package core:sys/darwin/Security

Warning: This was generated for -target:darwin_arm64 and might not represent every target this package supports.



    Constants (0)

    This section is empty.

    Variables (1)
    Procedure Groups (0)

    This section is empty.


    OSStatus ¶

    OSStatus :: distinct i32

    RandomRef ¶

    RandomRef :: distinct rawptr

    A reference to a random number generator.

    Related Procedures With Parameters

    errSec ¶

    errSec :: enum OSStatus {
    	Success                            = 0,      // No error.
    	Unimplemented                      = -4,     // Function or operation not implemented.
    	DiskFull                           = -43,    // The disk is full.
    	IO                                 = -63,    // I/O error.
    	OpWr                               = -94,    // File already open with with write permission.
    	Param                              = -05,    // One or more parameters passed to a function were not valid.
    	WrPerm                             = -16,    // Write permissions error.
    	Allocate                           = -108,   // Failed to allocate memory.
    	UserCanceled                       = -128,   // User canceled the operation.
    	BadReq                             = -909,   // Bad parameter or invalid state for operation.
    	InternalComponent                  = -2700, 
    	CoreFoundationUnknown              = -4690, 
    	MissingEntitlement,                          // A required entitlement isn't present.
    	RestrictedAPI,                               // Client is restricted and is not permitted to perform this operation.
    	NotAvailable                       = -25291, // No keychain is available. You may need to restart your computer.
    	ReadOnly                           = -25292, // This keychain cannot be modified.
    	AuthFailed                         = -25293, // The user name or passphrase you entered is not correct.
    	NoSuchKeychain                     = -25294, // The specified keychain could not be found.
    	InvalidKeychain                    = -25295, // The specified keychain is not a valid keychain file.
    	DuplicateKeychain                  = -25296, // A keychain with the same name already exists.
    	DuplicateCallback                  = -25297, // The specified callback function is already installed.
    	InvalidCallback                    = -25298, // The specified callback function is not valid.
    	DuplicateItem                      = -25299, // The specified item already exists in the keychain.
    	ItemNotFound                       = -25300, // The specified item could not be found in the keychain.
    	BufferTooSmall                     = -25301, // There is not enough memory available to use the specified item.
    	DataTooLarge                       = -25302, // This item contains information which is too large or in a format that cannot be displayed.
    	NoSuchAttr                         = -25303, // The specified attribute does not exist.
    	InvalidItemRef                     = -25304, // The specified item is no longer valid. It may have been deleted from the keychain.
    	InvalidSearchRef                   = -25305, // Unable to search the current keychain.
    	NoSuchClass                        = -25306, // The specified item does not appear to be a valid keychain item.
    	NoDefaultKeychain                  = -25307, // A default keychain could not be found.
    	InteractionNotAllowed              = -25308, // User interaction is not allowed.
    	ReadOnlyAttr                       = -25309, // The specified attribute could not be modified.
    	WrongSecVersion                    = -25310, // This keychain was created by a different version of the system software and cannot be opened.
    	KeySizeNotAllowed                  = -25311, // This item specifies a key size which is too large or too small.
    	NoStorageModule                    = -25312, // A required component (data storage module) could not be loaded. You may need to restart your computer.
    	NoCertificateModule                = -25313, // A required component (certificate module) could not be loaded. You may need to restart your computer.
    	NoPolicyModule                     = -25314, // A required component (policy module) could not be loaded. You may need to restart your computer.
    	InteractionRequired                = -25315, // User interaction is required, but is currently not allowed.
    	DataNotAvailable                   = -25316, // The contents of this item cannot be retrieved.
