package core:strconv
Types (4)
Constants (1)
Variables (1)
Procedures (41)
- append_bits
- append_bits_128
- append_bool
- append_float
- append_int
- append_u128
- append_uint
- atof
- atoi
- format_digits
- ftoa
- generic_ftoa
- is_integer_negative
- is_integer_negative_128
- itoa
- parse_bool
- parse_complex128
- parse_complex32
- parse_complex64
- parse_f32
- parse_f32_prefix
- parse_f64
- parse_f64_prefix
- parse_i128_maybe_prefixed
- parse_i128_of_base
- parse_i64_maybe_prefixed
- parse_i64_of_base
- parse_int
- parse_quaternion128
- parse_quaternion256
- parse_quaternion64
- parse_u128_maybe_prefixed
- parse_u128_of_base
- parse_u64_maybe_prefixed
- parse_u64_of_base
- parse_uint
- quote
- quote_rune
- round_shortest
- unquote_char
- unquote_string
Procedure Groups (4)
Decimal_Slice ¶
Related Procedures With Parameters
Float_Info ¶
Related Procedures With Parameters
Int_Flag ¶
Int_Flag :: enum int { Prefix, Plus, }
Int_Flags ¶
Int_Flags :: bit_set[Int_Flag]
MAX_BASE :: 32
append_bits ¶
append_bits :: proc( buf: []u8, x: u64, base: int, is_signed: bool, bit_size: int, digits: string, flags: bit_set[Int_Flag], ) -> string {…}
Appends the string representation of an integer to a buffer with specified base, flags, and digit set.
buf: The buffer to append the integer representation to
x: The integer value to convert
base: The base for the integer representation (2 <= base <= MAX_BASE)
is_signed: A boolean indicating if the input should be treated as a signed integer
bit_size: The bit size of the signed integer representation (8, 16, 32, or 64)
digits: The digit set used for the integer representation
flags: The Int_Flags bit set to control integer formatting
The string containing the integer representation appended to the buffer
append_bits_128 ¶
append_bits_128 :: proc( buf: []u8, x: u128, base: int, is_signed: bool, bit_size: int, digits: string, flags: bit_set[Int_Flag], ) -> string {…}
Appends the string representation of a 128-bit integer to a buffer with specified base, flags, and digit set.
buf: The buffer to append the integer representation to
x: The 128-bit integer value to convert
base: The base for the integer representation (2 <= base <= MAX_BASE)
is_signed: A boolean indicating if the input should be treated as a signed integer
bit_size: The bit size of the signed integer representation (8, 16, 32, 64, or 128)
digits: The digit set used for the integer representation
flags: The Int_Flags bit set to control integer formatting
The string containing the integer representation appended to the buffer
append_bool ¶
Appends a boolean value as a string to the given buffer
buf: The buffer to append the boolean value to
b: The boolean value to be appended
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
append_bool_example :: proc() {
buf: [6]byte
result := strconv.append_bool(buf[:], true)
fmt.println(result, buf)
true [116, 114, 117, 101, 0, 0]
The resulting string after appending the boolean value
append_float ¶
Appends a float64 value as a string to the given buffer with the specified format and precision
buf: The buffer to append the float64 value to
f: The float64 value to be appended
fmt: The byte specifying the format to use for the conversion
prec: The precision to use for the conversion
bit_size: The size of the float in bits (32 or 64)
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
append_float_example :: proc() {
buf: [8]byte
result := strconv.append_float(buf[:], 3.14159, 'f', 2, 64)
fmt.println(result, buf)
+3.14 [43, 51, 46, 49, 52, 0, 0, 0]
The resulting string after appending the float
append_int ¶
Appends a signed integer value as a string to the given buffer with the specified base
buf: The buffer to append the signed integer value to
i: The signed integer value to be appended
base: The base to use for converting the integer value
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
append_int_example :: proc() {
buf: [4]byte
result := strconv.append_int(buf[:], -42, 10)
fmt.println(result, buf)
-42 [45, 52, 50, 0]
The resulting string after appending the signed integer value
append_uint ¶
Appends an unsigned integer value as a string to the given buffer with the specified base
buf: The buffer to append the unsigned integer value to
u: The unsigned integer value to be appended
base: The base to use for converting the integer value
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
append_uint_example :: proc() {
buf: [4]byte
result := strconv.append_uint(buf[:], 42, 16)
fmt.println(result, buf)
2a [50, 97, 0, 0]
The resulting string after appending the unsigned integer value
atof ¶
Converts a string to a float64 value
s: The string to be converted
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
atof_example :: proc() {
fmt.printfln("%.3f", strconv.atof("3.14"))
The resulting float64 value after converting the string
atoi ¶
