package vendor:glfw/bindings
Types (31)
- AllocateProc
- Allocator
- CharModsProc
- CharProc
- CursorEnterProc
- CursorHandle
- CursorPosProc
- DeallocateProc
- DropProc
- ErrorProc
- FramebufferSizeProc
- GamepadState
- GammaRamp
- Image
- JoystickProc
- KeyProc
- MonitorHandle
- MonitorProc
- MouseButtonProc
- ReallocateProc
- ScrollProc
- VidMode
- WindowCloseProc
- WindowContentScaleProc
- WindowFocusProc
- WindowHandle
- WindowIconifyProc
- WindowMaximizeProc
- WindowPosProc
- WindowRefreshProc
- WindowSizeProc
Constants (1)
Variables (0)
This section is empty.
Procedures (124)
- CreateCursor
- CreateStandardCursor
- CreateWindow
- CreateWindowSurface
- DefaultWindowHints
- DestroyCursor
- DestroyWindow
- ExtensionSupported
- FocusWindow
- GetClipboardString
- GetCurrentContext
- GetCursorPos
- GetError
- GetFramebufferSize
- GetGamepadName
- GetGamepadState
- GetGammaRamp
- GetInputMode
- GetInstanceProcAddress
- GetJoystickAxes
- GetJoystickButtons
- GetJoystickGUID
- GetJoystickHats
- GetJoystickName
- GetJoystickUserPointer
- GetKey
- GetKeyName
- GetKeyScancode
- GetMonitorContentScale
- GetMonitorName
- GetMonitorPhysicalSize
- GetMonitorPos
- GetMonitorUserPointer
- GetMonitorWorkarea
- GetMonitors
- GetMouseButton
- GetPhysicalDevicePresentationSupport
- GetPlatform
- GetPrimaryMonitor
- GetProcAddress
- GetRequiredInstanceExtensions
- GetTime
- GetTimerFrequency
- GetTimerValue
- GetVersion
- GetVersionString
- GetVideoMode
- GetVideoModes
- GetWindowAttrib
- GetWindowContentScale
- GetWindowFrameSize
- GetWindowMonitor
- GetWindowOpacity
- GetWindowPos
- GetWindowSize
- GetWindowTitle
- GetWindowUserPointer
- HideWindow
- IconifyWindow
- Init
- InitAllocator
- InitHint
- InitVulkanLoader
- JoystickIsGamepad
- JoystickPresent
- MakeContextCurrent
- MaximizeWindow
- PlatformSupported
- PollEvents
- PostEmptyEvent
- RawMouseMotionSupported
- RequestWindowAttention
- RestoreWindow
- SetCharCallback
- SetCharModsCallback
- SetClipboardString
- SetCursor
- SetCursorEnterCallback
- SetCursorPos
- SetCursorPosCallback
- SetDropCallback
- SetErrorCallback
- SetFramebufferSizeCallback
- SetGamma
- SetGammaRamp
- SetInputMode
- SetJoystickCallback
- SetJoystickUserPointer
- SetKeyCallback
- SetMonitorCallback
- SetMonitorUserPointer
- SetMouseButtonCallback
- SetScrollCallback
- SetTime
- SetWindowAspectRatio
- SetWindowAttrib
- SetWindowCloseCallback
- SetWindowContentScaleCallback
- SetWindowFocusCallback
- SetWindowIcon
- SetWindowIconifyCallback
- SetWindowMaximizeCallback
- SetWindowMonitor
- SetWindowOpacity
- SetWindowPos
- SetWindowPosCallback
- SetWindowRefreshCallback
- SetWindowShouldClose
- SetWindowSize
- SetWindowSizeCallback
- SetWindowSizeLimits
- SetWindowTitle
- SetWindowUserPointer
- ShowWindow
- SwapBuffers
- SwapInterval
- Terminate
- UpdateGamepadMappings
- VulkanSupported
- WaitEvents
- WaitEventsTimeout
- WindowHint
- WindowHintString
- WindowShouldClose
Procedure Groups (0)
This section is empty.
