package core:io
package io provides basic interfaces for generic data stream primitives. The purpose of this package is wrap existing data structures and their operations into an abstracted stream interface.
Types (26)
- Closer
- Error
- Flusher
- Limited_Reader
- Multi_Reader
- Multi_Writer
- Read_Closer
- Read_Write_Closer
- Read_Write_Seeker
- Read_Writer
- Reader
- Reader_At
- Section_Reader
- Seek_From
- Seeker
- Stream
- Stream_Mode
- Stream_Mode_Set
- Stream_Proc
- Tee_Reader
- Write_Closer
- Write_Flush_Closer
- Write_Flusher
- Write_Seeker
- Writer
- Writer_At
Constants (0)
This section is empty.
Variables (0)
This section is empty.
Procedures (66)
- close
- copy
- copy_buffer
- copy_n
- destroy
- flush
- limited_reader_init
- limited_reader_to_reader
- multi_reader_destroy
- multi_reader_init
- multi_writer_destroy
- multi_writer_init
- n_wrapper
- query
- query_utility
- read
- read_at
- read_at_least
- read_byte
- read_full
- read_ptr
- read_ptr_at
- read_rune
- section_reader_init
- section_reader_to_stream
- seek
- size
- tee_reader_init
- tee_reader_to_reader
- to_closer
- to_flusher
- to_read_closer
- to_read_write_closer
- to_read_write_seeker
- to_read_writer
- to_reader
- to_reader_at
- to_seeker
- to_write_closer
- to_write_flush_closer
- to_write_flusher
- to_write_seeker
- to_writer
- to_writer_at
- write
- write_at
- write_at_least
- write_byte
- write_encoded_rune
- write_escaped_rune
- write_f16
- write_f32
- write_f64
- write_full
- write_i128
- write_i64
- write_int
- write_ptr
- write_ptr_at
- write_quoted_rune
- write_quoted_string
- write_rune
- write_string
- write_u128
- write_u64
- write_uint
Procedure Groups (0)
This section is empty.
Error ¶
Error :: enum i32 { // No Error None = 0, // EOF is the error returned by `read` when no more input is available EOF, // Unexpected_EOF means that EOF was encountered in the middle of reading a fixed-sized block of data Unexpected_EOF, // Short_Write means that a write accepted fewer bytes than requested but failed to return an explicit error Short_Write, // Invalid_Write means that a write returned an impossible count Invalid_Write, // Short_Buffer means that a read/write required a longer buffer than was provided Short_Buffer, // No_Progress is returned by some implementations of `io.Reader` when many calls // to `read` have failed to return any data or error. // This is usually a sign of a broken `io.Reader` implementation No_Progress, Invalid_Whence, Invalid_Offset, Invalid_Unread, Negative_Read, Negative_Write, Negative_Count, Buffer_Full, // Unknown means that an error has occurred but cannot be categorized Unknown, // Empty is returned when a procedure has not been implemented for an io.Stream Empty = -1, }
Related Procedures With Parameters
Related Procedures With Returns
- close
- copy
- copy_buffer
- copy_n
- destroy
- flush
- query_utility
- read
- read_at
- read_at_least
- read_byte
- read_full
- read_ptr
- read_ptr_at
- read_rune
- seek
- size
- write
- write_at
- write_at_least
- write_byte
- write_encoded_rune
- write_escaped_rune
- write_f16
- write_f32
- write_f64
- write_full
- write_i128
- write_i64
- write_int
- write_ptr
- write_ptr_at
- write_quoted_string
- write_rune
- write_string
- write_u128
- write_u64
- write_uint
Limited_Reader ¶
A Limited_Reader reads from r but limits the amount of data returned to just n bytes. Each call to read updates n to reflect the new amount remaining. read returns EOF when n <= 0 or when the underlying r returns EOF.
