package core:mem



    The mem package implements various allocators and provides utility procedures for dealing with memory, pointers and slices.

    The documentation below describes basic concepts, applicable to the mem package.

    ## Pointers, multipointers, and slices

    A pointer is an abstraction of an address, a numberic value representing the location of an object in memory. That object is said to be pointed to by the pointer. To obtain the address of a pointer, cast it to uintptr.

    A multipointer is a pointer that points to multiple objects. Unlike a pointer, a multipointer can be indexed, but does not have a definite length. A slice is a pointer that points to multiple objects equipped with the length, specifying the amount of objects a slice points to.

    When an object's values are read through a pointer, that operation is called a load operation. When memory is written to through a pointer, that operation is called a store operation. Both of these operations can be called a *memory access operation*.

    ## Allocators

    In C and C++ memory models, allocations of objects in memory are typically treated individually with a generic allocator (The malloc procedure). Which in some scenarios can lead to poor cache utilization, slowdowns on individual objects' memory management and growing complexity of the code needing to keep track of the pointers and their lifetimes.

    Using different kinds of allocators for different purposes can solve these problems. The allocators are typically optimized for specific use-cases and can potentially simplify the memory management code.

    For example, in the context of making a game, having an Arena allocator could simplify allocations of any temporary memory, because the programmer doesn't have to keep track of which objects need to be freed every time they are allocated, because at the end of every frame the whole allocator is reset to its initial state and all objects are freed at once.

    The allocators have different kinds of restrictions on object lifetimes, sizes, alignment and can be a significant gain, if used properly. Odin supports allocators on a language level.

    Operations such as new, free and delete by default will use context.allocator, which can be overridden by the user. When an override happens all called procedures will inherit the new context and use the same allocator.

    We will define one concept to simplify the description of some allocator-related procedures, which is ownership. If the memory was allocated via a specific allocator, that allocator is said to be the owner of that memory region. To note, unlike Rust, in Odin the memory ownership model is not strict.

    ## Alignment

    An address is said to be aligned to `N` bytes, if the addresses's numeric value is divisible by N. The number N in this case can be referred to as the alignment boundary. Typically an alignment is a power of two integer value.

    A natural alignment of an object is typically equal to its size. For example a 16 bit integer has a natural alignment of 2 bytes. When an object is not located on its natural alignment boundary, accesses to that object are considered unaligned.

    Some machines issue a hardware exception, or experience slowdowns when a memory access operation occurs from an unaligned address. Examples of such operations are:

    SIMD instructions on x86. These instructions require all memory accesses to be on an address that is aligned to 16 bytes. On ARM unaligned loads have an extra cycle penalty.

    As such, many operations that allocate memory in this package allow to explicitly specify the alignment of allocated pointers/slices. The default alignment for all operations is specified in a constant mem.DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT.

    ## Zero by default

    Whenever new memory is allocated, via an allocator, or on the stack, by default Odin will zero-initialize that memory, even if it wasn't explicitly initialized. This allows for some convenience in certain scenarios and ease of debugging, which will not be described in detail here.

    However zero-initialization can be a cause of slowdowns, when allocating large buffers. For this reason, allocators have *_non_zeroed modes of allocation that allow the user to request for uninitialized memory and will avoid a relatively expensive zero-filling of the buffer.

    ## Naming conventions

    The word size is used to denote the size in bytes. The word length is used to denote the count of objects.

    The allocation procedures use the following conventions:

    If the name contains alloc_bytes or resize_bytes, then the procedure takes in slice parameters and returns slices. If the procedure name contains alloc or resize, then the procedure takes in a raw pointer and returns raw pointers. If the procedure name contains free_bytes, then the procedure takes in a slice. If the procedure name contains free, then the procedure takes in a pointer.

    Higher-level allocation procedures follow the following naming scheme:

    new: Allocates a single object free: Free a single object (opposite of new) make: Allocate a group of objects delete: Free a group of objects (opposite of make)


    Variables (0)

    This section is empty.

    Procedures (195)
    Procedure Groups (3)


    Allocator ¶

    Allocator :: runtime.Allocator


    This type represents generic interface for all allocators. Currently this type is defined as follows:

    Allocator :: struct {
    	procedure: Allocator_Proc,
    	data: rawptr,

    procedure: Pointer to the allocation procedure. data: Pointer to the allocator data.

    Allocator_Error ¶

    Allocator_Error :: runtime.Allocator_Error

    An allocation request error.

    This type represents error values the allocators may return upon requests.

    Allocator_Error :: enum byte {
    	None                 = 0,
    	Out_Of_Memory        = 1,
    	Invalid_Pointer      = 2,
    	Invalid_Argument     = 3,
    	Mode_Not_Implemented = 4,

    The meaning of the errors is as follows:

    None: No error. Out_Of_Memory: Either:

    1. The allocator has ran out of the backing buffer, or the requested
    	allocation size is too large to fit into a backing buffer.
    2. The operating system error during memory allocation.
    3. The backing allocator was used to allocate a new backing buffer and the
    	backing allocator returned Out_Of_Memory.

    Invalid_Pointer: The pointer referring to a memory region does not belong

    to any of the allocators backing buffers or does not point to a valid start
    of an allocation made in that allocator.

    Invalid_Argument: Can occur if one of the arguments makes it impossible to

    satisfy a request (i.e. having alignment larger than the backing buffer
    of the allocation).

    Mode_Not_Implemented: The allocator does not support the specified

    operation. For example, an arena does not support freeing individual

    Allocator_Mode ¶

    Allocator_Mode :: runtime.Allocator_Mode

    A request to allocator procedure.

    This type represents a type of allocation request made to an allocator procedure. There is one allocator procedure per allocator, and this value is used to discriminate between different functions of the allocator.

    The type is defined as follows:

    Allocator_Mode :: enum byte {

    Depending on which value is used, the allocator procedure will perform different functions:

    Alloc: Allocates a memory region with a given size and alignment. Alloc_Non_Zeroed: Same as Alloc without explicit zero-initialization of

    the memory region.

    Free: Free a memory region located at address ptr with a given size. Free_All: Free all memory allocated using this allocator. Resize: Resize a memory region located at address old_ptr with size

    `old_size` to be `size` bytes in length and have the specified `alignment`,
    in case a re-alllocation occurs.

    Resize_Non_Zeroed: Same as Resize, without explicit zero-initialization.

    Allocator_Mode_Set ¶

    Allocator_Mode_Set :: runtime.Allocator_Mode_Set

    A set of allocator features.

    This type represents values that contain a set of features an allocator has. Currently the type is defined as follows:

    Allocator_Mode_Set :: distinct bit_set[Allocator_Mode];

    Allocator_Proc ¶

    Allocator_Proc :: runtime.Allocator_Proc

    The allocator procedure.

    This type represents allocation procedures. An allocation procedure is a single procedure, implementing all allocator functions such as allocating the memory, freeing the memory, etc.

    Currently the type is defined as follows:

    Allocator_Proc :: #type proc(
    	allocator_data: rawptr,
    	mode: Allocator_Mode,
    	size: int,
    	alignment: int,
    	old_memory: rawptr,
    	old_size: int,
    	location: Source_Code_Location = #caller_location,
    ) -> ([]byte, Allocator_Error);

    The function of this procedure and the meaning of parameters depends on the value of the mode parameter. For any operation the following constraints apply:

    The alignment must be a power of two. The size must be a positive integer.

    ## 1. .Alloc, .Alloc_Non_Zeroed

    Allocates a memory region of size size, aligned on a boundary specified by alignment.

    Inputs: allocator_data: Pointer to the allocator data. mode: .Alloc or .Alloc_Non_Zeroed. size: The desired size of the memory region. alignment: The desired alignmnet of the allocation. old_memory: Unused, should be nil. old_size: Unused, should be 0.

    Returns: 1. The memory region, if allocated successfully, or nil otherwise. 2. An error, if allocation failed.

    Note: The nil allocator may return nil, even if no error is returned. Always check both the error and the allocated buffer.

    Note: The .Alloc mode is required to be implemented for an allocator and can not return a .Mode_Not_Implemented error.

    ## 2. Free

    Frees a memory region located at the address specified by old_memory. If the allocator does not track sizes of allocations, the size should be specified in the old_size parameter.

    Inputs: allocator_data: Pointer to the allocator data. mode: .Free. size: Unused, should be 0. alignment: Unused, should be 0. old_memory: Pointer to the memory region to free. old_size: The size of the memory region to free. This parameter is optional

    if the allocator keeps track of the sizes of allocations.

    Returns: 1. nil 2. Error, if freeing failed.

    ## 3. Free_All

    Frees all allocations, associated with the allocator, making it available for further allocations using the same backing buffers.

    Inputs: allocator_data: Pointer to the allocator data. mode: .Free_All. size: Unused, should be 0. alignment: Unused, should be 0. old_memory: Unused, should be nil. old_size: Unused, should be 0.

    Returns: 1. nil. 2. Error, if freeing failed.

    ## 4. Resize, Resize_Non_Zeroed

    Resizes the memory region, of the size old_size located at the address specified by old_memory to have the new size size. The slice of the new memory region is returned from the procedure. The allocator may attempt to keep the new memory region at the same address as the previous allocation, however no such guarantee is made. Do not assume the new memory region will be at the same address as the old memory region.

    If old_memory pointer is nil, this function acts just like .Alloc or .Alloc_Non_Zeroed, using size and alignment to allocate a new memory region.

    If new_size is nil, the procedure acts just like .Free, freeing the memory region old_size bytes in length, located at the address specified by old_memory.

    If the old_memory pointer is not aligned to the boundary specified by alignment, the procedure relocates the buffer such that the reallocated buffer is aligned to the boundary specified by alignment.

    Inputs: allocator_data: Pointer to the allocator data. mode: .Resize or .Resize_All. size: The desired new size of the memory region. alignment: The alignment of the new memory region, if its allocated old_memory: The pointer to the memory region to resize. old_size: The size of the memory region to resize. If the allocator

    keeps track of the sizes of allocations, this parameter is optional.

    Returns: 1. The slice of the memory region after resize operation, if successfull,

    `nil` otherwise.

    2. An error, if the resize failed.

    Note: Some allocators may return nil, even if no error is returned. Always check both the error and the allocated buffer.

    Note: if old_size is 0 and old_memory is nil, this operation is a no-op, and should not return errors.

    Allocator_Query_Info ¶

    Allocator_Query_Info :: runtime.Allocator_Query_Info

    Allocator information.

    This type represents information about a given allocator at a specific point in time. Currently the type is defined as follows:

    Allocator_Query_Info :: struct {
    	pointer:   rawptr,
    	size:      Maybe(int),
    	alignment: Maybe(int),

    pointer: Pointer to a backing buffer. size: Size of the backing buffer. alignment: The allocator's alignment.

    If not applicable, any of these fields may be nil.

    Arena ¶

    Arena :: struct {
    	data:       []u8,
    	offset:     int,
    	peak_used:  int,
    	temp_count: int,

    Arena allocator data.

    Related Procedures With Parameters

    Arena_Temp_Memory ¶

    Arena_Temp_Memory :: struct {
    	arena:       ^Arena,
    	prev_offset: int,

    Temporary memory region of arena.

    Temporary memory regions of arena act as "savepoints" for arena. When one is created, the subsequent allocations are done inside the temporary memory region. When end_arena_temp_memory is called, the arena is rolled back, and all of the memory that was allocated from the arena will be freed.

    Multiple temporary memory regions can exist at the same time for an arena.

    Related Procedures With Parameters
    Related Procedures With Returns

    Buddy_Block ¶

    Buddy_Block :: struct #align (align_of(uint)) {
    	size:    uint,
    	is_free: bool,

    Header of the buddy block.

    Related Procedures With Parameters

    Compat_Allocator ¶

    Compat_Allocator :: struct {
    	parent: runtime.Allocator,

    An allocator that keeps track of allocation sizes and passes it along to resizes. This is useful if you are using a library that needs an equivalent of realloc but want to use the Odin allocator interface.

    You want to wrap your allocator into this one if you are trying to use any allocator that relies on the old size to work.

    The overhead of this allocator is an extra max(alignment, size_of(Header)) bytes allocated for each allocation, these bytes are used to store the size and original pointer.