    	DataNotModifiable                  = -25317, // The contents of this item cannot be modified.
    	CreateChainFailed                  = -25318, // One or more certificates required to validate this certificate cannot be found.
    	InvalidPrefsDomain                 = -25319, // The specified preferences domain is not valid.
    	InDarkWake                         = -25320, // In dark wake, no UI possible
    	ACLNotSimple                       = -25240, // The specified access control list is not in standard (simple) form.
    	PolicyNotFound                     = -25241, // The specified policy cannot be found.
    	InvalidTrustSetting                = -25242, // The specified trust setting is invalid.
    	NoAccessForItem                    = -25243, // The specified item has no access control.
    	InvalidOwnerEdit                   = -25244, // Invalid attempt to change the owner of this item.
    	TrustNotAvailable                  = -25245, // No trust results are available.
    	UnsupportedFormat                  = -25256, // Import/Export format unsupported.
    	UnknownFormat                      = -25257, // Unknown format in import.
    	KeyIsSensitive                     = -25258, // Key material must be wrapped for export.
    	MultiplePrivKeys                   = -25259, // An attempt was made to import multiple private keys.
    	PassphraseRequired                 = -25260, // Passphrase is required for import/export.
    	InvalidPasswordRef                 = -25261, // The password reference was invalid.
    	InvalidTrustSettings               = -25262, // The Trust Settings Record was corrupted.
    	NoTrustSettings                    = -25263, // No Trust Settings were found.
    	Pkcs12VerifyFailure                = -25264, // MAC verification failed during PKCS12 import (wrong password?)
    	NotSigner                          = -26267, // A certificate was not signed by its proposed parent.
    	Decode                             = -26275, // Unable to decode the provided data.
    	ServiceNotAvailable                = -67585, // The required service is not available.
    	InsufficientClientID               = -67586, // The client ID is not correct.
    	DeviceReset                        = -67587, // A device reset has occurred.
    	DeviceFailed                       = -67588, // A device failure has occurred.
    	AppleAddAppACLSubject              = -67589, // Adding an application ACL subject failed.
    	ApplePublicKeyIncomplete           = -67590, // The public key is incomplete.
    	AppleSignatureMismatch             = -67591, // A signature mismatch has occurred.
    	AppleInvalidKeyStartDate           = -67592, // The specified key has an invalid start date.
    	AppleInvalidKeyEndDate             = -67593, // The specified key has an invalid end date.
    	ConversionError                    = -67594, // A conversion error has occurred.
    	AppleSSLv2Rollback                 = -67595, // A SSLv2 rollback error has occurred.
    	QuotaExceeded                      = -67596, // The quota was exceeded.
    	FileTooBig                         = -67597, // The file is too big.
    	InvalidDatabaseBlob                = -67598, // The specified database has an invalid blob.
    	InvalidKeyBlob                     = -67599, // The specified database has an invalid key blob.
    	IncompatibleDatabaseBlob           = -67600, // The specified database has an incompatible blob.
    	IncompatibleKeyBlob                = -67601, // The specified database has an incompatible key blob.
    	HostNameMismatch                   = -67602, // A host name mismatch has occurred.
    	UnknownCriticalExtensionFlag       = -67603, // There is an unknown critical extension flag.
    	NoBasicConstraints                 = -67604, // No basic constraints were found.
    	NoBasicConstraintsCA               = -67605, // No basic CA constraints were found.
    	InvalidAuthorityKeyID              = -67606, // The authority key ID is not valid.
    	InvalidSubjectKeyID                = -67607, // The subject key ID is not valid.
    	InvalidKeyUsageForPolicy           = -67608, // The key usage is not valid for the specified policy.
    	InvalidExtendedKeyUsage            = -67609, // The extended key usage is not valid.
    	InvalidIDLinkage                   = -67610, // The ID linkage is not valid.
    	PathLengthConstraintExceeded       = -67611, // The path length constraint was exceeded.
    	InvalidRoot                        = -67612, // The root or anchor certificate is not valid.
