package vendor:stb/image
Types (6)
Variables (0)
This section is empty.
Procedures (63)
- convert_iphone_png_to_rgb
- convert_iphone_png_to_rgb_thread
- failure_reason
- flip_vertically_on_write
- hdr_to_ldr_gamma
- hdr_to_ldr_scale
- image_free
- info
- info_from_callbacks
- info_from_file
- info_from_memory
- is_16_bit
- is_16_bit_from_file
- is_16_bit_from_memory
- is_hdr
- is_hdr_from_callbacks
- is_hdr_from_file
- is_hdr_from_memory
- ldr_to_hdr_gamma
- ldr_to_hdr_scale
- load
- load_16
- load_16_from_callbacks
- load_16_from_file
- load_16_from_memory
- load_from_callbacks
- load_from_file
- load_from_memory
- load_gif_from_memory
- loadf
- loadf_from_callbacks
- loadf_from_file
- loadf_from_memory
- resize
- resize_float
- resize_float_generic
- resize_region
- resize_subpixel
- resize_uint16_generic
- resize_uint8
- resize_uint8_generic
- resize_uint8_srgb
- resize_uint8_srgb_edgemode
- set_flip_vertically_on_load
- set_flip_vertically_on_load_thread
- set_unpremultiply_on_load
- set_unpremultiply_on_load_thread
- write_bmp
- write_bmp_to_func
- write_hdr
- write_hdr_to_func
- write_jpg
- write_jpg_to_func
- write_png
- write_png_to_func
- write_tga
- write_tga_to_func
- zlib_decode_buffer
- zlib_decode_malloc
- zlib_decode_malloc_guesssize
- zlib_decode_malloc_guesssize_headerflag
- zlib_decode_noheader_buffer
- zlib_decode_noheader_malloc
Procedure Groups (0)
This section is empty.
Io_Callbacks ¶
Io_Callbacks :: struct { read: proc "c" (user: rawptr, data: [^]u8, size: i32) -> i32, // fill 'data' with 'size' u8s. return number of u8s actually read skip: proc "c" (user: rawptr, n: i32), // skip the next 'n' u8s, or 'unget' the last -n u8s if negative eof: proc "c" (user: rawptr) -> i32, }
load image by filename, open file, or memory buffer
Related Procedures With Parameters
colorspace ¶
colorspace :: enum i32 { LINEAR, SRGB, MAX_COLORSPACES, }
Related Procedures With Parameters
datatype ¶
datatype :: enum i32 { UINT8, UINT16, UINT32, FLOAT, MAX_TYPES, }
Related Procedures With Parameters
edge ¶
edge :: enum i32 { CLAMP = 1, REFLECT = 2, WRAP = 3, ZERO = 4, }
Related Procedures With Parameters
filter ¶
filter :: enum i32 { DEFAULT = 0, // use same filter type that easy-to-use API chooses BOX = 1, // A trapezoid w/1-pixel wide ramps, same result as box for integer scale ratios TRIANGLE = 2, // On upsampling, produces same results as bilinear texture filtering CUBICBSPLINE = 3, // The cubic b-spline (aka Mitchell-Netrevalli with B=1,C=0), gaussian-esque CATMULLROM = 4, // An interpolating cubic spline MITCHELL = 5, // Mitchell-Netrevalli filter with B=1/3, C=1/3 }
Related Procedures With Parameters
write_func ¶
Related Procedures With Parameters
Set this flag if your texture has premultiplied alpha. Otherwise, stbir will use alpha-weighted resampling (effectively premultiplying, resampling, then unpremultiplying).
The specified alpha channel should be handled as gamma-corrected value even when doing sRGB operations.