Related Procedures With Parameters
Multi_Reader ¶
Multi_Reader :: struct { readers: [dynamic]Stream, }
Related Procedures With Parameters
Multi_Writer ¶
Multi_Writer :: struct { writers: [dynamic]Stream, }
Related Procedures With Parameters
Read_Closer ¶
Read_Closer :: Stream
Read_Write_Closer ¶
Read_Write_Closer :: Stream
Read_Write_Seeker ¶
Read_Write_Seeker :: Stream
Read_Writer ¶
Read_Writer :: Stream
Reader_At ¶
Reader_At :: Stream
Section_Reader ¶
Section_Reader implements read, seek, and read_at on a section of an underlying Reader_At
Related Procedures With Parameters
Seek_From ¶
Seek_From :: enum int { Start = 0, // seek relative to the origin of the file Current = 1, // seek relative to the current offset End = 2, // seek relative to the end }
Seek whence values
Related Procedures With Parameters
Stream ¶
Stream :: struct { procedure: Stream_Proc, data: rawptr, }
Related Procedures With Parameters
- close
- copy
- copy_buffer
- copy_n
- destroy
- flush
- limited_reader_init
- query
- read
- read_at
- read_at_least
- read_byte
- read_full
- read_ptr
- read_ptr_at
- read_rune
- section_reader_init
- seek
- size
- tee_reader_init
- to_closer
- to_flusher
- to_read_closer
- to_read_write_closer
- to_read_write_seeker
- to_read_writer
- to_reader
- to_reader_at
- to_seeker
- to_write_closer
- to_write_flush_closer
- to_write_flusher
- to_write_seeker
- to_writer
- to_writer_at
- write
- write_at
- write_at_least
- write_byte
- write_encoded_rune
- write_escaped_rune
- write_f16
- write_f32
- write_f64
- write_full
- write_i128
- write_i64
- write_int
- write_ptr
- write_ptr_at
- write_quoted_rune
- write_quoted_string
- write_rune
- write_string
- write_u128
- write_u64
- write_uint
Related Procedures With Returns
Stream_Mode ¶
Stream_Mode :: enum int { Close, Flush, Read, Read_At, Write, Write_At, Seek, Size, Destroy, Query, // query what modes are available }
Stream_Mode_Set ¶
Stream_Mode_Set :: distinct bit_set[Stream_Mode; i64]
Related Procedures With Parameters
Related Procedures With Returns
Tee_Reader ¶
Related Procedures With Parameters
Write_Closer ¶
Write_Closer :: Stream
Write_Flush_Closer ¶
Write_Flush_Closer :: Stream
Write_Flusher ¶
Write_Flusher :: Stream
Write_Seeker ¶
Write_Seeker :: Stream
Writer_At ¶
Writer_At :: Stream
This section is empty.
This section is empty.
close ¶
The behaviour of close after the first call is stream implementation defined. Different streams may document their own behaviour.
copy ¶
copy copies from src to dst till either EOF is reached on src or an error occurs It returns the number of bytes copied and the first error that occurred whilst copying, if any.
copy_buffer ¶
copy_buffer is the same as copy except that it stages through the provided buffer (if one is required)
rather than allocating a temporary one on the stack through intrinsics.alloca
If buf is nil
, it is allocate through intrinsics.alloca
; otherwise if it has zero length, it will panic
copy_n ¶
copy_n copies n bytes (or till an error) from src to dst. It returns the number of bytes copied and the first error that occurred whilst copying, if any. On return, written == n IFF err == nil
limited_reader_init ¶
limited_reader_init :: proc(l: ^Limited_Reader, r: Stream, n: i64) -> Stream {…}
limited_reader_to_reader ¶
limited_reader_to_reader :: proc(l: ^Limited_Reader) -> (r: Stream) {…}
multi_reader_destroy ¶
multi_reader_destroy :: proc(mr: ^Multi_Reader) {…}
multi_reader_init ¶
multi_reader_init :: proc(mr: ^Multi_Reader, .. readers: ..Stream, allocator := context.allocator) -> (r: Stream) {…}
multi_writer_destroy ¶
multi_writer_destroy :: proc(mw: ^Multi_Writer) {…}
multi_writer_init ¶
multi_writer_init :: proc(mw: ^Multi_Writer, .. writers: ..Stream, allocator := context.allocator) -> (out: Stream) {…}
query ¶
query :: proc(s: Stream) -> (set: Stream_Mode_Set) {…}
query_utility ¶
query_utility :: proc "contextless" (set: Stream_Mode_Set) -> (n: i64, err: Error) {…}
read ¶
read reads up to len(p) bytes into p. It returns the number of bytes read and any error if occurred.