    	CRLExpired                         = -67613, // The CRL has expired.
    	CRLNotValidYet                     = -67614, // The CRL is not yet valid.
    	CRLNotFound                        = -67615, // The CRL was not found.
    	CRLServerDown                      = -67616, // The CRL server is down.
    	CRLBadURI                          = -67617, // The CRL has a bad Uniform Resource Identifier.
    	UnknownCertExtension               = -67618, // An unknown certificate extension was encountered.
    	UnknownCRLExtension                = -67619, // An unknown CRL extension was encountered.
    	CRLNotTrusted                      = -67620, // The CRL is not trusted.
    	CRLPolicyFailed                    = -67621, // The CRL policy failed.
    	IDPFailure                         = -67622, // The issuing distribution point was not valid.
    	SMIMEEmailAddressesNotFound        = -67623, // An email address mismatch was encountered.
    	SMIMEBadExtendedKeyUsage           = -67624, // The appropriate extended key usage for SMIME was not found.
    	SMIMEBadKeyUsage                   = -67625, // The key usage is not compatible with SMIME.
    	SMIMEKeyUsageNotCritical           = -67626, // The key usage extension is not marked as critical.
    	SMIMENoEmailAddress                = -67627, // No email address was found in the certificate.
    	SMIMESubjAltNameNotCritical        = -67628, // The subject alternative name extension is not marked as critical.
    	SSLBadExtendedKeyUsage             = -67629, // The appropriate extended key usage for SSL was not found.
    	OCSPBadResponse                    = -67630, // The OCSP response was incorrect or could not be parsed.
    	OCSPBadRequest                     = -67631, // The OCSP request was incorrect or could not be parsed.
    	OCSPUnavailable                    = -67632, // OCSP service is unavailable.
    	OCSPStatusUnrecognized             = -67633, // The OCSP server did not recognize this certificate.
    	EndOfData                          = -67634, // An end-of-data was detected.
    	IncompleteCertRevocationCheck      = -67635, // An incomplete certificate revocation check occurred.
    	NetworkFailure                     = -67636, // A network failure occurred.
    	OCSPNotTrustedToAnchor             = -67637, // The OCSP response was not trusted to a root or anchor certificate.
    	RecordModified                     = -67638, // The record was modified.
    	OCSPSignatureError                 = -67639, // The OCSP response had an invalid signature.
    	OCSPNoSigner                       = -67640, // The OCSP response had no signer.
    	OCSPResponderMalformedReq          = -67641, // The OCSP responder was given a malformed request.
    	OCSPResponderInternalError         = -67642, // The OCSP responder encountered an internal error.
    	OCSPResponderTryLater              = -67643, // The OCSP responder is busy, try again later.
    	OCSPResponderSignatureRequired     = -67644, // The OCSP responder requires a signature.
    	OCSPResponderUnauthorized          = -67645, // The OCSP responder rejected this request as unauthorized.
    	OCSPResponseNonceMismatch          = -67646, // The OCSP response nonce did not match the request.
    	CodeSigningBadCertChainLength      = -67647, // Code signing encountered an incorrect certificate chain length.
    	CodeSigningNoBasicConstraints      = -67648, // Code signing found no basic constraints.
    	CodeSigningBadPathLengthConstraint = -67649, // Code signing encountered an incorrect path length constraint.
    	CodeSigningNoExtendedKeyUsage      = -67650, // Code signing found no extended key usage.
    	CodeSigningDevelopment             = -67651, // Code signing indicated use of a development-only certificate.
    	ResourceSignBadCertChainLength     = -67652, // Resource signing has encountered an incorrect certificate chain length.
    	ResourceSignBadExtKeyUsage         = -67653, // Resource signing has encountered an error in the extended key usage.
    	TrustSettingDeny                   = -67654, // The trust setting for this policy was set to Deny.
    	InvalidSubjectName                 = -67655, // An invalid certificate subject name was encountered.
    	UnknownQualifiedCertStatement      = -67656, // An unknown qualified certificate statement was encountered.
    	MobileMeRequestQueued              = -67657, 
    	MobileMeRequestRedirected          = -67658, 
    	MobileMeServerError                = -67659, 
    	MobileMeServerNotAvailable         = -67660, 
    	MobileMeServerAlreadyExists        = -67661, 