NO_STDIO: bool : ODIN_ARCH == .wasm32 || ODIN_ARCH == .wasm64p32
This section is empty.
convert_iphone_png_to_rgb ¶
convert_iphone_png_to_rgb :: proc "c" (flag_true_if_should_convert: i32) ---
indicate whether we should process iphone images back to canonical format, or just pass them through "as-is"
convert_iphone_png_to_rgb_thread ¶
convert_iphone_png_to_rgb_thread :: proc "c" (flag_true_if_should_convert: b32) ---
failure_reason ¶
failure_reason :: proc "c" () -> cstring ---
get a VERY brief reason for failure NOT THREADSAFE
flip_vertically_on_write ¶
flip_vertically_on_write :: proc "c" (flip_boolean: b32) ---
hdr_to_ldr_gamma ¶
hdr_to_ldr_gamma :: proc "c" (gamma: f32) ---
hdr_to_ldr_scale ¶
hdr_to_ldr_scale :: proc "c" (scale: f32) ---
image_free ¶
image_free :: proc "c" (retval_from_load: rawptr) ---
free the loaded image -- this is just free()
info ¶
get image dimensions & components without fully decoding
info_from_callbacks ¶
info_from_callbacks :: proc "c" (clbk: ^Io_Callbacks, user: rawptr, x, y, comp: ^i32) -> i32 ---
info_from_memory ¶
get image dimensions & components without fully decoding
is_hdr_from_callbacks ¶
is_hdr_from_callbacks :: proc "c" (clbk: ^Io_Callbacks, user: rawptr) -> i32 ---
ldr_to_hdr_gamma ¶
ldr_to_hdr_gamma :: proc "c" (gamma: f32) ---
ldr_to_hdr_scale ¶
ldr_to_hdr_scale :: proc "c" (scale: f32) ---
load ¶
load :: proc "c" (filename: cstring, x, y, channels_in_file: ^i32, desired_channels: i32) -> [^]u8 ---
8-bits-per-channel interface
load_16 ¶
load_16 :: proc "c" (filename: cstring, x, y, channels_in_file: ^i32, desired_channels: i32) -> [^]u16 ---
16-bits-per-channel interface
load_16_from_callbacks ¶
load_16_from_callbacks :: proc "c" (clbk: ^Io_Callbacks, x, y, channels_in_file: ^i32, desired_channels: i32) -> [^]u16 ---
load_16_from_memory ¶
load_16_from_memory :: proc "c" ( buffer: [^]u8, len: i32, x, y, channels_in_file: ^i32, desired_channels: i32, ) -> [^]u16 ---
16-bits-per-channel interface
load_from_callbacks ¶
load_from_callbacks :: proc "c" ( clbk: ^Io_Callbacks, user: rawptr, x, y, channels_in_file: ^i32, desired_channels: i32, ) -> [^]u8 ---
load_from_memory ¶
load_from_memory :: proc "c" ( buffer: [^]u8, len: i32, x, y, channels_in_file: ^i32, desired_channels: i32, ) -> [^]u8 ---
8-bits-per-channel interface
loadf ¶
loadf :: proc "c" (filename: cstring, x, y, channels_in_file: ^i32, desired_channels: i32) -> [^]f32 ---
float-per-channel interface
loadf_from_callbacks ¶
loadf_from_callbacks :: proc "c" ( clbk: ^Io_Callbacks, user: rawptr, x, y, channels_in_file: ^i32, desired_channels: i32, ) -> [^]f32 ---
loadf_from_memory ¶
loadf_from_memory :: proc "c" ( buffer: [^]u8, len: i32, x, y, channels_in_file: ^i32, desired_channels: i32, ) -> [^]f32 ---
float-per-channel interface
resize ¶
resize :: proc "c" ( input_pixels: rawptr, input_w, input_h, input_stride_in_bytes: i32, output_pixels: rawptr, output_w, output_h, output_stride_in_bytes: i32, datatype: datatype, num_channels: i32, alpha_channel: b32, flags: i32, edge_mode_horizontal, edge_mode_vertical: edge, filter_horizontal, filter_vertical: filter, space: colorspace, alloc_context: rawptr, ) -> i32 ---
resize_float_generic ¶
resize_float_generic :: proc "c" ( input_pixels: [^]f32, input_w, input_h, input_stride_in_bytes: i32, output_pixels: [^]f32, output_w, output_h, output_stride_in_bytes: i32, num_channels: i32, alpha_channel: b32, flags: i32, edge_wrap_mode: edge, filter: filter, space: colorspace, alloc_context: rawptr, ) -> i32 ---
resize_region ¶
