
    	// max hops expected 
    	expire:   u64,
    	// lifetime for route, e.g. redirect 
    	recvpipe: u64,
    	// inbound delay-bandwidth product 
    	sendpipe: u64,
    	// outbound delay-bandwidth product 
    	ssthresh: u64,
    	// outbound gateway buffer limit 
    	rtt:      u64,
    	// estimated round trip time 
    	rttvar:   u64,
    	// estimated rtt variance 
    	pksent:   u64,
    	// packets sent using this route 
    	weight:   u64,
    	// route weight 
    	nhidx:    u64,
    	// route nexhop index 
    	filler:   [2]u64,

    struct rt_metrics

    Send_Flags ¶

    Send_Flags :: enum i32 {
    	NONE      = 0, 
    	OOB       = 1,      // process out-of-band data
    	DONTROUTE = 4,      // bypass routing, use direct interface
    	EOR       = 8,      // data completes record
    	DONTWAIT  = 128,    // do not block
    	EOF       = 256,    // data completes transaction
    	NOSIGNAL  = 131072, // do not generate SIGPIPE on EOF

    Specific subset of MSG_* defines that are only for send*.

    Related Procedures With Parameters

    Shutdown_Method ¶

    Shutdown_Method :: enum i32 {
    	RD   = 0, // shut down the reading side
    	WR   = 1, // shut down the writing side
    	RDWR = 2, // shut down both sides

    * howto arguments for shutdown(2), specified by Posix.1g.

    #define SHUT_*

    Related Procedures With Parameters

    Socket_Address_Basic ¶

    Socket_Address_Basic :: struct #packed {
    	using _: Socket_Address_Header,
    	data: [14]u8,

    struct sockaddr

    Socket_Address_Data_Link :: struct {
    	using _: Socket_Address_Header,
    	index: u16,
    	// if != 0, system given index for interface 
    	type:  Interface_Type,
    	// interface type 
    	nlen:  u8,
    	// interface name length, no trailing 0 reqd. 
    	alen:  u8,
    	// link level address length 
    	slen:  u8,
    	// link layer selector length 
    	data:  [46]u8,

    * Structure of a Link-Level sockaddr:

    struct sockaddr_dl

    Socket_Address_Header ¶

    Socket_Address_Header :: struct #packed {
    	len:    u8,
    	// address length 
    	family: Address_Family,

    Socket address struct header without protocol-specific data.

    Inherit from this if you want a custom socket address datatype for use with bind(), listen(), et cetera.

    Socket_Address_Internet ¶

    Socket_Address_Internet :: struct #packed {
    	using _: Socket_Address_Header,
    	port: in_port_t,
    	addr: IP4_Address,
    	zero: [8]u8,

    Socket address, internet style. struct sockaddr_in

    Socket_Address_Internet6 ¶

    Socket_Address_Internet6 :: struct #packed {
    	using _:  Socket_Address_Header,
    	port:     in_port_t,
    	// Transport layer port # 
    	flowinfo: u32,
    	// IP6 flow information 
    	addr:     IP6_Address,
    	// IP6 address 
    	scope_id: u32,

    * Socket address for IPv6

    struct sockaddr_in6

    Socket_Address_Storage ¶

    Socket_Address_Storage :: struct {
    	using _: Socket_Address_Header,
    	_pad1:  [6]u8,
    	_align: i64,
    	// force desired struct alignment 
    	_pad2:  [112]u8,

    * RFC 2553: protocol-independent placeholder for socket addresses

    struct sockaddr_storage

    Socket_Flag_Index ¶

    Socket_Flag_Index :: enum i32 {
    	CLOEXEC  = 28, // 0x10000000
    	NONBLOCK = 29, // 0x20000000

    Socket_Flags ¶

    Socket_Flags :: bit_set[Socket_Flag_Index; i32]

