package vendor:ggpo



    ErrorCode ¶

    ErrorCode :: enum i32 {
    	OK                    = 0, 
    	SUCCESS               = 0, 
    	GENERAL_FAILURE       = -1, 
    	INVALID_SESSION       = 1, 
    	PLAYER_OUT_OF_RANGE   = 3, 
    	UNSUPPORTED           = 5, 
    	NOT_SYNCHRONIZED      = 6, 
    	IN_ROLLBACK           = 7, 
    	INPUT_DROPPED         = 8, 
    	INVALID_REQUEST       = 11, 
    Related Procedures With Returns

    Event ¶

    Event :: struct {
    	code: EventCode,
    	using u: struct #raw_union {
    		connected:              ,
    		synchronizing:          ,
    		synchronized:           ,
    		disconnected:           ,
    		timesync:               ,
    		connection_interrupted: ,
    		connection_resumed:     ,

    EventCode ¶

    EventCode :: enum i32 {
    	CONNECTED_TO_PEER       = 1000, 
    	RUNNING                 = 1003, 
    	TIMESYNC                = 1005, 
    	CONNECTION_RESUMED      = 1007, 

    * The EventCode enumeration describes what type of event just happened. * * CONNECTED_TO_PEER - Handshake with the game running on the * other side of the network has been completed. * * SYNCHRONIZING_WITH_PEER - Beginning the synchronization * process with the client on the other end of the networking. The count * and total fields in the u.synchronizing struct of the Event * object indicate progress. * * SYNCHRONIZED_WITH_PEER - The synchronziation with this * peer has finished. * * RUNNING - All the clients have synchronized. You may begin * sending inputs with synchronize_inputs. * * DISCONNECTED_FROM_PEER - The network connection on * the other end of the network has closed. * * TIMESYNC - The time synchronziation code has determined * that this client is too far ahead of the other one and should slow * down to ensure fairness. The u.timesync.frames_ahead parameter in * the Event object indicates how many frames the client is. *

    LocalEndpoint ¶

    LocalEndpoint :: struct {
    	player_num: i32,

    NetworkStats ¶

    NetworkStats :: struct {
    	network:  struct {
    		send_queue_len: ,
    		recv_queue_len: ,
    		ping:           ,
    		kbps_sent:      ,
    	timesync: struct {
    		local_frames_behind:  ,
    		remote_frames_behind: ,

    * The NetworkStats function contains some statistics about the current * session. * * network.send_queue_len - The length of the queue containing UDP packets * which have not yet been acknowledged by the end client. The length of * the send queue is a rough indication of the quality of the connection. * The longer the send queue, the higher the round-trip time between the * clients. The send queue will also be longer than usual during high * packet loss situations. * * network.recv_queue_len - The number of inputs currently buffered by the * network layer which have yet to be validated. The length of * the prediction queue is roughly equal to the current frame number * minus the frame number of the last packet in the remote queue. * * - The roundtrip packet transmission time as calcuated * by This will be roughly equal to the actual round trip * packet transmission time + 2 the interval at which you call idle * or advance_frame. * * network.kbps_sent - The estimated bandwidth used between the two * clients, in kilobits per second. * * timesync.local_frames_behind - The number of frames calculates * that the local client is behind the remote client at this instant in * time. For example, if at this instant the current game client is running * frame 1002 and the remote game client is running frame 1009, this value * will mostly likely roughly equal 7. * * timesync.remote_frames_behind - The same as local_frames_behind, but * calculated from the perspective of the remote player. *

    Related Procedures With Parameters

    Player ¶

    Player :: struct {
    	size:       i32,
    	type:       PlayerType,
    	player_num: i32,
    	using u:    struct #raw_union {
    		local:  ,
    		remote: ,
    Related Procedures With Parameters

    PlayerHandle ¶

    PlayerHandle :: distinct i32
    Related Procedures With Parameters
    Related Constants

