package core:sys/darwin/CoreFoundation
Warning: This was generated for -target:darwin_arm64
and might not represent every target this package supports.
Constants (0)
This section is empty.
Variables (0)
This section is empty.
Procedure Groups (1)
HashCode ¶
HashCode :: distinct uint
OptionFlags ¶
OptionFlags :: distinct uint
Range ¶
Related Procedures With Parameters
String ¶
String :: distinct rawptr
same as CFStringRef
Related Procedures With Parameters
- ReleaseString
- StringCopyToOdinString
- StringGetBytes
- StringGetCString
- StringGetLength
- Release (procedure groups)
Related Procedures With Returns
StringBuiltInEncodings ¶
StringBuiltInEncodings :: enum StringEncoding { MacRoman = 0, WindowsLatin1 = 1280, ISOLatin1 = 513, NextStepLatin = 2817, ASCII = 1536, Unicode = 256, UTF8 = 134217984, NonLossyASCII = 3071, UTF16 = 256, UTF16BE = 268435712, UTF16LE = 335544576, UTF32 = 201326848, UTF32BE = 402653440, UTF32LE = 469762304, }
StringEncodings ¶
StringEncodings :: enum Index { MacJapanese = 1, MacChineseTrad = 2, MacKorean = 3, MacArabic = 4, MacHebrew = 5, MacGreek = 6, MacCyrillic = 7, MacDevanagari = 9, MacGurmukhi = 10, MacGujarati = 11, MacOriya = 12, MacBengali = 13, MacTamil = 14, MacTelugu = 15, MacKannada = 16, MacMalayalam = 17, MacSinhalese = 18, MacBurmese = 19, MacKhmer = 20, MacThai = 21, MacLaotian = 22, MacGeorgian = 23, MacArmenian = 24, MacChineseSimp = 25, MacTibetan = 26, MacMongolian = 27, MacEthiopic = 28, MacCentralEurRoman = 29, MacVietnamese = 30, MacExtArabic = 31, MacSymbol = 33, MacDingbats = 34, MacTurkish = 35, MacCroatian = 36, MacIcelandic = 37, MacRomanian = 38, MacCeltic = 39, MacGaelic = 40, MacFarsi = 140, MacUkrainian = 152, MacInuit = 236, MacVT100 = 252, MacHFS = 255, ISOLatin2 = 514, ISOLatin3 = 515, ISOLatin4 = 516, ISOLatinCyrillic = 517, ISOLatinArabic = 518, ISOLatinGreek = 519, ISOLatinHebrew = 520, ISOLatin5 = 521, ISOLatin6 = 522, ISOLatinThai = 523, ISOLatin7 = 525, ISOLatin8 = 526, ISOLatin9 = 527, ISOLatin10 = 528, DOSLatinUS = 1024, DOSGreek = 1029, DOSBalticRim = 1030, DOSLatin1 = 1040, DOSGreek1 = 1041, DOSLatin2 = 1042, DOSCyrillic = 1043, DOSTurkish = 1044, DOSPortuguese = 1045, DOSIcelandic = 1046, DOSHebrew = 1047, DOSCanadianFrench = 1048, DOSArabic = 1049, DOSNordic = 1050, DOSRussian = 1051, DOSGreek2 = 1052, DOSThai = 1053, DOSJapanese = 1056, DOSChineseSimplif = 1057, DOSKorean = 1058, DOSChineseTrad = 1059, WindowsLatin2 = 1281, WindowsCyrillic = 1282, WindowsGreek = 1283, WindowsLatin5 = 1284, WindowsHebrew = 1285, WindowsArabic = 1286, WindowsBalticRim = 1287, WindowsVietnamese = 1288, WindowsKoreanJohab = 1296, ANSEL = 1537, JIS_X0201_76 = 1568, JIS_X0208_83 = 1569, JIS_X0208_90 = 1570, JIS_X0212_90 = 1571, JIS_C6226_78 = 1572, ShiftJIS_X0213 = 1576, ShiftJIS_X0213_MenKuTen = 1577, GB_2312_80 = 1584, GBK_95 = 1585, GB_18030_2000 = 1586, KSC_5601_87 = 1600, KSC_5601_92_Johab = 1601, CNS_11643_92_P1 = 1617, CNS_11643_92_P2 = 1618, CNS_11643_92_P3 = 1619, ISO_2022_JP = 2080, ISO_2022_JP_2 = 2081, ISO_2022_JP_1 = 2082, ISO_2022_JP_3 = 2083, ISO_2022_CN = 2096, ISO_2022_CN_EXT = 2097, ISO_2022_KR = 2112, EUC_JP = 2336, EUC_CN = 2352, EUC_TW = 2353, EUC_KR = 2368, ShiftJIS = 2561, KOI8_R = 2562, Big5 = 2563, MacRomanLatin1 = 2564, HZ_GB_2312 = 2565, Big5_HKSCS_1999 = 2566, VISCII = 2567, KOI8_U = 2568, Big5_E = 2569, NextStepJapanese = 2818, EBCDIC_US = 3073, EBCDIC_CP037 = 3074, UTF7 = 67109120, UTF7_IMAP = 2576, ShiftJIS_X0213_00 = 1576, // Deprecated. Use `ShiftJIS_X0213` instead. }
TypeRef ¶
TypeRef :: distinct rawptr
Related Procedures With Parameters
- CFRelease
- ReleaseObject
- Release (procedure groups)
This section is empty.
This section is empty.
ReleaseObject ¶
ReleaseObject :: proc(cf: TypeRef) {…}
StringCopyToOdinString ¶
StringCopyToOdinString :: proc(theString: String, allocator := context.allocator) -> (str: string, ok: bool) #optional_ok {…}
StringGetBytes ¶
StringGetBytes :: proc "c" ( thestring: String, range: Range, encoding: StringEncoding, lossByte: u8, isExternalRepresentation: b8, buffer: [^]u8, maxBufLen: Index, usedBufLen: ^Index, ) -> Index ---
Fetches a range of the characters from a string into a byte buffer after converting the characters to a specified encoding.
StringGetCString ¶
StringGetCString :: proc "c" (theString: String, buffer: [^]u8, bufferSize: Index, encoding: StringEncoding) -> b8 ---
Copies the character contents of a string to a local C string buffer after converting the characters to a given encoding.
StringGetLength ¶
Returns the number (in terms of UTF-16 code pairs) of Unicode characters in a string.
StringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding ¶
StringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding :: proc "c" (length: Index, encoding: StringEncoding) -> Index ---
Returns the maximum number of bytes a string of a specified length (in Unicode characters) will take up if encoded in a specified encoding.
StringIsEncodingAvailable ¶
StringIsEncodingAvailable :: proc "c" (encoding: StringEncoding) -> bool ---
Procedure Groups
Source Files
Generation Information
Generated with odin version dev-2025-03 (vendor "odin") Windows_amd64 @ 2025-03-25 21:11:15.482481800 +0000 UTC