package core:odin/doc-format
Types (33)
- Array
- Attribute
- Entity
- Entity_Flag
- Entity_Flags
- Entity_Index
- Entity_Kind
- File
- File_Index
- Header
- Header_Base
- Pkg
- Pkg_Flag
- Pkg_Flags
- Pkg_Index
- Position
- Reader_Error
- Scope_Entry
- String
- Type
- Type_Flag_Basic
- Type_Flag_Bit_Set
- Type_Flag_Proc
- Type_Flag_Struct
- Type_Flag_Union
- Type_Flags_Basic
- Type_Flags_Bit_Set
- Type_Flags_Proc
- Type_Flags_Struct
- Type_Flags_Union
- Type_Index
- Type_Kind
- Version_Type
Variables (0)
This section is empty.
Procedures (3)
Procedure Groups (0)
This section is empty.
Entity ¶
Entity :: struct { kind: Entity_Kind, _: u32le, // reserved flags: Entity_Flags, pos: Position, name: String, type: Type_Index, init_string: String, _: u32le, // reserved for init comment: String, docs: String, // May be used by (Struct fields and procedure fields): // .Variable // .Constant // This is equal to the negative of the "bit size" it this is a `bit_field`s field field_group_index: i32le, // May used by: // .Variable // .Procedure foreign_library: Entity_Index, // May used by: // .Variable // .Procedure link_name: String, attributes: Array($T=Attribute), // Used by: .Proc_Group grouped_entities: Array($T=Entity_Index), // May used by: .Procedure where_clauses: Array($T=String), }
Entity_Flag ¶
Entity_Flag :: enum u32le { Foreign = 0, Export = 1, Param_Using = 2, // using Param_Const = 3, // #const Param_Auto_Cast = 4, // auto_cast Param_Ellipsis = 5, // Variadic parameter Param_CVararg = 6, // #c_vararg Param_No_Alias = 7, // #no_alias Param_Any_Int = 8, // #any_int Param_By_Ptr = 9, // #by_ptr Param_No_Broadcast = 10, // #no_broadcast Bit_Field_Field = 19, Type_Alias = 20, Builtin_Pkg_Builtin = 30, Builtin_Pkg_Intrinsics = 31, Var_Thread_Local = 40, Var_Static = 41, Private = 50, }
Entity_Flags ¶
Entity_Flags :: distinct bit_set[Entity_Flag; u64le]
Entity_Index ¶
Entity_Index :: distinct u32le
Entity_Kind ¶
Entity_Kind :: enum u32le { Invalid = 0, Constant = 1, Variable = 2, Type_Name = 3, Procedure = 4, Proc_Group = 5, Import_Name = 6, Library_Name = 7, Builtin = 8, }
File_Index ¶
File_Index :: distinct u32le
Header ¶
Header :: struct { using base: Header_Base, // NOTE: These arrays reserve the zero element as a sentinel value files: Array($T=File), pkgs: Array($T=Pkg), entities: Array($T=Entity), types: Array($T=Type), }
Related Procedures With Returns
Procedures Through `using` From Header_Base
Header_Base ¶
Header_Base :: struct { magic: [8]u8, _: u32le, // padding version: Version_Type, total_size: u32le, // in bytes header_size: u32le, // in bytes hash: u32le, }
Related Procedures With Parameters
Pkg_Flag ¶
Pkg_Flag :: enum u32le { Builtin = 0, Runtime = 1, Init = 2, }
Pkg_Index ¶
Pkg_Index :: distinct u32le
Position ¶
Position :: struct { file: File_Index, line: u32le, column: u32le, offset: u32le, }
Reader_Error ¶
Reader_Error :: enum int { None, Header_Too_Small, Invalid_Magic, Data_Too_Small, Invalid_Version, }
Related Procedures With Returns
Scope_Entry ¶
Scope_Entry :: struct { name: String, entity: Entity_Index, }
String ¶
Related Procedures With Parameters
Type ¶
Type :: struct { kind: Type_Kind, // Type_Kind specific used by some types // Underlying flag types: // .Basic - Type_Flags_Basic // .Struct - Type_Flags_Struct // .Union - Type_Flags_Union // .Proc - Type_Flags_Proc // .Bit_Set - Type_Flags_Bit_Set flags: u32le, // Used by: // .Basic // .Named // .Generic name: String, // Used By: .Struct, .Union custom_align: String, // Used by: // .Array - 1 count: 0=len // .Enumerated_Array - 1 count: 0=len // .SOA_Struct_Fixed - 1 count: 0=len // .Bit_Set - 2 count: 0=lower, 1=upper // .Simd_Vector - 1 count: 0=len // .Matrix - 2 count: 0=row_count, 1=column_count