    Related Procedures With Parameters

    Dynamic_Arena ¶

    Dynamic_Arena :: struct {
    	block_size:           int,
    	out_band_size:        int,
    	alignment:            int,
    	unused_blocks:        [dynamic]rawptr,
    	used_blocks:          [dynamic]rawptr,
    	out_band_allocations: [dynamic]rawptr,
    	current_block:        rawptr,
    	current_pos:          rawptr,
    	bytes_left:           int,
    	block_allocator:      runtime.Allocator,

    Dynamic arena allocator data.

    Related Procedures With Parameters

    Dynamic_Pool ¶

    Dynamic_Pool :: Dynamic_Arena

    Preserved for compatibility

    Fixed_Byte_Buffer ¶

    Fixed_Byte_Buffer :: distinct [dynamic]u8

    Dynamic array with a fixed capacity buffer.

    This type represents dynamic arrays with a fixed-size backing buffer. Upon allocating memory beyond reaching the maximum capacity, allocations from fixed byte buffers return nil and no error.

    Related Procedures With Returns

    Mutex_Allocator ¶

    Mutex_Allocator :: struct {
    	backing: runtime.Allocator,
    	mutex:   sync.Mutex,

    The data for mutex allocator.

    Related Procedures With Parameters

    Raw_Any ¶

    Raw_Any :: runtime.Raw_Any

    Memory layout of the any type.

    Raw_Complex128 ¶

    Raw_Complex128 :: runtime.Raw_Complex128

    Memory layout of the complex128 type.

    Raw_Complex32 ¶

    Raw_Complex32 :: runtime.Raw_Complex32

    Memory layout of the complex32 type.

    Raw_Complex64 ¶

    Raw_Complex64 :: runtime.Raw_Complex64

    Memory layout of the complex64 type.

    Raw_Cstring ¶

    Raw_Cstring :: runtime.Raw_Cstring

    Memory layout of the cstring type.

    Raw_Dynamic_Array ¶

    Raw_Dynamic_Array :: runtime.Raw_Dynamic_Array

    Memory layout of [dynamic]T types.

    Raw_Map ¶

    Raw_Map :: runtime.Raw_Map

    Memory layout of map[K]V types.

    Raw_Quaternion128 ¶

    Raw_Quaternion128 :: runtime.Raw_Quaternion128

    Memory layout of the quaternion128 type.

    Raw_Quaternion128_Vector_Scalar ¶

    Raw_Quaternion128_Vector_Scalar :: runtime.Raw_Quaternion128_Vector_Scalar

    Memory layout of the quaternion128 type.

    Raw_Quaternion256 ¶

    Raw_Quaternion256 :: runtime.Raw_Quaternion256

    Memory layout of the quaternion256 type.

    Raw_Quaternion256_Vector_Scalar ¶

    Raw_Quaternion256_Vector_Scalar :: runtime.Raw_Quaternion256_Vector_Scalar

    Memory layout of the quaternion256 type.

    Raw_Quaternion64 ¶

    Raw_Quaternion64 :: runtime.Raw_Quaternion64

    Memory layout of the quaternion64 type.

    Raw_Quaternion64_Vector_Scalar ¶

    Raw_Quaternion64_Vector_Scalar :: runtime.Raw_Quaternion64_Vector_Scalar

    Memory layout of the quaternion64 type.

    Raw_Slice ¶

    Raw_Slice :: runtime.Raw_Slice

    Memory layout of []T types.

    Raw_Soa_Pointer ¶

    Raw_Soa_Pointer :: runtime.Raw_Soa_Pointer

    Memory layout of #soa []T types.

    Raw_String ¶

    Raw_String :: runtime.Raw_String

    Memory layout of the string type.

    Rollback_Stack_Block ¶

    Rollback_Stack_Block :: struct {
    	next_block: ^Rollback_Stack_Block,
    	last_alloc: rawptr,
    	offset:     uintptr,
    	buffer:     []u8,

    Block header of the rollback stack allocator.

    Rollback_Stack_Header ¶

    Rollback_Stack_Header :: distinct bit_field u64 {
    	prev_offset: uintptr | 32,
    	is_free:     bool | 1,
    	prev_ptr:    uintptr | 31,

    Allocation header of the rollback stack allocator.

    Scratch ¶

    Scratch :: struct {
    	data:               []u8,
    	curr_offset:        int,
    	prev_allocation:    rawptr,
    	backup_allocator:   runtime.Allocator,
    	leaked_allocations: [dynamic][]u8,

    Scratch allocator data.

    Related Procedures With Parameters

    Scratch_Allocator ¶

    Scratch_Allocator :: Scratch

    Preserved for compatibility

    Small_Stack_Allocation_Header ¶

    Small_Stack_Allocation_Header :: struct {
    	padding: u8,

    Allocation header of the small stack allocator.

    Stack_Allocation_Header ¶

    Stack_Allocation_Header :: struct {
    	prev_offset: int,
    	padding:     int,

    Header of a stack allocation.

    Tracking_Allocator ¶

    Tracking_Allocator :: struct {
    	backing:                  runtime.Allocator,
    	allocation_map:           map[rawptr]Tracking_Allocator_Entry,
    	bad_free_callback:        Tracking_Allocator_Bad_Free_Callback,
    	bad_free_array:           [dynamic]Tracking_Allocator_Bad_Free_Entry,
    	mutex:                    sync.Mutex,
    	clear_on_free_all:        bool,
    	total_memory_allocated:   i64,
    	total_allocation_count:   i64,
    	total_memory_freed:       i64,
    	total_free_count:         i64,
    	peak_memory_allocated:    i64,
    	current_memory_allocated: i64,

    Tracking allocator data.

    Related Procedures With Parameters

    Tracking_Allocator_Bad_Free_Callback ¶

    Tracking_Allocator_Bad_Free_Callback :: proc(t: ^Tracking_Allocator, memory: rawptr, location: runtime.Source_Code_Location)

    Callback type for when tracking allocator runs into a bad free.

    Tracking_Allocator_Bad_Free_Entry ¶

    Tracking_Allocator_Bad_Free_Entry :: struct {
    	// Pointer, on which free operation was called.
    	memory:   rawptr,
    	// The source location of where the operation was called.
    	location: runtime.Source_Code_Location,

    Bad free entry for a tracking allocator.

    Tracking_Allocator_Entry ¶

    Tracking_Allocator_Entry :: struct {
    	// Pointer to an allocated region.
    	memory:    rawptr,
    	// Size of the allocated memory region.
    	size:      int,
    	// Requested alignment.
    	alignment: int,
    	// Mode of the operation.
    	mode:      runtime.Allocator_Mode,
    	// Error.
    	err:       runtime.Allocator_Error,
    	// Location of the allocation.
    	location:  runtime.Source_Code_Location,

    Allocation entry for the tracking allocator.

    This structure stores the data related to an allocation.


    Byte ¶

    Byte: int : runtime.Byte

    The size, in bytes, of a single byte.

    This constant is equal to the value of 1.


    DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT: int : 2 * align_of(rawptr)

    Default alignment.

    This value is the default alignment for all platforms that is used, if the alignment is not specified explicitly.


    DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE: int : 64 * 1024 when ODIN_ARCH == .wasm32 || ODIN_ARCH == .wasm64p32 else 16 * 1024 when ODIN_OS == .Darwin && ODIN_ARCH == .arm64 else 4 * 1024

    Default page size.

    This value is the default page size for the current platform.



    Default block size for dynamic arena.



    Default out-band size of the dynamic arena.





    Exabyte ¶

    Exabyte: int : runtime.Exabyte

    The size, in bytes, of one exabyte.

    This constant is equal to the amount of bytes in one exabyte (also known as exbibyte), which is equal to 1024 petabytes.

    Gigabyte ¶

    Gigabyte: int : runtime.Gigabyte

    The size, in bytes, of one gigabyte.

    This constant is equal to the amount of bytes in one gigabyte (also known as gibiibyte), which is equal to 1024 megabytes.

    Kilobyte ¶

    Kilobyte: int : runtime.Kilobyte

    The size, in bytes, of one kilobyte.

    This constant is equal to the amount of bytes in one kilobyte (also known as kibibyte), which is equal to 1024 bytes.

    Megabyte ¶

    Megabyte: int : runtime.Megabyte

    The size, in bytes, of one megabyte.

    This constant is equal to the amount of bytes in one megabyte (also known as mebibyte), which is equal to 1024 kilobyte.

    Petabyte ¶

    Petabyte: int : runtime.Petabyte

    The size, in bytes, of one petabyte.

    This constant is equal to the amount of bytes in one petabyte (also known as pebiibyte), which is equal to 1024 terabytes.



    Rollback stack default block size.



    Rollback stack max head block size.

    This limitation is due to the size of prev_ptr, but it is only for the head block; any allocation in excess of the allocator's block_size is valid, so long as the block allocator can handle it.

    This is because allocations over the block size are not split up if the item within is freed; they are immediately returned to the block allocator.

    Terabyte ¶

    Terabyte: int : runtime.Terabyte

    The size, in bytes, of one terabyte.

    This constant is equal to the amount of bytes in one terabyte (also known as tebiibyte), which is equal to 1024 gigabytes.


    This section is empty.


    align_backward ¶

    align_backward :: proc(ptr: rawptr, align: uintptr) -> rawptr {…}

    Align rawptr backwards.

    This procedure returns the previous address before ptr, that is located on the alignment boundary specified by align. If ptr is already aligned to align bytes, ptr is returned.

    The specified alignment must be a power of 2.

    align_backward_int ¶

    align_backward_int :: proc(ptr, align: int) -> int {…}

    Align int backwards.

    This procedure returns the previous address before ptr, that is located on the alignment boundary specified by align. If ptr is already aligned to align bytes, ptr is returned.

    The specified alignment must be a power of 2.

    align_backward_uint ¶

    align_backward_uint :: proc(ptr, align: uint) -> uint {…}

    Align uint backwards.

    This procedure returns the previous address before ptr, that is located on the alignment boundary specified by align. If ptr is already aligned to align bytes, ptr is returned.

    The specified alignment must be a power of 2.

    align_backward_uintptr ¶

    align_backward_uintptr :: proc(ptr, align: uintptr) -> uintptr {…}

    Align uintptr backwards.

    This procedure returns the previous address before ptr, that is located on the alignment boundary specified by align. If ptr is already aligned to align bytes, ptr is returned.

    The specified alignment must be a power of 2.

    align_formula ¶

    align_formula :: proc "contextless" (size, align: int) -> int {…}

    General-purpose align formula.

    This procedure is equivalent to align_forward, but it does not require the alignment to be a power of two.

    align_forward ¶

    align_forward :: proc(ptr: rawptr, align: uintptr) -> rawptr {…}

    Align pointer forward.

    This procedure returns the next address after ptr, that is located on the alignment boundary specified by align. If ptr is already aligned to align bytes, ptr is returned.

    The specified alignment must be a power of 2.

    align_forward_int ¶

    align_forward_int :: proc(ptr, align: int) -> int {…}

    Align int forward.

    This procedure returns the next address after ptr, that is located on the alignment boundary specified by align. If ptr is already aligned to align bytes, ptr is returned.

    The specified alignment must be a power of 2.

    align_forward_uint ¶

    align_forward_uint :: proc(ptr, align: uint) -> uint {…}

    Align uint forward.

    This procedure returns the next address after ptr, that is located on the alignment boundary specified by align. If ptr is already aligned to align bytes, ptr is returned.

    The specified alignment must be a power of 2.

    align_forward_uintptr ¶

    align_forward_uintptr :: proc(ptr, align: uintptr) -> uintptr {…}

    Align uintptr forward.

    This procedure returns the next address after ptr, that is located on the alignment boundary specified by align. If ptr is already aligned to align bytes, ptr is returned.

    The specified alignment must be a power of 2.

    alloc ¶

    alloc :: proc(size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> (rawptr, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate memory.

    This function allocates size bytes of memory, aligned to a boundary specified by alignment using the allocator specified by allocator.

    If the size parameter is 0, the operation is a no-op.

    Inputs: size: The desired size of the allocated memory region. alignment: The desired alignment of the allocated memory region. allocator: The allocator to allocate from.

    Returns: 1. Pointer to the allocated memory, or nil if allocation failed. 2. Error, if the allocation failed.

    Errors: None: If no error occurred. Out_Of_Memory: Occurs when the allocator runs out of space in any of its

    backing buffers, the backing allocator has ran out of space, or an operating
    system failure occurred.