    Socket_Option ¶

    Socket_Option :: enum i32 {
    	DEBUG             = 1,      // turn on debugging info recording
    	ACCEPTCONN        = 2,      // socket has had listen()
    	REUSEADDR         = 4,      // allow local address reuse
    	KEEPALIVE         = 8,      // keep connections alive
    	DONTROUTE         = 16,     // just use interface addresses
    	BROADCAST         = 32,     // permit sending of broadcast msgs
    	USELOOPBACK       = 64,     // bypass hardware when possible
    	LINGER            = 128,    // linger on close if data present
    	OOBINLINE         = 256,    // leave received OOB data in line
    	REUSEPORT         = 512,    // allow local address & port reuse
    	TIMESTAMP         = 1024,   // timestamp received dgram traffic
    	NOSIGPIPE         = 2048,   // no SIGPIPE from EPIPE
    	ACCEPTFILTER      = 4096,   // there is an accept filter
    	BINTIME           = 8192,   // timestamp received dgram traffic
    	NO_OFFLOAD        = 16384,  // socket cannot be offloaded
    	NO_DDP            = 32768,  // disable direct data placement
    	REUSEPORT_LB      = 65536,  // reuse with load balancing
    	RERROR            = 131072, // keep track of receive errors
    	// 	 * Additional options, not kept in so_options.
    	SNDBUF            = 4097,   // send buffer size
    	RCVBUF            = 4098,   // receive buffer size
    	SNDLOWAT          = 4099,   // send low-water mark
    	RCVLOWAT          = 4100,   // receive low-water mark
    	SNDTIMEO          = 4101,   // send timeout
    	RCVTIMEO          = 4102,   // receive timeout
    	ERROR             = 4103,   // get error status and clear
    	TYPE              = 4104,   // get socket type
    	LABEL             = 4105,   // socket's MAC label
    	PEERLABEL         = 4112,   // socket's peer's MAC label
    	LISTENQLIMIT      = 4113,   // socket's backlog limit
    	LISTENQLEN        = 4114,   // socket's complete queue length
    	LISTENINCQLEN     = 4115,   // socket's incomplete queue length
    	SETFIB            = 4116,   // use this FIB to route
    	USER_COOKIE       = 4117,   // user cookie (dummynet etc.)
    	PROTOCOL          = 4118,   // get socket protocol (Linux name)
    	PROTOTYPE         = 4118,   // alias for SO_PROTOCOL (SunOS name)
    	TS_CLOCK          = 4119,   // clock type used for SO_TIMESTAMP
    	MAX_PACING_RATE   = 4120,   // socket's max TX pacing rate (Linux name)
    	DOMAIN            = 4121,   // get socket domain
    	TS_REALTIME_MICRO = 0,      // microsecond resolution, realtime
    	TS_BINTIME        = 1,      // sub-nanosecond resolution, realtime
    	TS_REALTIME       = 2,      // nanosecond resolution, realtime
    	TS_MONOTONIC      = 3,      // nanosecond resolution, monotonic
    	TS_DEFAULT        = 0, 
    	TS_CLOCK_MAX      = 3, 

    * Option flags per-socket.

    #define SO_*

    Related Procedures With Parameters

    Socket_Option_Level ¶

    Socket_Option_Level :: enum i32 {
    	SOCKET = 65535, // options for socket level

    * Level number for (get/set)sockopt() to apply to socket itself.

    #define SOL_*

    Socket_Type ¶

    Socket_Type :: enum i32 {
    	STREAM    = 1,         // stream socket
    	DGRAM     = 2,         // datagram socket
    	RAW       = 3,         // raw-protocol interface
    	RDM       = 4,         // reliably-delivered message
    	SEQPACKET = 5,         // sequenced packet stream
    	// 	 * Creation flags, OR'ed into socket() and socketpair() type argument.
    	CLOEXEC   = 268435456, 
    	NONBLOCK  = 536870912, 

