package core:bufio
Constants (2)
Variables (0)
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Procedures (52)
- lookahead_reader_buffer
- lookahead_reader_consume
- lookahead_reader_consume_all
- lookahead_reader_init
- lookahead_reader_peek
- lookahead_reader_peek_all
- read_writer_init
- read_writer_to_stream
- reader_buffered
- reader_destroy
- reader_discard
- reader_init
- reader_init_with_buf
- reader_peek
- reader_read
- reader_read_byte
- reader_read_bytes
- reader_read_rune
- reader_read_slice
- reader_read_string
- reader_reset
- reader_size
- reader_to_stream
- reader_unread_byte
- reader_unread_rune
- reader_write_to
- scan_bytes
- scan_lines
- scan_runes
- scan_words
- scanner_bytes
- scanner_destroy
- scanner_error
- scanner_init
- scanner_init_with_buffer
- scanner_scan
- scanner_text
- writer_available
- writer_buffered
- writer_destroy
- writer_flush
- writer_init
- writer_init_with_buf
- writer_read_from
- writer_reset
- writer_size
- writer_to_stream
- writer_to_writer
- writer_write
- writer_write_byte
- writer_write_rune
- writer_write_string
Procedure Groups (0)
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Lookahead_Reader ¶
Lookahead_Reader provides io lookahead. This is useful for tokenizers/parsers. Lookahead_Reader is similar to bufio.Reader, but unlike bufio.Reader, Lookahead_Reader's buffer size will EXACTLY match the specified size, whereas bufio.Reader's buffer size may differ from the specified size. This makes sure that the buffer will not be accidentally read beyond the expected size.
Related Procedures With Parameters
Read_Writer ¶
Read_Writer stores pointers to a Reader and a Writer
Related Procedures With Parameters
Reader ¶
Reader :: struct { buf: []u8, buf_allocator: runtime.Allocator, rd: io.Stream, // reader r: int, w: int, // read and write positions for buf err: io.Error, last_byte: int, // last byte read, invalid is -1 last_rune_size: int, // size of last rune read, invalid is -1 max_consecutive_empty_reads: int, }
Reader is a buffered wrapper for an io.Reader
Related Procedures With Parameters
- read_writer_init
- reader_buffered
- reader_destroy
- reader_discard
- reader_init
- reader_init_with_buf
- reader_peek
- reader_read
- reader_read_byte
- reader_read_bytes
- reader_read_rune
- reader_read_slice
- reader_read_string
- reader_reset
- reader_size
- reader_to_stream
- reader_unread_byte
- reader_unread_rune
- reader_write_to
Scanner ¶
Scanner :: struct { r: io.Stream, split: Split_Proc, buf: [dynamic]u8, max_token_size: int, start: int, end: int, token: []u8, _err: Scanner_Error, max_consecutive_empty_reads: int, successive_empty_token_count: int, scan_called: bool, done: bool, }
Related Procedures With Parameters
Scanner_Error ¶
Scanner_Error :: union { io.Error, Scanner_Extra_Error, }
Related Procedures With Returns
Scanner_Extra_Error ¶
Scanner_Extra_Error :: enum i32 { None, Negative_Advance, Advanced_Too_Far, Bad_Read_Count, Too_Long, Too_Short, }
Extra errors returns by scanning procedures
Split_Proc ¶
Split_Proc :: proc(data: []u8, at_eof: bool) -> (advance: int, token: []u8, err: Scanner_Error, final_token: bool)
Split_Proc is the signature of the split procedure used to tokenize the input.
Writer ¶
Writer :: struct { buf: []u8, buf_allocator: runtime.Allocator, wr: io.Stream, n: int, err: io.Error, max_consecutive_empty_writes: int, }
Writer is a buffered wrapper for an io.Writer
Related Procedures With Parameters
DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE: int : 4096
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lookahead_reader_buffer ¶
lookahead_reader_buffer :: proc(lr: ^Lookahead_Reader) -> []u8 {…}
lookahead_reader_consume ¶
lookahead_reader_consume :: proc(lr: ^Lookahead_Reader, n: int) -> io.Error {…}
lookahead_reader_consume drops the first n populated bytes from the Lookahead_Reader.