elem_count_len: u32le, elem_counts: [4]i64le, // Used by: .Procedures // blank implies the "odin" calling convention calling_convention: String, // Used by: // .Named - 1 type: 0=base type // .Generic - <1 type: 0=specialization // .Pointer - 1 type: 0=element // .Array - 1 type: 0=element // .Enumerated_Array - 2 types: 0=index and 1=element // .Slice - 1 type: 0=element // .Dynamic_Array - 1 type: 0=element // .Map - 2 types: 0=key, 1=value // .SOA_Struct_Fixed - 1 type: underlying SOA struct element // .SOA_Struct_Slice - 1 type: underlying SOA struct element // .SOA_Struct_Dynamic - 1 type: underlying SOA struct element // .Union - 0+ types: variants // .Enum - <1 type: 0=base type // .Proc - 2 types: 0=parameters, 1=results // .Bit_Set - <=2 types: 0=element type, 1=underlying type (Underlying_Type flag will be set) // .Simd_Vector - 1 type: 0=element // .Relative_Pointer - 2 types: 0=pointer type, 1=base integer // .Multi_Pointer - 1 type: 0=element // .Matrix - 1 type: 0=element // .Soa_Pointer - 1 type: 0=element // .Bit_Field - 1 type: 0=backing type types: Array($T=Type_Index), // Used by: // .Named - 1 field for the definition // .Struct - fields // .Enum - fields // .Tuple - parameters (procedures only) entities: Array($T=Entity_Index), // Used By: .Struct, .Union polymorphic_params: Type_Index, // Used By: .Struct, .Union where_clauses: Array($T=String), // Used By: .Struct tags: Array($T=String), }
Type_Flag_Basic ¶
Type_Flag_Basic :: enum u32le { Untyped = 1, }
Type_Flag_Bit_Set ¶
Type_Flag_Bit_Set :: enum u32le { Range = 1, Op_Lt = 2, Op_Lt_Eq = 3, Underlying_Type = 4, }
Type_Flag_Proc ¶
Type_Flag_Proc :: enum u32le { Polymorphic = 0, Diverging = 1, Optional_Ok = 2, Variadic = 3, C_Vararg = 4, }
Type_Flag_Struct ¶
Type_Flag_Struct :: enum u32le { Polymorphic = 0, Packed = 1, Raw_Union = 2, }
Type_Flag_Union ¶
Type_Flag_Union :: enum u32le { Polymorphic = 0, No_Nil = 1, Maybe = 2, }
Type_Flags_Basic ¶
Type_Flags_Basic :: distinct bit_set[Type_Flag_Basic; u32le]
Type_Flags_Bit_Set ¶
Type_Flags_Bit_Set :: distinct bit_set[Type_Flag_Bit_Set; u32le]
Type_Flags_Proc ¶
Type_Flags_Proc :: distinct bit_set[Type_Flag_Proc; u32le]
Type_Flags_Struct ¶
Type_Flags_Struct :: distinct bit_set[Type_Flag_Struct; u32le]
Type_Flags_Union ¶
Type_Flags_Union :: distinct bit_set[Type_Flag_Union; u32le]
Type_Index ¶
Type_Index :: distinct u32le
Type_Kind ¶
Type_Kind :: enum u32le { Invalid = 0, Basic = 1, Named = 2, Generic = 3, Pointer = 4, Array = 5, Enumerated_Array = 6, Slice = 7, Dynamic_Array = 8, Map = 9, Struct = 10, Union = 11, Enum = 12, Tuple = 13, Proc = 14, Bit_Set = 15, Simd_Vector = 16, SOA_Struct_Fixed = 17, SOA_Struct_Slice = 18, SOA_Struct_Dynamic = 19, Relative_Pointer = 20, Relative_Multi_Pointer = 21, Multi_Pointer = 22, Matrix = 23, Soa_Pointer = 24, Bit_Field = 25, }
Version_Type ¶
Related Constants
Magic_String ¶
Magic_String: string : "odindoc\x00"
Type_Elems_Cap ¶
Type_Elems_Cap: int : 4
Version_Type_Default ¶
Version_Type_Default :: Version_Type{major = Version_Type_Major, minor = Version_Type_Minor, patch = Version_Type_Patch}
Version_Type_Major ¶
Version_Type_Major: int : 0
Version_Type_Minor ¶
Version_Type_Minor: int : 3
Version_Type_Patch ¶
Version_Type_Patch: int : 1
This section is empty.
from_array ¶
from_array :: proc(base: ^Header_Base, a: $A/container_small_array.Small_Array) -> []$T {…}
from_string ¶
from_string :: proc(base: ^Header_Base, s: String) -> string {…}
read_from_bytes ¶
read_from_bytes :: proc(data: []u8) -> (h: ^Header, err: Reader_Error) {…}
Procedure Groups
This section is empty.
Source Files
Generation Information
Generated with odin version dev-2025-03 (vendor "odin") Windows_amd64 @ 2025-03-25 21:11:15.423656400 +0000 UTC