package vendor:darwin/MetalKit



    ColorSpaceRef ¶

    ColorSpaceRef :: struct {}
    Related Procedures With Parameters
    Related Procedures With Returns

    ViewDelegate ¶

    ViewDelegate :: struct {
    	drawInMTKView:          proc "c" (self: , view: ),
    	drawableSizeWillChange: proc "c" (self: , view: , size: ),
    	user_data:              rawptr,
    Related Procedures With Parameters
    Related Procedures With Returns


    This section is empty.


    This section is empty.


    View_alloc ¶

    View_alloc :: proc "c" () -> ^View {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: alloc
    • Kind: Class Method
    Syntax Usage
    res := View.alloc()

    View_autoresizeDrawable ¶

    View_autoresizeDrawable :: proc "c" (
    	self: ^View, 
    ) -> bool {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: autoresizeDrawable
    Syntax Usage
    res := self->autoresizeDrawable()

    View_clearColor ¶

    View_clearColor :: proc "c" (
    	self: ^View, 
    ) -> objc_Metal.ClearColor {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: clearColor
    Syntax Usage
    res := self->clearColor()

    View_clearDepth ¶

    View_clearDepth :: proc "c" (
    	self: ^View, 
    ) -> f64 {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: clearDepth
    Syntax Usage
    res := self->clearDepth()

    View_clearStencil ¶

    View_clearStencil :: proc "c" (
    	self: ^View, 
    ) -> u32 {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: clearStencil
    Syntax Usage
    res := self->clearStencil()

    View_colorPixelFormat ¶

    View_colorPixelFormat :: proc "c" (
    	self: ^View, 
    ) -> objc_Metal.PixelFormat {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: colorPixelFormat
    Syntax Usage
    res := self->colorPixelFormat()

    View_colorSpace ¶

    View_colorSpace :: proc "c" (
    	self: ^View, 
    ) -> ColorSpaceRef {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: colorSpace
    Syntax Usage
    res := self->colorSpace()

    View_currentDrawable ¶

    View_currentDrawable :: proc "c" (
    	self: ^View, 
    ) -> ^objc_QuartzCore.MetalDrawable {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: currentDrawable
    Syntax Usage
    res := self->currentDrawable()

    View_currentRenderPassDescriptor ¶

    View_currentRenderPassDescriptor :: proc "c" (
    	self: ^View, 
    ) -> ^objc_Metal.RenderPassDescriptor {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: currentRenderPassDescriptor
    Syntax Usage
    res := self->currentRenderPassDescriptor()

    View_delegate ¶

    View_delegate :: proc "c" (
    	self: ^View, 
    ) -> ^ViewDelegate {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: delegate
    Syntax Usage
    res := self->delegate()

    View_depthStencilAttachmentTextureUsage ¶

    View_depthStencilAttachmentTextureUsage :: proc "c" (
    	self: ^View, 
    ) -> objc_Metal.TextureUsage {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: depthStencilAttachmentTextureUsage
    Syntax Usage
    res := self->depthStencilAttachmentTextureUsage()

    View_depthStencilPixelFormat ¶

    View_depthStencilPixelFormat :: proc "c" (
    	self: ^View, 
    ) -> objc_Metal.PixelFormat {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: depthStencilPixelFormat
    Syntax Usage
    res := self->depthStencilPixelFormat()

    View_depthStencilTexture ¶

    View_depthStencilTexture :: proc "c" (
    	self: ^View, 
    ) -> ^objc_Metal.Texture {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: depthStencilTexture
    Syntax Usage
    res := self->depthStencilTexture()

    View_device ¶

    View_device :: proc "c" (
    	self: ^View, 
    ) -> ^objc_Metal.Device {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: device
    Syntax Usage
    res := self->device()

    View_draw ¶

    View_draw :: proc "c" (
    	self: ^View, 
    ) {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: draw
    Syntax Usage