    Invalid_Argument: If the supplied size is negative, alignment is not a

    power of two.

    alloc_bytes ¶

    alloc_bytes :: proc(size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate memory.

    This function allocates size bytes of memory, aligned to a boundary specified by alignment using the allocator specified by allocator.

    Inputs: size: The desired size of the allocated memory region. alignment: The desired alignment of the allocated memory region. allocator: The allocator to allocate from.

    Returns: 1. Slice of the allocated memory region, or nil if allocation failed. 2. Error, if the allocation failed.

    Errors: None: If no error occurred. Out_Of_Memory: Occurs when the allocator runs out of space in any of its

    backing buffers, the backing allocator has ran out of space, or an operating
    system failure occurred.

    Invalid_Argument: If the supplied size is negative, alignment is not a

    power of two.

    alloc_bytes_non_zeroed ¶

    alloc_bytes_non_zeroed :: proc(size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate non-zeroed memory.

    This function allocates size bytes of memory, aligned to a boundary specified by alignment using the allocator specified by allocator. This procedure does not explicitly zero-initialize allocated memory region.

    Inputs: size: The desired size of the allocated memory region. alignment: The desired alignment of the allocated memory region. allocator: The allocator to allocate from.

    Returns: 1. Slice of the allocated memory region, or nil if allocation failed. 2. Error, if the allocation failed.

    Errors: None: If no error occurred. Out_Of_Memory: Occurs when the allocator runs out of space in any of its

    backing buffers, the backing allocator has ran out of space, or an operating
    system failure occurred.

    Invalid_Argument: If the supplied size is negative, alignment is not a

    power of two.

    any_to_bytes ¶

    any_to_bytes :: proc "contextless" (val: any) -> []u8 {…}

    Obtain the slice, pointing to the contents of any.

    This procedure returns the slice, pointing to the contents of the specified value of the any type.

    arena_alloc ¶

    arena_alloc :: proc(a: ^Arena, size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, loc := #caller_location) -> (rawptr, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate memory from an arena.

    This procedure allocates size bytes of memory aligned on a boundary specified by alignment from an arena a. The allocated memory is zero-initialized. This procedure returns a pointer to the newly allocated memory region.

    arena_alloc_bytes ¶

    arena_alloc_bytes :: proc(a: ^Arena, size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, loc := #caller_location) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate memory from an arena.

    This procedure allocates size bytes of memory aligned on a boundary specified by alignment from an arena a. The allocated memory is zero-initialized. This procedure returns a slice of the newly allocated memory region.

    arena_alloc_bytes_non_zeroed ¶

    arena_alloc_bytes_non_zeroed :: proc(a: ^Arena, size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, loc := #caller_location) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate non-initialized memory from an arena.

    This procedure allocates size bytes of memory aligned on a boundary specified by alignment from an arena a. The allocated memory is not explicitly zero-initialized. This procedure returns a slice of the newly allocated memory region.

    arena_alloc_non_zeroed ¶

    arena_alloc_non_zeroed :: proc(a: ^Arena, size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, loc := #caller_location) -> (rawptr, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate non-initialized memory from an arena.

    This procedure allocates size bytes of memory aligned on a boundary specified by alignment from an arena a. The allocated memory is not explicitly zero-initialized. This procedure returns a pointer to the newly allocated memory region.

    arena_allocator ¶

    arena_allocator :: proc(arena: ^Arena) -> runtime.Allocator {…}

    Arena allocator.

    The arena allocator (also known as a linear allocator, bump allocator, region allocator) is an allocator that uses a single backing buffer for allocations.

    The buffer is being used contiguously, from start by end. Each subsequent allocation occupies the next adjacent region of memory in the buffer. Since arena allocator does not keep track of any metadata associated with the allocations and their locations, it is impossible to free individual allocations.

    The arena allocator can be used for temporary allocations in frame-based memory management. Games are one example of such applications. A global arena can be used for any temporary memory allocations, and at the end of each frame all temporary allocations are freed. Since no temporary object is going to live longer than a frame, no lifetimes are violated.

    arena_allocator_proc ¶

    arena_allocator_proc :: proc(
    	allocator_data:  rawptr, 
    	mode:            runtime.Allocator_Mode, 
    	size, alignment: int, 
    	old_memory:      rawptr, 
    	old_size:        int, 
    	loc := #caller_location, 
    ) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    arena_free_all ¶

    arena_free_all :: proc(a: ^Arena) {…}

    Free all memory to an arena.

    arena_init ¶

    arena_init :: proc(a: ^Arena, data: []u8) {…}

    Initialize an arena.

    This procedure initializes the arena a with memory region data as it's backing buffer.

    begin_arena_temp_memory ¶

    begin_arena_temp_memory :: proc(a: ^Arena) -> Arena_Temp_Memory {…}

    Start a temporary memory region.

    This procedure creates a temporary memory region. After a temporary memory region is created, all allocations are said to be inside the temporary memory region, until end_arena_temp_memory is called.

    buddy_allocator ¶

    buddy_allocator :: proc(b: ^Buddy_Allocator) -> runtime.Allocator {…}

    Buddy allocator.

    The buddy allocator is a type of allocator that splits the backing buffer into multiple regions called buddy blocks. Initially, the allocator only has one block with the size of the backing buffer. Upon each allocation, the allocator finds the smallest block that can fit the size of requested memory region, and splits the block according to the allocation size. If no block can be found, the contiguous free blocks are coalesced and the search is performed again.

    buddy_allocator_alloc ¶

    buddy_allocator_alloc :: proc(b: ^Buddy_Allocator, size: uint) -> (rawptr, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate memory from a buddy allocator.

    This procedure allocates size bytes of memory aligned on a boundary specified by alignment. The allocated memory region is zero-initialized. This procedure returns a pointer to the allocated memory region.

    buddy_allocator_alloc_bytes ¶

    buddy_allocator_alloc_bytes :: proc(b: ^Buddy_Allocator, size: uint) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate memory from a buddy allocator.

    This procedure allocates size bytes of memory aligned on a boundary specified by alignment. The allocated memory region is zero-initialized. This procedure returns a slice of the allocated memory region.

    buddy_allocator_alloc_bytes_non_zeroed ¶

    buddy_allocator_alloc_bytes_non_zeroed :: proc(b: ^Buddy_Allocator, size: uint) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate non-initialized memory from a buddy allocator.

    This procedure allocates size bytes of memory aligned on a boundary specified by alignment. The allocated memory region is not explicitly zero-initialized. This procedure returns a slice of the allocated memory region.

    buddy_allocator_alloc_non_zeroed ¶

    buddy_allocator_alloc_non_zeroed :: proc(b: ^Buddy_Allocator, size: uint) -> (rawptr, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate non-initialized memory from a buddy allocator.

    This procedure allocates size bytes of memory aligned on a boundary specified by alignment. The allocated memory region is not explicitly zero-initialized. This procedure returns a pointer to the allocated memory region.

    buddy_allocator_free ¶

    buddy_allocator_free :: proc(b: ^Buddy_Allocator, ptr: rawptr) -> runtime.Allocator_Error {…}

    Free memory to the buddy allocator.

    This procedure frees the memory region allocated at pointer ptr.

    If ptr is not the latest allocation and is not a leaked allocation, this operation is a no-op.

    buddy_allocator_free_all ¶

    buddy_allocator_free_all :: proc(b: ^Buddy_Allocator) {…}

    Free all memory to the buddy allocator.

    buddy_allocator_init ¶

    buddy_allocator_init :: proc(b: ^Buddy_Allocator, data: []u8, alignment: uint, loc := #caller_location) {…}

    Initialize the buddy allocator.

    This procedure initializes the buddy allocator b with a backing buffer data and block alignment specified by alignment.

    buddy_allocator_proc ¶

    buddy_allocator_proc :: proc(
    	allocator_data:  rawptr, 
    	mode:            runtime.Allocator_Mode, 
    	size, alignment: int, 
    	old_memory:      rawptr, 
    	old_size:        int, 
    	loc := #caller_location, 
    ) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    buddy_block_coalescence ¶

    buddy_block_coalescence :: proc(head, tail: ^Buddy_Block) {…}

    Coalesce contiguous blocks in a range of blocks into one.

    buddy_block_find_best ¶

    buddy_block_find_best :: proc(head, tail: ^Buddy_Block, size: uint) -> ^Buddy_Block {…}

    Find the best block for storing a given size in a range of blocks.

    buddy_block_next ¶

    buddy_block_next :: proc(block: ^Buddy_Block) -> ^Buddy_Block {…}

    Obtain the next buddy block.

    buddy_block_size_required ¶

    buddy_block_size_required :: proc(b: ^Buddy_Allocator, size: uint) -> uint {…}

    Get required block size to fit in the allocation as well as the alignment padding.

    buddy_block_split ¶

    buddy_block_split :: proc(block: ^Buddy_Block, size: uint) -> ^Buddy_Block {…}

    Split the block into two, by truncating the given block to a given size.

    buffer_from_slice ¶

    buffer_from_slice :: proc "contextless" (backing: $T) -> [dynamic]$E {…}

    Create a dynamic array from slice.

    This procedure creates a dynamic array, using slice backing as the backing buffer for the dynamic array. The resulting dynamic array can not grow beyond the size of the specified slice.

    byte_slice ¶

    byte_slice :: proc "contextless" (data: rawptr, len: int) -> []u8 {…}

    Construct a byte slice from raw pointer and length.

    This procedure creates a byte slice, that points to len amount of bytes located at an address specified by data.

    calc_padding_with_header ¶

    calc_padding_with_header :: proc "contextless" (ptr: uintptr, align: uintptr, header_size: int) -> int {…}

    Calculate the padding for header preceding aligned data.

    This procedure returns the padding, following the specified pointer ptr that will be able to fit in a header of the size header_size, immediately preceding the memory region, aligned on a boundary specified by align. See the following diagram for a visual representation.

    header size

    +---+--------+------------- - - -
        | HEADER |  DATA...
    +---+--------+------------- - - -
    ^            ^
    |  padding   |
    ptr          aligned ptr

    The function takes in ptr and header_size, as well as the required alignment for DATA. The return value of the function is the padding between ptr and aligned_ptr that will be able to fit the header.

    check_zero ¶

    check_zero :: proc(data: []u8) -> bool {…}

    Check if the memory range defined by a slice is zero-filled.

    This procedure checks whether every byte, pointed to by the slice, specified by the parameter data, is zero. If all bytes of the slice are zero, this procedure returns true. Otherwise this procedure returns false.

    check_zero_ptr ¶

    check_zero_ptr :: proc(ptr: rawptr, len: int) -> bool {…}

    Check if the memory range defined defined by a pointer is zero-filled.

    This procedure checks whether each of the len bytes, starting at address ptr is zero. If all bytes of this range are zero, this procedure returns true. Otherwise this procedure returns false.

    compare ¶

    compare :: proc "contextless" (a, b: []u8) -> int {…}

    Compare two memory ranges defined by slices.

    This procedure performs a byte-by-byte comparison between memory ranges specified by slices a and b, and returns a value, specifying their relative ordering.

    If the return value is: Equal to -1, then a is "smaller" than b. Equal to +1, then a is "bigger" than b. Equal to 0, then a and b are equal.

    The comparison is performed as follows: 1. Each byte, upto min(len(a), len(b)) bytes is compared between a and b. - If the byte in slice a is smaller than a byte in slice b, then comparison stops and this procedure returns -1. - If the byte in slice a is bigger than a byte in slice b, then comparison stops and this procedure returns +1. - Otherwise the comparison continues until min(len(a), len(b)) are compared. 2. If all the bytes in the range are equal, then the lengths of the slices are compared. - If the length of slice a is smaller than the length of slice b, then -1 is returned. - If the length of slice b is smaller than the length of slice b, then +1 is returned. - Otherwise 0 is returned.

    compare_byte_ptrs ¶

    compare_byte_ptrs :: proc "contextless" (a, b: ^u8, n: int) -> int {…}

    Compare two memory ranges defined by byte pointers.

    This procedure performs a byte-by-byte comparison between memory ranges of size n located at addresses a and b, and returns a value, specifying their relative ordering.

    If the return value is: Equal to -1, then a is "smaller" than b. Equal to +1, then a is "bigger" than b. Equal to 0, then a and b are equal.