Converts a string to an integer value
s: The string to be converted
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
atoi_example :: proc() {
The resulting integer value
format_digits ¶
format_digits :: proc( buf: []u8, shortest: bool, neg: bool, digs: Decimal_Slice, precision: int, fmt: u8, ) -> []u8 {…}
Converts a decimal floating-point number into a byte buffer with the given format
buf: The byte buffer to store the formatted number
shortest: If true, generates the shortest representation of the number
neg: If true, the number is negative
digs: The decimal number to be formatted
precision: The number of digits after the decimal point
fmt: The format specifier (accepted values: 'f', 'F', 'e', 'E', 'g', 'G')
A byte slice containing the formatted decimal floating-point number
ftoa ¶
ftoa :: append_float
Appends a float64 value as a string to the given buffer with the specified format and precision
buf: The buffer to append the float64 value to
f: The float64 value to be appended
fmt: The byte specifying the format to use for the conversion
prec: The precision to use for the conversion
bit_size: The size of the float in bits (32 or 64)
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
append_float_example :: proc() {
buf: [8]byte
result := strconv.append_float(buf[:], 3.14159, 'f', 2, 64)
fmt.println(result, buf)
+3.14 [43, 51, 46, 49, 52, 0, 0, 0]
The resulting string after appending the float
generic_ftoa ¶
Converts a floating-point number to a string with the specified format and precision.
buf: A byte slice to store the resulting string val: The floating-point value to be converted fmt: The formatting byte, accepted values are 'e', 'E', 'f', 'F', 'g', 'G' precision: The number of decimal places to round to bit_size: The size of the floating-point number in bits, valid values are 16, 32, 64
buf: [32]byte
val := 3.141592
fmt := 'f'
precision := 2
bit_size := 64
result := strconv.generic_ftoa(buf[:], val, fmt, precision, bit_size) -> "3.14"
A byte slice containing the formatted string
is_integer_negative ¶
Determines whether the given unsigned 64-bit integer is a negative value by interpreting it as a signed integer with the specified bit size.
x: The unsigned 64-bit integer to check for negativity
is_signed: A boolean indicating if the input should be treated as a signed integer
bit_size: The bit size of the signed integer representation (8, 16, 32, or 64)
u: The absolute value of the input integer
neg: A boolean indicating whether the input integer is negative
is_integer_negative_128 ¶
is_integer_negative_128 :: proc(x: u128, is_signed: bool, bit_size: int) -> (u: u128, neg: bool) {…}
Determines whether the given unsigned 128-bit integer is a negative value by interpreting it as a signed integer with the specified bit size.
x: The unsigned 128-bit integer to check for negativity
is_signed: A boolean indicating if the input should be treated as a signed integer
bit_size: The bit size of the signed integer representation (8, 16, 32, 64, or 128)
u: The absolute value of the input integer
neg: A boolean indicating whether the input integer is negative
itoa ¶
Converts an integer value to a string and stores it in the given buffer
buf: The buffer to store the resulting string
i: The integer value to be converted
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
itoa_example :: proc() {
buf: [4]byte
result := strconv.itoa(buf[:], 42)
fmt.println(result, buf) // "42"
42 [52, 50, 0, 0]
The resulting string after converting the integer value
parse_bool ¶
Parses a boolean value from the input string
s: The input string
- true: "1", "t", "T", "true", "TRUE", "True" - false: "0", "f", "F", "false", "FALSE", "False"
n: An optional pointer to an int to store the length of the parsed substring (default: nil)
Returns result: The parsed boolean value (default: false) ok: A boolean indicating whether the parsing was successful
parse_complex128 ¶
parse_complex128 :: proc(str: string, n: ^int = nil) -> (value: complex128, ok: bool) {…}
Parses a 128-bit complex number from a string
str: The input string containing a 128-bit complex number.
n: An optional pointer to an int to store the length of the parsed substring (default: nil).
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
parse_complex128_example :: proc() {
n: int
c, ok := strconv.parse_complex128("3+1i", &n)
fmt.printfln("%v %i %t", c, n, ok)
c, ok = strconv.parse_complex128("5+7i hellope", &n)
fmt.printfln("%v %i %t", c, n, ok)
3+1i 4 true 5+7i 4 false
value: The parsed 128-bit complex number.
ok: false
if a complex number could not be found, or if the input string contained more than just the number.
parse_complex32 ¶
Parses a 32-bit complex number from a string
str: The input string containing a 32-bit complex number.
n: An optional pointer to an int to store the length of the parsed substring (default: nil).