    PlayerType ¶

    PlayerType :: enum i32 {

    SessionCallbacks ¶

    SessionCallbacks :: struct {
    	// 	 * begin_game callback - This callback has been deprecated.  You must
    	// 	 * implement it, but should ignore the 'game' parameter.
    	begin_game:      proc "c" (game: ) -> bool,
    	// 	 * save_game_state - The client should allocate a buffer, copy the
    	// 	 * entire contents of the current game state into it, and copy the
    	// 	 * length into the len parameter.  Optionally, the client can compute
    	// 	 * a checksum of the data and store it in the checksum argument.
    	save_game_state: proc "c" (buffer: , len: , checksum: , frame: ) -> bool,
    	// 	 * load_game_state - will call this function at the beginning
    	// 	 * of a rollback.  The buffer and len parameters contain a previously
    	// 	 * saved state returned from the save_game_state function.  The client
    	// 	 * should make the current game state match the state contained in the
    	// 	 * buffer.
    	load_game_state: proc "c" (buffer: [^]u8, len: i32) -> bool,
    	// 	 * log_game_state - Used in diagnostic testing.  The client should use
    	// 	 * the log function to write the contents of the specified save
    	// 	 * state in a human readible form.
    	log_game_state:  proc "c" (filename: , buffer: , len: ) -> bool,
    	// 	 * free_buffer - Frees a game state allocated in save_game_state.  You
    	// 	 * should deallocate the memory contained in the buffer.
    	free_buffer:     proc "c" (buffer: ),
    	// 	 * advance_frame - Called during a rollback.  You should advance your game
    	// 	 * state by exactly one frame.  Before each frame, call synchronize_input
    	// 	 * to retrieve the inputs you should use for that frame.  After each frame,
    	// 	 * you should call advance_frame to notify that you're
    	// 	 * finished.
    	// 	 *
    	// 	 * The flags parameter is reserved.  It can safely be ignored at this time.
    	advance_frame:   proc "c" (flags: ) -> bool,
    	// 	 * on_event - Notification that something has happened.  See the EventCode
    	// 	 * structure above for more information.
    	on_event:        proc "c" (info: ) -> bool,

    * The SessionCallbacks structure contains the callback functions that * your application must implement. will periodically call these * functions during the game. All callback functions must be implemented.

    Related Procedures With Parameters



    INVALID_HANDLE :: PlayerHandle(-1)


    MAX_PLAYERS :: 4








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    add_local_input ¶

    add_local_input :: proc "c" (session: ^Session, player: PlayerHandle, values: rawptr, size: i32) -> ErrorCode ---

    * add_local_input --

     * Used to notify of inputs that should be trasmitted to remote
     * players.  add_local_input must be called once every frame for
     * all player of type PLAYERTYPE_LOCAL.
     * player - The player handle returned for this player when you called
     * add_local_player.
     * values - The controller inputs for this player.
     * size - The size of the controller inputs.  This must be exactly equal to the
     * size passed into start_session.

    add_player ¶

    add_player :: proc "c" (session: ^Session, player: ^Player, handle: ^PlayerHandle) -> ErrorCode ---

    * add_player --

     * Must be called for each player in the session (e.g. in a 3 player session, must
     * be called 3 times).
     * player - A Player struct used to describe the player.
     * handle - An out parameter to a handle used to identify this player in the future.
     * (e.g. in the on_event callbacks).

    advance_frame ¶

    advance_frame :: proc "c" (session: ^Session) -> ErrorCode ---

    * advance_frame --

     * You should call advance_frame to notify that you have
     * advanced your gamestate by a single frame.  You should call this everytime
     * you advance the gamestate by a frame, even during rollbacks.
     * may call your save_state callback before this function returns.

    close_session ¶

    close_session :: proc "c" (session: ^Session) -> ErrorCode ---

    * close_session --

     * Used to close a session.  You must call close_session to
     * free the resources allocated in start_session.

    disconnect_player ¶

    disconnect_player :: proc "c" (session: ^Session, player: PlayerHandle) -> ErrorCode ---

    * disconnect_player --

     * Disconnects a remote player from a game.  Will return ERRORCODE_PLAYER_DISCONNECTED
     * if you try to disconnect a player who has already been disconnected.

    get_network_stats ¶

    get_network_stats :: proc "c" (session: ^Session, player: PlayerHandle, stats: ^NetworkStats) -> ErrorCode ---

    * get_network_stats --

     * Used to fetch some statistics about the quality of the network connection.
     * player - The player handle returned from the add_player function you used
     * to add the remote player.
     * stats - Out parameter to the network statistics.

    idle ¶

    idle :: proc "c" (session: ^Session, timeout: i32) -> ErrorCode ---

    * idle --

     * Should be called periodically by your application to give
     * a chance to do some work.  Most packet transmissions and rollbacks occur
     * in idle.
     * timeout - The amount of time is allowed to spend in this function,
     * in milliseconds.

    log ¶

    log :: proc "c" (session: ^Session, fmt: cstring, .. args: ..any) ---

    * log --

     * Used to write to the log.  In the current versions of the
     * SDK, a log file is only generated if the "quark.log" environment
     * variable is set to 1.  This will change in future versions of the
     * SDK.

    logv ¶

    logv :: proc "c" (session: ^Session, fmt: cstring, args: c.va_list) ---

    * logv --

     * A varargs compatible version of log.  See log for
     * more details.

    set_disconnect_notify_start ¶

    set_disconnect_notify_start :: proc "c" (session: ^Session, timeout: i32) -> ErrorCode ---

    * set_disconnect_notify_start --

     * The time to wait before the first EVENTCODE_NETWORK_INTERRUPTED timeout
     * will be sent.
     * timeout - The amount of time which needs to elapse without receiving a packet
     *           before the EVENTCODE_NETWORK_INTERRUPTED event is sent.

    set_disconnect_timeout ¶

    set_disconnect_timeout :: proc "c" (session: ^Session, timeout: i32) -> ErrorCode ---

