package core:mem/tlsf



    package mem_tlsf implements a Two Level Segregated Fit memory allocator.

    Copyright 2024 Jeroen van Rijn <>.
    Made available under Odin's BSD-3 license.
    List of contributors:
    	Matt Conte:      Original C implementation, see LICENSE file in this package
    	Jeroen van Rijn: Source port


    Allocator ¶

    Allocator :: struct {
    	// Empty lists point at this block to indicate they are free.
    	block_null: Block_Header,
    	// Bitmaps for free lists.
    	fl_bitmap:  u32 `fmt:"-"`,
    	sl_bitmap:  [25]u32 `fmt:"-"`,
    	// Head of free lists.
    	blocks:     [25][32]^Block_Header `fmt:"-"`,
    	// Keep track of pools so we can deallocate them.
    	// If `pool.allocator` is blank, we don't do anything.
    	// We also use this linked list of pools to report
    	// statistics like how much memory is still available,
    	// fragmentation, etc.
    	pool:       Pool,
    Related Procedures With Parameters

    Block_Header ¶

    Block_Header :: struct {
    	prev_phys_block: ^Block_Header,
    	size:            uint,
    	// Next and previous free blocks.
    	next_free:       ^Block_Header,
    	prev_free:       ^Block_Header,

    Block header structure.

    There are several implementation subtleties involved: The prev_phys_block field is only valid if the previous block is free. The prev_phys_block field is actually stored at the end of the

    previous block. It appears at the beginning of this structure only to
    simplify the implementation.

    The next_free / prev_free fields are only valid if the block is free.

    Related Procedures With Parameters
    Related Procedures With Returns

    Error ¶

    Error :: enum u8 {
    	None                      = 0, 
    	Invalid_Backing_Allocator = 1, 
    	Invalid_Alignment         = 2, 
    	Backing_Buffer_Too_Small  = 3, 
    	Backing_Buffer_Too_Large  = 4, 
    	Backing_Allocator_Error   = 5, 
    Related Procedures With Returns

    Pool ¶

    Pool :: struct {
    	data:      []u8 `fmt:"-"`,
    	allocator: runtime.Allocator,
    	next:      ^Pool,





    ALIGN_SIZE_LOG2 :: 3 when size_of(uintptr) == 8 else 2

    All allocation sizes and addresses are aligned to 4/8 bytes


    BLOCK_HEADER_FREE :: uint(1 << 0)

    Since block sizes are always at least a multiple of 4, the two least significant bits of the size field are used to store the block status: bit 0: whether block is busy or free bit 1: whether previous block is busy or free


    BLOCK_HEADER_OVERHEAD :: uint(size_of(uint))

    The size of the block header exposed to used blocks is the size field. The prev_phys_block field is stored inside the previous free block.


    BLOCK_HEADER_PREV_FREE :: uint(1 << 1)


    BLOCK_SIZE_MAX :: uint(1) << FL_INDEX_MAX


    BLOCK_SIZE_MIN :: uint(size_of(Block_Header) - size_of(^Block_Header))

    A free block must be large enough to store its header minus the size of the prev_phys_block field, and no larger than the number of addressable bits for FL_INDEX.


    BLOCK_START_OFFSET: uintptr : offset_of(Block_Header, size) + size_of(Block_Header{}.size)

    User data starts directly after the size field in a used block.




    FL_INDEX_MAX :: 32 when size_of(uintptr) == 8 else 30

    We can increase this to support larger allocation sizes, at the expense of more overhead in the TLSF structure











    log2 of number of linear subdivisions of block sizes. Larger values require more memory in the control structure. Values of 4 or 5 are typical.


