package core:mem/virtual



    Allocator_Error ¶

    Allocator_Error :: runtime.Allocator_Error

    Arena ¶

    Arena :: struct {
    	kind:                Arena_Kind,
    	curr_block:          ^Memory_Block,
    	total_used:          uint,
    	total_reserved:      uint,
    	default_commit_size: uint,
    	// commit size <= reservation size
    	minimum_block_size:  uint,
    	// block size == total reservation
    	temp_count:          uint,
    	mutex:               sync.Mutex,

    Arena is a generalized arena allocator that supports 3 different variants.

    Growing: A linked list of Memory_Blocks allocated with virtual memory. Static: A single Memory_Block allocated with virtual memory. Buffer: A single Memory_Block created from a user provided []byte.

    Related Procedures With Parameters

    Arena_Kind ¶

    Arena_Kind :: enum uint {
    	Growing = 0, // Chained memory blocks (singly linked list).
    	Static  = 1, // Fixed reservation sized.
    	Buffer  = 2, // Uses a fixed sized buffer.

    Arena_Temp ¶

    Arena_Temp :: struct {
    	arena: ^Arena,
    	block: ^Memory_Block,
    	used:  uint,

    An Arena_Temp is a way to produce temporary watermarks to reset an arena to a previous state. All uses of an Arena_Temp must be handled by ending them with arena_temp_end or ignoring them with arena_temp_ignore.

    Related Procedures With Parameters
    Related Procedures With Returns

    Map_File_Error ¶

    Map_File_Error :: enum int {
    Related Procedures With Returns

    Map_File_Flag ¶

    Map_File_Flag :: enum u32 {

    Map_File_Flags ¶

    Map_File_Flags :: distinct bit_set[Map_File_Flag; u32]
    Related Procedures With Parameters

    Memory_Block ¶

    Memory_Block :: struct {
    	prev:      ^Memory_Block,
    	base:      [^]u8,
    	used:      uint,
    	committed: uint,
    	reserved:  uint,
    Related Procedures With Parameters
    Related Procedures With Returns

    Memory_Block_Flag ¶

    Memory_Block_Flag :: enum u32 {

    Memory_Block_Flags ¶

    Memory_Block_Flags :: distinct bit_set[Memory_Block_Flag; u32]
    Related Procedures With Parameters

    Protect_Flag ¶

    Protect_Flag :: enum u32 {

    Protect_Flags ¶

    Protect_Flags :: distinct bit_set[Protect_Flag; u32]
    Related Procedures With Parameters
    Related Constants



    DEFAULT_ARENA_GROWING_COMMIT_SIZE: int : 8 * mem.Megabyte





    1 MiB should be enough to start with


    DEFAULT_ARENA_STATIC_RESERVE_SIZE: int : mem.Gigabyte when size_of(uintptr) == 8 else 128 * mem.Megabyte

    1 GiB on 64-bit systems, 128 MiB on 32-bit systems by default

    Protect_No_Access ¶

    Protect_No_Access :: Protect_Flags{}



    DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE: uint = …


    alloc_from_memory_block ¶

    alloc_from_memory_block :: proc(block: ^Memory_Block, min_size, alignment: uint, default_commit_size: uint = 0) -> (data: []u8, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    arena_alloc ¶

    arena_alloc :: proc(arena: ^Arena, size: uint, alignment: uint, loc := #caller_location) -> (data: []u8, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Allocates memory from the provided arena.

    arena_allocator ¶

    arena_allocator :: proc(arena: ^Arena) -> runtime.Allocator {…}

    Create an Allocator from the provided Arena

    arena_allocator_proc ¶

    arena_allocator_proc :: proc(
    	allocator_data:  rawptr, 
    	mode:            runtime.Allocator_Mode, 
    	size, alignment: int, 
    	old_memory:      rawptr, 
    	old_size:        int, 
    	location := #caller_location, 
    ) -> (data: []u8, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    The allocator procedure used by an Allocator produced by arena_allocator

    arena_check_temp ¶

    arena_check_temp :: proc(arena: ^Arena, loc := #caller_location) {…}

    Asserts that all uses of Arena_Temp has been used by an Arena

    arena_destroy ¶

    arena_destroy :: proc(arena: ^Arena, loc := #caller_location) {…}

    Frees all of the memory allocated by the arena and zeros all of the values of an arena. A buffer based arena does not delete the provided []byte bufffer.