    The comparison is performed as follows: 1. Each byte, upto n bytes is compared between a and b. - If the byte in a is smaller than a byte in b, then comparison stops and this procedure returns -1. - If the byte in a is bigger than a byte in b, then comparison stops and this procedure returns +1. - Otherwise the comparison continues until n bytes are compared. 2. If all the bytes in the range are equal, this procedure returns 0.

    compare_ptrs ¶

    compare_ptrs :: proc "contextless" (a, b: rawptr, n: int) -> int {…}

    Compare two memory ranges defined by pointers.

    This procedure performs a byte-by-byte comparison between memory ranges of size n located at addresses a and b, and returns a value, specifying their relative ordering.

    If the return value is: Equal to -1, then a is "smaller" than b. Equal to +1, then a is "bigger" than b. Equal to 0, then a and b are equal.

    The comparison is performed as follows: 1. Each byte, upto n bytes is compared between a and b. - If the byte in a is smaller than a byte in b, then comparison stops and this procedure returns -1. - If the byte in a is bigger than a byte in b, then comparison stops and this procedure returns +1. - Otherwise the comparison continues until n bytes are compared. 2. If all the bytes in the range are equal, this procedure returns 0.

    compat_allocator ¶

    compat_allocator :: proc(rra: ^Compat_Allocator) -> runtime.Allocator {…}

    compat_allocator_init ¶

    compat_allocator_init :: proc(rra: ^Compat_Allocator, allocator := context.allocator) {…}

    compat_allocator_proc ¶

    compat_allocator_proc :: proc(
    	allocator_data:  rawptr, 
    	mode:            runtime.Allocator_Mode, 
    	size, alignment: int, 
    	old_memory:      rawptr, 
    	old_size:        int, 
    	location := #caller_location, 
    ) -> (data: []u8, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    context_from_allocator ¶

    context_from_allocator :: proc(a: runtime.Allocator) -> runtime.Context {…}

    Create a context with a given allocator.

    This procedure returns a copy of the current context with the allocator replaced by the allocator a.

    copy ¶

    copy :: proc "contextless" (dst, src: rawptr, len: int) -> rawptr {…}

    Copy bytes from one memory range to another.

    This procedure copies len bytes of data, from the memory range pointed to by the src pointer into the memory range pointed to by the dst pointer, and returns the dst pointer.

    copy_non_overlapping ¶

    copy_non_overlapping :: proc "contextless" (dst, src: rawptr, len: int) -> rawptr {…}

    Copy bytes between two non-overlapping memory ranges.

    This procedure copies len bytes of data, from the memory range pointed to by the src pointer into the memory range pointed to by the dst pointer, and returns the dst pointer.

    This is a slightly more optimized version of the copy procedure that requires that memory ranges specified by the parameters to this procedure are not overlapping. If the memory ranges specified by dst and src pointers overlap, the behavior of this function may be unpredictable.

    default_resize_align ¶

    default_resize_align :: proc(
    	old_memory: rawptr, 
    	old_size:   int, 
    	new_size:   int, 
    	alignment:  int, 
    	allocator := context.allocator, 
    	loc := #caller_location, 
    ) -> (res: rawptr, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Default resize procedure.

    When allocator does not support resize operation, but supports .Alloc and .Free, this procedure is used to implement allocator's default behavior on resize.

    The behavior of the function is as follows:

    If new_size is 0, the function acts like free(), freeing the memory

    region of `old_size` bytes located at `old_memory`.

    If old_memory is nil, the function acts like alloc(), allocating

    `new_size` bytes of memory aligned on a boundary specified by `alignment`.

    Otherwise, a new memory region of size new_size is allocated, then the

    data from the old memory region is copied and the old memory region is

    default_resize_bytes_align ¶

    default_resize_bytes_align :: proc(old_data: []u8, new_size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Default resize procedure.

    When allocator does not support resize operation, but supports .Alloc and .Free, this procedure is used to implement allocator's default behavior on resize.

    The behavior of the function is as follows:

    If new_size is 0, the function acts like free(), freeing the memory

    region specified by `old_data`.

    If old_data is nil, the function acts like alloc(), allocating

    `new_size` bytes of memory aligned on a boundary specified by `alignment`.

    Otherwise, a new memory region of size new_size is allocated, then the

    data from the old memory region is copied and the old memory region is

    default_resize_bytes_align_non_zeroed ¶

    default_resize_bytes_align_non_zeroed :: proc(old_data: []u8, new_size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Default resize procedure.

    When allocator does not support resize operation, but supports .Alloc_Non_Zeroed and .Free, this procedure is used to implement allocator's default behavior on resize.

    Unlike default_resize_align no new memory is being explicitly zero-initialized.

    The behavior of the function is as follows:

    If new_size is 0, the function acts like free(), freeing the memory

    region of `old_size` bytes located at `old_memory`.

    If old_memory is nil, the function acts like alloc(), allocating

    `new_size` bytes of memory aligned on a boundary specified by `alignment`.

    Otherwise, a new memory region of size new_size is allocated, then the

    data from the old memory region is copied and the old memory region is

    delete_cstring ¶

    delete_cstring :: proc(str: cstring, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> runtime.Allocator_Error {…}

    Free a cstring.

    delete_dynamic_array ¶

    delete_dynamic_array :: proc(array: $T, loc := #caller_location) -> runtime.Allocator_Error {…}

    Free a dynamic array.

    delete_map ¶

    delete_map :: proc(m: $T, loc := #caller_location) -> runtime.Allocator_Error {…}

    Free a map.

    delete_slice ¶

    delete_slice :: proc(array: $T, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> runtime.Allocator_Error {…}

    Free a slice.

    delete_soa_dynamic_array ¶

    delete_soa_dynamic_array :: proc(array: $T, loc := #caller_location) -> runtime.Allocator_Error {…}

    Free an SoA dynamic array.

    delete_soa_slice ¶

    delete_soa_slice :: proc(array: $T, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> runtime.Allocator_Error {…}

    Free an SoA slice.

    delete_string ¶

    delete_string :: proc(str: string, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> runtime.Allocator_Error {…}

    Free a string.

    dynamic_arena_alloc_bytes ¶

    dynamic_arena_alloc_bytes :: proc(a: ^Dynamic_Arena, size: int, loc := #caller_location) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate memory from a dynamic arena.

    This procedure allocates size bytes of memory aligned on a boundary specified by alignment from a dynamic arena a. The allocated memory is zero-initialized. This procedure returns a slice of the newly allocated memory region.

    dynamic_arena_alloc_bytes_non_zeroed ¶

    dynamic_arena_alloc_bytes_non_zeroed :: proc(a: ^Dynamic_Arena, size: int, loc := #caller_location) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate non-initialized memory from a dynamic arena.

    This procedure allocates size bytes of memory aligned on a boundary specified by alignment from a dynamic arena a. The allocated memory is not explicitly zero-initialized. This procedure returns a slice of the newly allocated memory region.

    dynamic_arena_alloc_non_zeroed ¶

    dynamic_arena_alloc_non_zeroed :: proc(a: ^Dynamic_Arena, size: int, loc := #caller_location) -> (rawptr, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate non-initialized memory from a dynamic arena.

    This procedure allocates size bytes of memory aligned on a boundary specified by alignment from a dynamic arena a. The allocated memory is not explicitly zero-initialized. This procedure returns a pointer to the newly allocated memory region.

    dynamic_arena_allocator ¶

    dynamic_arena_allocator :: proc(a: ^Dynamic_Arena) -> runtime.Allocator {…}

    Dynamic arena allocator.

    The dynamic arena allocator uses blocks of a specific size, allocated on-demand using the block allocator. This allocator acts similarly to arena. All allocations in a block happen contiguously, from start to end. If an allocation does not fit into the remaining space of the block, and its size is smaller than the specified out-band size, a new block is allocated using the block_allocator and the allocation is performed from a newly-allocated block.

    If an allocation has bigger size than the specified out-band size, a new block is allocated such that the allocation fits into this new block. This is referred to as an out-band allocation. The out-band blocks are kept separately from normal blocks.

    Just like arena, the dynamic arena does not support freeing of individual objects.

    dynamic_arena_allocator_proc ¶

    dynamic_arena_allocator_proc :: proc(
    	allocator_data:  rawptr, 
    	mode:            runtime.Allocator_Mode, 
    	size, alignment: int, 
    	old_memory:      rawptr, 
    	old_size:        int, 
    	loc := #caller_location, 
    ) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    dynamic_arena_destroy ¶

    dynamic_arena_destroy :: proc(a: ^Dynamic_Arena) {…}

    Destroy a dynamic arena.

    This procedure frees all allocations, made on a dynamic arena, including the unused blocks, as well as the arrays for storing blocks.

    dynamic_arena_free_all ¶

    dynamic_arena_free_all :: proc(a: ^Dynamic_Arena, loc := #caller_location) {…}

    Free all memory from a dynamic arena.

    This procedure frees all the allocations, owned by the dynamic arena, including the unused blocks.

    dynamic_arena_init ¶

    dynamic_arena_init :: proc(
    	pool:            ^Dynamic_Arena, 
    	block_allocator := context.allocator, 
    	array_allocator := context.allocator, 
    	block_size:      int = DYNAMIC_ARENA_BLOCK_SIZE_DEFAULT, 
    	out_band_size:   int = DYNAMIC_ARENA_OUT_OF_BAND_SIZE_DEFAULT, 
    	alignment:       int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, 
    ) {…}

    Initialize a dynamic arena.

    This procedure initializes a dynamic arena. The specified block_allocator will be used to allocate arena blocks, and array_allocator to allocate arrays of blocks and out-band blocks. The blocks have the default size of block_size and out-band threshold will be out_band_size. All allocations will be aligned to a boundary specified by alignment.

    dynamic_arena_reset ¶

    dynamic_arena_reset :: proc(a: ^Dynamic_Arena, loc := #caller_location) {…}

    Reset the dynamic arena.

    This procedure frees all the allocations, owned by the dynamic arena, excluding the unused blocks.

    dynamic_arena_resize ¶

    dynamic_arena_resize :: proc(a: ^Dynamic_Arena, old_memory: rawptr, old_size: int, size: int, loc := #caller_location) -> (rawptr, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Resize an allocation.

    This procedure resizes a memory region, defined by its location, old_memory, and its size, old_size to have a size size and alignment alignment. The newly allocated memory, if any is zero-initialized.

    If old_memory is nil, this procedure acts just like dynamic_arena_alloc(), allocating a memory region size bytes in size, aligned on a boundary specified by alignment.

    If size is 0, this procedure acts just like dynamic_arena_free(), freeing the memory region located at an address specified by old_memory.

    This procedure returns the pointer to the resized memory region.

    dynamic_arena_resize_bytes ¶

    dynamic_arena_resize_bytes :: proc(a: ^Dynamic_Arena, old_data: []u8, size: int, loc := #caller_location) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Resize an allocation.

    This procedure resizes a memory region, specified by old_data, to have a size size and alignment alignment. The newly allocated memory, if any is zero-initialized.

    If old_memory is nil, this procedure acts just like dynamic_arena_alloc(), allocating a memory region size bytes in size, aligned on a boundary specified by alignment.

    If size is 0, this procedure acts just like dynamic_arena_free(), freeing the memory region located at an address specified by old_memory.

    This procedure returns the slice of the resized memory region.

    dynamic_arena_resize_bytes_non_zeroed ¶

    dynamic_arena_resize_bytes_non_zeroed :: proc(a: ^Dynamic_Arena, old_data: []u8, size: int, loc := #caller_location) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Resize an allocation.

    This procedure resizes a memory region, specified by old_data, to have a size size and alignment alignment. The newly allocated memory, if any is not explicitly zero-initialized.

    If old_memory is nil, this procedure acts just like dynamic_arena_alloc(), allocating a memory region size bytes in size, aligned on a boundary specified by alignment.

    If size is 0, this procedure acts just like dynamic_arena_free(), freeing the memory region located at an address specified by old_memory.

    This procedure returns the slice of the resized memory region.

    dynamic_arena_resize_non_zeroed ¶

    dynamic_arena_resize_non_zeroed :: proc(a: ^Dynamic_Arena, old_memory: rawptr, old_size: int, size: int, loc := #caller_location) -> (rawptr, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Resize an allocation without zero-initialization.

    This procedure resizes a memory region, defined by its location, old_memory, and its size, old_size to have a size size and alignment alignment. The newly allocated memory, if any is not explicitly zero-initialized.