    	MobileMeServerServiceErr           = -67662, 
    	MobileMeRequestAlreadyPending      = -67663, 
    	MobileMeNoRequestPending           = -67664, 
    	MobileMeCSRVerifyFailure           = -67665, 
    	MobileMeFailedConsistencyCheck     = -67666, 
    	NotInitialized                     = -67667, // A function was called without initializing CSSM.
    	InvalidHandleUsage                 = -67668, // The CSSM handle does not match with the service type.
    	PVCReferentNotFound                = -67669, // A reference to the calling module was not found in the list of authorized callers.
    	FunctionIntegrityFail              = -67670, // A function address was not within the verified module.
    	InternalError                      = -67671, // An internal error has occurred.
    	MemoryError                        = -67672, // A memory error has occurred.
    	InvalidData                        = -67673, // Invalid data was encountered.
    	MDSError                           = -67674, // A Module Directory Service error has occurred.
    	InvalidPointer                     = -67675, // An invalid pointer was encountered.
    	SelfCheckFailed                    = -67676, // Self-check has failed.
    	FunctionFailed                     = -67677, // A function has failed.
    	ModuleManifestVerifyFailed         = -67678, // A module manifest verification failure has occurred.
    	InvalidGUID                        = -67679, // An invalid GUID was encountered.
    	InvalidHandle                      = -67680, // An invalid handle was encountered.
    	InvalidDBList                      = -67681, // An invalid DB list was encountered.
    	InvalidPassthroughID               = -67682, // An invalid passthrough ID was encountered.
    	InvalidNetworkAddress              = -67683, // An invalid network address was encountered.
    	CRLAlreadySigned                   = -67684, // The certificate revocation list is already signed.
    	InvalidNumberOfFields              = -67685, // An invalid number of fields were encountered.
    	VerificationFailure                = -67686, // A verification failure occurred.
    	UnknownTag                         = -67687, // An unknown tag was encountered.
    	InvalidSignature                   = -67688, // An invalid signature was encountered.
    	InvalidName                        = -67689, // An invalid name was encountered.
    	InvalidCertificateRef              = -67690, // An invalid certificate reference was encountered.
    	InvalidCertificateGroup            = -67691, // An invalid certificate group was encountered.
    	TagNotFound                        = -67692, // The specified tag was not found.
    	InvalidQuery                       = -67693, // The specified query was not valid.
    	InvalidValue                       = -67694, // An invalid value was detected.
    	CallbackFailed                     = -67695, // A callback has failed.
    	ACLDeleteFailed                    = -67696, // An ACL delete operation has failed.
    	ACLReplaceFailed                   = -67697, // An ACL replace operation has failed.
    	ACLAddFailed                       = -67698, // An ACL add operation has failed.
    	ACLChangeFailed                    = -67699, // An ACL change operation has failed.
    	InvalidAccessCredentials           = -67700, // Invalid access credentials were encountered.
    	InvalidRecord                      = -67701, // An invalid record was encountered.
    	InvalidACL                         = -67702, // An invalid ACL was encountered.
    	InvalidSampleValue                 = -67703, // An invalid sample value was encountered.
    	IncompatibleVersion                = -67704, // An incompatible version was encountered.
    	PrivilegeNotGranted                = -67705, // The privilege was not granted.
    	InvalidScope                       = -67706, // An invalid scope was encountered.
    	PVCAlreadyConfigured               = -67707, // The PVC is already configured.
    	InvalidPVC                         = -67708, // An invalid PVC was encountered.
    	EMMLoadFailed                      = -67709, // The EMM load has failed.
    	EMMUnloadFailed                    = -67710, // The EMM unload has failed.
    	AddinLoadFailed                    = -67711, // The add-in load operation has failed.
    	InvalidKeyRef                      = -67712, // An invalid key was encountered.
    	InvalidKeyHierarchy                = -67713, // An invalid key hierarchy was encountered.
    	AddinUnloadFailed                  = -67714, // The add-in unload operation has failed.
