package core:container/lru
Cache ¶
Cache :: struct {}
Cache is an LRU cache. It automatically removes entries as new entries are added if the capacity is reached. Entries are removed based on how recently they were used where the oldest entries are removed first.
This section is empty.
This section is empty.
exists ¶
exists :: proc(c: ^$C, key: $Key) -> bool {…}
exists checks for the existence of a value from a given key without updating the recent usage.
get ¶
get :: proc(c: ^$C, key: $Key) -> (value: $Value, ok: bool) #optional_ok {…}
get a value from the cache from a given key. This operation updates the usage of the item.
get_ptr ¶
get_ptr :: proc(c: ^$C, key: $Key) -> (value: ^$Value, ok: bool) #optional_ok {…}
get_ptr gets the pointer to a value the cache from a given key. This operation updates the usage of the item.
init ¶
init :: proc(c: ^$C, capacity: int, entries_allocator := context.allocator, node_allocator := context.allocator) {…}
init initializes a Cache
peek ¶
peek :: proc(c: ^$C, key: $Key) -> (value: $Value, ok: bool) #optional_ok {…}
peek gets the value from the cache from a given key without updating the recent usage.
set ¶
set :: proc(c: ^$C, key: $Key, value: $Value) -> runtime.Allocator_Error {…}
set the given key value pair. This operation updates the recent usage of the item.
Procedure Groups
This section is empty.
Source Files
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Generated with odin version dev-2025-03 (vendor "odin") Windows_amd64 @ 2025-03-25 21:11:15.141600600 +0000 UTC