package core:crypto/deoxysii
package deoxysii implements the Deoxys-II-256 Authenticated Encryption with Additional Data algorithm.
Context ¶
Context :: struct { _subkeys: [17][16]u8, _impl: aes.Implementation, _is_initialized: bool, }
Context is a keyed Deoxys-II-256 instance.
Related Procedures With Parameters
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init ¶
init :: proc(ctx: ^Context, key: []u8, impl: aes.Implementation = aes.DEFAULT_IMPLEMENTATION) {…}
init initializes a Context with the provided key.
is_hardware_accelerated ¶
is_hardware_accelerated :: proc "contextless" () -> bool {…}
is_hardware_accelerated returns true iff hardware accelerated Deoxys-II is supported.
open ¶
open authenticates the aad and ciphertext, and decrypts the ciphertext, with the provided Context, iv, and tag, and stores the output in dst, returning true iff the authentication was successful. If authentication fails, the destination buffer will be zeroed.
dst and plaintext MUST alias exactly or not at all.
reset ¶
reset :: proc "contextless" (ctx: ^Context) {…}
reset sanitizes the Context. The Context must be re-initialized to be used again.
seal ¶
seal encrypts the plaintext and authenticates the aad and ciphertext, with the provided Context and iv, stores the output in dst and tag.
dst and plaintext MUST alias exactly or not at all.
Procedure Groups
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Source Files
Generation Information
Generated with odin version dev-2025-03 (vendor "odin") Windows_amd64 @ 2025-03-25 21:11:15.154530600 +0000 UTC