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
parse_complex32_example :: proc() {
n: int
c, ok := strconv.parse_complex32("3+1i", &n)
fmt.printfln("%v %i %t", c, n, ok)
c, ok = strconv.parse_complex32("5+7i hellope", &n)
fmt.printfln("%v %i %t", c, n, ok)
3+1i 4 true 5+7i 4 false
value: The parsed 32-bit complex number.
ok: false
if a complex number could not be found, or if the input string contained more than just the number.
parse_complex64 ¶
Parses a 64-bit complex number from a string
str: The input string containing a 64-bit complex number.
n: An optional pointer to an int to store the length of the parsed substring (default: nil).
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
parse_complex64_example :: proc() {
n: int
c, ok := strconv.parse_complex64("3+1i", &n)
fmt.printfln("%v %i %t", c, n, ok)
c, ok = strconv.parse_complex64("5+7i hellope", &n)
fmt.printfln("%v %i %t", c, n, ok)
3+1i 4 true 5+7i 4 false
value: The parsed 64-bit complex number.
ok: false
if a complex number could not be found, or if the input string contained more than just the number.
parse_f32 ¶
Parses a 32-bit floating point number from a string
s: The input string containing a 32-bit floating point number.
n: An optional pointer to an int to store the length of the parsed substring (default: nil).
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
parse_f32_example :: proc() {
n, ok := strconv.parse_f32("1234eee")
fmt.printfln("%.3f %v", n, ok)
n, ok = strconv.parse_f32("5678e2")
fmt.printfln("%.3f %v", n, ok)
0.000 false 567800.000 true
value: The parsed 32-bit floating point number.
ok: false
if a base 10 float could not be found, or if the input string contained more than just the number.
parse_f32_prefix ¶
Parses a 32-bit floating point number from a string and returns the parsed number, the length of the parsed substring, and a boolean indicating whether the parsing was successful
str: The input string containing a 32-bit floating point number.
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
parse_f32_prefix_example :: proc() {
n, _, ok := strconv.parse_f32_prefix("1234eee")
fmt.printfln("%.3f %v", n, ok)
n, _, ok = strconv.parse_f32_prefix("5678e2")
fmt.printfln("%.3f %v", n, ok)
0.000 false 567800.000 true
value: The parsed 32-bit floating point number.
nr: The length of the parsed substring.
ok: A boolean indicating whether the parsing was successful.
parse_f64 ¶
Parses a 64-bit floating point number from a string
str: The input string containing a 64-bit floating point number.
n: An optional pointer to an int to store the length of the parsed substring (default: nil).
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
parse_f64_example :: proc() {
n, ok := strconv.parse_f64("1234eee")
fmt.printfln("%.3f %v", n, ok)
n, ok = strconv.parse_f64("5678e2")
fmt.printfln("%.3f %v", n, ok)
0.000 false 567800.000 true
value: The parsed 64-bit floating point number.
ok: false
if a base 10 float could not be found, or if the input string contained more than just the number.
parse_f64_prefix ¶
Parses a 64-bit floating point number from a string and returns the parsed number, the length of the parsed substring, and a boolean indicating whether the parsing was successful
str: The input string containing a 64-bit floating point number.
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
parse_f64_prefix_example :: proc() {
n, _, ok := strconv.parse_f64_prefix("12.34eee")
fmt.printfln("%.3f %v", n, ok)
n, _, ok = strconv.parse_f64_prefix("12.34e2")
fmt.printfln("%.3f %v", n, ok)
n, _, ok = strconv.parse_f64_prefix("13.37 hellope")
fmt.printfln("%.3f %v", n, ok)
0.000 false 1234.000 true 13.370 true
value: The parsed 64-bit floating point number.
nr: The length of the parsed substring.
ok: false
if a base 10 float could not be found
parse_i128_maybe_prefixed ¶
Parses an integer value from a string in base 10, unless there's a prefix
str: The input string containing the integer value
n: An optional pointer to an int to store the length of the parsed substring (default: nil)
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
parse_i128_maybe_prefixed_example :: proc() {
n, ok := strconv.parse_i128_maybe_prefixed("1234")
fmt.println(n, ok)
n, ok = strconv.parse_i128_maybe_prefixed("0xeeee")
fmt.println(n, ok)
1234 true 61166 true
value: The parsed i128 value
ok: false
if a valid integer could not be found, or if the input string contained more than just the number.