    	LibraryReferenceNotFound           = -67715, // A library reference was not found.
    	InvalidAddinFunctionTable          = -67716, // An invalid add-in function table was encountered.
    	InvalidServiceMask                 = -67717, // An invalid service mask was encountered.
    	ModuleNotLoaded                    = -67718, // A module was not loaded.
    	InvalidSubServiceID                = -67719, // An invalid subservice ID was encountered.
    	AttributeNotInContext              = -67720, // An attribute was not in the context.
    	ModuleManagerInitializeFailed      = -67721, // A module failed to initialize.
    	ModuleManagerNotFound              = -67722, // A module was not found.
    	EventNotificationCallbackNotFound  = -67723, // An event notification callback was not found.
    	InputLengthError                   = -67724, // An input length error was encountered.
    	OutputLengthError                  = -67725, // An output length error was encountered.
    	PrivilegeNotSupported              = -67726, // The privilege is not supported.
    	DeviceError                        = -67727, // A device error was encountered.
    	AttachHandleBusy                   = -67728, // The CSP handle was busy.
    	NotLoggedIn                        = -67729, // You are not logged in.
    	AlgorithmMismatch                  = -67730, // An algorithm mismatch was encountered.
    	KeyUsageIncorrect                  = -67731, // The key usage is incorrect.
    	KeyBlobTypeIncorrect               = -67732, // The key blob type is incorrect.
    	KeyHeaderInconsistent              = -67733, // The key header is inconsistent.
    	UnsupportedKeyFormat               = -67734, // The key header format is not supported.
    	UnsupportedKeySize                 = -67735, // The key size is not supported.
    	InvalidKeyUsageMask                = -67736, // The key usage mask is not valid.
    	UnsupportedKeyUsageMask            = -67737, // The key usage mask is not supported.
    	InvalidKeyAttributeMask            = -67738, // The key attribute mask is not valid.
    	UnsupportedKeyAttributeMask        = -67739, // The key attribute mask is not supported.
    	InvalidKeyLabel                    = -67740, // The key label is not valid.
    	UnsupportedKeyLabel                = -67741, // The key label is not supported.
    	InvalidKeyFormat                   = -67742, // The key format is not valid.
    	UnsupportedVectorOfBuffers         = -67743, // The vector of buffers is not supported.
    	InvalidInputVector                 = -67744, // The input vector is not valid.
    	InvalidOutputVector                = -67745, // The output vector is not valid.
    	InvalidContext                     = -67746, // An invalid context was encountered.
    	InvalidAlgorithm                   = -67747, // An invalid algorithm was encountered.
    	InvalidAttributeKey                = -67748, // A key attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAttributeKey                = -67749, // A key attribute was missing.
    	InvalidAttributeInitVector         = -67750, // An init vector attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAttributeInitVector         = -67751, // An init vector attribute was missing.
    	InvalidAttributeSalt               = -67752, // A salt attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAttributeSalt               = -67753, // A salt attribute was missing.
    	InvalidAttributePadding            = -67754, // A padding attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAttributePadding            = -67755, // A padding attribute was missing.
    	InvalidAttributeRandom             = -67756, // A random number attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAttributeRandom             = -67757, // A random number attribute was missing.
    	InvalidAttributeSeed               = -67758, // A seed attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAttributeSeed               = -67759, // A seed attribute was missing.
    	InvalidAttributePassphrase         = -67760, // A passphrase attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAttributePassphrase         = -67761, // A passphrase attribute was missing.
    	InvalidAttributeKeyLength          = -67762, // A key length attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAttributeKeyLength          = -67763, // A key length attribute was missing.
    	InvalidAttributeBlockSize          = -67764, // A block size attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAttributeBlockSize          = -67765, // A block size attribute was missing.