    If old_memory is nil, this procedure acts just like dynamic_arena_alloc(), allocating a memory region size bytes in size, aligned on a boundary specified by alignment.

    If size is 0, this procedure acts just like dynamic_arena_free(), freeing the memory region located at an address specified by old_memory.

    This procedure returns the pointer to the resized memory region.

    dynamic_pool_alloc_bytes ¶

    dynamic_pool_alloc_bytes :: dynamic_arena_alloc_bytes

    Allocate memory from a dynamic arena.

    This procedure allocates size bytes of memory aligned on a boundary specified by alignment from a dynamic arena a. The allocated memory is zero-initialized. This procedure returns a slice of the newly allocated memory region.

    dynamic_pool_allocator ¶

    dynamic_pool_allocator :: dynamic_arena_allocator

    Dynamic arena allocator.

    The dynamic arena allocator uses blocks of a specific size, allocated on-demand using the block allocator. This allocator acts similarly to arena. All allocations in a block happen contiguously, from start to end. If an allocation does not fit into the remaining space of the block, and its size is smaller than the specified out-band size, a new block is allocated using the block_allocator and the allocation is performed from a newly-allocated block.

    If an allocation has bigger size than the specified out-band size, a new block is allocated such that the allocation fits into this new block. This is referred to as an out-band allocation. The out-band blocks are kept separately from normal blocks.

    Just like arena, the dynamic arena does not support freeing of individual objects.

    dynamic_pool_destroy ¶

    dynamic_pool_destroy :: dynamic_arena_destroy

    Destroy a dynamic arena.

    This procedure frees all allocations, made on a dynamic arena, including the unused blocks, as well as the arrays for storing blocks.

    dynamic_pool_free_all ¶

    dynamic_pool_free_all :: dynamic_arena_free_all

    Free all memory from a dynamic arena.

    This procedure frees all the allocations, owned by the dynamic arena, including the unused blocks.

    dynamic_pool_init ¶

    dynamic_pool_init :: dynamic_arena_init

    Initialize a dynamic arena.

    This procedure initializes a dynamic arena. The specified block_allocator will be used to allocate arena blocks, and array_allocator to allocate arrays of blocks and out-band blocks. The blocks have the default size of block_size and out-band threshold will be out_band_size. All allocations will be aligned to a boundary specified by alignment.

    dynamic_pool_reset ¶

    dynamic_pool_reset :: dynamic_arena_reset

    Reset the dynamic arena.

    This procedure frees all the allocations, owned by the dynamic arena, excluding the unused blocks.

    end_arena_temp_memory ¶

    end_arena_temp_memory :: proc(tmp: Arena_Temp_Memory) {…}

    End a temporary memory region.

    This procedure ends the temporary memory region for an arena. All of the allocations inside the temporary memory region will be freed to the arena.

    free ¶

    free :: proc(ptr: rawptr, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> runtime.Allocator_Error {…}

    Free memory.

    This procedure frees memory region located at the address, specified by ptr, allocated from the allocator specified by allocator.

    Inputs: ptr: Pointer to the memory region to free. allocator: The allocator to free to.

    Returns: The error, if freeing failed.

    Errors: None: When no error has occurred. Invalid_Pointer: The specified pointer is not owned by the specified allocator,

    or does not point to a valid allocation.

    Mode_Not_Implemented: If the specified allocator does not support the .Free mode.

    free_all ¶

    free_all :: proc(allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> runtime.Allocator_Error {…}

    Free all allocations.

    This procedure frees all allocations made on the allocator specified by allocator to that allocator, making it available for further allocations.

    Inputs: allocator: The allocator to free to.

    Errors: None: When no error has occurred. Mode_Not_Implemented: If the specified allocator does not support the .Free mode.

    free_bytes ¶

    free_bytes :: proc(bytes: []u8, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> runtime.Allocator_Error {…}

    Free a memory region.

    This procedure frees memory region, specified by bytes, allocated from the allocator specified by allocator.

    If the length of the specified slice is zero, the .Invalid_Argument error is returned.

    Inputs: bytes: The memory region to free. allocator: The allocator to free to.

    Returns: The error, if freeing failed.

    Errors: None: When no error has occurred. Invalid_Pointer: The specified pointer is not owned by the specified allocator,

    or does not point to a valid allocation.

    Mode_Not_Implemented: If the specified allocator does not support the .Free mode.

    free_with_size ¶

    free_with_size :: proc(ptr: rawptr, size: int, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> runtime.Allocator_Error {…}

    Free a memory region.

    This procedure frees size bytes of memory region located at the address, specified by ptr, allocated from the allocator specified by allocator.

    If the size parameter is 0, this call is equivalent to free().

    Inputs: ptr: Pointer to the memory region to free. size: The size of the memory region to free. allocator: The allocator to free to.

    Returns: The error, if freeing failed.

    Errors: None: When no error has occurred. Invalid_Pointer: The specified pointer is not owned by the specified allocator,

    or does not point to a valid allocation.

    Mode_Not_Implemented: If the specified allocator does not support the .Free mode.

    is_aligned ¶

    is_aligned :: proc "contextless" (x: rawptr, align: int) -> bool {…}

    Check if a pointer is aligned.

    This procedure checks whether a pointer x is aligned to a boundary specified by align, and returns true if the pointer is aligned, and false otherwise.

    The specified alignment must be a power of 2.

    is_power_of_two ¶

    is_power_of_two :: proc "contextless" (x: uintptr) -> bool {…}

    Check whether a number is a power of two.

    This procedure checks whether a given pointer-sized unsigned integer contains a power-of-two value.

    make_aligned ¶

    make_aligned :: proc($T: typeid/[0][0]$E, #any_int len: int, alignment: int, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> (slice: $/[0][0]$E, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate a new slice with alignment.

    This procedure allocates a new slice of type T with length len, aligned on a boundary specified by alignment from an allocator specified by allocator, and returns the allocated slice.

    make_any ¶

    make_any :: proc "contextless" (data: rawptr, id: typeid) -> any {…}

    Create a value of the any type.

    This procedure creates a value with type any that points to an object with typeid id located at an address specified by data.

    make_dynamic_array ¶

    make_dynamic_array :: proc($T: typeid/[0][0]$E, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> ($/[0][0]$E, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate a dynamic array.

    This procedure creates a dynamic array of type T, with allocator as its backing allocator, and initial length and capacity of 0.

    make_dynamic_array_len ¶

    make_dynamic_array_len :: proc($T: typeid/[0][0]$E, #any_int len: int, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> ($/[0][0]$E, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate a dynamic array with initial length.

    This procedure creates a dynamic array of type T, with allocator as its backing allocator, and initial capacity and length specified by len.

    make_dynamic_array_len_cap ¶

    make_dynamic_array_len_cap :: proc($T: typeid/[0][0]$E, #any_int len: int, #any_int cap: int, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> (array: $/[0][0]$E, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate a dynamic array with initial length and capacity.

    This procedure creates a dynamic array of type T, with allocator as its backing allocator, and initial capacity specified by cap, and initial length specified by len.

    make_fixed_byte_buffer ¶

    make_fixed_byte_buffer :: proc "contextless" (backing: []u8) -> Fixed_Byte_Buffer {…}

    Create a fixed byte buffer from a slice.

    make_map ¶

    make_map :: proc($T: typeid/[0][0]$E, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> (m: $/[0][0]$E) {…}

    Create a map with no initial allocation.

    This procedure creates a map of type T with no initial allocation, which will use the allocator specified by allocator as its backing allocator when it allocates.

    make_map_cap ¶

    make_map_cap :: proc($T: typeid/[0][0]$E, #any_int cap: int, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> (m: $/[0][0]$E, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate a map.

    This procedure creates a map of type T with initial capacity specified by cap, that is using an allocator specified by allocator as its backing allocator.

    make_multi_pointer ¶

    make_multi_pointer :: proc($T: typeid/[0][0]$E, #any_int len: int, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> (mp: $/[0][0]$E, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate a multi pointer.

    This procedure allocates a multipointer of type T pointing to len elements, from an allocator specified by allocator.

    make_slice ¶

    make_slice :: proc($T: typeid/[0][0]$E, #any_int len: int, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> ($/[0][0]$E, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate a new slice.

    This procedure allocates a new slice of type T with length len, from an allocator specified by allocator, and returns the allocated slice.

    make_soa_dynamic_array ¶

    make_soa_dynamic_array :: proc($T: typeid/[0][0]$E, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> (array: $/[0][0]$E, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate an SoA dynamic array.

    This procedure creates an SoA dynamic array of type T, with allocator as its backing allocator, and initial length and capacity of 0.

    make_soa_dynamic_array_len ¶

    make_soa_dynamic_array_len :: proc($T: typeid/[0][0]$E, #any_int len: int, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> (array: $/[0][0]$E, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate an SoA dynamic array with initial length.

    This procedure creates an SoA dynamic array of type T, with allocator as its backing allocator, and initial capacity and length specified by len.

    make_soa_dynamic_array_len_cap ¶

    make_soa_dynamic_array_len_cap :: proc($T: typeid/[0][0]$E, #any_int len: int, #any_int cap: int, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> (array: $/[0][0]$E, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate an SoA dynamic array with initial length and capacity.

    This procedure creates an SoA dynamic array of type T, with allocator as its backing allocator, and initial capacity specified by cap, and initial length specified by len.

    make_soa_slice ¶

    make_soa_slice :: proc($T: typeid/[0][0]$E, #any_int len: int, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> (array: $/[0][0]$E, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate an SoA slice.

    This procedure allocates an SoA slice of type T with length len, from an allocator specified by allocator, and returns the allocated SoA slice.

    mutex_allocator ¶

    mutex_allocator :: proc(m: ^Mutex_Allocator) -> runtime.Allocator {…}

    Mutex allocator.

    The mutex allocator is a wrapper for allocators that is used to serialize all allocator requests across multiple threads.

    mutex_allocator_init ¶

    mutex_allocator_init :: proc(m: ^Mutex_Allocator, backing_allocator: runtime.Allocator) {…}

    Initialize the mutex allocator.

    This procedure initializes the mutex allocator using backin_allocator as the allocator that will be used to pass all allocation requests through.

    mutex_allocator_proc ¶

    mutex_allocator_proc :: proc(
    	allocator_data:  rawptr, 
    	mode:            runtime.Allocator_Mode, 
    	size, alignment: int, 
    	old_memory:      rawptr, 
    	old_size:        int, 
    	loc := #caller_location, 
    ) -> (result: []u8, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    new ¶

    new :: proc($T: typeid, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> (^typeid, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate a new object.

    This procedure allocates a new object of type T using an allocator specified by allocator, and returns a pointer to the allocated object, if allocated successfully, or nil otherwise.

    new_aligned ¶

    new_aligned :: proc($T: typeid, alignment: int, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> (t: ^typeid, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate a new object with alignment.

    This procedure allocates a new object of type T using an allocator specified by allocator, and returns a pointer, aligned on a boundary specified by alignment to the allocated object, if allocated successfully, or nil otherwise.

    new_clone ¶

    new_clone :: proc(data: $T, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> (t: ^$T, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate a new object and initialize it with a value.

    This procedure allocates a new object of type T using an allocator specified by allocator, and returns a pointer, aligned on a boundary specified by alignment to the allocated object, if allocated successfully, or nil otherwise. The allocated object is initialized with data.

    nil_allocator ¶

    nil_allocator :: proc() -> runtime.Allocator {…}

    Nil allocator.

    The nil allocator returns nil on every allocation attempt. This type of allocator can be used in scenarios where memory doesn't need to be allocated, but an attempt to allocate memory is not an error.

    nil_allocator_proc ¶

    nil_allocator_proc :: proc(
    	allocator_data:  rawptr, 
    	mode:            runtime.Allocator_Mode, 
    	size, alignment: int, 
    	old_memory:      rawptr, 
    	old_size:        int, 
    	loc := #caller_location, 
    ) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    panic_allocator ¶

    panic_allocator :: proc() -> runtime.Allocator {…}

    Panic allocator.

    The panic allocator is a type of allocator that panics on any allocation attempt. This type of allocator can be used in scenarios where memory should not be allocated, and an attempt to allocate memory is an error.

    panic_allocator_proc ¶

    panic_allocator_proc :: proc(
    	allocator_data:  rawptr, 
    	mode:            runtime.Allocator_Mode, 
    	size, alignment: int, 
    	old_memory:      rawptr, 
    	old_size:        int, 
    	loc := #caller_location, 
    ) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    ptr_offset ¶

    ptr_offset :: intrinsics.ptr_offset

    Offset a given pointer by a given amount.