Allocator ¶
Allocator :: struct { allocate: AllocateProc, reallocate: ReallocateProc, deallocate: DeallocateProc, user: rawptr, }
Related Procedures With Parameters
CharModsProc ¶
CharModsProc :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, codepoint: rune, mods: i32)
Related Procedures With Parameters
CharProc ¶
CharProc :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, codepoint: rune)
Related Procedures With Parameters
CursorEnterProc ¶
CursorEnterProc :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, entered: i32)
Related Procedures With Parameters
CursorHandle ¶
CursorHandle :: distinct rawptr
Related Procedures With Parameters
Related Procedures With Returns
CursorPosProc ¶
CursorPosProc :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, xpos, ypos: f64)
Related Procedures With Parameters
DropProc ¶
DropProc :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, count: i32, paths: [^]cstring)
Related Procedures With Parameters
ErrorProc ¶
Related Procedures With Parameters
FramebufferSizeProc ¶
FramebufferSizeProc :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, width, height: i32)
Related Procedures With Parameters
GamepadState ¶
Related Procedures With Parameters
Image ¶
Related Procedures With Parameters
KeyProc ¶
KeyProc :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, key, scancode, action, mods: i32)
Related Procedures With Parameters
MonitorHandle ¶
MonitorHandle :: distinct rawptr
Related Procedures With Parameters
- CreateWindow
- GetGammaRamp
- GetMonitorContentScale
- GetMonitorName
- GetMonitorPhysicalSize
- GetMonitorPos
- GetMonitorUserPointer
- GetMonitorWorkarea
- GetVideoMode
- GetVideoModes
- SetGamma
- SetGammaRamp
- SetMonitorUserPointer
- SetWindowMonitor
Related Procedures With Returns
MonitorProc ¶
MonitorProc :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, event: i32)
Related Procedures With Parameters
MouseButtonProc ¶
MouseButtonProc :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, button, action, mods: i32)
Related Procedures With Parameters
ScrollProc ¶
ScrollProc :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, xoffset, yoffset: f64)
Related Procedures With Parameters
VidMode ¶
VidMode :: struct { width: i32, height: i32, red_bits: i32, green_bits: i32, blue_bits: i32, refresh_rate: i32, }
Related Procedures With Returns
WindowCloseProc ¶
WindowCloseProc :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle)
Related Procedures With Parameters
WindowContentScaleProc ¶
WindowContentScaleProc :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, xscale, yscale: f32)
Related Procedures With Parameters
WindowFocusProc ¶
WindowFocusProc :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, focused: i32)
Related Procedures With Parameters
WindowHandle ¶
WindowHandle :: distinct rawptr
Related Procedures With Parameters
- CreateWindow
- CreateWindowSurface
- DestroyWindow
- FocusWindow
- GetClipboardString
- GetCursorPos
- GetFramebufferSize
- GetInputMode
- GetKey
- GetMouseButton
- GetWindowAttrib
- GetWindowContentScale
- GetWindowFrameSize
- GetWindowMonitor
- GetWindowOpacity
- GetWindowPos
- GetWindowSize
- GetWindowTitle
- GetWindowUserPointer
- HideWindow
- IconifyWindow
- MakeContextCurrent
- MaximizeWindow
- RequestWindowAttention
- RestoreWindow
- SetCharCallback
- SetCharModsCallback
- SetClipboardString
- SetCursor
- SetCursorEnterCallback
- SetCursorPos
- SetCursorPosCallback
- SetDropCallback
- SetFramebufferSizeCallback
- SetInputMode
- SetKeyCallback
- SetMonitorCallback
- SetMouseButtonCallback
- SetScrollCallback
- SetWindowAspectRatio
- SetWindowAttrib
- SetWindowCloseCallback
- SetWindowContentScaleCallback
- SetWindowFocusCallback
- SetWindowIcon
- SetWindowIconifyCallback
- SetWindowMaximizeCallback
- SetWindowMonitor
- SetWindowOpacity
- SetWindowPos
- SetWindowPosCallback
- SetWindowRefreshCallback
- SetWindowShouldClose
- SetWindowSize
- SetWindowSizeCallback
- SetWindowSizeLimits
- SetWindowTitle
- SetWindowUserPointer
- ShowWindow
- SwapBuffers
- WindowShouldClose
Related Procedures With Returns
WindowIconifyProc ¶
WindowIconifyProc :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, iconified: i32)
Procedure type declarations
Related Procedures With Parameters
WindowMaximizeProc ¶
WindowMaximizeProc :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, iconified: i32)
Related Procedures With Parameters
WindowPosProc ¶
WindowPosProc :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, xpos, ypos: i32)
Related Procedures With Parameters
WindowRefreshProc ¶
WindowRefreshProc :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle)
Related Procedures With Parameters
WindowSizeProc ¶
WindowSizeProc :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, width, height: i32)
Related Procedures With Parameters
GLFW_SHARED :: #config(GLFW_SHARED, ODIN_OS != .Windows && ODIN_OS != .Darwin)
This section is empty.
