package core:container/queue



    Queue ¶

    Queue :: struct($Value: typeid) {}

    Dynamically resizable double-ended queue/ring-buffer

    Related Procedures With Parameters





    This section is empty.


    append_elem ¶

    append_elem :: push_back

    Push an element to the back of the queue

    append_elems ¶

    append_elems :: push_back_elems

    Push multiple elements to the back of the queue

    back ¶

    back :: proc(q: ^$Q/Queue($T)) -> $T {…}

    back_ptr ¶

    back_ptr :: proc(q: ^$Q/Queue($T)) -> ^$T {…}

    cap ¶

    cap :: proc(q: $Q/Queue($T)) -> int {…}

    The current capacity of the queue

    clear ¶

    clear :: proc(q: ^$Q/Queue($T)) {…}

    Clear the contents of the queue

    consume_back ¶

    consume_back :: proc(q: ^$Q/Queue($T), n: int, loc := #caller_location) {…}

    Consume n elements from the back of the queue

    consume_front ¶

    consume_front :: proc(q: ^$Q/Queue($T), n: int, loc := #caller_location) {…}

    Consume n elements from the front of the queue

    destroy ¶

    destroy :: proc(q: ^$Q/Queue($T)) {…}

    Procedure to destroy a queue

    front ¶

    front :: proc(q: ^$Q/Queue($T)) -> $T {…}

    front_ptr ¶

    front_ptr :: proc(q: ^$Q/Queue($T)) -> ^$T {…}

    get ¶

    get :: proc(q: ^$Q/Queue($T), #any_int i: int, loc := #caller_location) -> $T {…}

    get_ptr ¶

    get_ptr :: proc(q: ^$Q/Queue($T), #any_int i: int, loc := #caller_location) -> ^$T {…}

    init ¶

    init :: proc(q: ^$Q/Queue($T), capacity: int = DEFAULT_CAPACITY, allocator := context.allocator) -> runtime.Allocator_Error {…}

    Procedure to initialize a queue

    init_from_slice ¶

    init_from_slice :: proc(q: ^$Q/Queue($T), backing: []$T) -> bool {…}

    Procedure to initialize a queue from a fixed backing slice. The contents of the backing will be overwritten as items are pushed onto the Queue. Any previous contents are not available.

    init_with_contents ¶

    init_with_contents :: proc(q: ^$Q/Queue($T), backing: []$T) -> bool {…}

    Procedure to initialize a queue from a fixed backing slice. Existing contents are preserved and available on the queue.

    len ¶

    len :: proc(q: $Q/Queue($T)) -> int {…}

    The length of the queue

    peek_back ¶

    peek_back :: proc(q: ^$Q/Queue($T), loc := #caller_location) -> ^$T {…}

    peek_front ¶

    peek_front :: proc(q: ^$Q/Queue($T), loc := #caller_location) -> ^$T {…}

    pop_back ¶

    pop_back :: proc(q: ^$Q/Queue($T), loc := #caller_location) -> (elem: $T) {…}

    Pop an element from the back of the queue

    pop_back_safe ¶

    pop_back_safe :: proc(q: ^$Q/Queue($T)) -> (elem: $T, ok: bool) {…}

    Safely pop an element from the back of the queue

    pop_front ¶

    pop_front :: proc(q: ^$Q/Queue($T), loc := #caller_location) -> (elem: $T) {…}

    Pop an element from the front of the queue

    pop_front_safe ¶

    pop_front_safe :: proc(q: ^$Q/Queue($T)) -> (elem: $T, ok: bool) {…}

    Safely pop an element from the front of the queue

    push_back ¶

    push_back :: proc(q: ^$Q/Queue($T), elem: $T) -> (ok: bool, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Push an element to the back of the queue

    push_back_elems ¶

    push_back_elems :: proc(q: ^$Q/Queue($T), .. elems: ..$T) -> (ok: bool, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Push multiple elements to the back of the queue

    push_front ¶

    push_front :: proc(q: ^$Q/Queue($T), elem: $T) -> (ok: bool, err: runtime.Allocator_Error) {…}

    Push an element to the front of the queue

    reserve ¶

    reserve :: proc(q: ^$Q/Queue($T), capacity: int) -> runtime.Allocator_Error {…}

    Reserve enough space for at least the specified capacity

    set ¶

    set :: proc(q: ^$Q/Queue($T), #any_int i: int, val: $T, loc := #caller_location) {…}

    space ¶

    space :: proc(q: $Q/Queue($T)) -> int {…}

    Remaining space in the queue (cap-len)

    Procedure Groups

    Source Files

    Generation Information

    Generated with odin version dev-2025-02 (vendor "odin") Windows_amd64 @ 2025-02-11 21:11:56.332401000 +0000 UTC