    This procedure offsets the pointer ptr to an object of type T, by the amount of bytes specified by offset*size_of(T), and returns the pointer ptr.

    Note: Prefer to use multipointer types, if possible.

    ptr_sub ¶

    ptr_sub :: intrinsics.ptr_sub

    Offset a given pointer by a given amount backwards.

    This procedure offsets the pointer ptr to an object of type T, by the amount of bytes specified by offset*size_of(T) in the negative direction, and returns the pointer ptr.

    ptr_to_bytes ¶

    ptr_to_bytes :: proc "contextless" (ptr: ^$T, len: int) -> []u8 {…}

    Create a byte slice from pointer and length.

    This procedure creates a byte slice, pointing to len objects, starting from the address specified by ptr.

    query_features ¶

    query_features :: proc(allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> (set: runtime.Allocator_Mode_Set) {…}

    Query allocator features.

    query_info ¶

    query_info :: proc(pointer: rawptr, allocator: runtime.Allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> (props: runtime.Allocator_Query_Info) {…}

    Query allocator information.

    raw_data ¶

    raw_data :: builtin.raw_data

    Obtain pointer to the data.

    This procedure returns the pointer to the data of a slice, string, or a dynamic array.

    rb_alloc ¶

    rb_alloc :: proc(stack: ^Rollback_Stack, size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, loc := #caller_location) -> (rawptr, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate memory using the rollback stack allocator.

    rb_alloc_bytes ¶

    rb_alloc_bytes :: proc(stack: ^Rollback_Stack, size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, loc := #caller_location) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate memory using the rollback stack allocator.

    rb_alloc_bytes_non_zeroed ¶

    rb_alloc_bytes_non_zeroed :: proc(stack: ^Rollback_Stack, size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, loc := #caller_location) -> (result: []u8, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate non-initialized memory using the rollback stack allocator.

    rb_alloc_non_zeroed ¶

    rb_alloc_non_zeroed :: proc(stack: ^Rollback_Stack, size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, loc := #caller_location) -> (rawptr, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate non-initialized memory using the rollback stack allocator.

    rb_resize ¶

    rb_resize :: proc(
    	stack:     ^Rollback_Stack, 
    	old_ptr:   rawptr, 
    	old_size:  int, 
    	size:      int, 
    	alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, 
    	loc := #caller_location, 
    ) -> (rawptr, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Resize an allocation owned by rollback stack allocator.

    rb_resize_bytes ¶

    rb_resize_bytes :: proc(stack: ^Rollback_Stack, old_memory: []u8, size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, loc := #caller_location) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Resize an allocation owned by rollback stack allocator.

    rb_resize_bytes_non_zeroed ¶

    rb_resize_bytes_non_zeroed :: proc(stack: ^Rollback_Stack, old_memory: []u8, size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, loc := #caller_location) -> (result: []u8, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Resize an allocation owned by rollback stack allocator without explicit zero-initialization.

    rb_resize_non_zeroed ¶

    rb_resize_non_zeroed :: proc(
    	stack:     ^Rollback_Stack, 
    	old_ptr:   rawptr, 
    	old_size:  int, 
    	size:      int, 
    	alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, 
    	loc := #caller_location, 
    ) -> (rawptr, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Resize an allocation owned by rollback stack allocator without explicit zero-initialization.

    reinterpret_copy ¶

    reinterpret_copy :: proc "contextless" ($T: typeid, ptr: rawptr) -> (value: typeid) {…}

    Copy the value from a pointer into a value.

    This procedure copies the object of type T pointed to by the pointer ptr into a new stack-allocated value and returns that value.

    resize ¶

    resize :: proc(
    	ptr:       rawptr, 
    	old_size:  int, 
    	new_size:  int, 
    	alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, 
    	allocator := context.allocator, 
    	loc := #caller_location, 
    ) -> (rawptr, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Resize a memory region.

    This procedure resizes a memory region, old_size bytes in size, located at the address specified by ptr, such that it has a new size, specified by new_size and and is aligned on a boundary specified by alignment.

    If the ptr parameter is nil, resize() acts just like alloc(), allocating new_size bytes, aligned on a boundary specified by alignment.

    If the new_size parameter is 0, resize() acts just like free(), freeing the memory region old_size bytes in length, located at the address specified by ptr.

    If the old_memory pointer is not aligned to the boundary specified by alignment, the procedure relocates the buffer such that the reallocated buffer is aligned to the boundary specified by alignment.

    Inputs: ptr: Pointer to the memory region to resize. old_size: Size of the memory region to resize. new_size: The desired size of the resized memory region. alignment: The desired alignment of the resized memory region. allocator: The owner of the memory region to resize.

    Returns: 1. The pointer to the resized memory region, if successfull, nil otherwise. 2. Error, if resize failed.

    Errors: None: No error. Out_Of_Memory: When the allocator's backing buffer or it's backing

    allocator does not have enough space to fit in an allocation with the new
    size, or an operating system failure occurs.

    Invalid_Pointer: The pointer referring to a memory region does not belong

    to any of the allocators backing buffers or does not point to a valid start
    of an allocation made in that allocator.

    Invalid_Argument: When size is negative, alignment is not a power of two,

    or the `old_size` argument is incorrect.

    Mode_Not_Implemented: The allocator does not support the .Realloc mode.

    Note: if old_size is 0 and old_memory is nil, this operation is a no-op, and should not return errors.

    resize_bytes ¶

    resize_bytes :: proc(old_data: []u8, new_size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Resize a memory region.

    This procedure resizes a memory region, specified by old_data, such that it has a new size, specified by new_size and and is aligned on a boundary specified by alignment.

    If the old_data parameter is nil, resize_bytes() acts just like alloc_bytes(), allocating new_size bytes, aligned on a boundary specified by alignment.

    If the new_size parameter is 0, resize_bytes() acts just like free_bytes(), freeing the memory region specified by old_data.

    If the old_memory pointer is not aligned to the boundary specified by alignment, the procedure relocates the buffer such that the reallocated buffer is aligned to the boundary specified by alignment.

    Inputs: old_data: Pointer to the memory region to resize. new_size: The desired size of the resized memory region. alignment: The desired alignment of the resized memory region. allocator: The owner of the memory region to resize.

    Returns: 1. The resized memory region, if successfull, nil otherwise. 2. Error, if resize failed.

    Errors: None: No error. Out_Of_Memory: When the allocator's backing buffer or it's backing

    allocator does not have enough space to fit in an allocation with the new
    size, or an operating system failure occurs.

    Invalid_Pointer: The pointer referring to a memory region does not belong

    to any of the allocators backing buffers or does not point to a valid start
    of an allocation made in that allocator.

    Invalid_Argument: When size is negative, alignment is not a power of two,

    or the `old_size` argument is incorrect.

    Mode_Not_Implemented: The allocator does not support the .Realloc mode.

    Note: if old_size is 0 and old_memory is nil, this operation is a no-op, and should not return errors.

    resize_bytes_non_zeroed ¶

    resize_bytes_non_zeroed :: proc(old_data: []u8, new_size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Resize a memory region.

    This procedure resizes a memory region, specified by old_data, such that it has a new size, specified by new_size and and is aligned on a boundary specified by alignment.

    If the old_data parameter is nil, resize_bytes() acts just like alloc_bytes(), allocating new_size bytes, aligned on a boundary specified by alignment.

    If the new_size parameter is 0, resize_bytes() acts just like free_bytes(), freeing the memory region specified by old_data.

    If the old_memory pointer is not aligned to the boundary specified by alignment, the procedure relocates the buffer such that the reallocated buffer is aligned to the boundary specified by alignment.

    Unlike resize_bytes(), this procedure does not explicitly zero-initialize any new memory.

    Inputs: old_data: Pointer to the memory region to resize. new_size: The desired size of the resized memory region. alignment: The desired alignment of the resized memory region. allocator: The owner of the memory region to resize.

    Returns: 1. The resized memory region, if successfull, nil otherwise. 2. Error, if resize failed.

    Errors: None: No error. Out_Of_Memory: When the allocator's backing buffer or it's backing

    allocator does not have enough space to fit in an allocation with the new
    size, or an operating system failure occurs.

    Invalid_Pointer: The pointer referring to a memory region does not belong

    to any of the allocators backing buffers or does not point to a valid start
    of an allocation made in that allocator.

    Invalid_Argument: When size is negative, alignment is not a power of two,

    or the `old_size` argument is incorrect.

    Mode_Not_Implemented: The allocator does not support the .Realloc mode.

    Note: if old_size is 0 and old_memory is nil, this operation is a no-op, and should not return errors.

    resize_non_zeroed ¶

    resize_non_zeroed :: proc(
    	ptr:       rawptr, 
    	old_size:  int, 
    	new_size:  int, 
    	alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, 
    	allocator := context.allocator, 
    	loc := #caller_location, 
    ) -> (rawptr, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Resize a memory region without zero-initialization.

    This procedure resizes a memory region, old_size bytes in size, located at the address specified by ptr, such that it has a new size, specified by new_size and and is aligned on a boundary specified by alignment.

    If the ptr parameter is nil, resize() acts just like alloc(), allocating new_size bytes, aligned on a boundary specified by alignment.

    If the new_size parameter is 0, resize() acts just like free(), freeing the memory region old_size bytes in length, located at the address specified by ptr.

    If the old_memory pointer is not aligned to the boundary specified by alignment, the procedure relocates the buffer such that the reallocated buffer is aligned to the boundary specified by alignment.

    Unlike resize(), this procedure does not explicitly zero-initialize any new memory.

    Inputs: ptr: Pointer to the memory region to resize. old_size: Size of the memory region to resize. new_size: The desired size of the resized memory region. alignment: The desired alignment of the resized memory region. allocator: The owner of the memory region to resize.

    Returns: 1. The pointer to the resized memory region, if successfull, nil otherwise. 2. Error, if resize failed.

    Errors: None: No error. Out_Of_Memory: When the allocator's backing buffer or it's backing

    allocator does not have enough space to fit in an allocation with the new
    size, or an operating system failure occurs.

    Invalid_Pointer: The pointer referring to a memory region does not belong

    to any of the allocators backing buffers or does not point to a valid start
    of an allocation made in that allocator.

    Invalid_Argument: When size is negative, alignment is not a power of two,

    or the `old_size` argument is incorrect.

    Mode_Not_Implemented: The allocator does not support the .Realloc mode.

    Note: if old_size is 0 and old_memory is nil, this operation is a no-op, and should not return errors.

    rollback_stack_allocator ¶

    rollback_stack_allocator :: proc(stack: ^Rollback_Stack) -> runtime.Allocator {…}

    Rollback stack allocator.

    The Rollback Stack Allocator was designed for the test runner to be fast, able to grow, and respect the Tracking Allocator's requirement for individual frees. It is not overly concerned with fragmentation, however.

    It has support for expansion when configured with a block allocator and limited support for out-of-order frees.

    Allocation has constant-time best and usual case performance. At worst, it is linear according to the number of memory blocks.

    Allocation follows a first-fit strategy when there are multiple memory blocks.

    Freeing has constant-time best and usual case performance. At worst, it is linear according to the number of memory blocks and number of freed items preceding the last item in a block.

    Resizing has constant-time performance, if it's the last item in a block, or the new size is smaller. Naturally, this becomes linear-time if there are multiple blocks to search for the pointer's owning block. Otherwise, the allocator defaults to a combined alloc & free operation internally.

    Out-of-order freeing is accomplished by collapsing a run of freed items from the last allocation backwards.