    * set_disconnect_timeout --

     * Sets the disconnect timeout.  The session will automatically disconnect
     * from a remote peer if it has not received a packet in the timeout window.
     * You will be notified of the disconnect via a EVENTCODE_DISCONNECTED_FROM_PEER
     * event.
     * Setting a timeout value of 0 will disable automatic disconnects.
     * timeout - The time in milliseconds to wait before disconnecting a peer.

    set_frame_delay ¶

    set_frame_delay :: proc "c" (session: ^Session, player: PlayerHandle, frame_delay: i32) -> ErrorCode ---

    * set_frame_delay --

     * Change the amount of frames ggpo will delay local input.  Must be called
     * before the first call to synchronize_input.

    start_session ¶

    start_session :: proc "c" (
    	session:     ^^Session, 
    	cb:          ^SessionCallbacks, 
    	game:        cstring, 
    	num_players: i32, 
    	input_size:  i32, 
    	localport:   u16, 
    ) -> ErrorCode ---

    * start_session --

     * Used to being a new session.  The ggpo object returned by start_session
     * uniquely identifies the state for this session and should be passed to all other
     * functions.
     * session - An out parameter to the new ggpo session object.
     * cb - A SessionCallbacks structure which contains the callbacks you implement
     * to help synchronize the two games.  You must implement all functions in
     * cb, even if they do nothing but 'return true';
     * game - The name of the game.  This is used internally for GGPO for logging purposes only.
     * num_players - The number of players which will be in this game.  The number of players
     * per session is fixed.  If you need to change the number of players or any player
     * disconnects, you must start a new session.
     * input_size - The size of the game inputs which will be passsed to add_local_input.
     * local_port - The port GGPO should bind to for UDP traffic.

    start_spectating ¶

    start_spectating :: proc "c" (
    	session:     ^^Session, 
    	cb:          ^SessionCallbacks, 
    	game:        cstring, 
    	num_players: i32, 
    	input_size:  i32, 
    	local_port:  u16, 
    	host_ip:     cstring, 
    	host_port:   u16, 
    ) -> ErrorCode ---

    * start_spectating --

     * Start a spectator session.
     * cb - A SessionCallbacks structure which contains the callbacks you implement
     * to help synchronize the two games.  You must implement all functions in
     * cb, even if they do nothing but 'return true';
     * game - The name of the game.  This is used internally for GGPO for logging purposes only.
     * num_players - The number of players which will be in this game.  The number of players
     * per session is fixed.  If you need to change the number of players or any player
     * disconnects, you must start a new session.
     * input_size - The size of the game inputs which will be passsed to add_local_input.
     * local_port - The port GGPO should bind to for UDP traffic.
     * host_ip - The IP address of the host who will serve you the inputs for the game.  Any
     * player partcipating in the session can serve as a host.
     * host_port - The port of the session on the host

    start_synctest ¶

    start_synctest :: proc "c" (
    	session:     ^^Session, 
    	cb:          ^SessionCallbacks, 
    	game:        cstring, 
    	num_players: i32, 
    	input_size:  i32, 
    	frames:      i32, 
    ) -> ErrorCode ---

    * start_synctest --

     * Used to being a new sync test session.  During a sync test, every
     * frame of execution is run twice: once in prediction mode and once again to
     * verify the result of the prediction.  If the checksums of your save states
     * do not match, the test is aborted.
     * cb - A SessionCallbacks structure which contains the callbacks you implement
     * to help synchronize the two games.  You must implement all functions in
     * cb, even if they do nothing but 'return true';
     * game - The name of the game.  This is used internally for GGPO for logging purposes only.
     * num_players - The number of players which will be in this game.  The number of players
     * per session is fixed.  If you need to change the number of players or any player
     * disconnects, you must start a new session.
     * input_size - The size of the game inputs which will be passsed to add_local_input.
     * frames - The number of frames to run before verifying the prediction.  The
     * recommended value is 1.

    synchronize_input ¶

    synchronize_input :: proc "c" (session: ^Session, values: rawptr, size: i32, disconnect_flags: ^i32) -> ErrorCode ---

    * synchronize_input --

     * You should call synchronize_input before every frame of execution,
     * including those frames which happen during rollback.
     * values - When the function returns, the values parameter will contain
     * inputs for this frame for all players.  The values array must be at
     * least (size * players) large.
     * size - The size of the values array.
     * disconnect_flags - Indicated whether the input in slot (1 << flag) is
     * valid.  If a player has disconnected, the input in the values array for
     * that player will be zeroed and the i-th flag will be set.  For example,
     * if only player 3 has disconnected, disconnect flags will be 8 (i.e. 1 << 3).

    Procedure Groups

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    Source Files

    Generation Information

    Generated with odin version dev-2024-07 (vendor "odin") Windows_amd64 @ 2024-07-26 21:10:25.573169400 +0000 UTC