    	InvalidAttributeOutputSize         = -67766, // An output size attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAttributeOutputSize         = -67767, // An output size attribute was missing.
    	InvalidAttributeRounds             = -67768, // The number of rounds attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAttributeRounds             = -67769, // The number of rounds attribute was missing.
    	InvalidAlgorithmParms              = -67770, // An algorithm parameters attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAlgorithmParms              = -67771, // An algorithm parameters attribute was missing.
    	InvalidAttributeLabel              = -67772, // A label attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAttributeLabel              = -67773, // A label attribute was missing.
    	InvalidAttributeKeyType            = -67774, // A key type attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAttributeKeyType            = -67775, // A key type attribute was missing.
    	InvalidAttributeMode               = -67776, // A mode attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAttributeMode               = -67777, // A mode attribute was missing.
    	InvalidAttributeEffectiveBits      = -67778, // An effective bits attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAttributeEffectiveBits      = -67779, // An effective bits attribute was missing.
    	InvalidAttributeStartDate          = -67780, // A start date attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAttributeStartDate          = -67781, // A start date attribute was missing.
    	InvalidAttributeEndDate            = -67782, // An end date attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAttributeEndDate            = -67783, // An end date attribute was missing.
    	InvalidAttributeVersion            = -67784, // A version attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAttributeVersion            = -67785, // A version attribute was missing.
    	InvalidAttributePrime              = -67786, // A prime attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAttributePrime              = -67787, // A prime attribute was missing.
    	InvalidAttributeBase               = -67788, // A base attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAttributeBase               = -67789, // A base attribute was missing.
    	InvalidAttributeSubprime           = -67790, // A subprime attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAttributeSubprime           = -67791, // A subprime attribute was missing.
    	InvalidAttributeIterationCount     = -67792, // An iteration count attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAttributeIterationCount     = -67793, // An iteration count attribute was missing.
    	InvalidAttributeDLDBHandle         = -67794, // A database handle attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAttributeDLDBHandle         = -67795, // A database handle attribute was missing.
    	InvalidAttributeAccessCredentials  = -67796, // An access credentials attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAttributeAccessCredentials  = -67797, // An access credentials attribute was missing.
    	InvalidAttributePublicKeyFormat    = -67798, // A public key format attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAttributePublicKeyFormat    = -67799, // A public key format attribute was missing.
    	InvalidAttributePrivateKeyFormat   = -67800, // A private key format attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAttributePrivateKeyFormat   = -67801, // A private key format attribute was missing.
    	InvalidAttributeSymmetricKeyFormat = -67802, // A symmetric key format attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAttributeSymmetricKeyFormat = -67803, // A symmetric key format attribute was missing.
    	InvalidAttributeWrappedKeyFormat   = -67804, // A wrapped key format attribute was not valid.
    	MissingAttributeWrappedKeyFormat   = -67805, // A wrapped key format attribute was missing.
    	StagedOperationInProgress          = -67806, // A staged operation is in progress.
    	StagedOperationNotStarted          = -67807, // A staged operation was not started.
    	VerifyFailed                       = -67808, // A cryptographic verification failure has occurred.
    	QuerySizeUnknown                   = -67809, // The query size is unknown.
    	BlockSizeMismatch                  = -67810, // A block size mismatch occurred.
    	PublicKeyInconsistent              = -67811, // The public key was inconsistent.
