package core:time/datetime



    Date ¶

    Date :: struct {
    	year:  i64,
    	month: i8,
    	day:   i8,

    A type representing a date.

    The minimum and maximum values for a year can be found in MIN_DATE and MAX_DATE constants. The month field can range from 1 to 12, and the day ranges from 1 to however many days there are in the specified month.

    Related Procedures With Parameters
    Related Procedures With Returns
    Related Constants

    DateTime ¶

    DateTime :: struct {
    	using date: Date,
    	using time: Time,
    	tz:   ^TZ_Region,

    A type representing datetime.

    Related Procedures With Parameters
    Related Procedures With Returns
    Procedures Through `using` From Date
    Procedures Through `using` From Time

    Delta ¶

    Delta :: struct {
    	days:    i64,
    	seconds: i64,
    	nanos:   i64,

    A type representing a difference between two instances of datetime.

    Note: All fields are i64 because we can also use it to add a number of seconds or nanos to a moment, that are then normalized within their respective ranges.

    Related Procedures With Parameters
    Related Procedures With Returns

    Error ¶

    Error :: enum int {

    Possible errors returned by datetime functions.

    Related Procedures With Returns

    Month ¶

    Month :: enum i8 {
    	January   = 1, 

    Type representing one of the months.

    Ordinal ¶

    Ordinal :: i64

    Type representing a mononotic day number corresponding to a date.

    Ordinal 1 = Midnight Monday, January 1, 1 A.D. (Gregorian)
            |   Midnight Monday, January 3, 1 A.D. (Julian)

    Every other ordinal counts days forwards, starting from the above date.

    TZ_Date_Kind ¶

    TZ_Date_Kind :: enum int {

    TZ_RRule ¶

    TZ_RRule :: struct {
    	has_dst:    bool,
    	std_name:   string,
    	std_offset: i64,
    	std_date:   TZ_Transition_Date,
    	dst_name:   string,
    	dst_offset: i64,
    	dst_date:   TZ_Transition_Date,

    TZ_Record ¶

    TZ_Record :: struct {
    	time:       i64,
    	utc_offset: i64,
    	shortname:  string,
    	dst:        bool,

    TZ_Region ¶

    TZ_Region :: struct {
    	name:       string,
    	records:    []TZ_Record,
    	shortnames: []string,
    	rrule:      TZ_RRule,

    TZ_Transition_Date ¶

    TZ_Transition_Date :: struct {
    	type:  TZ_Date_Kind,
    	month: u8,
    	week:  u8,
    	day:   u16,
    	time:  i64,

    Time ¶

    Time :: struct {
    	hour:   i8,
    	minute: i8,
    	second: i8,
    	nano:   i32,

    A type representing a time within a single day within a nanosecond precision.

    Related Procedures With Parameters
    Related Procedures With Returns

    Weekday ¶

    Weekday :: enum i8 {
    	Sunday    = 0, 

    Type representing one of the weekdays.

    Related Procedures With Returns


    MAX_DATE ¶

    MAX_DATE :: Date{year = 25_252_734_927_766_552, month = 12, day = 31}

    Maximum valid value for date

    The value is chosen such that a conversion date -> ordinal -> date is always safe.

    MAX_ORD ¶

    MAX_ORD: i64 : Ordinal(9_223_372_036_854_774_869)

    Maximum value for an ordinal

    MIN_DATE ¶

    MIN_DATE :: Date{year = -25_252_734_927_766_552, month = 1, day = 1}

    Minimum valid value for date.

    The value is chosen such that a conversion date -> ordinal -> date is always safe.

    MIN_ORD ¶

    MIN_ORD: i64 : Ordinal(-9_223_372_036_854_775_234)

    Minimum value for an ordinal


    This section is empty.


    add_days_to_date ¶

    add_days_to_date :: proc "contextless" (a: Date, days: i64) -> (date: Date, err: Error) {…}

    Add certain amount of days to a date.

    This procedure adds the specified amount of days to a date and returns a new date. The new date would have happened the specified amount of days after the specified date.

    add_delta_to_date ¶

    add_delta_to_date :: proc "contextless" (a: Date, delta: Delta) -> (date: Date, err: Error) {…}

    Add delta to a date.

    This procedure adds a delta to a date, and returns a new date. The new date would have happened the time specified by delta after the specified date.