    arena_free_all ¶

    arena_free_all :: proc(arena: ^Arena, loc := #caller_location) {…}

    Deallocates all but the first memory block of the arena and resets the allocator's usage to 0.

    arena_growing_bootstrap_new_by_name ¶

    arena_growing_bootstrap_new_by_name :: proc($T: typeid, $field_name: string = , minimum_block_size: uint = DEFAULT_ARENA_GROWING_MINIMUM_BLOCK_SIZE) -> (ptr: ^typeid, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Ability to bootstrap allocate a struct with an arena within the struct itself using the growing variant strategy.

    arena_growing_bootstrap_new_by_offset ¶

    arena_growing_bootstrap_new_by_offset :: proc($T: typeid, offset_to_arena: uintptr, minimum_block_size: uint = DEFAULT_ARENA_GROWING_MINIMUM_BLOCK_SIZE) -> (ptr: ^typeid, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Ability to bootstrap allocate a struct with an arena within the struct itself using the growing variant strategy.

    arena_growing_free_last_memory_block ¶

    arena_growing_free_last_memory_block :: proc(arena: ^Arena, loc := #caller_location) {…}

    Frees the last memory block of a Growing Arena

    arena_init_buffer ¶

    arena_init_buffer :: proc(arena: ^Arena, buffer: []u8) -> (err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Initialization of an Arena to be a .Buffer variant. A buffer arena contains single Memory_Block created from a user provided []byte.

    arena_init_growing ¶

    arena_init_growing :: proc(arena: ^Arena, reserved: uint = DEFAULT_ARENA_GROWING_MINIMUM_BLOCK_SIZE) -> (err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Initialization of an Arena to be a .Growing variant. A growing arena is a linked list of Memory_Blocks allocated with virtual memory.

    arena_init_static ¶

    arena_init_static :: proc(arena: ^Arena, reserved: uint = DEFAULT_ARENA_STATIC_RESERVE_SIZE, commit_size: uint = DEFAULT_ARENA_STATIC_COMMIT_SIZE) -> (err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Initialization of an Arena to be a .Static variant. A static arena contains a single Memory_Block allocated with virtual memory.

    arena_static_bootstrap_new_by_name ¶

    arena_static_bootstrap_new_by_name :: proc($T: typeid, $field_name: string = , reserved: uint) -> (ptr: ^typeid, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Ability to bootstrap allocate a struct with an arena within the struct itself using the static variant strategy.

    arena_static_bootstrap_new_by_offset ¶

    arena_static_bootstrap_new_by_offset :: proc($T: typeid, offset_to_arena: uintptr, reserved: uint) -> (ptr: ^typeid, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Ability to bootstrap allocate a struct with an arena within the struct itself using the static variant strategy.

    arena_static_reset_to ¶

    arena_static_reset_to :: proc(arena: ^Arena, pos: uint, loc := #caller_location) -> bool {…}

    Resets the memory of a Static or Buffer arena to a specific position (offset) and zeroes the previously used memory.

    arena_temp_begin ¶

    arena_temp_begin :: proc(arena: ^Arena, loc := #caller_location) -> (temp: Arena_Temp) {…}

    Begins the section of temporary arena memory.

    arena_temp_end ¶

    arena_temp_end :: proc(temp: Arena_Temp, loc := #caller_location) {…}

    Ends the section of temporary arena memory by resetting the memory to the stored position.