When read encounters an .EOF or error after successfully reading n > 0 bytes, it returns the number of bytes read along with the error.
read_at ¶
read_at reads len(p) bytes into p starting with the provided offset in the underlying Reader_At stream r. It returns the number of bytes read and any error if occurred.
When read_at returns n < len(p), it returns a non-nil Error explaining why.
If n == len(p), err may be either nil or .EOF
read_at_least ¶
read_at_least reads from r into buf until it has read at least min bytes. It returns the number
of bytes copied and an error if fewer bytes were read. .EOF
is only returned if no bytes were read.
is returned when an .EOF
is returned by the passed Reader after reading
fewer than min bytes. If len(buf) is less than min, .Short_Buffer
is returned.
read_byte ¶
read_byte reads and returns the next byte from r.
read_full ¶
read_full expected exactly len(buf) bytes from r into buf.
read_rune ¶
read_rune reads a single UTF-8 encoded Unicode codepoint and returns the rune and its size in bytes.
section_reader_init ¶
section_reader_init :: proc(s: ^Section_Reader, r: Stream, off: i64, n: i64) -> Stream {…}
section_reader_to_stream ¶
section_reader_to_stream :: proc(s: ^Section_Reader) -> (out: Stream) {…}
seek ¶
seek sets the offset of the next read or write to offset.
.Start means seek relative to the origin of the file. .Current means seek relative to the current offset. .End means seek relative to the end.
seek returns the new offset to the start of the file/stream, and any error if occurred.
size ¶
size returns the size of the stream. If the stream does not support querying its size, 0 will be returned.
tee_reader_init ¶
tee_reader_init :: proc(t: ^Tee_Reader, r: Stream, w: Stream, allocator := context.allocator) -> Stream {…}
tee_reader_init returns a Reader that writes to 'w' what it reads from 'r' All reads from 'r' performed through it are matched with a corresponding write to 'w' There is no internal buffering done The write must complete before th read completes Any error encountered whilst writing is reported as a 'read' error tee_reader_init must call io.destroy when done with
tee_reader_to_reader ¶
tee_reader_to_reader :: proc(t: ^Tee_Reader) -> (r: Stream) {…}
write ¶
write writes up to len(p) bytes into p. It returns the number of bytes written and any error if occurred.
write_at ¶
write_at :: proc(w: Stream, p: []u8, offset: i64, n_written: ^int = nil) -> (n: int, err: Error) {…}
write_at writes len(p) bytes into p starting with the provided offset in the underlying Writer_At stream w. It returns the number of bytes written and any error if occurred.
If write_at is writing to a Writer_At which has a seek offset, then write_at should not affect the underlying seek offset.
write_at_least ¶
write_at_least writes at least buf[:min]
to the writer and returns the amount written.
If an error occurs before writing everything it is returned.
write_full ¶
write_full writes until the entire contents of buf
has been written or an error occurs.
write_quoted_rune ¶
writer append a quoted rune into the byte buffer, return the written size
write_rune ¶
write_rune :: proc(s: Stream, r: untyped rune, n_written: ^int = nil) -> (size: int, err: Error) {…}
write_rune writes a UTF-8 encoded rune to w.
write_string ¶
write_string writes the contents of the string s to w.
Procedure Groups
This section is empty.
Source Files
Generation Information
Generated with odin version dev-2025-03 (vendor "odin") Windows_amd64 @ 2025-03-25 21:11:15.220624900 +0000 UTC