    * Types

    #define SOCK_*

    Related Procedures With Parameters

    Userland_Mutex_Operation ¶

    Userland_Mutex_Operation :: enum i32 {
    	LOCK              = 0,  // COMPAT10
    	UNLOCK            = 1,  // COMPAT10
    	WAIT              = 2, 
    	WAKE              = 3, 
    	MUTEX_TRYLOCK     = 4, 
    	MUTEX_LOCK        = 5, 
    	MUTEX_UNLOCK      = 6, 
    	SET_CEILING       = 7, 
    	CV_WAIT           = 8, 
    	CV_SIGNAL         = 9, 
    	CV_BROADCAST      = 10, 
    	WAIT_UINT         = 11, 
    	RW_RDLOCK         = 12, 
    	RW_WRLOCK         = 13, 
    	RW_UNLOCK         = 14, 
    	WAKE_PRIVATE      = 16, 
    	MUTEX_WAIT        = 17, 
    	MUTEX_WAKE        = 18, // deprecated
    	SEM_WAIT          = 19, // deprecated
    	SEM_WAKE          = 20, // deprecated
    	NWAKE_PRIVATE     = 21, 
    	MUTEX_WAKE2       = 22, 
    	SEM2_WAIT         = 23, 
    	SEM2_WAKE         = 24, 
    	SHM               = 25, 
    	ROBUST_LISTS      = 26, 
    	GET_MIN_TIMEOUT   = 27, 
    	SET_MIN_TIMEOUT   = 28, 

    op code for _umtx_op #define UMTX_OP_*

    Valid_Socket_Option_Level ¶

    Valid_Socket_Option_Level :: union #no_nil {
    Related Procedures With Parameters

    in_addr_t ¶

    in_addr_t :: distinct u32be

    in_port_t ¶

    in_port_t :: distinct u16be

    off_t ¶

    off_t :: distinct i64
    Related Procedures With Parameters

    pid_t ¶

    pid_t :: distinct i32
    Related Procedures With Parameters
    Related Procedures With Returns

    sa_family_t ¶

    sa_family_t :: distinct u8

    socklen_t ¶

    socklen_t :: distinct u32
    Related Procedures With Parameters

    suseconds_t ¶

    suseconds_t :: distinct i64

    microseconds (signed)

    time_t ¶

    time_t :: distinct i64

    timespec ¶

    timespec :: struct {
    	sec:  time_t,
    	// seconds 
    	nsec: i64,

    timeval ¶

    timeval :: struct {
    	sec:  time_t,
    	// seconds 
    	usec: suseconds_t,



    FD_CLOEXEC: int : 1

    file descriptor flags (F_GETFD, F_SETFD)


    RTM_VERSION: int : 5

    Up the ante and ignore older versions

    SYS__umtx_op ¶

    SYS__umtx_op: uintptr : 454

    SYS_accept ¶

    SYS_accept: uintptr : 30

    SYS_accept4 ¶

    SYS_accept4: uintptr : 541

    SYS_bind ¶

    SYS_bind: uintptr : 104

    SYS_close ¶

    SYS_close: uintptr : 6

    SYS_connect ¶

    SYS_connect: uintptr : 98

    SYS_fcntl ¶

    SYS_fcntl: uintptr : 92

    SYS_fsync ¶

    SYS_fsync: uintptr : 95

    SYS_getpeername ¶

    SYS_getpeername: uintptr : 31

    SYS_getpid ¶

    SYS_getpid: uintptr : 20

    SYS_getsockname ¶

    SYS_getsockname: uintptr : 32

    SYS_listen ¶

    SYS_listen: uintptr : 106

    SYS_open ¶

    SYS_open: uintptr : 5

    SYS_pread ¶

    SYS_pread: uintptr : 475

    SYS_pwrite ¶

    SYS_pwrite: uintptr : 476

    SYS_read ¶

    SYS_read: uintptr : 3

    SYS_recvfrom ¶

    SYS_recvfrom: uintptr : 29

    SYS_sendto ¶

    SYS_sendto: uintptr : 133

    SYS_setsockopt ¶

    SYS_setsockopt: uintptr : 105

    SYS_shutdown ¶

    SYS_shutdown: uintptr : 134

    SYS_socket ¶

    SYS_socket: uintptr : 97

    SYS_sysctl ¶

    SYS_sysctl: uintptr : 202

    SYS_write ¶

    SYS_write: uintptr : 4


    This section is empty.


    accept4_T ¶

    accept4_T :: proc "contextless" (s: Fd, sockaddr: ^$T/[]$E, flags: bit_set[Socket_Flag_Index; i32] = {}) -> (Fd, Errno) {…}

    Accept a connection on a socket.

    The accept4() system call appeared in FreeBSD 10.0.

    accept4_nil ¶

    accept4_nil :: proc "contextless" (s: Fd, flags: bit_set[Socket_Flag_Index; i32] = {}) -> (Fd, Errno) {…}

    Accept a connection on a socket.