    View_drawableSize ¶

    View_drawableSize :: proc "c" (
    	self: ^View, 
    ) -> objc_Foundation.Size {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: drawableSize
    Syntax Usage
    res := self->drawableSize()

    View_enableSetNeedsDisplay ¶

    View_enableSetNeedsDisplay :: proc "c" (
    	self: ^View, 
    ) -> bool {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: enableSetNeedsDisplay
    Syntax Usage
    res := self->enableSetNeedsDisplay()

    View_framebufferOnly ¶

    View_framebufferOnly :: proc "c" (
    	self: ^View, 
    ) -> bool {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: framebufferOnly
    Syntax Usage
    res := self->framebufferOnly()

    View_initWithCoder ¶

    View_initWithCoder :: proc "c" (
    	self:  ^View, 
    	coder: ^objc_Foundation.Coder, 
    ) -> ^View {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: initWithCoder
    Syntax Usage
    res := self->initWithCoder(coder)

    View_initWithFrame ¶

    View_initWithFrame :: proc "c" (
    	self:   ^View, 
    	frame:  objc_Foundation.Rect, 
    	device: ^objc_Metal.Device, 
    ) -> ^View {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: initWithFrame
    Syntax Usage
    res := self->initWithFrame(

    View_isPaused ¶

    View_isPaused :: proc "c" (
    	self: ^View, 
    ) -> bool {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: isPaused
    Syntax Usage
    res := self->isPaused()

    View_multisampleColorAttachmentTextureUsage ¶

    View_multisampleColorAttachmentTextureUsage :: proc "c" (
    	self: ^View, 
    ) -> objc_Metal.TextureUsage {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: multisampleColorAttachmentTextureUsage
    Syntax Usage
    res := self->multisampleColorAttachmentTextureUsage()

    View_multisampleColorTexture ¶

    View_multisampleColorTexture :: proc "c" (
    	self: ^View, 
    ) -> ^objc_Metal.Texture {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: multisampleColorTexture
    Syntax Usage
    res := self->multisampleColorTexture()

    View_preferredDevice ¶

    View_preferredDevice :: proc "c" (
    	self: ^View, 
    ) -> ^objc_Metal.Device {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: preferredDevice
    Syntax Usage
    res := self->preferredDevice()

    View_preferredDrawableSize ¶

    View_preferredDrawableSize :: proc "c" (
    	self: ^View, 
    ) -> objc_Foundation.Size {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: preferredDrawableSize
    Syntax Usage
    res := self->preferredDrawableSize()

    View_preferredFramesPerSecond ¶

    View_preferredFramesPerSecond :: proc "c" (
    	self: ^View, 
    ) -> objc_Foundation.Integer {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: preferredFramesPerSecond
    Syntax Usage
    res := self->preferredFramesPerSecond()

    View_presentsWithTransaction ¶

    View_presentsWithTransaction :: proc "c" (
    	self: ^View, 
    ) -> bool {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: presentsWithTransaction
    Syntax Usage
    res := self->presentsWithTransaction()

    View_releaseDrawables ¶

    View_releaseDrawables :: proc "c" (
    	self: ^View, 
    ) {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: releaseDrawables
    Syntax Usage

    View_sampleCount ¶

    View_sampleCount :: proc "c" (
    	self: ^View, 
    ) -> objc_Foundation.UInteger {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: sampleCount
    Syntax Usage
    res := self->sampleCount()

    View_setAutoresizeDrawable ¶

    View_setAutoresizeDrawable :: proc "c" (
    	self:               ^View, 
    	autoresizeDrawable: bool, 
    ) {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: setAutoresizeDrawable
    Syntax Usage

    View_setClearColor ¶

    View_setClearColor :: proc "c" (
    	self:       ^View, 
    	clearColor: objc_Metal.ClearColor, 
    ) {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: setClearColor
    Syntax Usage

    View_setClearDepth ¶

    View_setClearDepth :: proc "c" (
    	self:       ^View, 
    	clearDepth: f64, 
    ) {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: setClearDepth
    Syntax Usage