    This section is empty.


    adjust_request_size ¶

    adjust_request_size :: proc(size, align: uint) -> (adjusted: uint) {…}

    Adjust an allocation size to be aligned to word size, and no smaller than internal minimum.

    adjust_request_size_with_err ¶

    adjust_request_size_with_err :: proc(size, align: uint) -> (adjusted: uint, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Adjust an allocation size to be aligned to word size, and no smaller than internal minimum.

    align_down ¶

    align_down :: proc(x, align: uint) -> (aligned: uint) {…}

    align_ptr ¶

    align_ptr :: proc(ptr: rawptr, align: uint) -> (aligned: rawptr) {…}

    align_up ¶

    align_up :: proc(x, align: uint) -> (aligned: uint) {…}

    alloc_bytes ¶

    alloc_bytes :: proc(control: ^Allocator, size: uint, align: uint) -> (res: []u8, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    alloc_bytes_non_zeroed ¶

    alloc_bytes_non_zeroed :: proc(control: ^Allocator, size: uint, align: uint) -> (res: []u8, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    allocator ¶

    allocator :: proc(t: ^Allocator) -> runtime.Allocator {…}

    allocator_proc ¶

    allocator_proc :: proc(
    	allocator_data:  rawptr, 
    	mode:            runtime.Allocator_Mode, 
    	size, alignment: int, 
    	old_memory:      rawptr, 
    	old_size:        int, 
    	location := #caller_location, 
    ) -> ([]u8, runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    block_absorb ¶

    block_absorb :: proc(prev: ^Block_Header, block: ^Block_Header) -> (absorbed: ^Block_Header) {…}

    Absorb a free block's storage into an adjacent previous free block.

    block_can_split ¶

    block_can_split :: proc(block: ^Block_Header, size: uint) -> (can_split: bool) {…}

    block_from_ptr ¶

    block_from_ptr :: proc(ptr: rawptr) -> (block_ptr: ^Block_Header) {…}

    block_insert ¶

    block_insert :: proc(control: ^Allocator, block: ^Block_Header) {…}

    Insert a given block into the free list.

    block_is_free ¶

    block_is_free :: proc "contextless" (block: ^Block_Header) -> (is_free: bool) {…}

    block_is_last ¶

    block_is_last :: proc "contextless" (block: ^Block_Header) -> (is_last: bool) {…}

    block_is_prev_free ¶

    block_is_prev_free :: proc "contextless" (block: ^Block_Header) -> (is_prev_free: bool) {…}
    block_link_next :: proc(block: ^Block_Header) -> (next: ^Block_Header) {…}

    Link a new block with its physical neighbor, return the neighbor.

    block_locate_free ¶

    block_locate_free :: proc(control: ^Allocator, size: uint) -> (block: ^Block_Header) {…}

    block_mark_as_free ¶

    block_mark_as_free :: proc(block: ^Block_Header) {…}

    block_mark_as_used ¶

    block_mark_as_used :: proc(block: ^Block_Header) {…}

    block_merge_next ¶

    block_merge_next :: proc(control: ^Allocator, block: ^Block_Header) -> (merged: ^Block_Header) {…}

    Merge a just-freed block with an adjacent free block.

    block_merge_prev ¶

    block_merge_prev :: proc(control: ^Allocator, block: ^Block_Header) -> (merged: ^Block_Header) {…}

    Merge a just-freed block with an adjacent previous free block.

    block_next ¶

    block_next :: proc(block: ^Block_Header) -> (next: ^Block_Header) {…}

    Return location of next existing block.

    block_prepare_used ¶

    block_prepare_used :: proc(control: ^Allocator, block: ^Block_Header, size: uint) -> (res: []u8, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    block_prev ¶

    block_prev :: proc(block: ^Block_Header) -> (prev: ^Block_Header) {…}

    Return location of previous block.

    block_remove ¶

    block_remove :: proc(control: ^Allocator, block: ^Block_Header) {…}

    Remove a given block from the free list.

    block_set_free ¶

    block_set_free :: proc "contextless" (block: ^Block_Header) {…}

    block_set_prev_free ¶

    block_set_prev_free :: proc "contextless" (block: ^Block_Header) {…}

    block_set_prev_used ¶

    block_set_prev_used :: proc "contextless" (block: ^Block_Header) {…}

    block_set_size ¶

    block_set_size :: proc "contextless" (block: ^Block_Header, size: uint) {…}

    block_set_used ¶

    block_set_used :: proc "contextless" (block: ^Block_Header) {…}

    block_size ¶

    block_size :: proc "contextless" (block: ^Block_Header) -> (size: uint) {…}

    block_split ¶

    block_split :: proc(block: ^Block_Header, size: uint) -> (remaining: ^Block_Header) {…}