    Note: The delta is assumed to be normalized. That is, if it contains seconds or milliseconds, regardless of the amount only the days will be added.

    add_delta_to_datetime ¶

    add_delta_to_datetime :: proc "contextless" (a: DateTime, delta: Delta) -> (datetime: DateTime, err: Error) {…}

    Add delta to datetime.

    This procedure adds a delta to a datetime, and returns a new datetime. The new datetime would have happened the time specified by delta after the specified datetime.

    components_to_date ¶

    components_to_date :: proc "contextless" (#any_int year, #any_int month, #any_int day: i64) -> (date: Date, err: Error) {…}

    Obtain a date from date components.

    This procedure converts date components, specified by a year, a month and a day, into a date object. If the provided date components don't represent a valid date, an error is returned.

    components_to_datetime ¶

    components_to_datetime :: proc "contextless" (
    	#any_int year, #any_int month, #any_int day, #any_int hour, #any_int minute, #any_int second: i64, 
    	#any_int nanos:                         i64 = i64(0), 
    ) -> (datetime: DateTime, err: Error) {…}

    Obtain datetime from components.

    This procedure converts date components and time components into a datetime object. If the provided date components or time components don't represent a valid datetime, an error is returned.

    components_to_ordinal ¶

    components_to_ordinal :: proc "contextless" (#any_int year, #any_int month, #any_int day: i64) -> (ordinal: i64, err: Error) {…}

    Obtain an ordinal from date components.

    This procedure converts the specified date, provided by its individual components, into an ordinal. If the specified date is not a valid date, an error is returned.

    components_to_time ¶

    components_to_time :: proc "contextless" (#any_int hour, #any_int minute, #any_int second: i64, #any_int nanos: i64 = i64(0)) -> (time: Time, err: Error) {…}

    Obtain time from time components.

    This procedure converts time components, specified by an hour, a minute, a second and nanoseconds, into a time object. If the provided time components don't represent a valid time, an error is returned.

    date_to_ordinal ¶

    date_to_ordinal :: proc "contextless" (date: Date) -> (ordinal: i64, err: Error) {…}

    Obtain an ordinal from a date.

    This procedure converts the specified date into an ordinal. If the specified date is not a valid date, an error is returned.

    day_number ¶

    day_number :: proc "contextless" (date: Date) -> (day_number: i64, err: Error) {…}

    Obtain the day number in a year

    This procedure returns the number of the day in a year, starting from 1. If the date is not a valid date, an error is returned.

    day_of_week ¶

    day_of_week :: proc "contextless" (ordinal: i64) -> (day: Weekday) {…}

    Calculate the weekday from an ordinal.

    This procedure takes the value of an ordinal and returns the day of week for that ordinal.

    days_remaining ¶

    days_remaining :: proc "contextless" (date: Date) -> (days_remaining: i64, err: Error) {…}

    Obtain the remaining number of days in a year.

    This procedure returns the number of days between the specified date and December 31 of the same year. If the date is not a valid date, an error is returned.

    is_leap_year ¶

    is_leap_year :: proc "contextless" (#any_int year: i64) -> (leap: bool) {…}

    Check if a year is a leap year.

    last_day_of_month ¶

    last_day_of_month :: proc "contextless" (#any_int year: i64, #any_int month: i8) -> (day: i8, err: Error) {…}

    Obtain the last day of a given month on a given year.

    This procedure returns the amount of days in a specified month on a specified date. If the specified year or month is not valid, an error is returned.

    new_year ¶

    new_year :: proc "contextless" (#any_int year: i64) -> (new_year: Date, err: Error) {…}

    Obtain the new year date of a given year.

    This procedure returns the January 1st date of the specified year. If the year is not valid, an error is returned.

    normalize_delta ¶

    normalize_delta :: proc "contextless" (delta: Delta) -> (normalized: Delta, err: Error) {…}

    Normalize the delta.

    This procedure normalizes the delta in such a way that the number of seconds is between 0 and the number of seconds in the day and nanoseconds is between 0 and 10^9.

    If the value for days overflows during this operation, an error is returned.

    ordinal_to_date ¶

    ordinal_to_date :: proc "contextless" (ordinal: i64) -> (date: Date, err: Error) {…}

    Obtain date using an Ordinal.

    This provedure converts the specified ordinal into a date. If the ordinal is not a valid ordinal, an error is returned.

    ordinal_to_datetime ¶

    ordinal_to_datetime :: proc "contextless" (ordinal: i64) -> (datetime: DateTime, err: Error) {…}

    Obtain an datetime from an ordinal.