parse_i128_of_base ¶
Parses an integer value from a string in the given base, without any prefix
str: The input string containing the integer value
base: The base (radix) to use for parsing the integer (1-16)
n: An optional pointer to an int to store the length of the parsed substring (default: nil)
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
parse_i128_of_base_example :: proc() {
n, ok := strconv.parse_i128_of_base("-1234eeee", 10)
-1234 false
value: The parsed i128 value
ok: false if no numeric value of the appropriate base could be found, or if the input string contained more than just the number.
parse_i64_maybe_prefixed ¶
Parses an integer value from the input string in base 10, unless there's a prefix
Inputs str: The input string to parse the integer value from n: An optional pointer to an int to store the length of the parsed substring (default: nil)
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
parse_i64_maybe_prefixed_example :: proc() {
n, ok := strconv.parse_i64_maybe_prefixed("1234")
n, ok = strconv.parse_i64_maybe_prefixed("0xeeee")
1234 true 61166 true
Returns value: The parsed integer value ok: ok=false if a valid integer could not be found, or if the input string contained more than just the number.
parse_i64_of_base ¶
Parses an integer value from the input string in the given base, without a prefix
Inputs str: The input string to parse the integer value from base: The base of the integer value to be parsed (must be between 1 and 16) n: An optional pointer to an int to store the length of the parsed substring (default: nil)
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
parse_i64_of_base_example :: proc() {
n, ok := strconv.parse_i64_of_base("-1234e3", 10)
fmt.println(n, ok)
-1234 false
Returns value: Parses an integer value from a string, in the given base, without a prefix. ok: ok=false if no numeric value of the appropriate base could be found, or if the input string contained more than just the number.
parse_int ¶
Parses a signed integer value from the input string, using the specified base or inferring the base from a prefix
Inputs s: The input string to parse base: The base of the number system to use for parsing (default: 0)
- If base is 0, it will be inferred based on the prefix in the input string (e.g. '0x' for hexadecimal) - If base is not 0, it will be used for parsing regardless of any prefix in the input string
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
parse_int_example :: proc() {
n, ok := strconv.parse_int("1234") // without prefix, inferred base 10
n, ok = strconv.parse_int("ffff", 16) // without prefix, explicit base
n, ok = strconv.parse_int("0xffff") // with prefix and inferred base
1234 true 65535 true 65535 true
value: The parsed int value
ok: false
if no appropriate value could be found, or if the input string contained more than just the number.
parse_quaternion128 ¶
parse_quaternion128 :: proc(str: string, n: ^int = nil) -> (value: quaternion128, ok: bool) {…}
Parses a 128-bit quaternion from a string
str: The input string containing a 128-bit quaternion.
n: An optional pointer to an int to store the length of the parsed substring (default: nil).
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
parse_quaternion128_example :: proc() {
n: int
q, ok := strconv.parse_quaternion128("1+2i+3j+4k", &n)
fmt.printfln("%v %i %t", q, n, ok)
q, ok = strconv.parse_quaternion128("1+2i+3j+4k hellope", &n)
fmt.printfln("%v %i %t", q, n, ok)
1+2i+3j+4k 10 true 1+2i+3j+4k 10 false
value: The parsed 128-bit quaternion.
ok: false
if a quaternion could not be found, or if the input string contained more than just the quaternion.
parse_quaternion256 ¶
parse_quaternion256 :: proc(str: string, n: ^int = nil) -> (value: quaternion256, ok: bool) {…}
Parses a 256-bit quaternion from a string
str: The input string containing a 256-bit quaternion.
n: An optional pointer to an int to store the length of the parsed substring (default: nil).
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
parse_quaternion256_example :: proc() {
n: int
q, ok := strconv.parse_quaternion256("1+2i+3j+4k", &n)
fmt.printfln("%v %i %t", q, n, ok)
q, ok = strconv.parse_quaternion256("1+2i+3j+4k hellope", &n)
fmt.printfln("%v %i %t", q, n, ok)
1+2i+3j+4k 10 true 1+2i+3j+4k 10 false
value: The parsed 256-bit quaternion.
ok: false
if a quaternion could not be found, or if the input string contained more than just the quaternion.
parse_quaternion64 ¶
parse_quaternion64 :: proc(str: string, n: ^int = nil) -> (value: quaternion64, ok: bool) {…}
Parses a 64-bit quaternion from a string
str: The input string containing a 64-bit quaternion.
n: An optional pointer to an int to store the length of the parsed substring (default: nil).