lookahead_reader_consume_all ¶
lookahead_reader_consume_all :: proc(lr: ^Lookahead_Reader) -> io.Error {…}
lookahead_reader_init ¶
lookahead_reader_init :: proc(lr: ^Lookahead_Reader, r: io.Stream, buf: []u8) -> ^Lookahead_Reader {…}
lookahead_reader_peek ¶
lookahead_reader_peek :: proc(lr: ^Lookahead_Reader, n: int) -> ([]u8, io.Error) {…}
lookahead_reader_peek returns a slice of the Lookahead_Reader which holds n bytes If the Lookahead_Reader cannot hold enough bytes, it will read from the underlying reader to populate the rest. NOTE: The returned buffer is not a copy of the underlying buffer
lookahead_reader_peek_all ¶
lookahead_reader_peek_all :: proc(lr: ^Lookahead_Reader) -> ([]u8, io.Error) {…}
lookahead_reader_peek_all returns a slice of the Lookahead_Reader populating the full buffer If the Lookahead_Reader cannot hold enough bytes, it will read from the underlying reader to populate the rest. NOTE: The returned buffer is not a copy of the underlying buffer
read_writer_init ¶
read_writer_init :: proc(rw: ^Read_Writer, r: ^Reader, w: ^Writer) {…}
read_writer_to_stream ¶
read_writer_to_stream :: proc(rw: ^Read_Writer) -> (s: io.Stream) {…}
reader_buffered ¶
reader_buffered returns the number of bytes that can be read from the current buffer
reader_destroy ¶
reader_destroy :: proc(b: ^Reader) {…}
reader_destroy destroys the underlying buffer with its associated allocator IFF that allocator has been set
reader_discard ¶
reader_discard skips the next n bytes, and returns the number of bytes that were discarded
reader_init ¶
reader_init :: proc(b: ^Reader, rd: io.Stream, size: int = DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE, allocator := context.allocator, loc := #caller_location) {…}
reader_peek ¶
reader_peek returns the next n bytes without advancing the reader The bytes stop being valid on the next read call If reader_peek returns fewer than n bytes, it also return an error explaining why the read is short The error will be .Buffer_Full if n is larger than the internal buffer size
reader_read ¶
reader_read reads data into p The bytes are taken from at most one read on the underlying Reader, which means n may be less than len(p)
reader_read_byte ¶
reader_read_byte reads and returns a single byte If no byte is available, it return an error
reader_read_bytes ¶
reader_read_bytes :: proc(b: ^Reader, delim: u8, allocator := context.allocator) -> (buf: []u8, err: io.Error) {…}
reader_read_bytes reads until the first occurrence of delim from the Reader It returns an allocated slice containing the data up to and including the delimiter
reader_read_rune ¶
reader_read_rune reads a single UTF-8 encoded unicode character and returns the rune and its size in bytes If the encoded rune is invalid, it consumes one byte and returns utf8.RUNE_ERROR (U+FFFD) with a size of 1
reader_read_slice ¶
reader_read_slice reads until the first occurrence of delim from the reader It returns a slice pointing at the bytes in the buffer The bytes stop being valid at the next read If reader_read_slice encounters an error before finding a delimiter reader_read_slice fails with error .Buffer_Full if the buffer fills without a delim Because the data returned from reader_read_slice will be overwritten on the next IO operation, reader_read_bytes or reader_read_string is usually preferred
reader_read_slice returns err != nil if and only if line does not end in delim
reader_read_string ¶
reader_read_string :: proc(b: ^Reader, delim: u8, allocator := context.allocator) -> (string, io.Error) {…}
reader_read_string reads until the first occurrence of delim from the Reader It returns an allocated string containing the data up to and including the delimiter
reader_to_stream ¶
reader_to_stream converts a Reader into an io.Stream
reader_unread_byte ¶
reader_unread_byte unreads the last byte. Only the most recently read byte can be unread
reader_unread_rune ¶
reader_unread_rune unreads the last rune. Only the most recently read rune can be unread
scanner_bytes ¶
Returns the most recent token created by scanner_scan. The underlying array may point to data that may be overwritten by another call to scanner_scan. Treat the returned value as if it is immutable.
scanner_destroy ¶
scanner_destroy :: proc(s: ^Scanner) {…}
scanner_error ¶
scanner_error :: proc(s: ^Scanner) -> Scanner_Error {…}
Returns the first non-EOF error that was encountered by the scanner
scanner_init ¶
scanner_init :: proc(s: ^Scanner, r: io.Stream, buf_allocator := context.allocator) -> ^Scanner {…}
scanner_scan ¶
scanner_scan advances the scanner
scanner_text ¶
Returns the most recent token created by scanner_scan. The underlying array may point to data that may be overwritten by another call to scanner_scan. Treat the returned value as if it is immutable.
writer_available ¶
writer_available returns how many bytes are unused in the buffer
writer_buffered ¶
writer_buffered returns the number of bytes that have been writted into the current buffer
writer_destroy ¶
writer_destroy :: proc(b: ^Writer) {…}
writer_destroy destroys the underlying buffer with its associated allocator IFF that allocator has been set
writer_flush ¶
writer_flush writes any buffered data into the underlying io.Writer
writer_init ¶
writer_init :: proc(b: ^Writer, wr: io.Stream, size: int = DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE, allocator := context.allocator) {…}
writer_read_from ¶
writer_read_from is to support io.Reader_From types If the underlying writer supports the io,read_from, and b has no buffered data yet, this procedure calls the underlying read_from implementation without buffering
writer_size ¶
writer_size returns the size of underlying buffer in bytes
writer_to_stream ¶
writer_to_stream converts a Writer into an io.Stream
writer_to_writer ¶
writer_to_stream converts a Writer into an io.Stream
writer_write ¶
writer_write writes the contents of p into the buffer It returns the number of bytes written If n < len(p), it will return an error explaining why the write is short
writer_write_byte ¶
writer_write_byte writes a single byte
writer_write_rune ¶
writer_write_rune writes a single unicode code point, and returns the number of bytes written with any error
writer_write_string ¶
writer_write_string writes a string into the buffer It returns the number of bytes written If n < len(p), it will return an error explaining why the write is short
Procedure Groups
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Source Files
Generation Information
Generated with odin version dev-2025-03 (vendor "odin") Windows_amd64 @ 2025-03-25 21:11:15.089796200 +0000 UTC