    	DeviceVerifyFailed                 = -67812, // A device verification failure has occurred.
    	InvalidLoginName                   = -67813, // An invalid login name was detected.
    	AlreadyLoggedIn                    = -67814, // The user is already logged in.
    	InvalidDigestAlgorithm             = -67815, // An invalid digest algorithm was detected.
    	InvalidCRLGroup                    = -67816, // An invalid CRL group was detected.
    	CertificateCannotOperate           = -67817, // The certificate cannot operate.
    	CertificateExpired                 = -67818, // An expired certificate was detected.
    	CertificateNotValidYet             = -67819, // The certificate is not yet valid.
    	CertificateRevoked                 = -67820, // The certificate was revoked.
    	CertificateSuspended               = -67821, // The certificate was suspended.
    	InsufficientCredentials            = -67822, // Insufficient credentials were detected.
    	InvalidAction                      = -67823, // The action was not valid.
    	InvalidAuthority                   = -67824, // The authority was not valid.
    	VerifyActionFailed                 = -67825, // A verify action has failed.
    	InvalidCertAuthority               = -67826, // The certificate authority was not valid.
    	InvalidCRLAuthority                = -67827, // The CRL authority was not valid.
    	InvalidCRLEncoding                 = -67828, // The CRL encoding was not valid.
    	InvalidCRLType                     = -67829, // The CRL type was not valid.
    	InvalidCRL                         = -67830, // The CRL was not valid.
    	InvalidFormType                    = -67831, // The form type was not valid.
    	InvalidID                          = -67832, // The ID was not valid.
    	InvalidIdentifier                  = -67833, // The identifier was not valid.
    	InvalidIndex                       = -67834, // The index was not valid.
    	InvalidPolicyIdentifiers           = -67835, // The policy identifiers are not valid.
    	InvalidTimeString                  = -67836, // The time specified was not valid.
    	InvalidReason                      = -67837, // The trust policy reason was not valid.
    	InvalidRequestInputs               = -67838, // The request inputs are not valid.
    	InvalidResponseVector              = -67839, // The response vector was not valid.
    	InvalidStopOnPolicy                = -67840, // The stop-on policy was not valid.
    	InvalidTuple                       = -67841, // The tuple was not valid.
    	MultipleValuesUnsupported          = -67842, // Multiple values are not supported.
    	NotTrusted                         = -67843, // The certificate was not trusted.
    	NoDefaultAuthority                 = -67844, // No default authority was detected.
    	RejectedForm                       = -67845, // The trust policy had a rejected form.
    	RequestLost                        = -67846, // The request was lost.
    	RequestRejected                    = -67847, // The request was rejected.
    	UnsupportedAddressType             = -67848, // The address type is not supported.
    	UnsupportedService                 = -67849, // The service is not supported.
    	InvalidTupleGroup                  = -67850, // The tuple group was not valid.
    	InvalidBaseACLs                    = -67851, // The base ACLs are not valid.
    	InvalidTupleCredentials            = -67852, // The tuple credentials are not valid.
    	InvalidEncoding                    = -67853, // The encoding was not valid.
    	InvalidValidityPeriod              = -67854, // The validity period was not valid.
    	InvalidRequestor                   = -67855, // The requestor was not valid.
    	RequestDescriptor                  = -67856, // The request descriptor was not valid.
    	InvalidBundleInfo                  = -67857, // The bundle information was not valid.
    	InvalidCRLIndex                    = -67858, // The CRL index was not valid.
    	NoFieldValues                      = -67859, // No field values were detected.
    	UnsupportedFieldFormat             = -67860, // The field format is not supported.
    	UnsupportedIndexInfo               = -67861, // The index information is not supported.
    	UnsupportedLocality                = -67862, // The locality is not supported.
    	UnsupportedNumAttributes           = -67863, // The number of attributes is not supported.
    	UnsupportedNumIndexes              = -67864, // The number of indexes is not supported.