    arena_temp_ignore ¶

    arena_temp_ignore :: proc(temp: Arena_Temp, loc := #caller_location) {…}

    Ignore the use of a arena_temp_begin entirely by __not__ resetting to the stored position.

    commit ¶

    commit :: proc "contextless" (data: rawptr, size: uint) -> runtime.Allocator_Error {…}

    decommit ¶

    decommit :: proc "contextless" (data: rawptr, size: uint) {…}

    make_aligned ¶

    make_aligned :: proc(arena: ^Arena, $T: typeid/[0][0]$E, #any_int len: int, alignment: uint, loc := #caller_location) -> ($/[0][0]$E, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    make_aligned allocates and initializes a slice. Like new, the second argument is a type, not a value. Unlike new, make's return value is the same as the type of its argument, not a pointer to it.

    Note: Prefer using the procedure group make.

    make_multi_pointer ¶

    make_multi_pointer :: proc(arena: ^Arena, $T: typeid/[0][0]$E, #any_int len: int, loc := #caller_location) -> ($/[0][0]$E, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    make_multi_pointer allocates and initializes a dynamic array. Like new, the second argument is a type, not a value. Unlike new, make's return value is the same as the type of its argument, not a pointer to it.

    This is "similar" to doing raw_data(make([]E, len, allocator)).

    Note: Prefer using the procedure group make.

    make_slice ¶

    make_slice :: proc(arena: ^Arena, $T: typeid/[0][0]$E, #any_int len: int, loc := #caller_location) -> ($/[0][0]$E, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    make_slice allocates and initializes a slice. Like new, the second argument is a type, not a value. Unlike new, make's return value is the same as the type of its argument, not a pointer to it.

    Note: Prefer using the procedure group make.

    map_file_from_file_descriptor ¶

    map_file_from_file_descriptor :: proc(fd: uintptr, flags: Map_File_Flags) -> (data: []u8, error: Map_File_Error) {…}

    map_file_from_path ¶

    map_file_from_path :: proc(filename: string, flags: Map_File_Flags) -> (data: []u8, error: Map_File_Error) {…}

    memory_block_alloc ¶

    memory_block_alloc :: proc(committed, reserved: uint, alignment: uint = 0, flags: Memory_Block_Flags = {}) -> (block: ^Memory_Block, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    memory_block_dealloc ¶

    memory_block_dealloc :: proc(block_to_free: ^Memory_Block) {…}

    new ¶

    new :: proc(arena: ^Arena, $T: typeid, loc := #caller_location) -> (ptr: ^typeid, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    The new procedure allocates memory for a type T from a virtual.Arena. The second argument is a type, not a value, and the value return is a pointer to a newly allocated value of that type using the specified allocator.

    new_aligned ¶

    new_aligned :: proc(arena: ^Arena, $T: typeid, alignment: uint, loc := #caller_location) -> (ptr: ^typeid, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    The new_aligned procedure allocates memory for a type T from a virtual.Arena with a specified alignment. The second argument is a type, not a value, and the value return is a pointer to a newly allocated value of that type using the specified allocator.

    protect ¶

    protect :: proc "contextless" (data: rawptr, size: uint, flags: Protect_Flags) -> bool {…}

    release ¶

    release :: proc "contextless" (data: rawptr, size: uint) {…}

    reserve ¶

    reserve :: proc "contextless" (size: uint) -> (data: []u8, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    reserve_and_commit ¶

    reserve_and_commit :: proc "contextless" (size: uint) -> (data: []u8, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Procedure Groups

    arena_growing_bootstrap_new ¶


    Ability to bootstrap allocate a struct with an arena within the struct itself using the growing variant strategy.

    arena_static_bootstrap_new ¶


    Ability to bootstrap allocate a struct with an arena within the struct itself using the static variant strategy.

    Source Files

    Generation Information

    Generated with odin version dev-2025-03 (vendor "odin") Windows_amd64 @ 2025-03-25 21:11:15.406435600 +0000 UTC