    Split a block into two, the second of which is free.

    block_to_ptr ¶

    block_to_ptr :: proc(block: ^Block_Header) -> (ptr: rawptr) {…}

    block_trim_free ¶

    block_trim_free :: proc(control: ^Allocator, block: ^Block_Header, size: uint) {…}

    Trim any trailing block space off the end of a free block, return to pool.

    block_trim_free_leading ¶

    block_trim_free_leading :: proc(control: ^Allocator, block: ^Block_Header, size: uint) -> (remaining: ^Block_Header) {…}

    Trim leading block space, return to pool.

    block_trim_used ¶

    block_trim_used :: proc(control: ^Allocator, block: ^Block_Header, size: uint) {…}

    Trim any trailing block space off the end of a used block, return to pool.

    clear ¶

    clear :: proc(control: ^Allocator) {…}

    Clear control structure and point all empty lists at the null block

    destroy ¶

    destroy :: proc(control: ^Allocator) {…}

    ffs ¶

    ffs :: proc "contextless" (word: u32) -> (bit: i32) {…}

    fls ¶

    fls :: proc "contextless" (word: u32) -> (bit: i32) {…}

    fls_uint ¶

    fls_uint :: proc "contextless" (size: uint) -> (bit: i32) {…}

    free_with_size ¶

    free_with_size :: proc(control: ^Allocator, ptr: rawptr, size: uint) {…}

    init_from_allocator ¶

    init_from_allocator :: proc(control: ^Allocator, backing: runtime.Allocator, initial_pool_size: int, new_pool_size: int = 0) -> Error {…}

    init_from_buffer ¶

    init_from_buffer :: proc(control: ^Allocator, buf: []u8) -> Error {…}

    insert_free_block ¶

    insert_free_block :: proc(control: ^Allocator, block: ^Block_Header, fl: i32, sl: i32) {…}

    Insert a free block into the free block list.

    mapping_insert ¶

    mapping_insert :: proc(size: uint) -> (fl, sl: i32) {…}

    mapping_round ¶

    mapping_round :: proc(size: uint) -> (rounded: uint) {…}
    mapping_search :: proc(size: uint) -> (fl, sl: i32) {…}

    This version rounds up to the next block size (for allocations)

    offset_to_block ¶

    offset_to_block :: proc(ptr: rawptr, size: uint) -> (block: ^Block_Header) {…}

    Return location of next block after block of given size.

    offset_to_block_backwards ¶

    offset_to_block_backwards :: proc(ptr: rawptr, size: uint) -> (block: ^Block_Header) {…}

    pool_add ¶

    pool_add :: proc(control: ^Allocator, pool: []u8) -> (err: Error) {…}

    pool_remove ¶

    pool_remove :: proc(control: ^Allocator, pool: []u8) {…}

    remove_free_block ¶

    remove_free_block :: proc(control: ^Allocator, block: ^Block_Header, fl: i32, sl: i32) {…}

    Remove a free block from the free list.

    resize ¶

    resize :: proc(control: ^Allocator, ptr: rawptr, old_size, new_size: uint, alignment: uint) -> (res: []u8, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    resize_non_zeroed ¶

    resize_non_zeroed :: proc(control: ^Allocator, ptr: rawptr, old_size, new_size: uint, alignment: uint) -> (res: []u8, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    search_suitable_block ¶

    search_suitable_block :: proc(control: ^Allocator, fli, sli: ^i32) -> (block: ^Block_Header) {…}

    Procedure Groups

    Source Files

    Generation Information

    Generated with odin version dev-2024-10 (vendor "odin") Windows_amd64 @ 2024-10-17 21:11:09.451020100 +0000 UTC