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
parse_quaternion64_example :: proc() {
n: int
q, ok := strconv.parse_quaternion64("1+2i+3j+4k", &n)
fmt.printfln("%v %i %t", q, n, ok)
q, ok = strconv.parse_quaternion64("1+2i+3j+4k hellope", &n)
fmt.printfln("%v %i %t", q, n, ok)
1+2i+3j+4k 10 true 1+2i+3j+4k 10 false
value: The parsed 64-bit quaternion.
ok: false
if a quaternion could not be found, or if the input string contained more than just the quaternion.
parse_u128_maybe_prefixed ¶
Parses an unsigned integer value from a string in base 10, unless there's a prefix
str: The input string containing the integer value
n: An optional pointer to an int to store the length of the parsed substring (default: nil)
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
parse_u128_maybe_prefixed_example :: proc() {
n, ok := strconv.parse_u128_maybe_prefixed("1234")
fmt.println(n, ok)
n, ok = strconv.parse_u128_maybe_prefixed("5678eeee")
fmt.println(n, ok)
1234 true 5678 false
value: The parsed u128 value
ok: false if a valid integer could not be found, if the value was negative, or if the input string contained more than just the number.
parse_u128_of_base ¶
Parses an unsigned integer value from a string in the given base, without any prefix
str: The input string containing the integer value
base: The base (radix) to use for parsing the integer (1-16)
n: An optional pointer to an int to store the length of the parsed substring (default: nil)
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
parse_u128_of_base_example :: proc() {
n, ok := strconv.parse_u128_of_base("1234eeee", 10)
fmt.println(n, ok)
n, ok = strconv.parse_u128_of_base("5678eeee", 16)
fmt.println(n, ok)
1234 false 1450766062 true
value: The parsed u128 value
ok: false
if no numeric value of the appropriate base could be found, or if the input string contained more than just the number.
parse_u64_maybe_prefixed ¶
Parses an unsigned 64-bit integer value from the input string, using the specified base or inferring the base from a prefix
Inputs str: The input string to parse base: The base of the number system to use for parsing (default: 0)
- If base is 0, it will be inferred based on the prefix in the input string (e.g. '0x' for hexadecimal) - If base is not 0, it will be used for parsing regardless of any prefix in the input string
n: An optional pointer to an int to store the length of the parsed substring (default: nil)
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
parse_u64_maybe_prefixed_example :: proc() {
n, ok := strconv.parse_u64_maybe_prefixed("1234")
n, ok = strconv.parse_u64_maybe_prefixed("0xee")
1234 true 238 true
Returns value: The parsed uint64 value ok: ok=false if a valid integer could not be found, if the value was negative, or if the input string contained more than just the number.
parse_u64_of_base ¶
Parses an unsigned 64-bit integer value from the input string without a prefix, using the specified base
Inputs str: The input string to parse base: The base of the number system to use for parsing
- Must be between 1 and 16 (inclusive)
n: An optional pointer to an int to store the length of the parsed substring (default: nil)
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
parse_u64_of_base_example :: proc() {
n, ok := strconv.parse_u64_of_base("1234e3", 10)
n, ok = strconv.parse_u64_of_base("5678eee",16)
1234 false 90672878 true
Returns value: The parsed uint64 value ok: A boolean indicating whether the parsing was successful
parse_uint ¶
Parses an unsigned integer value from the input string, using the specified base or inferring the base from a prefix
Inputs s: The input string to parse base: The base of the number system to use for parsing (default: 0, inferred)
- If base is 0, it will be inferred based on the prefix in the input string (e.g. '0x' for hexadecimal) - If base is not 0, it will be used for parsing regardless of any prefix in the input string
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
parse_uint_example :: proc() {
n, ok := strconv.parse_uint("1234") // without prefix, inferred base 10
n, ok = strconv.parse_uint("ffff", 16) // without prefix, explicit base
n, ok = strconv.parse_uint("0xffff") // with prefix and inferred base
1234 true 65535 true 65535 true
value: The parsed uint value
ok: false
if no appropriate value could be found; the value was negative; he input string contained more than just the number
quote ¶
Appends a quoted string representation of the input string to a given byte slice and returns the result as a string