    This procedure converts the value of an ordinal into a datetime. Since the ordinal only has the amount of days, the resulting time in the datetime object will always have the time equal to 00:00:00.000.

    subtract_dates ¶

    subtract_dates :: proc "contextless" (a, b: Date) -> (delta: Delta, err: Error) {…}

    Calculate the difference between two dates.

    This procedure calculates the difference between two dates a - b, and returns a delta between the two dates in days. If either a or b is not a valid date, an error is returned.

    subtract_datetimes ¶

    subtract_datetimes :: proc "contextless" (a, b: DateTime) -> (delta: Delta, err: Error) {…}

    Calculate the difference between two datetimes.

    This procedure calculates the difference between two datetimes, a - b, and returns a delta between the two dates. The difference is returned in all three fields of the Delta struct: the difference in days, the difference in seconds and the difference in nanoseconds.

    If either a or b is not a valid datetime, an error is returned.

    subtract_deltas ¶

    subtract_deltas :: proc "contextless" (a, b: Delta) -> (delta: Delta, err: Error) {…}

    Calculate a difference between two deltas.

    unsafe_date_to_ordinal ¶

    unsafe_date_to_ordinal :: proc "contextless" (date: Date) -> (ordinal: i64) {…}

    Obtain an ordinal from a date.

    This procedure converts a date into an ordinal. If the date is not a valid date, the result is unspecified.

    unsafe_ordinal_to_date ¶

    unsafe_ordinal_to_date :: proc "contextless" (ordinal: i64) -> (date: Date) {…}

    Obtain a date from an ordinal.

    This procedure converts an ordinal into a date. If the ordinal is outside of its valid range, the result is unspecified.

    unsafe_ordinal_to_year ¶

    unsafe_ordinal_to_year :: proc "contextless" (ordinal: i64) -> (year: i64, day_ordinal: i64) {…}

    Obtain a year and a day of the year from an ordinal.

    This procedure returns the year and the day of the year of a given ordinal. Of the ordinal is outside of its valid range, the result is unspecified.

    validate_date ¶

    validate_date :: proc "contextless" (date: Date) -> (err: Error) {…}

    Check for errors in date formation.

    This procedure validates all fields of a date, and if any of the fields is outside of allowed range, an error is returned.

    validate_datetime ¶

    validate_datetime :: proc "contextless" (datetime: DateTime) -> (err: Error) {…}

    Check for errors in datetime formation.

    This procedure checks whether all fields of date and time in the specified datetime are valid, and if not, an error is returned.

    validate_hour_minute_second ¶

    validate_hour_minute_second :: proc "contextless" (#any_int hour, #any_int minute, #any_int second, #any_int nano: i64) -> (err: Error) {…}

    Check for errors in time formed by its components.

    This procedure checks whether the time formed by its components is valid, and if not an error is returned.

    validate_ordinal ¶

    validate_ordinal :: proc "contextless" (ordinal: i64) -> (err: Error) {…}

    Check for errors in Ordinal

    This procedure checks if the ordinal is in a valid range for roundtrip conversions with the dates. If not, an error is returned.

    validate_time ¶

    validate_time :: proc "contextless" (time: Time) -> (err: Error) {…}

    Check for errors in time formation

    This procedure checks whether time has all fields in valid ranges, and if not an error is returned.

    validate_year_month_day ¶

    validate_year_month_day :: proc "contextless" (#any_int year, #any_int month, #any_int day: i64) -> (err: Error) {…}

    Check for errors in date formation given date components.

    This procedure checks whether a date formed by the specified year month and a day is a valid date. If not, an error is returned.

    year_end ¶

    year_end :: proc "contextless" (#any_int year: i64) -> (year_end: Date, err: Error) {…}

    Obtain the end year of a given date.

    This procedure returns the December 31st date of the specified year. If the year is not valid, an error is returned.

    year_range ¶

    year_range :: proc(#any_int year: i64, allocator := context.allocator) -> (range: []Date) {…}

    Obtain the range of dates for a given year.

    This procedure returns dates, for every day of a given year in a slice.

    Procedure Groups

    add ¶


    Add days to a date, delta to a date or delta to datetime.

    sub ¶


    Calculate a difference between two datetimes, dates or deltas.

    Source Files

    Generation Information

    Generated with odin version dev-2025-03 (vendor "odin") Windows_amd64 @ 2025-03-25 21:11:16.653947400 +0000 UTC