    The accept4() system call appeared in FreeBSD 10.0.

    accept_T ¶

    accept_T :: proc "contextless" (s: Fd, sockaddr: ^$T/[]$E) -> (Fd, Errno) {…}

    Accept a connection on a socket.

    The accept() system call appeared in 4.2BSD.

    accept_nil ¶

    accept_nil :: proc "contextless" (s: Fd) -> (Fd, Errno) {…}

    Accept a connection on a socket.

    The accept() system call appeared in 4.2BSD.

    bind ¶

    bind :: proc "contextless" (s: Fd, sockaddr: ^$T/[]$E, addrlen: socklen_t) -> Errno {…}

    Assign a local protocol address to a socket.

    The bind() system call appeared in 4.2BSD.

    close ¶

    close :: proc "contextless" (fd: Fd) -> Errno {…}

    Delete a descriptor.

    The open() function appeared in Version 1 AT&T UNIX.

    connect ¶

    connect :: proc "contextless" (fd: Fd, sockaddr: ^$T/[]$E, addrlen: socklen_t) -> Errno {…}

    Initiate a connection on a socket.

    The connect() system call appeared in 4.2BSD.

    fcntl ¶

    fcntl :: proc "contextless" (fd: Fd, cmd: File_Control_Command, arg: i32) -> (int, Errno) {…}

    File control.

    The fcntl() system call appeared in 4.2BSD. The F_DUP2FD constant first appeared in FreeBSD 7.1.

    NOTE: If you know at compile-time what command you're calling, use one of the fcntl_* procedures instead to preserve type safety.

    fcntl_add_seals ¶

    fcntl_add_seals :: proc "contextless" (fd: Fd, seals: bit_set[File_Seal_Index; i32]) -> Errno {…}

    fcntl_dupfd ¶

    fcntl_dupfd :: proc "contextless" (fd: Fd, newfd: Fd) -> (Fd, Errno) {…}

    fcntl_get_seals ¶

    fcntl_get_seals :: proc "contextless" (fd: Fd) -> (bit_set[File_Seal_Index; i32], Errno) {…}

    fcntl_getfd ¶

    fcntl_getfd :: proc "contextless" (fd: Fd) -> (bool, Errno) {…}

    fcntl_getfl ¶

    fcntl_getfl :: proc "contextless" (fd: Fd) -> (bit_set[File_Status_Index; i32], Errno) {…}

    fcntl_getlk ¶

    fcntl_getlk :: proc "contextless" (fd: Fd, flock: ^File_Lock) -> Errno {…}

    fcntl_getown ¶

    fcntl_getown :: proc "contextless" (fd: Fd) -> (pid_t, Errno) {…}

    fcntl_setfd ¶

    fcntl_setfd :: proc "contextless" (fd: Fd, close_on_exec: bool) -> Errno {…}

    fcntl_setfl ¶

    fcntl_setfl :: proc "contextless" (fd: Fd, flags: bit_set[File_Status_Index; i32]) -> Errno {…}

    fcntl_setlk ¶

    fcntl_setlk :: proc "contextless" (fd: Fd, flock: ^File_Lock) -> Errno {…}

    fcntl_setown ¶

    fcntl_setown :: proc "contextless" (fd: Fd, pid: pid_t) -> Errno {…}

    fsync ¶

    fsync :: proc "contextless" (fd: Fd) -> Errno {…}

    Synchronize changes to a file.

    The fsync() system call appeared in 4.2BSD.

    getpeername ¶

    getpeername :: proc "contextless" (s: Fd, sockaddr: ^$T/[]$E) -> Errno {…}

    Get name of connected peer

    The getpeername() system call appeared in 4.2BSD.

    getpid ¶

    getpid :: proc "contextless" () -> pid_t {…}

    Get parent or calling process identification.

    The getpid() function appeared in Version 7 AT&T UNIX.

    getsockname ¶

    getsockname :: proc "contextless" (s: Fd, sockaddr: ^$T/[]$E) -> Errno {…}

    Get socket name.

    The getsockname() system call appeared in 4.2BSD.

    getsockname_or_peername ¶

    getsockname_or_peername :: proc "contextless" (s: Fd, sockaddr: ^$T/[]$E, is_peer: bool) -> Errno {…}

    listen ¶

    listen :: proc "contextless" (s: Fd, backlog: int) -> Errno {…}

    Listen for connections on a socket.