CreateCursor ¶
CreateCursor :: proc "c" (image: ^Image, xhot, yhot: i32) -> CursorHandle ---
CreateStandardCursor ¶
CreateStandardCursor :: proc "c" (shape: i32) -> CursorHandle ---
CreateWindow ¶
CreateWindow :: proc "c" (width, height: i32, title: cstring, monitor: MonitorHandle, share: WindowHandle) -> WindowHandle ---
CreateWindowSurface ¶
CreateWindowSurface :: proc "c" (instance: vulkan.Instance, window: WindowHandle, allocator: ^vulkan.AllocationCallbacks, surface: ^vulkan.SurfaceKHR) -> vulkan.Result ---
DefaultWindowHints ¶
DefaultWindowHints :: proc "c" () ---
DestroyCursor ¶
DestroyCursor :: proc "c" (cursor: CursorHandle) ---
DestroyWindow ¶
DestroyWindow :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle) ---
FocusWindow ¶
FocusWindow :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle) ---
GetClipboardString ¶
GetClipboardString :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle) -> cstring ---
GetCurrentContext ¶
GetCurrentContext :: proc "c" () -> WindowHandle ---
GetCursorPos ¶
GetCursorPos :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, xpos, ypos: ^f64) ---
GetFramebufferSize ¶
GetFramebufferSize :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, width, height: ^i32) ---
GetGamepadState ¶
GetGamepadState :: proc "c" (jid: i32, state: ^GamepadState) -> i32 ---
GetGammaRamp ¶
GetGammaRamp :: proc "c" (monitor: MonitorHandle) -> ^GammaRamp ---
GetInputMode ¶
GetInputMode :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, mode: i32) -> i32 ---
GetKey ¶
GetKey :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, key: i32) -> i32 ---
GetMonitorContentScale ¶
GetMonitorContentScale :: proc "c" (monitor: MonitorHandle, xscale, yscale: ^f32) ---
GetMonitorName ¶
GetMonitorName :: proc "c" (monitor: MonitorHandle) -> cstring ---
GetMonitorPhysicalSize ¶
GetMonitorPhysicalSize :: proc "c" (monitor: MonitorHandle, widthMM, heightMM: ^i32) ---
GetMonitorPos ¶
GetMonitorPos :: proc "c" (monitor: MonitorHandle, xpos, ypos: ^i32) ---
GetMonitorUserPointer ¶
GetMonitorUserPointer :: proc "c" (monitor: MonitorHandle) -> rawptr ---
GetMonitorWorkarea ¶
GetMonitorWorkarea :: proc "c" (monitor: MonitorHandle, xpos, ypos, width, height: ^i32) ---
GetMonitors ¶
GetMonitors :: proc "c" (count: ^i32) -> [^]MonitorHandle ---
GetMouseButton ¶
GetMouseButton :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, button: i32) -> i32 ---
GetPhysicalDevicePresentationSupport ¶
GetPhysicalDevicePresentationSupport :: proc "c" (instance: vulkan.Instance, device: vulkan.PhysicalDevice, queuefamily: u32) -> i32 ---
GetPlatform ¶
GetPlatform :: proc "c" () -> i32 ---
GetPrimaryMonitor ¶
GetPrimaryMonitor :: proc "c" () -> MonitorHandle ---
GetTimerFrequency ¶
GetTimerFrequency :: proc "c" () -> u64 ---
GetTimerValue ¶
GetTimerValue :: proc "c" () -> u64 ---
GetVersion ¶
GetVersion :: proc "c" (major, minor, rev: ^i32) ---
GetVersionString ¶
GetVersionString :: proc "c" () -> cstring ---
GetVideoMode ¶
GetVideoMode :: proc "c" (monitor: MonitorHandle) -> ^VidMode ---
GetVideoModes ¶
GetVideoModes :: proc "c" (monitor: MonitorHandle, count: ^i32) -> [^]VidMode ---
GetWindowAttrib ¶
GetWindowAttrib :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, attrib: i32) -> i32 ---
GetWindowContentScale ¶
GetWindowContentScale :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, xscale, yscale: ^f32) ---
GetWindowFrameSize ¶
GetWindowFrameSize :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, left, top, right, bottom: ^i32) ---