    View_setClearStencil ¶

    View_setClearStencil :: proc "c" (
    	self:         ^View, 
    	clearStencil: u32, 
    ) {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: setClearStencil
    Syntax Usage

    View_setColorPixelFormat ¶

    View_setColorPixelFormat :: proc "c" (
    	self:             ^View, 
    	colorPixelFormat: objc_Metal.PixelFormat, 
    ) {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: setColorPixelFormat
    Syntax Usage

    View_setColorSpace ¶

    View_setColorSpace :: proc "c" (
    	self:       ^View, 
    	colorSpace: ColorSpaceRef, 
    ) {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: setColorSpace
    Syntax Usage

    View_setDelegate ¶

    View_setDelegate :: proc "c" (
    	self:     ^View, 
    	delegate: ^ViewDelegate, 
    ) {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: setDelegate
    Syntax Usage

    View_setDepthStencilAttachmentTextureUsage ¶

    View_setDepthStencilAttachmentTextureUsage :: proc "c" (
    	self:         ^View, 
    	textureUsage: objc_Metal.TextureUsage, 
    ) {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: setDepthStencilAttachmentTextureUsage
    Syntax Usage

    View_setDepthStencilPixelFormat ¶

    View_setDepthStencilPixelFormat :: proc "c" (
    	self:             ^View, 
    	colorPixelFormat: objc_Metal.PixelFormat, 
    ) {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: setDepthStencilPixelFormat
    Syntax Usage

    View_setDevice ¶

    View_setDevice :: proc "c" (
    	self:   ^View, 
    	device: ^objc_Metal.Device, 
    ) {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: setDevice
    Syntax Usage

    View_setDrawableSize ¶

    View_setDrawableSize :: proc "c" (
    	self:         ^View, 
    	drawableSize: objc_Foundation.Size, 
    ) {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: setDrawableSize
    Syntax Usage

    View_setEnableSetNeedsDisplay ¶

    View_setEnableSetNeedsDisplay :: proc "c" (
    	self:                  ^View, 
    	enableSetNeedsDisplay: bool, 
    ) {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: setEnableSetNeedsDisplay
    Syntax Usage

    View_setFramebufferOnly ¶

    View_setFramebufferOnly :: proc "c" (
    	self:            ^View, 
    	framebufferOnly: bool, 
    ) {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: setFramebufferOnly
    Syntax Usage

    View_setMultisampleColorAttachmentTextureUsage ¶

    View_setMultisampleColorAttachmentTextureUsage :: proc "c" (
    	self:         ^View, 
    	textureUsage: objc_Metal.TextureUsage, 
    ) {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: setMultisampleColorAttachmentTextureUsage
    Syntax Usage

    View_setPaused ¶

    View_setPaused :: proc "c" (
    	self:     ^View, 
    	isPaused: bool, 
    ) {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: setPaused
    Syntax Usage

    View_setPreferredFramesPerSecond ¶

    View_setPreferredFramesPerSecond :: proc "c" (
    	self:                     ^View, 
    	preferredFramesPerSecond: objc_Foundation.Integer, 
    ) {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: setPreferredFramesPerSecond
    Syntax Usage

    View_setPresentsWithTransaction ¶

    View_setPresentsWithTransaction :: proc "c" (
    	self:                    ^View, 
    	presentsWithTransaction: bool, 
    ) {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: setPresentsWithTransaction
    Syntax Usage

    View_setSampleCount ¶

    View_setSampleCount :: proc "c" (
    	self:        ^View, 
    	sampleCount: objc_Foundation.UInteger, 
    ) {…}
    Objective-C Method Information
    • Class: View
    • Name: setSampleCount
    Syntax Usage

    Procedure Groups

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    Source Files

    Generation Information

    Generated with odin version dev-2024-07 (vendor "odin") Windows_amd64 @ 2024-07-26 21:10:25.486209100 +0000 UTC