    The listen() system call appeared in 4.2BSD.

    open ¶

    open :: proc "contextless" (path: untyped string, flags: bit_set[File_Status_Index; i32], mode: int = 0o000) -> (Fd, Errno) {…}

    Open or create a file for reading, writing or executing.

    The open() function appeared in Version 1 AT&T UNIX. The openat() function was introduced in FreeBSD 8.0.

    pread ¶

    pread :: proc "contextless" (fd: Fd, buf: []u8, offset: off_t) -> (int, Errno) {…}

    Read input without modifying the file pointer.

    The pread() function appeared in AT&T System V Release 4 UNIX.

    pwrite ¶

    pwrite :: proc "contextless" (fd: Fd, buf: []u8, offset: off_t) -> (int, Errno) {…}

    Write output without modifying the file pointer.

    The pwrite() function appeared in AT&T System V Release 4 UNIX.


    The pwrite() system call appends the file without changing the file offset if O_APPEND is set, contrary to IEEE Std 1003.1-2008 (“POSIX.1”) where pwrite() writes into offset regardless of whether O_APPEND is set.

    read ¶

    read :: proc "contextless" (fd: Fd, buf: []u8) -> (int, Errno) {…}

    Read input.

    The read() function appeared in Version 1 AT&T UNIX.

    recv ¶

    recv :: proc "contextless" (s: Fd, buf: []u8, flags: Recv_Flags) -> (int, Errno) {…}

    Receive message(s) from a socket.

    The recv() function appeared in 4.2BSD. The recvmmsg() function appeared in FreeBSD 11.0.

    recvfrom ¶

    recvfrom :: proc "contextless" (s: Fd, buf: []u8, flags: Recv_Flags, from: ^$T/[]$E) -> (int, Errno) {…}

    Receive message(s) from a socket.

    The recv() function appeared in 4.2BSD. The recvmmsg() function appeared in FreeBSD 11.0.

    send ¶

    send :: proc "contextless" (s: Fd, msg: []u8, flags: Send_Flags) -> (int, Errno) {…}

    Send message(s) from a socket.

    The send() function appeared in 4.2BSD. The sendmmsg() function appeared in FreeBSD 11.0.

    sendto ¶

    sendto :: proc "contextless" (s: Fd, msg: []u8, flags: Send_Flags, to: ^$T/[]$E) -> (int, Errno) {…}

    Send message(s) from a socket.

    The send() function appeared in 4.2BSD. The sendmmsg() function appeared in FreeBSD 11.0.

    setsockopt ¶

    setsockopt :: proc "contextless" (s: Fd, level: Valid_Socket_Option_Level, optname: Socket_Option, optval: rawptr, optlen: socklen_t) -> Errno {…}

    Get and set options on sockets.

    The getsockopt() and setsockopt() system calls appeared in 4.2BSD.

    shutdown ¶

    shutdown :: proc "contextless" (s: Fd, how: Shutdown_Method) -> Errno {…}

    Disable sends and/or receives on a socket.

    The shutdown() system call appeared in 4.2BSD.

    socket ¶

    socket :: proc "contextless" (domain: Protocol_Family, type: Socket_Type, protocol: Protocol) -> (Fd, Errno) {…}

    Create an endpoint for communication.

    The socket() system call appeared in 4.2BSD.

    sysctl ¶

    sysctl :: proc "contextless" (mib: []MIB_Identifier, oldp: rawptr, oldlenp: ^uint, newp: rawptr, newlen: uint) -> Errno {…}

    Get or set system information.

    The sysctl() function first appeared in 4.4BSD.

    write ¶

    write :: proc "contextless" (fd: Fd, buf: []u8) -> (int, Errno) {…}

    Write output.

    The write() function appeared in Version 1 AT&T UNIX.

    Procedure Groups

    accept ¶

    accept :: proc{

    accept4 ¶

    accept4 :: proc{

    Source Files

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    Generated with odin version dev-2025-03 (vendor "odin") Windows_amd64 @ 2025-03-25 21:11:15.542206000 +0000 UTC