GetWindowMonitor ¶
GetWindowMonitor :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle) -> MonitorHandle ---
GetWindowOpacity ¶
GetWindowOpacity :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle) -> f32 ---
GetWindowPos ¶
GetWindowPos :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, xpos, ypos: ^i32) ---
GetWindowSize ¶
GetWindowSize :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, width, height: ^i32) ---
GetWindowTitle ¶
GetWindowTitle :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle) -> cstring ---
GetWindowUserPointer ¶
GetWindowUserPointer :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle) -> rawptr ---
HideWindow ¶
HideWindow :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle) ---
IconifyWindow ¶
IconifyWindow :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle) ---
InitAllocator ¶
InitAllocator :: proc "c" (#by_ptr allocator: Allocator) ---
InitVulkanLoader ¶
InitVulkanLoader :: proc "c" (loader: vulkan.ProcGetInstanceProcAddr) ---
MakeContextCurrent ¶
MakeContextCurrent :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle) ---
MaximizeWindow ¶
MaximizeWindow :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle) ---
PollEvents ¶
PollEvents :: proc "c" () ---
PostEmptyEvent ¶
PostEmptyEvent :: proc "c" () ---
RawMouseMotionSupported ¶
RawMouseMotionSupported :: proc "c" () -> b32 ---
RequestWindowAttention ¶
RequestWindowAttention :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle) ---
RestoreWindow ¶
RestoreWindow :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle) ---
SetCharCallback ¶
SetCharCallback :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, cbfun: CharProc) -> CharProc ---
SetCharModsCallback ¶
SetCharModsCallback :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, cbfun: CharModsProc) -> CharModsProc ---
SetClipboardString ¶
SetClipboardString :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, str: cstring) ---
SetCursor ¶
SetCursor :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, cursor: CursorHandle) ---
SetCursorEnterCallback ¶
SetCursorEnterCallback :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, cbfun: CursorEnterProc) -> CursorEnterProc ---
SetCursorPos ¶
SetCursorPos :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, xpos, ypos: f64) ---
SetCursorPosCallback ¶
SetCursorPosCallback :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, cbfun: CursorPosProc) -> CursorPosProc ---
SetDropCallback ¶
SetDropCallback :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, cbfun: DropProc) -> DropProc ---
SetFramebufferSizeCallback ¶
SetFramebufferSizeCallback :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, cbfun: FramebufferSizeProc) -> FramebufferSizeProc ---
SetGamma ¶
SetGamma :: proc "c" (monitor: MonitorHandle, gamma: f32) ---
SetGammaRamp ¶
SetGammaRamp :: proc "c" (monitor: MonitorHandle, ramp: ^GammaRamp) ---
SetInputMode ¶
SetInputMode :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, mode, value: i32) ---
SetJoystickCallback ¶
SetJoystickCallback :: proc "c" (cbfun: JoystickProc) -> JoystickProc ---
SetKeyCallback ¶
SetKeyCallback :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, cbfun: KeyProc) -> KeyProc ---
SetMonitorCallback ¶
SetMonitorCallback :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, cbfun: MonitorProc) -> MonitorProc ---
SetMonitorUserPointer ¶
SetMonitorUserPointer :: proc "c" (monitor: MonitorHandle, pointer: rawptr) ---
SetMouseButtonCallback ¶