    Each allocation has an overhead of 8 bytes and any extra bytes to satisfy the requested alignment.

    rollback_stack_allocator_proc ¶

    rollback_stack_allocator_proc :: proc(
    	allocator_data:  rawptr, 
    	mode:            runtime.Allocator_Mode, 
    	size, alignment: int, 
    	old_memory:      rawptr, 
    	old_size:        int, 
    	loc := #caller_location, 
    ) -> (result: []u8, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    rollback_stack_destroy ¶

    rollback_stack_destroy :: proc(stack: ^Rollback_Stack) {…}

    Destroy a rollback stack.

    rollback_stack_init_buffered ¶

    rollback_stack_init_buffered :: proc(stack: ^Rollback_Stack, buffer: []u8, location := #caller_location) {…}

    Initialize the rollback stack allocator using a fixed backing buffer.

    rollback_stack_init_dynamic ¶

    rollback_stack_init_dynamic :: proc(stack: ^Rollback_Stack, block_size: int = ROLLBACK_STACK_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE, block_allocator := context.allocator, location := #caller_location) -> runtime.Allocator_Error {…}

    Initialize the rollback stack alocator using a backing block allocator.

    scratch_alloc ¶

    scratch_alloc :: proc(s: ^Scratch, size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, loc := #caller_location) -> (rawptr, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate memory from scratch allocator.

    This procedure allocates size bytes of memory aligned on a boundary specified by alignment. The allocated memory region is zero-initialized. This procedure returns a pointer to the allocated memory region.

    scratch_alloc_bytes ¶

    scratch_alloc_bytes :: proc(s: ^Scratch, size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, loc := #caller_location) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate memory from scratch allocator.

    This procedure allocates size bytes of memory aligned on a boundary specified by alignment. The allocated memory region is zero-initialized. This procedure returns a slice of the allocated memory region.

    scratch_alloc_bytes_non_zeroed ¶

    scratch_alloc_bytes_non_zeroed :: proc(s: ^Scratch, size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, loc := #caller_location) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate non-initialized memory from scratch allocator.

    This procedure allocates size bytes of memory aligned on a boundary specified by alignment. The allocated memory region is not explicitly zero-initialized. This procedure returns a slice of the allocated memory region.

    scratch_alloc_non_zeroed ¶

    scratch_alloc_non_zeroed :: proc(s: ^Scratch, size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, loc := #caller_location) -> (rawptr, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate non-initialized memory from scratch allocator.

    This procedure allocates size bytes of memory aligned on a boundary specified by alignment. The allocated memory region is not explicitly zero-initialized. This procedure returns a pointer to the allocated memory region.

    scratch_allocator ¶

    scratch_allocator :: proc(allocator: ^Scratch) -> runtime.Allocator {…}

    Scratch allocator.

    The scratch allocator works in a similar way to the Arena allocator. The scratch allocator has a backing buffer, that is being allocated in contiguous regions, from start to end.

    Each subsequent allocation will be the next adjacent region of memory in the backing buffer. If the allocation doesn't fit into the remaining space of the backing buffer, this allocation is put at the start of the buffer, and all previous allocations will become invalidated. If the allocation doesn't fit into the backing buffer as a whole, it will be allocated using a backing allocator, and pointer to the allocated memory region will be put into the leaked_allocations array.

    The leaked_allocations array is managed by the context allocator.

    scratch_allocator_destroy ¶

    scratch_allocator_destroy :: scratch_destroy

    Free all data associated with a scratch allocator.

    scratch_allocator_init ¶

    scratch_allocator_init :: scratch_init

    Initialize scratch allocator.

    scratch_allocator_proc ¶

    scratch_allocator_proc :: proc(
    	allocator_data:  rawptr, 
    	mode:            runtime.Allocator_Mode, 
    	size, alignment: int, 
    	old_memory:      rawptr, 
    	old_size:        int, 
    	loc := #caller_location, 
    ) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    scratch_destroy ¶

    scratch_destroy :: proc(s: ^Scratch) {…}

    Free all data associated with a scratch allocator.

    scratch_free ¶

    scratch_free :: proc(s: ^Scratch, ptr: rawptr, loc := #caller_location) -> runtime.Allocator_Error {…}

    Free memory to the scratch allocator.

    This procedure frees the memory region allocated at pointer ptr.

    If ptr is not the latest allocation and is not a leaked allocation, this operation is a no-op.

    scratch_free_all ¶

    scratch_free_all :: proc(s: ^Scratch, loc := #caller_location) {…}

    Free all memory to the scratch allocator.

    scratch_init ¶

    scratch_init :: proc(s: ^Scratch, size: int, backup_allocator := context.allocator) -> runtime.Allocator_Error {…}

    Initialize scratch allocator.

    scratch_resize ¶

    scratch_resize :: proc(
    	s:          ^Scratch, 
    	old_memory: rawptr, 
    	old_size:   int, 
    	size:       int, 
    	alignment:  int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, 
    	loc := #caller_location, 
    ) -> (rawptr, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Resize an allocation.

    This procedure resizes a memory region, defined by its location, old_memory, and its size, old_size to have a size size and alignment alignment. The newly allocated memory, if any is zero-initialized.

    If old_memory is nil, this procedure acts just like scratch_alloc(), allocating a memory region size bytes in size, aligned on a boundary specified by alignment.

    If size is 0, this procedure acts just like scratch_free(), freeing the memory region located at an address specified by old_memory.

    This procedure returns the pointer to the resized memory region.

    scratch_resize_bytes ¶

    scratch_resize_bytes :: proc(s: ^Scratch, old_data: []u8, size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, loc := #caller_location) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Resize an allocation.

    This procedure resizes a memory region, specified by old_data, to have a size size and alignment alignment. The newly allocated memory, if any is zero-initialized.

    If old_memory is nil, this procedure acts just like scratch_alloc(), allocating a memory region size bytes in size, aligned on a boundary specified by alignment.

    If size is 0, this procedure acts just like scratch_free(), freeing the memory region located at an address specified by old_memory.

    This procedure returns the slice of the resized memory region.

    scratch_resize_bytes_non_zeroed ¶

    scratch_resize_bytes_non_zeroed :: proc(s: ^Scratch, old_data: []u8, size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, loc := #caller_location) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Resize an allocation.

    This procedure resizes a memory region, specified by old_data, to have a size size and alignment alignment. The newly allocated memory, if any is not explicitly zero-initialized.

    If old_memory is nil, this procedure acts just like scratch_alloc(), allocating a memory region size bytes in size, aligned on a boundary specified by alignment.

    If size is 0, this procedure acts just like scratch_free(), freeing the memory region located at an address specified by old_memory.

    This procedure returns the slice of the resized memory region.

    scratch_resize_non_zeroed ¶

    scratch_resize_non_zeroed :: proc(
    	s:          ^Scratch, 
    	old_memory: rawptr, 
    	old_size:   int, 
    	size:       int, 
    	alignment:  int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, 
    	loc := #caller_location, 
    ) -> (rawptr, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Resize an allocation without zero-initialization.

    This procedure resizes a memory region, defined by its location, old_memory, and its size, old_size to have a size size and alignment alignment. The newly allocated memory, if any is not explicitly zero-initialized.

    If old_memory is nil, this procedure acts just like scratch_alloc(), allocating a memory region size bytes in size, aligned on a boundary specified by alignment.

    If size is 0, this procedure acts just like scratch_free(), freeing the memory region located at an address specified by old_memory.

    This procedure returns the pointer to the resized memory region.

    set ¶

    set :: proc "contextless" (data: rawptr, value: u8, len: int) -> rawptr {…}

    Set each byte of a memory range to a specific value.

    This procedure copies value specified by the value parameter into each of the len bytes of a memory range, located at address data.

    This procedure returns the pointer to data.

    simple_equal ¶

    simple_equal :: proc "contextless" (a, b: $T) -> bool {…}

    Check whether two objects are equal on binary level.

    This procedure checks whether the memory ranges occupied by objects a and b are equal. See compare_byte_ptrs() for how this comparison is done.

    slice_data_cast ¶

    slice_data_cast :: proc "contextless" ($T: typeid/[0][0]$E, slice: $S/container_topological_sort.Sorter($K)) -> $/[0][0]$E {…}

    Transmute slice to a different type.

    This procedure performs an operation similar to transmute, returning a slice of type T that points to the same bytes as the slice specified by slice parameter. Unlike plain transmute operation, this procedure adjusts the length of the resulting slice, such that the resulting slice points to the correct amount of objects to cover the memory region pointed to by slice.

    slice_ptr ¶

    slice_ptr :: proc "contextless" (ptr: ^$T, len: int) -> []$T {…}

    Construct a slice from pointer and length.

    This procedure creates a slice, that points to len amount of objects located at an address, specified by ptr.

    slice_to_bytes ¶

    slice_to_bytes :: proc "contextless" (slice: $E) -> []u8 {…}

    Obtain a byte slice from any slice.

    This procedure returns a slice, that points to the same bytes as the slice, specified by slice and returns the resulting byte slice.

    slice_to_components ¶

    slice_to_components :: proc "contextless" (slice: $E) -> (data: ^$T, len: int) {…}

    Obtain data and length of a slice.

    This procedure returns the pointer to the start of the memory region pointed to by slice slice and the length of the slice.

    small_stack_alloc ¶

    small_stack_alloc :: proc(s: ^Small_Stack, size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, loc := #caller_location) -> (rawptr, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate memory from small stack.

    This procedure allocates size bytes of memory aligned to a boundary specified by alignment. The allocated memory is zero-initialized. This procedure returns a pointer to the allocated memory region.

    small_stack_alloc_bytes ¶

    small_stack_alloc_bytes :: proc(s: ^Small_Stack, size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, loc := #caller_location) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate memory from small stack.

    This procedure allocates size bytes of memory aligned to a boundary specified by alignment. The allocated memory is zero-initialized. This procedure returns a slice of the allocated memory region.

    small_stack_alloc_bytes_non_zeroed ¶

    small_stack_alloc_bytes_non_zeroed :: proc(s: ^Small_Stack, size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, loc := #caller_location) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate memory from small stack.

    This procedure allocates size bytes of memory aligned to a boundary specified by alignment. The allocated memory is not explicitly zero-initialized. This procedure returns a slice of the allocated memory region.

    small_stack_alloc_non_zeroed ¶

    small_stack_alloc_non_zeroed :: proc(s: ^Small_Stack, size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, loc := #caller_location) -> (rawptr, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate memory from small stack.

    This procedure allocates size bytes of memory aligned to a boundary specified by alignment. The allocated memory is not explicitly zero-initialized. This procedure returns a pointer to the allocated memory region.

    small_stack_allocator ¶

    small_stack_allocator :: proc(stack: ^Small_Stack) -> runtime.Allocator {…}

    Small stack allocator.

    The small stack allocator is just like a stack allocator, with the only difference being an extremely small header size. Unlike the stack allocator, small stack allows out-of order freeing of memory.

    The memory is allocated in the backing buffer linearly, from start to end. Each subsequent allocation will get the next adjacent memory region.

    The metadata is stored in the allocation headers, that are located before the start of each allocated memory region. Each header contains the amount of padding bytes between that header and end of the previous allocation.

    small_stack_allocator_proc ¶

    small_stack_allocator_proc :: proc(
    	allocator_data:  rawptr, 
    	mode:            runtime.Allocator_Mode, 
    	size, alignment: int, 
    	old_memory:      rawptr, 
    	old_size:        int, 
    	loc := #caller_location, 
    ) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    small_stack_free ¶

    small_stack_free :: proc(s: ^Small_Stack, old_memory: rawptr, loc := #caller_location) -> runtime.Allocator_Error {…}

    Allocate memory from small stack.

    This procedure allocates size bytes of memory aligned to a boundary specified by alignment. The allocated memory is not explicitly zero-initialized. This procedure returns a slice of the allocated memory region.

    small_stack_free_all ¶

    small_stack_free_all :: proc(s: ^Small_Stack) {…}

    Free all memory to small stack.

    small_stack_init ¶

    small_stack_init :: proc(s: ^Small_Stack, data: []u8) {…}

    Initialize small stack.

    This procedure initializes the small stack allocator with data as its backing buffer.

    small_stack_resize ¶

    small_stack_resize :: proc(
    	s:          ^Small_Stack, 
    	old_memory: rawptr, 
    	old_size:   int, 
    	size:       int, 
    	alignment:  int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, 
    	loc := #caller_location, 
    ) -> (rawptr, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Resize an allocation.

    This procedure resizes a memory region, defined by its location, old_memory, and its size, old_size to have a size size and alignment alignment. The newly allocated memory, if any is zero-initialized.

    If old_memory is nil, this procedure acts just like small_stack_alloc(), allocating a memory region size bytes in size, aligned on a boundary specified by alignment.

    If size is 0, this procedure acts just like small_stack_free(), freeing the memory region located at an address specified by old_memory.