    	UnsupportedNumRecordTypes          = -67865, // The number of record types is not supported.
    	FieldSpecifiedMultiple             = -67866, // Too many fields were specified.
    	IncompatibleFieldFormat            = -67867, // The field format was incompatible.
    	InvalidParsingModule               = -67868, // The parsing module was not valid.
    	DatabaseLocked                     = -67869, // The database is locked.
    	DatastoreIsOpen                    = -67870, // The data store is open.
    	MissingValue                       = -67871, // A missing value was detected.
    	UnsupportedQueryLimits             = -67872, // The query limits are not supported.
    	UnsupportedNumSelectionPreds       = -67873, // The number of selection predicates is not supported.
    	UnsupportedOperator                = -67874, // The operator is not supported.
    	InvalidDBLocation                  = -67875, // The database location is not valid.
    	InvalidAccessRequest               = -67876, // The access request is not valid.
    	InvalidIndexInfo                   = -67877, // The index information is not valid.
    	InvalidNewOwner                    = -67878, // The new owner is not valid.
    	InvalidModifyMode                  = -67879, // The modify mode is not valid.
    	MissingRequiredExtension           = -67880, // A required certificate extension is missing.
    	ExtendedKeyUsageNotCritical        = -67881, // The extended key usage extension was not marked critical.
    	TimestampMissing                   = -67882, // A timestamp was expected but was not found.
    	TimestampInvalid                   = -67883, // The timestamp was not valid.
    	TimestampNotTrusted                = -67884, // The timestamp was not trusted.
    	TimestampServiceNotAvailable       = -67885, // The timestamp service is not available.
    	TimestampBadAlg                    = -67886, // An unrecognized or unsupported Algorithm Identifier in timestamp.
    	TimestampBadRequest                = -67887, // The timestamp transaction is not permitted or supported.
    	TimestampBadDataFormat             = -67888, // The timestamp data submitted has the wrong format.
    	TimestampTimeNotAvailable          = -67889, // The time source for the Timestamp Authority is not available.
    	TimestampUnacceptedPolicy          = -67890, // The requested policy is not supported by the Timestamp Authority.
    	TimestampUnacceptedExtension       = -67891, // The requested extension is not supported by the Timestamp Authority.
    	TimestampAddInfoNotAvailable       = -67892, // The additional information requested is not available.
    	TimestampSystemFailure             = -67893, // The timestamp request cannot be handled due to system failure.
    	SigningTimeMissing                 = -67894, // A signing time was expected but was not found.
    	TimestampRejection                 = -67895, // A timestamp transaction was rejected.
    	TimestampWaiting                   = -67896, // A timestamp transaction is waiting.
    	TimestampRevocationWarning         = -67897, // A timestamp authority revocation warning was issued.
    	TimestampRevocationNotification    = -67898, // A timestamp authority revocation notification was issued.
    	CertificatePolicyNotAllowed        = -67899, // The requested policy is not allowed for this certificate.
    	CertificateNameNotAllowed          = -67900, // The requested name is not allowed for this certificate.
    	CertificateValidityPeriodTooLong   = -67901, // The validity period in the certificate exceeds the maximum allowed.
    	CertificateIsCA                    = -67902, // The verified certificate is a CA rather than an end-entity.
    	CertificateDuplicateExtension      = -67903, // The certificate contains multiple extensions with the same extension ID.
    Related Procedures With Parameters
    Related Procedures With Returns


    This section is empty.


    kSecRandomDefault ¶

    kSecRandomDefault: RandomRef

    Default random ref for /dev/random. Synonym for nil.


    CopyErrorMessageString ¶

    CopyErrorMessageString :: proc "c" (status: errSec, reserved: rawptr = nil) -> CoreFoundation.String ---

    RandomCopyBytes ¶

    RandomCopyBytes :: proc "c" (rnd: RandomRef = kSecRandomDefault, count: uint, bytes: [^]u8) -> errSec ---

    Generates an array of cryptographically secure random bytes.

    Procedure Groups

    This section is empty.

    Source Files

    Generation Information

    Generated with odin version dev-2025-03 (vendor "odin") Windows_amd64 @ 2025-03-25 21:11:15.535972200 +0000 UTC