SetMouseButtonCallback :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, cbfun: MouseButtonProc) -> MouseButtonProc ---
SetScrollCallback ¶
SetScrollCallback :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, cbfun: ScrollProc) -> ScrollProc ---
SetWindowAspectRatio ¶
SetWindowAspectRatio :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, numer, denom: i32) ---
SetWindowAttrib ¶
SetWindowAttrib :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, attrib, value: i32) ---
SetWindowCloseCallback ¶
SetWindowCloseCallback :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, cbfun: WindowCloseProc) -> WindowCloseProc ---
SetWindowContentScaleCallback ¶
SetWindowContentScaleCallback :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, cbfun: WindowContentScaleProc) -> WindowContentScaleProc ---
SetWindowFocusCallback ¶
SetWindowFocusCallback :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, cbfun: WindowFocusProc) -> WindowFocusProc ---
SetWindowIcon ¶
SetWindowIcon :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, count: i32, images: [^]Image) ---
SetWindowIconifyCallback ¶
SetWindowIconifyCallback :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, cbfun: WindowIconifyProc) -> WindowIconifyProc ---
SetWindowMaximizeCallback ¶
SetWindowMaximizeCallback :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, cbfun: WindowMaximizeProc) -> WindowMaximizeProc ---
SetWindowMonitor ¶
SetWindowMonitor :: proc "c" ( window: WindowHandle, monitor: MonitorHandle, xpos, ypos, width, height, refresh_rate: i32, ) ---
SetWindowOpacity ¶
SetWindowOpacity :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, opacity: f32) ---
SetWindowPos ¶
SetWindowPos :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, xpos, ypos: i32) ---
SetWindowPosCallback ¶
SetWindowPosCallback :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, cbfun: WindowPosProc) -> WindowPosProc ---
SetWindowRefreshCallback ¶
SetWindowRefreshCallback :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, cbfun: WindowRefreshProc) -> WindowRefreshProc ---
SetWindowShouldClose ¶
SetWindowShouldClose :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, value: b32) ---
SetWindowSize ¶
SetWindowSize :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, width, height: i32) ---
SetWindowSizeCallback ¶
SetWindowSizeCallback :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, cbfun: WindowSizeProc) -> WindowSizeProc ---
SetWindowSizeLimits ¶
SetWindowSizeLimits :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, minwidth, minheight, maxwidth, maxheight: i32) ---
SetWindowTitle ¶
SetWindowTitle :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, title: cstring) ---
SetWindowUserPointer ¶
SetWindowUserPointer :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle, pointer: rawptr) ---
ShowWindow ¶
ShowWindow :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle) ---
SwapBuffers ¶
SwapBuffers :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle) ---
SwapInterval ¶
SwapInterval :: proc "c" (interval: i32) ---
Terminate ¶
Terminate :: proc "c" () ---
VulkanSupported ¶
VulkanSupported :: proc "c" () -> b32 ---
WaitEvents ¶
WaitEvents :: proc "c" () ---
WaitEventsTimeout ¶
WaitEventsTimeout :: proc "c" (timeout: f64) ---
WindowShouldClose ¶
WindowShouldClose :: proc "c" (window: WindowHandle) -> b32 ---
Procedure Groups
This section is empty.
Source Files
Generation Information
Generated with odin version dev-2025-02 (vendor "odin") Windows_amd64 @ 2025-02-11 21:11:58.320608600 +0000 UTC