    This procedure returns the pointer to the resized memory region.

    small_stack_resize_bytes ¶

    small_stack_resize_bytes :: proc(s: ^Small_Stack, old_data: []u8, size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, loc := #caller_location) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Resize an allocation.

    This procedure resizes a memory region, specified by the old_data parameter to have a size size and alignment alignment. The newly allocated memory, if any is zero-initialized.

    If old_memory is nil, this procedure acts just like small_stack_alloc(), allocating a memory region size bytes in size, aligned on a boundary specified by alignment.

    If size is 0, this procedure acts just like small_stack_free(), freeing the memory region located at an address specified by old_memory.

    This procedure returns the slice of the resized memory region.

    small_stack_resize_bytes_non_zeroed ¶

    small_stack_resize_bytes_non_zeroed :: proc(s: ^Small_Stack, old_data: []u8, size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, loc := #caller_location) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Resize an allocation without zero-initialization.

    This procedure resizes a memory region, specified by the old_data parameter to have a size size and alignment alignment. The newly allocated memory, if any is not explicitly zero-initialized.

    If old_memory is nil, this procedure acts just like small_stack_alloc(), allocating a memory region size bytes in size, aligned on a boundary specified by alignment.

    If size is 0, this procedure acts just like small_stack_free(), freeing the memory region located at an address specified by old_memory.

    This procedure returns the slice of the resized memory region.

    small_stack_resize_non_zeroed ¶

    small_stack_resize_non_zeroed :: proc(
    	s:          ^Small_Stack, 
    	old_memory: rawptr, 
    	old_size:   int, 
    	size:       int, 
    	alignment:  int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, 
    	loc := #caller_location, 
    ) -> (rawptr, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Resize an allocation without zero-initialization.

    This procedure resizes a memory region, defined by its location, old_memory, and its size, old_size to have a size size and alignment alignment. The newly allocated memory, if any is not explicitly zero-initialized.

    If old_memory is nil, this procedure acts just like small_stack_alloc(), allocating a memory region size bytes in size, aligned on a boundary specified by alignment.

    If size is 0, this procedure acts just like small_stack_free(), freeing the memory region located at an address specified by old_memory.

    This procedure returns the pointer to the resized memory region.

    stack_alloc ¶

    stack_alloc :: proc(s: ^Stack, size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, loc := #caller_location) -> (rawptr, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate memory from stack.

    This procedure allocates size bytes of memory, aligned to the boundary specified by alignment. The allocated memory is zero-initialized. This procedure returns the pointer to the allocated memory.

    stack_alloc_bytes ¶

    stack_alloc_bytes :: proc(s: ^Stack, size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, loc := #caller_location) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate memory from stack.

    This procedure allocates size bytes of memory, aligned to the boundary specified by alignment. The allocated memory is zero-initialized. This procedure returns the slice of the allocated memory.

    stack_alloc_bytes_non_zeroed ¶

    stack_alloc_bytes_non_zeroed :: proc(s: ^Stack, size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, loc := #caller_location) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate memory from stack.

    This procedure allocates size bytes of memory, aligned to the boundary specified by alignment. The allocated memory is not explicitly zero-initialized. This procedure returns the slice of the allocated memory.

    stack_alloc_non_zeroed ¶

    stack_alloc_non_zeroed :: proc(s: ^Stack, size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, loc := #caller_location) -> (rawptr, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocate memory from stack.

    This procedure allocates size bytes of memory, aligned to the boundary specified by alignment. The allocated memory is not explicitly zero-initialized. This procedure returns the pointer to the allocated memory.

    stack_allocator ¶

    stack_allocator :: proc(stack: ^Stack) -> runtime.Allocator {…}

    Stack allocator.

    The stack allocator is an allocator that allocates data in the backing buffer linearly, from start to end. Each subsequent allocation will get the next adjacent memory region.

    Unlike arena allocator, the stack allocator saves allocation metadata and has a strict freeing order. Only the last allocated element can be freed. After the last allocated element is freed, the next previous allocated element becomes available for freeing.

    The metadata is stored in the allocation headers, that are located before the start of each allocated memory region. Each header points to the start of the previous allocation header.

    stack_allocator_proc ¶

    stack_allocator_proc :: proc(
    	allocator_data:  rawptr, 
    	mode:            runtime.Allocator_Mode, 
    	size, alignment: int, 
    	old_memory:      rawptr, 
    	old_size:        int, 
    	loc := #caller_location, 
    ) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    stack_free ¶

    stack_free :: proc(s: ^Stack, old_memory: rawptr, loc := #caller_location) -> runtime.Allocator_Error {…}

    Free memory to the stack.

    This procedure frees the memory region starting at old_memory to the stack. If the freeing does is an out of order freeing, the .Invalid_Pointer error is returned.

    stack_free_all ¶

    stack_free_all :: proc(s: ^Stack, loc := #caller_location) {…}

    Free all allocations to the stack.

    stack_init ¶

    stack_init :: proc(s: ^Stack, data: []u8) {…}

    Initialize the stack allocator.

    This procedure initializes the stack allocator with a backing buffer specified by data parameter.

    stack_resize ¶

    stack_resize :: proc(
    	s:          ^Stack, 
    	old_memory: rawptr, 
    	old_size:   int, 
    	size:       int, 
    	alignment:  int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, 
    	loc := #caller_location, 
    ) -> (rawptr, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Resize an allocation.

    This procedure resizes a memory region, defined by its location, old_memory, and its size, old_size to have a size size and alignment alignment. The newly allocated memory, if any is zero-initialized.

    If old_memory is nil, this procedure acts just like stack_alloc(), allocating a memory region size bytes in size, aligned on a boundary specified by alignment.

    If size is 0, this procedure acts just like stack_free(), freeing the memory region located at an address specified by old_memory.

    This procedure returns the pointer to the resized memory region.

    stack_resize_bytes ¶

    stack_resize_bytes :: proc(s: ^Stack, old_data: []u8, size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, loc := #caller_location) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Resize an allocation.

    This procedure resizes a memory region, specified by the old_data parameter to have a size size and alignment alignment. The newly allocated memory, if any is zero-initialized.

    If old_memory is nil, this procedure acts just like stack_alloc(), allocating a memory region size bytes in size, aligned on a boundary specified by alignment.

    If size is 0, this procedure acts just like stack_free(), freeing the memory region located at an address specified by old_memory.

    This procedure returns the slice of the resized memory region.

    stack_resize_bytes_non_zeroed ¶

    stack_resize_bytes_non_zeroed :: proc(s: ^Stack, old_data: []u8, size: int, alignment: int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, loc := #caller_location) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Resize an allocation without zero-initialization.

    This procedure resizes a memory region, specified by the old_data parameter to have a size size and alignment alignment. The newly allocated memory, if any is not explicitly zero-initialized.

    If old_memory is nil, this procedure acts just like stack_alloc(), allocating a memory region size bytes in size, aligned on a boundary specified by alignment.

    If size is 0, this procedure acts just like stack_free(), freeing the memory region located at an address specified by old_memory.

    This procedure returns the slice of the resized memory region.

    stack_resize_non_zeroed ¶

    stack_resize_non_zeroed :: proc(
    	s:          ^Stack, 
    	old_memory: rawptr, 
    	old_size:   int, 
    	size:       int, 
    	alignment:  int = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, 
    	loc := #caller_location, 
    ) -> (rawptr, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Resize an allocation without zero-initialization.

    This procedure resizes a memory region, defined by its location, old_memory, and its size, old_size to have a size size and alignment alignment. The newly allocated memory, if any is not explicitly zero-initialized.

    If old_memory is nil, this procedure acts just like stack_alloc(), allocating a memory region size bytes in size, aligned on a boundary specified by alignment.

    If size is 0, this procedure acts just like stack_free(), freeing the memory region located at an address specified by old_memory.

    This procedure returns the pointer to the resized memory region.

    tracking_allocator ¶

    tracking_allocator :: proc(data: ^Tracking_Allocator) -> runtime.Allocator {…}

    Tracking allocator.

    The tracking allocator is an allocator wrapper that tracks memory allocations. This allocator stores all the allocations in a map. Whenever a pointer that's not inside of the map is freed, the bad_free_array entry is added.

    Here follows an example of how to use the Tracking_Allocator to track subsequent allocations in your program and report leaks. By default, the tracking allocator will crash on bad frees. You can override that behavior by overriding track.bad_free_callback.

    package foo
    import "core:mem"
    import "core:fmt"
    main :: proc() {
    	track: mem.Tracking_Allocator
    	mem.tracking_allocator_init(&track, context.allocator)
    	defer mem.tracking_allocator_destroy(&track)
    	context.allocator = mem.tracking_allocator(&track)
    	for _, leak in track.allocation_map {
    		fmt.printf("%v leaked %m\n", leak.location, leak.size)

    tracking_allocator_bad_free_callback_add_to_array ¶

    tracking_allocator_bad_free_callback_add_to_array :: proc(t: ^Tracking_Allocator, memory: rawptr, location: runtime.Source_Code_Location) {…}

    Alternative behavior for a bad free: Store in bad_free_array. If you use this, then you must make sure to check Tracking_Allocator.bad_free_array at some point.

    tracking_allocator_bad_free_callback_panic ¶

    tracking_allocator_bad_free_callback_panic :: proc(t: ^Tracking_Allocator, memory: rawptr, location: runtime.Source_Code_Location) {…}

    Default behavior for a bad free: Crash with error message that says where the bad free happened.

    Override Tracking_Allocator.bad_free_callback to have something else happen. For example, you can use tracking_allocator_bad_free_callback_add_to_array to return the tracking allocator to the old behavior, where the bad_free_array was used.

    tracking_allocator_clear ¶

    tracking_allocator_clear :: proc(t: ^Tracking_Allocator) {…}

    Clear the tracking allocator.

    This procedure clears the tracked data from a tracking allocator.

    Note: This procedure clears only the current allocation data while keeping the totals intact.

    tracking_allocator_destroy ¶

    tracking_allocator_destroy :: proc(t: ^Tracking_Allocator) {…}

    Destroy the tracking allocator.

    tracking_allocator_init ¶

    tracking_allocator_init :: proc(t: ^Tracking_Allocator, backing_allocator: runtime.Allocator, internals_allocator := context.allocator) {…}

    Initialize the tracking allocator.

    This procedure initializes the tracking allocator t with a backing allocator specified with backing_allocator. The internals_allocator will used to allocate the tracked data.

    tracking_allocator_proc ¶

    tracking_allocator_proc :: proc(
    	allocator_data:  rawptr, 
    	mode:            runtime.Allocator_Mode, 
    	size, alignment: int, 
    	old_memory:      rawptr, 
    	old_size:        int, 
    	loc := #caller_location, 
    ) -> (result: []u8, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    tracking_allocator_reset ¶

    tracking_allocator_reset :: proc(t: ^Tracking_Allocator) {…}

    Reset the tracking allocator.

    Reset all of a Tracking Allocator's allocation data back to zero.

    zero ¶

    zero :: proc "contextless" (data: rawptr, len: int) -> rawptr {…}

    Set each byte of a memory range to zero.

    This procedure copies the value 0 into the len bytes of a memory range, starting at address data.

    This procedure returns the pointer to data.

    zero_explicit ¶

    zero_explicit :: proc "contextless" (data: rawptr, len: int) -> rawptr {…}

    Set each byte of a memory range to zero.

    This procedure copies the value 0 into the len bytes of a memory range, starting at address data.

    This procedure returns the pointer to data.

    Unlike the zero() procedure, which can be optimized away or reordered by the compiler under certain circumstances, zero_explicit() procedure can not be optimized away or reordered with other memory access operations, and the compiler assumes volatile semantics of the memory.

    zero_item ¶

    zero_item :: proc "contextless" (item: $P/^$T) -> $P/^$T {…}

    Zero-fill the memory of an object.

    This procedure sets each byte of the object pointed to by the pointer item to zero, and returns the pointer to item.

    zero_slice ¶

    zero_slice :: proc "contextless" (data: $T) -> $T {…}

    Zero-fill the memory of the slice.

    This procedure sets each byte of the slice pointed to by the slice data to zero, and returns the slice data.

    Procedure Groups

    rollback_stack_init ¶


    Initialize the rollback stack.

    Source Files

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    Generated with odin version dev-2025-03 (vendor "odin") Windows_amd64 @ 2025-03-25 21:11:15.401534700 +0000 UTC