resize_region :: proc "c" ( input_pixels: rawptr, input_w, input_h, input_stride_in_bytes: i32, output_pixels: rawptr, output_w, output_h, output_stride_in_bytes: i32, datatype: datatype, num_channels: i32, alpha_channel: b32, flags: i32, edge_mode_horizontal, edge_mode_vertical: edge, filter_horizontal, filter_vertical: filter, space: colorspace, alloc_context: rawptr, s0, t0, s1, t1: f32, ) -> i32 ---
resize_subpixel ¶
resize_subpixel :: proc "c" ( input_pixels: rawptr, input_w, input_h, input_stride_in_bytes: i32, output_pixels: rawptr, output_w, output_h, output_stride_in_bytes: i32, datatype: datatype, num_channels: i32, alpha_channel: b32, flags: i32, edge_mode_horizontal, edge_mode_vertical: edge, filter_horizontal, filter_vertical: filter, space: colorspace, alloc_context: rawptr, x_scale, y_scale: f32, x_offset, y_offset: f32, ) -> i32 ---
resize_uint16_generic ¶
resize_uint16_generic :: proc "c" ( input_pixels: [^]u16, input_w, input_h, input_stride_in_bytes: i32, output_pixels: [^]u16, output_w, output_h, output_stride_in_bytes: i32, num_channels: i32, alpha_channel: b32, flags: i32, edge_wrap_mode: edge, filter: filter, space: colorspace, alloc_context: rawptr, ) -> i32 ---
resize_uint8_generic ¶
resize_uint8_generic :: proc "c" ( input_pixels: [^]u8, input_w, input_h, input_stride_in_bytes: i32, output_pixels: [^]u8, output_w, output_h, output_stride_in_bytes: i32, num_channels: i32, alpha_channel: b32, flags: i32, edge_wrap_mode: edge, filter: filter, space: colorspace, alloc_context: rawptr, ) -> i32 ---
resize_uint8_srgb_edgemode ¶
resize_uint8_srgb_edgemode :: proc "c" ( input_pixels: [^]u8, input_w, input_h, input_stride_in_bytes: i32, output_pixels: [^]u8, output_w, output_h, output_stride_in_bytes: i32, num_channels: i32, alpha_channel: b32, flags: i32, edge_wrap_mode: edge, ) -> i32 ---
This function adds the ability to specify how requests to sample off the edge of the image are handled.
set_flip_vertically_on_load ¶
set_flip_vertically_on_load :: proc "c" (flag_true_if_should_flip: i32) ---
flip the image vertically, so the first pixel in the output array is the bottom left
set_flip_vertically_on_load_thread ¶
set_flip_vertically_on_load_thread :: proc "c" (flag_true_if_should_flip: b32) ---
set_unpremultiply_on_load ¶
set_unpremultiply_on_load :: proc "c" (flag_true_if_should_unpremultiply: i32) ---
for image formats that explicitly notate that they have premultiplied alpha, we just return the colors as stored in the file. set this flag to force unpremultiplication. results are undefined if the unpremultiply overflow.
set_unpremultiply_on_load_thread ¶
set_unpremultiply_on_load_thread :: proc "c" (flag_true_if_should_unpremultiply: b32) ---
as above, but only applies to images loaded on the thread that calls the function this function is only available if your compiler supports thread-local variables; calling it will fail to link if your compiler doesn't
write_bmp_to_func ¶
write_bmp_to_func :: proc "c" ( func: write_func, ctx: rawptr, w, h, comp: i32, data: rawptr, ) -> i32 ---
write_hdr_to_func ¶
write_hdr_to_func :: proc "c" ( func: write_func, ctx: rawptr, w, h, comp: i32, data: [^]f32, ) -> i32 ---
write_tga_to_func ¶
write_tga_to_func :: proc "c" ( func: write_func, ctx: rawptr, w, h, comp: i32, data: rawptr, ) -> i32 ---
zlib_decode_malloc_guesssize ¶
zlib_decode_malloc_guesssize :: proc "c" (buffer: [^]u8, len: i32, initial_size: i32, outlen: ^i32) -> [^]u8 ---
ZLIB client - used by PNG, available for other purposes
Procedure Groups
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Source Files
Generation Information
Generated with odin version dev-2025-03 (vendor "odin") Windows_amd64 @ 2025-03-25 21:11:17.874790400 +0000 UTC