buf: The byte slice to which the quoted string will be appended
str: The input string to be quoted
!! ISSUE !! NOT EXPECTED -- "\"hello\"" was expected
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
quote_example :: proc() {
buf: [20]byte
result := strconv.quote(buf[:], "hello")
fmt.println(result, buf)
"'h''e''l''l''o'" [34, 39, 104, 39, 39, 101, 39, 39, 108, 39, 39, 108, 39, 39, 111, 39, 34, 0, 0, 0]
The resulting string after appending the quoted string representation
quote_rune ¶
Appends a quoted rune representation of the input rune to a given byte slice and returns the result as a string
buf: The byte slice to which the quoted rune will be appended
r: The input rune to be quoted
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
quote_rune_example :: proc() {
buf: [4]byte
result := strconv.quote_rune(buf[:], 'A')
fmt.println(result, buf)
'A' [39, 65, 39, 0]
The resulting string after appending the quoted rune representation
round_shortest ¶
round_shortest :: proc(d: ^strconv_decimal.Decimal, mant: u64, exp: int, flt: ^Float_Info) {…}
Rounds the given decimal number to its shortest representation, considering the provided floating-point format
d: The decimal number to round
mant: The mantissa of the floating-point number
exp: The exponent of the floating-point number
flt: Pointer to the Float_Info structure containing information about the floating-point format
unquote_char ¶
unquote_char :: proc(str: string, quote: u8) -> (r: rune, multiple_bytes: bool, tail_string: string, success: bool) {…}
Unquotes a single character from the input string, considering the given quote character
str: The input string containing the character to unquote
quote: The quote character to consider (e.g., '"')
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
unquote_char_example :: proc() {
src:="\'The\' raven"
r, multiple_bytes, tail_string, success := strconv.unquote_char(src,'\'')
fmt.println("Source:", src)
fmt.printf("r: <%v>, multiple_bytes:%v, tail_string:<%s>, success:%v\n",r, multiple_bytes, tail_string, success)
Source: 'The' raven r: <'>, multiple_bytes:false, tail_string:<The' raven>, success:true
r: The unquoted rune
multiple_bytes: A boolean indicating if the rune has multiple bytes
tail_string: The remaining portion of the input string after unquoting the character
success: A boolean indicating whether the unquoting was successful
unquote_string ¶
unquote_string :: proc(lit: string, allocator := context.allocator) -> (res: string, allocated, success: bool) {…}
Unquotes the input string considering any type of quote character and returns the unquoted string
lit: The input string to unquote
allocator: (default: context.allocator)
WARNING: This procedure gives unexpected results if the quotes are not the first and last characters.
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strconv"
unquote_string_example :: proc() {
src:="\"The raven Huginn is black.\""
s, allocated, ok := strconv.unquote_string(src)
fmt.printf("Unquoted: <%s>, alloc:%v, ok:%v\n\n", s, allocated, ok)
src="\'The raven Huginn\' is black."
s, allocated, ok = strconv.unquote_string(src)
fmt.printf("Unquoted: <%s>, alloc:%v, ok:%v\n\n", s, allocated, ok)
src="The raven \'Huginn\' is black."
s, allocated, ok = strconv.unquote_string(src) // Will produce undesireable results
fmt.printf("Unquoted: <%s>, alloc:%v, ok:%v\n", s, allocated, ok)
"The raven Huginn is black." Unquoted: <The raven Huginn is black.>, alloc:false, ok:true 'The raven Huginn' is black. Unquoted: <The raven Huginn' is black>, alloc:false, ok:true The raven 'Huginn' is black. Unquoted: <he raven 'Huginn' is black>, alloc:false, ok:true
res: The resulting unquoted string
allocated: A boolean indicating if the resulting string was allocated using the provided allocator
success: A boolean indicating whether the unquoting was successful
NOTE: If unquoting is unsuccessful, the allocated memory for the result will be freed.
Procedure Groups
parse_i128 ¶
parse_i128 :: proc{ parse_i128_maybe_prefixed, parse_i128_of_base, }
parse_i64 ¶
parse_i64 :: proc{ parse_i64_maybe_prefixed, parse_i64_of_base, }
parse_u128 ¶
parse_u128 :: proc{ parse_u128_maybe_prefixed, parse_u128_of_base, }
parse_u64 ¶
parse_u64 :: proc{ parse_u64_maybe_prefixed, parse_u64_of_base, }
Source Files
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Generated with odin version dev-2025-02 (vendor "odin") Windows_amd64 @ 2025-02-21 21:11:03.881517300 +0000 UTC